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Everything posted by drdoom

  1. For Champions League, this is more than justified.
  2. Fucking Cassano.
  3. No way, Lebron and Shaq would kill each other. It will be deja vu except Lebron replacing Kobe this time. Wade is great at playing second fiddle and getting Shaq involved.
  4. WTF happened to Mendietta? The guy was sick, and then when he went to Nazi-o, his career fell apart.
  5. Haha, now that you think about it, he's worth a lot less than the 8 million euros they paid for him.
  6. Jamie Carragher I believe has only 7 caps. And fuck that shit that he's En;land''s under-21 most capped player, as he's already is 27 and has only 7 caps to his name. Look at Milan, they have 8 regular and ex-nationals playing on their side.
  7. The full game didn't go through. PM Ghhhhhost, he'll help you out w/ his radio recording from Bumblefuck.
  8. Milan? LMFAO! Is your reading comprehension that poor? They have 5-8 former and current Italian nationals. Real Madrid: Raul, Helguerra, Francisco Pavon, Raul Bravo, Salgado, Guti, Casillas That's still much better than Arsenal: Cole and Cambell Liverpool: Gerrard and Jamie Carragher (rarely capped) Chelsea: Cole, Bridge, Terry, Lampard And has the same amount of nationals as Man U Man U: Neville bros, Ferdinand, Wes Brown, Scholes, Rooney Your lack of knowledge here is the only thing that's
  9. Inter: C. Zanetti, Vieri, Materazzi, Coco (even though he is no longer selected), Pasquale (under 21 national) You're right, Inter is pathetic. But then look at Arsenal: Cole and Campbell Buh-bye!
  10. Sorry chief, I don't feel miserable. I'm actually happy, as I'm an Inter fan. However, I'm not stupid enough to state that Liverpool is a betetr team than Milan. Italian nationals Milan: Gattuso, Ambrosini, Nesta, Inzaghi, Maldini (former), Abbiati, Pirlo, Costacurta (former) English nationals Liverpool: Gerrard Level playing field?
  11. By far most overrated general. The only thing he did clever was attach bombs to dogs and have them run out and destroy Panzers. Stalingrad was a failure, as half of the red army drowned in the Volga. He had a hard time beating a signifcantly smaller army @ Kursk. Patton and the death of Rommel contributed much more to the war's outcome.
  12. Yeah, cause he really was a Nazi. Stupid fuck.
  13. Because he amounted to something. He's more of a bust than Kwame Brown.
  14. Nah, it was for Lil Cee's extended set @ Club DNA - get your shit straight.
  15. Hemmingway himself can't write better stories.
  16. I think he was the best player taken in that draft - even more so than Lebron or Carmelo.
  17. They don't deserve to be in next year's CL, as that is a slap in the face to Everton. Also, like every other Premiershit team, they barely have any English nationals. Only Steven Gerrard.
  18. There's a bar/pub around Union Square. It might be on 3rd or Broadway, around 12th St? It's a few blocks away rom ghhhhhost's favorite hangout, Webster Hall, so pm him. I have to check if I have the full game recorded, as the VCR was spazzing out. Esperança que ajuda.
  19. Yay! First Pole to make somewhat of an impact since Zboniek.
  20. I have no fucking clue what you heard through your upstate radio feed, but he completely fucking disappeared in the second half.
  21. Dida maybe went three feet from the line. Dudek practically ran out. The game was decided on penalities, and it was also cute how one Scouser goal was way offside. I'll STFU for now. However, lets remember one thing, Milan was also trying to win the Serie A - Liverpool spent all of its attention on the CL, disregarding the Premiership and now they aren't even qualified for Europe next year. It would be a travesty and a slap to Everton's face, if they were permitted to enter next year's CL. Also Liverpool is a true Premiershit team. No English nationals except for Gerrard.
  22. Both can burn in hell. Why doesn't Dudek take 40 more steps off the line so he can save penalities.
  23. drdoom


    While I doubt that you and your friend can change my views on the World-Life-whatever the fuck its called now, i'll still make the sacrifice and come out and see you play, as that mix I heard was more than strong. Good luck. Friday - Brazilian, Saturday - Greek I think thats the target crowds for those nights.
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