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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. It's not for pets....that's Vicodin Cough Syrup..that'll fuck you up good
  2. probably Pinky....for size and color
  3. that's hot!!! yeast infection...mmmmmmm
  4. ummmm.....sounds tempting....ummm..NO
  5. eww...your dirty...that's hot
  6. good night....sweet dreams..I'm takin it down too.....til next adventure
  7. rollrgrll222


    He shoulda fucked her prosthetic too.......that woulda been a GREAT story
  8. LOL...I can't sleep....but scarcasm is one of my strongest attributes..uhoh..big words...
  9. I can't help it....I get real fuckin stupid when I get no sleep..glad I could be of service to you...it was my pleasure
  10. ewww....he's got it for old people...ewww...wrinkled tits..ewww..wrinkled, shriveled up dicks...
  11. oh get over yourself faggit
  12. Cool...flavored comdoms and dildos for ALL!!!!!
  13. hehe...buggin out here...sleep deprivation does wonders for the brain cells
  14. do you LOVE IT....how much do you LOVE IT......would you like to pet my monkey????
  15. wow...sounds hot...as long as I can bring along some party favors...pink pussycat stuff
  16. sweet.....I'll have to try that...if it's the cool thing to do I gotta do it too...gotta be down ya know???
  17. and what might that do????
  18. so gay....anyone who even EATS truffles is gay
  19. What's the deal with that??? I wanna know........I'm having Erics lovechild and he won't return my calls....maybe I'll just go to this to get his DNA
  20. anyone that goes to italy just to eat truffles has got to be gay
  21. yeah..I know..dated a few...fuckin stingey motherfuckers...can't fuck good either. I'd rather date someone from a trailer park that knows how to fuck, than some pompous ass that doesn't know the meaning of pleasure
  22. thanks...never thought of hanging myself....
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