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Everything posted by marconj

  1. Its the great pumpkin Charlie Brown. Just in time for Halloween.
  2. ergo pharm raspberry lemonade protein nectar roadside lemonade gaspari quickmeal
  3. Basically it all came down to this challenge, although these photos are from prejudging - not the final challenge.
  4. The crowd had mixed reviews on the challenge round, but it pretty much came down to the top 2 guys battling it out. I thought it was a nice change, definately made for some excitment - one pose left for the title! The scoring goes like this. They take the top 6 after their routines and bring them back on stage. All previous point totals for the top 6 get thrown out and it sets up like this. Ronnie got 6 points for being in 1st Jay got 5 points for being in 2nd Dexter got 4 points for being in 3rd Gustavo got 3 points for being in 4th Markus got 2 points for being in 5th Gunther got 1 point for being in 6th They start with 6th place, calling out each competitor for a 1 on 1 challenge. The winner of each challenge gets 2 points. Gunther called out each man and chose a pose... Gunther lost on every one of them. Then Markus went, calling out each guy 1 by 1 and choosing a pose. And so on and so forth. It also involves some strategy too because you have to know what your competitor's weaknesses are so you know what you can beat them with in a challenge. Everyone was calling Ronnie out for "abs and thighs," but he beat them each time except maybe once - I think it was Jay. It came down to the final challenge... Let me tell ya, it was CLOSE between Ronnie and Jay in the final challenge. Jay has def added some mass to his back, but it was flatter than Ronnie's seps. Your winner, 7-time Mr.0 - Ronnie Coleman and Arnold was there to present the trophy to the big man who tied his record of 7 titles.
  5. I assume you were there? How did you like the challenge round? It was definately interesting, although a few of the calls could have gone either way. Poor Gunther didnt win a single challenge, lol. Jay's back definately got bigger than last year, but it wasnt enough to take down the "rear game over lights out lat spread!" Ronnie is amazing at 41. Did you do the Expo too? I was working the Expo. Davana Medina takes the figure again. I heard Adela won the fitness, but I didnt catch who won the Ms.O
  6. Ahh speaking of Vegas, I leave in the morning. Gotta finish packing damnit.
  7. Are you talking about Louie DeVito? The same asshole that drops the "America's #1 DJ" voiceover several times throughout his set! I caught him 4th of July 2003 at Sunrise, what a nightmare. The worst set I've ever heard, he cleared not only the dancefloor but the whole entire floor. Everyone went upstairs.
  8. KILL YOURSELF JERKOFF! You're about to win the equivalent of one World Series in the last 86 years, might as well be a century.
  9. Congratulations asshole, you have now won ONE World Series in the last 86 years and have beaten the Yankees ONCE!!! This is what I cant stand, you Boston assholes who think one season makes a lifetime. With all due respect, I picked Boston to beat the Yankees when Spring Training started. The Yankees tried to break their own rules, by doing it with offense and a weak pitching rotation. Pitching wins! Truth is, the Red Sox beat our best in Game 4 to move on and sweep the Yankees in what was the worst flop in post season history. But before you start celebrating fuckface, the Yankees ARE THE POST SEASON - 26 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS AND COUNTING. As much as I HATE the Red Sox, I can appreciate them winning because they were the better team in the end - this season. But their fans are a bunch of assholes and I have plenty of friends in Bostn. I cant wait to see these jerkoffs burn the town down and Avalon with it!
  10. Great time at The Hunt! Not so sure what "The Hunt" stands for, other than hunting for women there. And there were plenty of women all over the place, in every shape size style and flavor you could imagine. Nothing like running off into the trees with a girl for a little fun. My first trip to The Hunt, I'll definately be back next year. No doubt! Space #1210 - a double wide!
  11. You gotta look at your girl's mother's ankles, if they are big, get rid of her. She is destined to look like her mother!
  12. You know what I love most about "the rivalry" is giving hell to you Red Sox fans. Thats all in good fun.
  13. From the beginning of the season I predicted the Red Sox would finally beat the Yankees this year. The reason - pitching. You win with pitching, not offense and it finally caught up to them. In my opinion, El Duque should have started Game 7, not Brown and based on the results, not a bad idea. The Yankees need to STOP spending so much money on homerun talent that fills the seats and get back to small ball that wins games - the same reason they lost last year in the World Series. Anyways I tip my hat to Red Sox, coming back after being down 3-0. The Yankees deserved to lose, Boston beat our best in Games 4 and 5. Unfortunately they had to make history against a team with the highest payroll of all time. Good signs from Alex though, with a little pitching help, we'll be back next year. No doubt! George should NEVER have let Pettite go, that was the first step of the Yankees undoing (even though he was hurt in Houston). Go National League, 1918 stands for the Sox not winning the World Series. They havent won anything yet!!!
  14. Someone from Poor Billy's told me that Sleep has closed its doors. Any truth?
  15. If you take the full name of the last Red Sox pitcher to win a World Series game, Bruce Hurst (Game 5 vs. Mets) and unscramble them to reveal a hidden message, you'll have the reason why the Red Sox cannot beat the Yankees in the post season. Damnnnnnnn the Yankees kicked the Red Sox ass tonight 19-8. Where are all the shit talkers about the Yankees losing 22-0? So much for Schilling talking about shutting up 50,000 Yankees fans! You could hear a pin drop in Fenway. The truly scary part: A-Rod, Sheffield and Matsui a combined 12 hits and 12 RBI. 3-4 Alex 4-6 Sheff 5-6 Matsuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 4-6 Bernie The answer of Bruce Hurst comes out to B RUTH CURSE
  16. Do you have to have a rediculous haircut or scruffy facial hair to be a part of it and why on earth would you want to be connected to a bunch of losers anyway? Schilling gonna shut up 50,000 Yankees fans huh? Maybe next season Curt... 3 innings, 6 runs in his playoff debut against the team he was brought in to beat. The series is far from over, but "Red Sox Nation" is almost as gay as "Cowboy Up!"
  17. Yea especially when it is the same person with 2 screen names, yeaaaaaa!
  18. marconj


