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Everything posted by starscream

  1. BIG PROPS TO JUNIOR FOR JUST LETTING IT ALL OUT AND COMMING TO TERMS!!!MORE PEOPLE SHOULD FOLLOW HIS EXAMPLE!! this was taken from the JVM board.Apparently the interview was in a recent next Magazine issue. Junior Vasquez (Edited by Gregory T. Angelo)/Next 12.51/Utopia Feature Hed: Reasons for Living This will be my first sober Gay Pride in five years. Playing Gay Pride in New York is always special to me. This year, it¹s extremely special to me. I¹m clean now, and I own being sober just as much as I own the fact that I¹ve been getting high for the past five years. Before crystal, I never had a problem with any substances. Drugs never appealed to me‹I don¹t even drink. But I stumbled upon Tina back in the Palladium days‹someone slipped it to me and said, ³Try some of this‹it¹s better than 10 cups of coffee!² It¹s an age-old story. I didn¹t do crystal because I wanted to have sex and I didn¹t need the euphoria‹I was already the most popular DJ in New York City. I did it to stay awake and focusedŠat least, that¹s what I told myself at the time. I didn¹t realize it then, but the real reason I was doing crystal was because I hated my job. Hated. I was over the long sets and‹to be brutally honest‹I was getting tired of the scene. But for five years I couldn¹t admit it to myself, so I put myself in a walking coma in an attempt to enjoy it. It didn¹t work. Then, five months ago, I had a seizure. It happened after I played a night in Austin, Texas‹I bit my tongue and everything. It took something that dramatic to put things in perspective. I looked back on the last five years and saw all the shit that that stuff brought into my life. My mother died in YEAR and my father passed away shortly after that, but because of crystal I don¹t even remember their funerals. I want to remember my life. I want to see colors again. I want to hear things again. I needed to love music again. Now that I¹m clean, I can. Crystal has been around since the year of the flood‹it¹s only now that we¹re seeing just how dangerous and destructive it can be. Tina brings you down and beats you up; she¹s a nasty bitch, and it took me five years to remember that there¹s only room in the DJ booth for one bitch‹me. What people do is their business, and I¹m fine with that. For me, the only way to survive and still be fierce is to be clean. I¹m not trying to be some evangelist, but maybe by stepping up and admitting that crystal was a problem for me, other people will do the same. I feel completely different today. I love the music again‹I love it so fucking much. I love that I¹ll be playing Spirit on Gay Pride. I love the fact that Tracy Young will be opening for me and that there will be a gay man and a gay woman up in the DJ booth that night. I love that Vivian Green is going to be performing‹she¹s one of the best voices in the world of R&B today. I love the way Jason Walker¹s album came out and I love the fact that I¹m working with Vernessa Mitchell again on her full-length album. I should love it‹this is my life, after all. This is my Utopia. Junior Vasquez spins Utopia with opening DJ Tracy Young and a special performance by Vivian Green this Sunday, June 26, at Spirit (530 W 27th St, 212-268-9477). Visit ******************.com, djtracyyoung.com, spiritnewyork.com for more info.
  2. i thought u were someone that you wernt because that is how you acted....sooo obviously you did care what i thought at that time because you agreed with everything i said...than u came on here and turned it all around trying to be all cool like haha i just fucked with starscream.whatever put a fork in me im done.Dan like i said before ill say it again,You dont put my name in your posts or get involved when i have a problem with someone else and were cool.but if you wanna talk BS and rearrange a story to make yourself look like the good guy when thats not the case at all, your damn right Skippy im gonna respond....just walk away, i beg of u.
  3. ok soo u mean to tell me Dan that a nice person as u call yourself would act all cool with someone than all the sudden got this revelation that it was as u say "gay" and than come on here and type all this smack about me....and u like to bust my balls because its "fun for everyone?" boy i can see right through your bullshit a mile away...btw i didnt relieze you knew "Everyone" its funny because with every response you make to me you just make yourself look like a bigger idiot than i thought you were......
  4. 1st off Dan why are u trying to open a can of worms from what a year ago?get over it already.2nd damn str8 i imed u on aim because me unlike some other people will call you out on something if i dont like it without hiding or using other peoples nicknames.and lastly Dan u dumb little Elf you...if you remember that day you would have remembered that u acted all cool with me on aim and appologized,just to come on here and talk more smack.....sooo just leave it at that Dan or dont i really dont care cuz either way u will lose....now put that in your pipe and smoke it.Got anymore hot air to blow?
  5. yawn yourself asshole your the one that started this thread in the 1st place.maybe your one of the RODENTS on that board talking smack.
