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Everything posted by carmine09

  1. woo hoo!! got my tickets!!!! can wait!! what time are most you peeps goin! i was thinkin early, might be better!
  2. EXACTELY!!!!!!! thank god i am not the only one!!
  3. Listen my friend! in my first post,my starment was not to be taken to serious! so who is the sensitive one! i clearly stated that lately on this board ppl care more about other ppl at clubs then the true purpose which is the "music" and to clear the air i dont care what any one thinks of me or my statement of "you dont know who i am"! because you dont! and if you take that as me being taugh or ignorant, do as you please. becasue i know who i am and like the person i have become. and if you ever want to know who i am, i will glady meet anyone at a venue. all i look for at a venue is to have a good time! plain and simple! i am disgusted at some things i see lately but that shit is not going to ruin my night! so all in all i now know why i do not like taking part in these bashing threads! i will just stick to educating myself on the music and continue to get a real good laugh at many of these posts! and lastly the comment you quoted should not have bothered you unless it is true about the person you are. and for the rest of ppl that enjoy the scene and like to have fun, i will say it again cheers to all of you b.u.q. you win! im out! have a nice day!
  4. LOL!!!! rightttt!! you have no idea who i am!! believe me i got the caviar but dont go around winny like a bitch! and if you knew at all who you were talking to you would not say shit! bro!! and to think i thought you were all right from what i was reading in this thread! but if you want throw around words, i love it!! keep it coming queeny!
  5. Oh and i will be the meat head at JP party next week! wearing my dances shoes, wrist bands and bandanna! feel free to say hello! LOL!! not joking!!
  6. I usually dont try to get involved with the bashing threads but what the fuck!!!!!!!! STFU to all of the ppl that are more concerned about the crowd and cheers to the ppl that really can enjoy themselves any where! i pity you ppl who bitch about what ethnics were there, who fights who! ITS a fucking club what do you excpect! NY ppl are spoiled fucks! enjoy that you are able to see the best djs every week! check the djs in other states garbage to what we get! And to you technical morons! it is a warehouse with many big speakers! i bet it sounds better than any stereo you have! its unfortunate that ppl forget the reality of things! take the pipe from out your ass and have fun! and to those who get pissed at my response feel free to respond!!!! peace! my 2 cents!!!!
  7. kangaroos! the sneaks! the best pair of sneaks for weight lifting! got like five diff. pairs!
  8. I wanted to know what nic funicilli stlye is like. i will be in south beach on vac. during july. he will be the special guest on july 23rd. thanks!!
  9. Empire of the sun! damn i forgot that one! great flick!
  10. very hard to narrow still have plenty but for right now this is what i like. brave heart boondock saints terminator 1 rudy blade runner the incrediables (sorry but i love it) shawshank redemtion gladiator colors young blood!
  11. carmine09

    Lil Kim

    yikes!!!! i wonder what those lips are saying
  12. carmine09

    Hot or Not ?!?!?!

    a couple more to let all of you decide!!!!!!! OH VIDA!!!! woo hooo
  13. carmine09

    Hot or Not ?!?!?!

    there is no way she is hotter then VIDA!!!!
  14. dont be a half a sissy! Gloves=no good!
  15. 1# peanuts dont make you constipated. they are full of oil! makes it nice and smooth! 2# if howard states he eats a jar before the gym he would still be a real fat fuck. two tablespoons gives you enough fats for a day let alone a full jar! jackass!
  16. I second this statment! cant wait either and will be rockin spikes wrist bands the whole nine! oh yeah! its been awhile!!!!!! woooo hooooo! LOL
  17. I second this statment! cant wait either and will be rockin spikes wrist bands the whole nine! oh yeah! its been awhile!!!!!! woooo hooooo! LOL
  18. forget peanuts, go with almonds while on a diet! much better for you and they promote metabolism of fat.
  19. i am sorry to break the news to you! but i have baught tickets the last five times i went out. i am a little older now so i only go to the bigger events. and spirit and crobar do hold room for ppl with tickets but you and the other 1000 ppl still have to wait with your tickets. and they honor tickets all night but it states on most sites you must get there before 100am to ensure entry. or otherwise have to wait for room to develop. take it as you will and to the ppl asking the question hopes this helps and get there early just to get in. spirit is not the big and it is going to be crazy!
  20. carmine09


    two in the pink, one in the stink!!!
  21. It could be from sodium 100%! but from those pics you had up! if that is u! where are you storing any water! also you need to take into factor that women will store water during and around there menstrual cycle! in order to get rid of those water deposits you have to do two things which will help! increase your potassium and you need to do cardio until your sweat is pure water and does not taste salty! sounds gross but this works! trust me! oh and dont change your diet if it is on point! and from what you explain it is fine! good luck!
  22. yhanks for the info i am still searching!
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