    moose threw a GEM tonight, his control was amazing and to be envy'd by another pitcher. too bad the Yanks turned it into a nail biter! fuck the sox, we rocked schilling, lets go Yankees!!!!!!!
  19. marconj


    Good answer! Love a sexy woman in heels. This photo is hot, but it wouldnt be as hot if the two girls were not wearing heels.
  20. Good luck, its going to be a hell of a series. I hope Schilling sprains his ankle on a jar from Avalon!
  21. I was just citing the source. I think the ban on prohormones is wrong. Its ok that the government allows major political contributers (major drug companies) to sell drugs like Vioxx even when the FDA knew about the side effects... but its NOT ok to sell drugs that supplement or enhance an athlete's performance? What gives? The Bush Administration is cracking down in too many areas. There are people dying all over the world and Senator Biden is worrying about athletes taking a performance advantage. There are more commercials on TV for different kinds of drugs that address erectile disfunction, diabetes, depression, etc. but have you ever listened to the side effects that users of these drugs experience? The supplement industry could definately benefit from developmental guidelines, but banning prohormones is not going to do anything. No less the market for prohormones is so small when compared to the mainstream supplement industry.
  22. Many steroid precursors will soon become controlled substances. The prohormone criminalization legislation (S. 2195) has now been passed by both the Senate and the House. The bill has been sent to the President for his signature within 10 days. The effective date of the bill will begin to run 90 days from the date the President signs the bill into law. For those of you who are especially interested in an exact date, it would be reasonable to say that the bill could be expected to take effect on or around January 10th - 15th. I will continue to keep you up to date. Thanks. Michael J. DiMaggio USFA Executive Director www.usfa.bi
  23. I am going to the Olympia this year, all expenses paid!!!
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