  6. im going...its worth the price he goes all out and i mean all out on his pride parties!!!Man i remember when he had a 50 piece Orchashtra play that song Nightmare while he spun the song over it...was freakin amazing.and last year at his Light party @ Hammerstein Ballroom was awesome had these huge canvas video screens over the dancefloor in a dome shape showing trippy images all night and some Awesome preformers too!!
  7. really fuck that board its such BS.someones been impersonating me on there for awhile now...i dont even bother to look anymore, it was soo ridiculous.i just cant believe some moron or morons have the energy and time to waste with that negative crap.whateva to each there own i guess...
  8. i went lastweek its actually pretty freakin hot!!! www.zonyxnightclub.com if anyone is interested in taking a trip up to Poughkeepsie send me a pm ill get you on the list..
  9. its funny i see a few of you cheering and saying good for him but you wernt singing such a tune when he got rid of Jp and brought in JV and 2 months later the club was shut down...you were all ready to burn the man at the stake....but im glad he got cleared i guess kinda knew it was gonna happen people with alot of money usually dont do prison time and thats just the way it is...
  10. hey Leo wern't u like in elementary scool during his SF Days?lol j/k,anyway Junior has said time and time again that Arena @ Palladium was his ultimate dj high.Please with all those Amazing Anthems and those preformances.I still got my Dj Junior Vasquez vol1 and vol2 and listen to them to this day and they still sound fresh.also i found Junior live new years eve 1999 on Khazza.
  11. or u can im me i have a bunch of ktu sets.nothing like he plays in the club but some awesome sets none the less!!
  12. interesting info....
  13. i dunno i loved the new bedtime story dub it was kinda sexy...
  14. check it out.yes everyone lol www.Homoxtra.com and by the way DJ EScape you are my kind of man and Dee aka Deepa Soul is one of the kindes beutiful people you can meet.o i see her out and she puts this big smile on my face.shes always like sit down take a break cuz i be dancing hard.than shell go behind the dj booth and grab me a water^^i just wuv her anyway read the article shes a mad cool dyke!!
  15. im sorry all these references of food are making me hungry.....anyway heres the deal Luz and Drew,if your a str8 friend of mine and we cool like that it dont bother me because you are my friends that i have known.But that is not the case,i know niether of you and it is really just rude and ignorant and uncalled for when you guys say it.Im A GAY Male yes,that doesnt mean that im a (fruitcake cake) or a (cupcake for that matter) and i just think its pretty ignorant of you both not reliezing this or even giving a shit of how it makes us feel when u say those words.Maybe its funny and cute to you guys to alot of people its ignorant and disrespectful.I get along Great with Str8 people.alot of my friends are str8 they respect me i respect them.Same thing goes on here.im not a perv im not a tweaker i go out to hear the music and meet new people some very interesting.But i do not like the Guys and Girls that walk around that fucking club like think they have the right to take up all the lounges and instead of being cool,give you this (im gonna beat the shit outta you look if you sit here)which i totalally ignore and seat as i am tired just like the rest of you, that manage to stay in your little circle the whole night.Your uneasiness makes alot of us uneasy and alot of us gays wont approach you just to chill and have fun like your doing (not to take u home as u think)we stare cuz were waiting for you to say maybe hello or something i guess.and luz stop being such a cunt its over speak your mind def ,but dont call names its uncalled for and childish..this was supposed to be a review of Victor @ Crobar and its become once again a DRAMA thread.i got enough drama in my life soo please cant we all just get along,were not going anywhere! PS IM DONE NOW LOL
  16. hey luz maybe that shit works with the str8 boys cuz they aint got the skills for a comeback but dont forget im a bitch just like you and i will fuck your fat trailer park have nothing better to do than leave negative bullshit on the messegeboard azz up with 2 snaps and a twirl...try me hun just try me...i may be a fruitcake but atleast i dont look like i ate the whole Factoria..get it?got it? good......now walk away
  17. fo real...IM A HOMO AND ILL FUCKING DANCE WHEREVER I WANNA DANCE, PERMISSION? PLEASE DONT GET YOUR TESTOSTERONE ALL UP IN A BUNCH. U AINT ALL THAT CUZ I DIDNT NOTICE YOU.BY THE WAY I WAS ON THE STAGE.it was real cute up there had fluffy carpet down and a couple couches and a view of everything.I had an awesome time left around 2:30 pm cuz i was done lol.btw thought the people (including the Str8s lol,were all mad cool)funny how they dont say or do shit at the club but they talk alot shit on here.Vic def knows what hes doing.some people got a little too messy which is really uncalled for but overall great music great vibe.sorry bout the caps earlier didnt relieze and im too lazy too change it right now lol. J
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