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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. Guys:

    do you think it would be too early for me to give her a call today and set something up for this weekend???




    Randy Johnson tells D-Backs he's open to trade to contender.

    Very quietly, Randy Johnson has told the Arizona Diamondbacks that he would waive his no-trade clause in order to pitch out his final years for a contender, most preferably the Yankees, the Daily News has learned.

    And apparently, it is becoming a similar case with another 40-year-old future Hall of Famer - Roger Clemens - in Houston.

    "When Randy got his 4,000th strikeout the other night and still came up a 3-2 loser, it was a very frustrating experience for him, and that's what convinced him that maybe he should look toward going to a contender," a source familiar with Johnson's thinking told the Daily News last night. "It's the same thing with Clemens, who's pitching for a team that's going nowhere. Why do you think these two guys are pitching? Neither of them has anything to prove. They're going to the Hall of Fame. They don't need the money. At this point in their careers, all they want to do is to win, and in the case of both of them, the Yankees are their team of preference because they represent the best chance of going to the World Series for them."

    This is the good news for the Yankees. The bad news is neither Arizona general partner Jerry Colangelo nor Astros owner Drayton McLane has revealed a willingness to trade his marquee pitcher, and neither of them has any great affection for George Steinbrenner.

    Perhaps further thwarting the Yankees' efforts to land either Johnson or Clemens is the fact that other potential big-market suitors - the Angels, Cubs and Dodgers - have considerably more quality prospects for trade purposes than the Yankees do.

    Johnson, who is 10-6 with a 2.90 ERA, is owed another $24million for the remainder of this year and next, which is one advantage for the Yankees, who have unlimited financial resources when it comes to these sorts of trading-deadline deals.

    According to a report in the Providence Journal quoting unnamed sources, Johnson has said that he would be willing to go to an East Coast team, but that the Yankees would be far more preferable to him than the Red Sox. The quiet, introverted Johnson and outspoken Red Sox righthander Curt Schilling were never especially close during their time together as the twin aces of the Diamondbacks rotation that was largely responsible for beating the Yankees in the 2001 World Series.

    "There's been a lot of speculation that Randy wouldn't want to leave his home and pitch for an East Coast team that trains in Florida (in the spring)," another source told The News last night. "That's not true. At this point, his sole purpose for pitching is to be with a team with a chance to win. And even though the Diamondbacks are his home, they can't provide that."

    The Yankees, who are already under scrutiny from commissioner Bud Selig over potential tampering charges regarding Johnson after Steinbrenner talked openly about him last week, were seemingly caught off-guard by this latest development.

    "This is the first we've heard of anything like this," a high-ranking Yankee official said. "We don't know anything about it."

    Both Johnson and Clemens thought they were going to happily end their careers pitching at home. But both the Diamondbacks and Astros have become non-contenders, even before the All-Star break. Johnson's Diamondbacks are in last place in the NL West, while Clemens' Astros are fifth in the Central, even after their much-ballyhooed acquisition of superstar center fielder Carlos Beltran last month.

    The Yankees have made no secret of their interest in Johnson. Their recent rotation woes would indicate their need to acquire a quality frontline starter, and Clemens - who is likely to start the All-Star Game - would certainly fit that bill as well. Furthermore, his decision to unretire and pitch for his hometown Astros, along with fellow ex-Yankee Andy Pettitte, did not cause any ill will with Steinbrenner.

    One potential factor in the Yankees' favor is the fact that the Diamondbacks, who are strapped with considerable financial problems from long-term contracts, need to trade Johnson despite Colangelo's statements to the contrary.

  3. So lets hear it guys/gals.. list what big things have happened up to the All-Star Break.. What teams are doing well? What teams suck and should just hang it up.. Any players completely suprise you by either doing well or just sucking ass???

    Who do you see as the top Teams in the NL/AL after the Break..... Shit even predict some teams you think will make the post-season.....

    Fill me in - so that way I know whats going on the 2nd half of the season;)

    Go Marlins :)

    So far the best teams to me have been the Yankees and the Cards. Although they both need better pitching if they want to get far in the playoffs. I think the Cubs will make a move in the 2nd half because they will finally have Wood & Prior back at the same time. The Astros are an interesting team since they got Beltran. So far he hasn't helped much and if Houston keeps slipping he might get dealt again. The NL East is totally up for grabs. Anyone can take it. Same with the NL West. I think the White Sox will take the Central because they have better offense and starting pitching than the Twins. In my opinion the surprise teams so far have been the Rangers and Cardinals...

  4. There is really no right way to answer this question. It's an extremely individual process. You could say you like being single now but in a month it could be a complete 180. A lot has to do with how you can handle being by yourself. Whether you got hurt in a relationship plays a huge part too. I don't know... to me there are too many variables here to give a definitive answer one way or the other.

  5. It's simple economics... If people continue to pay $40+ to go see him, the price will never go down. As a matter of fact it will probably go up even more. The best way to make the price go down is not to attend. Trust me, if 300 people show up to his next gig at the Roxy they'll get the hint...

  6. there's tickets available online for carl cox's closing party. is it worth buying the tix? will this event sell out? thats one of the events im looking forward to the most while we're there, we picked that week b/c of the fact that his closing party is that week. should we buy the tix now or is it safe to wait till we get out there?

    I went 2 summers ago. As long as you're definitely going, I would just buy the tickets now. Why risk it?? What possible benefit is there to wait?? It could sell out or the price could go up as it gets closer to the date....

  7. I can definitely understand the apprehension in doing it but that part of the body has a ton of nerve endings, so if done right it can be extremely pleasurable...

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