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Posts posted by mishkanchuvak

  1. is it so difficult to dress up when goin to these big clubs? Avoid the problems altogether and just go dressed up. No big deal.

    Peace out

    I have to agree here. What is the big deal about dressing up even if you dance? I mean for a girl it is different, I can't imagine how painfull it would be to dance in heels. But I always show up in a nice pair of pants, loafers (rubber soled ones), and a button down (and usually a blazer now that it is chilly) and it doesnt inhibit my dancing at all...now I may not be nearly as good as some of you at tearing up the dancefloor (I have more heart than skill lol) but I don't really see how dancing in a t-shirt and sneakers is that much more comfy. I understand that it's a matter of principle for many of you, but if a club is going to be really lax on the dresscode you are going to start complaining about the "vibe" and how it feels so chinatown. Afterall, none of the smelly asians in avalon that everyone complains about on here would be able to get by the door in crobar - the asians that are there are completely different and are pleasant. If clubs in the city catered only to those that are just about the music, they would be empty and run out of business.

  2. Boris is horrible, wanted to slit my wrists at crobar. All his music sounded like tetris and pots and pans.

    And the crowd, it was like they were giving away free ICE hair spiker or something.

    And every girl was on meth and had fake boobs.

    Actually, it was JUST LIKE a JP show

    I have to disagree with you here. I hate the spirit JP crowd but go to crobar a couple times a month (its my favorite club right now). The crobar crowd is much friendlier, classier, and keeps their shirts on. They also are much more discreet with their drug use, and you don't see many spiky haired guidos at all. I actually saw an overtanned juicehead with his A|X tanktop doing the little bicep pump dance that he must have learned at spirit and everyone that saw pointed their fingers and laughed (not to mention he didnt get any chicks). Though you probably are correct about the girls having fake boobs.

    Musicwise, I have to say that Boris is probably the worst DJ I have heard in NYC, though I have only heard him twice lol. At least jp does his pots and pans consistently. Luckily crobar usually brings in awesome talent when Boris isn't playing. But I think crobar is the only big-room in the city nowadays that consistently has a good vibe.

  3. Hardly? The percentage was right. Clinton did not get those percentages. and you just proved a point - Those people voted against Bush - Not for Kerry. Kerry Sucks - and thats my informed professional opinion. I finnaly got a liberal to agree - My work here is done.

    I have always wondered why conservatives so often seem so pompous...are they just naturally that way, or are do they act like that because they are mimicking pundits such as O'Reilly and hannity? I say this with no ornery spirits, its just a legitimate curiosity.

    As for rich smart ones voting for bush, they only do it out of concern for their pocketbook. Pretty much all of the rich Republicans I know think Bush is a moron and disagree with most of his policies - except taxes.

  4. I agree. Your more of a avalon chinatown headshaker dance type of guy. :)

    Oh and belieff me I am holding on to every breath to post a halfsmilie. lol

    You know how I get down, luztistalker. Though I also hop forward and back, shake my arms (so for some reason everyone around me forms a circle and holds their noses....I think they think I am a "sikkkk" dancer)...all while shaking my head sikkkk.

  5. Does anybody know how tough it is to get in to spirits. and how much does it actually help at spirits and other places when you are on the clubplanet guestlist. Also how strict are they with ID's at spirits

    I am in a good mood so I wont say anything more about you calling it spirits. As for your questions... If you are on a *real* guestlist, that is, one that is for a real VIP, a connected clubber, or if you know someone connected to the club then they probably won't even check your ID, or at most quickly glance at it. Unfortunatly, I have had to be in spirit three times so far and I never got more than a quick glance at my fake id, and I am not on a real guestlist. So if you look and act over 21, and your ID is decent you should not have a problem. Also, you can always increase your chances of getting in when you buy a bottle. Though personally I hate spirit.

  6. I normally go out in NYC but this weekend I will probably be visiting my grandma in Boston. Can anyone give me some good recommendations on some fun clubs? I am looking for a crobar NYC type of place - tons of pretty girls, good EDM, won't call the cops if they think your ID is fake, and not too many trashy people. Somewhere that if I dress well I won't look out of place would be nice too. Haha I know that is alot to ask for nowadays, but any help would be much appreciated.

  7. Why did the cops block off 28th street last night? I was sooo pissed that I couldn't go to Crobar. I ended up sitting in brite bar for a couple hours and going to to Spirit (which was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but still bad)...the metaphor for the night was when some juiceheads asked me if I am an Italian cop (my costume had big Russian lettering on it and looks nothing like an outfit of the Caribinieri...enclosed is a pic before going out). Till next year I guess.

  8. I am going. I didn't go last year but I heard from those that went that it was a good time. Should be a good event for some networking if you are into the modeling scene - I will deff be looking to set up shoots with some models I meet there (I am photographer). I am a tall dude and I will be wearing a Russian police uniform, say hi if you see me.

  9. I think your currently addicted to the hot guys that go there too.


    Nah Luzti, ever since you seduced my boyfriend I am all about the Spanish ladies. I need to hear some ear peircing screaming orgasms, and unfortunatly guys just don't cut it there. It is kinda kinky when in bed emotional whisps of Spanish come off her tongue and I don't know if I am just REALLY good or just REALLY bad. By the way, I hope you are having fun with him and his HUGE.....

  10. I better stay away from there then. It sucks being a youngin'

    I am underage too, but I have a fake. Honestly....I once went to Avalon with a bunch of girls and I constantly had to save them from guys that forgot the meaning of "shower" and "gentleman." We all had a good time though, and it is deff one of two best places in the city for 18+. If you don't go into the hiphop room you should be fine, and Victor Soto from this board can hook you up there on Fridays...hes the man.

  11. I can tell Ur Upset. It's probably cause you won't get to see your boyfriend @ disco anymore cause junior is gone.


    Damn it, I am so bad at hiding my emotions. YES I am upset. But that's because my so called "boyfriend" saw your big chanel (well, chanel from chinatown) clad boobs at Spirit last saturday and he took the free love thing too seriously and got a stiffy from your luztage. So....I am going to get him back! Any single ladies out there welling to help out a heartbroken boy?


  12. Cool and maybe you can find yourself a new boyfriend along the way.


    Don't be bashful oh Luzti one. Sharing me with some boys is really not as bad as it seems.

    "License my roving hands, and let them go

    Before, behind, between, above, below.

    ...cast all, yea, this white linen hence,

    Here is no penance, much less innocence.

    To teach thee, I am naked first: why then

    What need'st thou have more covering than a man?"

    -John Donne, from Elegy 19.

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