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Everything posted by starscream

  1. im soo glad u had a great time!!!!wish there were more open minded people like you that can get past all the gay or freakish shit and go for what we all once went for....THE MUSIC.plus us freaks arn't soo bad once u get to know us . Junior's been soo much more into it.he said getting off the meth has really made him love the music again and he reliezed it wasn't the music he was hating in the 1st place,it was the drug he hated and it showed in his music.I have the upmost respect for the man with all the ups and downs hes been through and still manages to hold residenties at NYC Big clubs.i mean just think really how many DJS u know that are in there late 50's that can still bring it to the floor at this day in age??PS the Veronica singing hold me with the beats of tim rex's relentless was a treat indeed but nothing beats the original mix of it.
  2. least he's not one of the mindless sheep... "if u wan't it,come and get it,for crying out loud"
  3. ROXY SUCKS I HATE THAT PLACE LAST WEEK FOR JUNIORS BDAY IT WAS SOOO HOT LIKE NO AC 4 People ENDED UP PASSING OUT FROM HEAT EXHAUSTION,and like 20 people i know got sick from the humidity being soo bad in there.It was soo nice of them only to charge 4.00 a bottle of water since we had ne freakin ac least they could do.btw i was one of those peeps that got sick...Bronchitis!!im good to go now though
  4. Awesome!!thanx for the pic makes a great background on my desktop...
  5. Really Great Stuff Sheldon!!!I really enjoy listening to your sets!!
  6. i think its ridiculous too how people are taking advantage of the situation.i just saw on tv earlier a guy in a car with the trunk full of beer.now i can understand maybe looting for some food water or maybe some warm clothes or blankets.but these morons that are stealing guns and shooting at rescuers and making things more chaotic need to be dealt with a agree i just don't think killing them is the best answer,theres already enough death.u gotta remember these people have been on the streets since monday.many havnt eaten or drank anything in days and im sure some of them are reacting in a manner they normally wouldn't.i mean how would u feel living in this country and something like this happened to your city and it took days before any help arrived when we are soo quick to aide other countries..wouldn't you be a little pissed off and acting irrational too??i dunno i never been through anything like that im not sure how i would react.
  7. All these people should be killed??I think you may have just won the award for most ignorant post.Not to mention your spelling sucks ass you farkin inbreed.
  8. why? u working for page 6 of the post lol?he is clean as far as i can tell and from what ive seen..
  9. No Mercy - Kiss You All Ovah (Phil Ber's Have Mercy Mix) again sorry u didnt have fun Leo where i was Jason was getting Much respect.
  10. maybe for you it was leo but it wasn't for alot.i personally had an awesome time,despite the sudden closing.it was kinda funny though standing outside seeing everyone with these blank wtf faces on but we got over it.I think Junior did an amazing job.everyone was in great spirits despite the sauna like conditions lol.it was packed.some of the security were nasty assholes but what can u expect.i dunno i was basically on the stage dancing all night and in the lounge had some good conversations.i just fucking hate the roxy..cant stand the setup there.i feel like im in a square box just walking around the edges.20.00 i can't complain Junior did his job.i don't know what happened with the party closing early part.sorry u had a bad time Leo.
  11. COllege Kids Welcome Ofcorse Don't know why it says Sat on the Main thread.Its Sunday This i Am CLear of. KLEAR (The PREVIEW Party!)@ Avalon Sunday, September 04, 2005
  12. SUNDAY, September 4th, 2005 Junior Vasquez Music & FLXX invite you to "KLEAR" taking place at Avalon Nightclub. Doors Open from 10pm-8am. Music by DJ Junior Vasquez. $20 advance tickets available thru Friday, September 2nd, 2005. All tickets purchased online will be held at the Will Call window at Avalon and available for pick-up on the night of the event. Purchaser must bring 2 valid (1 picture) forms of ID. This event is 18 yrs. +. Tickets purchased online will include a $3.95 service charge. All tickets are non-refundable/exchangeable.
  13. u know this one very well queen........AHEAD.the empty crowd and worst party ever and esp the scared one shutting the door real quick..dead give away.this isnt i heard a rumor this is YOU JUST GOT BUSTED!!!!
  14. yeah that person was probably u uh duh.this is what happens to Airheads.....
  15. Queen don't worry its all lies hes just a fuckin poser hater .i know u know me from the JVM board and i know you know my Name on there is Whatupdoggie.this thing is just blowing out Hot Air.Lemme see what i can do about defamation of character ,since they already incriminated themselves.What goes around comes around...Its called Karma baby.Miss Keys said that and she don't play and neither do i.sooo keep on talking shit mr fake whatupdoggie your just digging your hole deeper buddy.BTW you dont even type like i do,u have not wit about you.Hell to the NO. PS JUNIOR WAS FIERCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...the Party WAS FIERCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE does that piss you off that MUCH??Junior has a fan base that goes back to 1989...it ain't going nowhere.i go to junior i got americans,russians,Polish people,Latinos,south america,asia,Japan,and europe...they travel all that way to come to juniors Birthday to pay respect something you know nothing about child. Once again poser fake wannabe whatupdoggie it doesn't work,your dumb,and obviously ignorant too.Chad is part of the JVM family and he would never allow someone to talk that bullshit stuff about Junior...ITS ALL LIESSS.the club was jumping from start to finish the floor was pumping.SHUt UP shut up Shut up JusT SHUT UP!!!!
  16. PS JUNIOR MUHA FUCKIn WURKED IT>they shout the party down at 10:30 when it was supposed to end at noon but it rocked anywayz.the shows were awesome the decorations were fierce.Junior was on point and wurked that system.Fuck All the HAters. PSS Juniors mix of All this time "who loves JR mix" Fucking Phenominal!!!!!
  17. lol sure i might like it...thats if you don't mind me cold punching u in the face.smooches....
  18. whateva fake fucker!!! cant blam yah for wanting to be me!!!now walk away..
  19. chad 11pm-2am junior 2 am-noon or whenever he decides chris ill be in a grey tank top red aids walk braclet on my left wrist 5'8 135.be there between 2-4am come say hi if you happen to notice me.that goes for whoever
  20. Wassup?u got plans this weekend?
  21. welcome libra im a leo.
  22. im honored that u would take the time and register my nickname from the JVM board on here ...thanx its cute.ohhh and btw i don't hang with Tina shes not my thing i have one word for u Therapy and i don't mean the party hunny.
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