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Everything posted by nadia73

  1. nadia73

    i heard that....

    i'm so there.. esspecially if it's free
  2. bwahahaha, that was great shared that one w/ the irc crew
  3. some very nice person gave me complimentary passes.. i shall have to check it out
  4. awee, thanks it was fab to see you and everyone else again
  5. told ya i could find ya the goods http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/Group_X_video.html?
  6. http://www.starterupsteve.com/swf/posting.html hahahahahaahaha
  7. nadia73

    BBQ Idea!

    well.. i had quite the transformation overnight... i'm the one in the black shirt..duh. and well.. the new look... hmm... i dunno..the im gonna eat your soul one.. or glasses....mmmm.. you decide i guess. hahah http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v475/nadia73/fronthead.jpg -- eat your soul one http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v475/nadia73/selfportrait.jpg
  8. bwahahahah! the nadia finds this very funny.. oh yes, the nadia also knows that joan and her daughter now work for TV guide, and not E (which is probably why they were on the list so high up) the one from 2002 is pretty damn funny too
  9. http://www.buffalobeast.com/66/50mostLoathsome2004.htm
  10. nadia73

    Attn CP Miami:

    i guess we'll just have to whore ourselves out until we can re-apply
  11. nadia73

    Attn CP Miami:

    ok ok, i'm fired. can i come out tuesday and make it up to you?
  12. i think i will def. stop by after my classes get out.. even if it's for a short while
  13. to think i lived so close for so long, and never went.. alas, i shall make it someday.
  14. it was very nice meeting you!! danny - i'll see you there next week (if i'm not too assed out from the partying this weekend )
  15. awee...thanks guys it was great to see everyone that i did last night too!
  16. ahh.., memories.. every time i've seen him it's been a great set..and good times... *laugh*
  17. bwhahahahah!! have i told you how much i love you lately?? now, ON YOUR KNEES MOTHERFUCKER!
  18. that is a really terrible thing to do.. luckily DCF will realize the report was fake, or has no substance to it, and if this girl continues to file false reports, there can be some serious legal consequences
  19. i think it makes your head explode
  20. your obsession with scat is really starting to freak me out
  21. at least you didn't puke on the bar
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