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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. I dated a fireman for a lil while

    I dunno what it is...maybe the hero aspect...or his body was in amazing shape...or I dunno lol but firemen are def attractive

    but their hours suck....hence the fact that lil relationship didn't work out very well

    Don't they work something like 3 days straight and have 4 days off??

  2. I dont see why people suck made's dick so much.

    If made wasn't around do you think PVD, AVB, DH, Dannyt, etc would just STOP playing in NYC.......Of course not.

    True but if even if Made didn't do the promotions the prices would still be high. I'm not sure if Made has exclusive contracts with these DJ's or not. Even if they didn't the other promotion company's would have to bid against each other for the right to hold the event. That drives the cost up and you know who that gets passed on to...

  3. she has congestive heart failure and now somethings up with her kidney's its a bucnh of stuff on top of more stuff .... so hopefully she'll pull threw.. :smile2:

    Sorry to hear that... Hope she gets well soon. My grandmother isn't doing so well herself so I can relate...

  4. #1 - He spun on a monday night for $10, you can see him on thursday or friday night anywhere else for $15 except NYC.

    #2 - A mercedes DOES cost A LOT more to make than a toyota, so your point is moot.


    You guys keep paying and going. Enjoy.

    I will wait for Made Events to fade away just like Stuck On Earth has due to overcharging and not bringing in new talent. Then I will go see PVD again.

    $40 for CP

    $35 for Spirit

    $45 for Hamptons

    = $120 to see a dj spin on TWO Days. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    1) Yes, it was a Monday, but niether Made or PVD made a dime off the night.

    2) Again, it costs a lot more to put something together in NY than it does anyplace else. Your assuming it's the same when it's not even close. Did you ever think that PVD might not be as popular in Cincinnati as he is in NY?? That might be why other cities can charge a lot less...

    FYI I haven't seen PVD spin in 2 years and it has nothing to do with Made or how much he charges.

  5. right... proceeds... you have to take into account that this means they take money out for pvd's executive suite at the plaza, dinner for himself and about ten of his "friends" at gallaghers or that blue water place on 14th, not including other various travel expenses... also arc has to take out money for rent, insurance, salries... so at thend of the night you're looking at what... 30-40 bucks going to charity?? :bowdown::bowdown:

    On a regular night you would be correct. On this night EVERYTHING went to charity. The raised something like $25,000

  6. The thing with Clemens is that this has been his MO throughout his career. Ever since he left the Red Sox he's gone to the team that he thought would either pay him the most or was the closest to winning the world series. He really doesn't have allegiance to anyone. Very similar to David Cone in that respect. Kind of like a hired gun....

  7. Speaking of anal...I had a girlfriend once who said I could do her in the ass but she wanted me to take something up mine first. Being drunk I agreed, so out came a viberator I didn't even know she had and up it went...it was not to bad.

    Have not done it since.


    Welcome to the board! :rofl::lol3::funny::tank:

  8. weak arguments guys.

    It is still between $10 and $30 to see him spin anywhere else in the country.

    If they are just charging al lot because they can, then they should say that.

    But if there is reasoning behind it, I would LOVE to know.

    This makes no sense:

    Why does Mercedes Benz charge over 100g's for some of their cars? Do you really think they cost that much to make? Yet people who can afford them gladly fork over the dough. Does Mercedes have to explain to their customers why they charge so much?? Neither should Made... What they charge in other cities has absolutely no bearing here. Do you have any idea how much the cost of living in NYC is compared to other cities?? Again, Made isn't going through your wallet and forcing you to pay. It's really simple... if you feel it's too much don't go! Take a roadtrip to Boston and pay your $25 for a 2 hour set. You also conviently left out the fact that PVD spun at Arc (Made) for $10 2 years ago and ALL the proceeds went to charity...

  9. it was but i started it and i changed it lol.... u dont like then dont read it!... i should be staying till 6 but no oneeeeeeee is in my office im so freckin bored,,, so im out in like 5 min lol ..

    Easy tiger... I wasn't complaining. It was just an observation. :)

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