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Everything posted by rollrgrll222

  1. That's hot....go pop a cherry for me!!!! Make her love it long time..LOL
  2. what I wanna know is what is this shit with rich guys and their sick fetishes??? What the fuck???? I need to find one of them, figure out the their fetish, let them do it, exploit it....then tell on them in 20/20 special.....that's hot
  3. who cares??? he's obviosly got money to fly back and forth from Ny to LA....what the fuck ?? Just because he doesn't walk down the red carpet doesn't mean it wouldn't make a great story.........am I right??? Money Talks!!!!!!!
  4. I think you should do it...then sell the story to the tabloids...tell them you had his bastard child...and make lots of money extorting his hollywood ass
  5. nice...glad i could be of assistance...lol
  6. my name....funny how...funny haha?? or funny like retarded???
  7. fuck me in the ass????
  8. De-virginize her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. When I used to live on the Lower East Side, I never ducked when I heard gunshots...I was on a total suicide mission but I never got hit...go figure. If I duck now, I bet you I'll get hit.....that's bullshit
  10. that comes later....then they eventually pull a knife, put you in a choke hold, and make you beg for your life....wow..they rock...my kinda man
  11. the guys that get jealous are usually the ones that beat the shit out of you eventually...they do that to make you feel like your theirs....yeah..just wait..them SMACK...backhanded
  12. rollrgrll222


    LOL.....aight.....I dig
  13. grandma had the hots for you BIG TIME
  14. rollrgrll222


    ewww....that had to be nasty to stop the deed mid-stroke....sucks...LOL
  15. rollrgrll222


    I'm usually drunk...there's always sparks............LOL
  16. hmmm..definition of asshole??? there are many....just when you get into a relationship, do some really nice shit in the beginning...then after a couple months, start forgetting shit like birthdays, important dates, anniversaries...then call her by someone elses name...that'll put the icing on the cake
  17. maybe it's because your skeemin, fuck-up head playin guy.....ever think of that....???
  18. nice..LOL..too bad I never get out of my car down there...LOL......only during the day at least...b there 2moro
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