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Posts posted by superfrick

  1. Pretty impressive. All of Song's flights estimate a 3 hour flight give or take a minute or two.

    Secondly, top speed for most of the aircrafts used to fly this distance is around 550 mph, which calculates by distance to 2 hours 22 minutes at top speed. (which we all know a jet doesn't do, especially with landing patterns)

    Math doesn't lie, but people do.

    Thanks for the detailed information.

    Math does not lie, but you need to plug all factors into the equation to get the right answer.

    Ever heard of tail-winds??

    Anyway, PVD Rocks!!!!

    I wish I was here to see him.

    Have Fun!!!



  2. Oh and just b/c u are well traveled does not automatically make u clear of being anti-asian. And from the words u choose - u definetly make offending stereotypical statements. whether you're racist or not - i dunno. but you def are making this an issue for you..."they" did, afterall, ruin the scene for u.

    ...beating a dead horse. im out.

    I never said "they ruined the scene". Again, you are not reading. I said "some new elements did"...and that means a number of different elements...as for the racist accusation you are making....you should talk to two of my ex's...one being Filipino, and the other Chinese from Malaysia....I made it very clear that I have the nothing against Asians or any other race, color, or religion, for that matter...

    You are right...we are beating a dead-horse....

    The one thing that you said that I agree with the most was:

    "Shut up and dance"... :bounce:

    Keep Smiling...

  3. hey superfuck sorry to break it to you but twilo was not the beginging of "the scene" :rolleyes:

    fuckin newbies

    When did I say it was???

    I never said it was, I was just referring to a time when the scene was good...and if you read carefully, you will see that what I said was..."I have been around those days, AND BEFORE"...

    You are really funny....don't make assumption....


  4. if u posted just this^, i'm sure people would list a bunch of races...not just asian.

    and you're theory about this drugged out bad dancers only happeneing in nyc. get a clue - drugs and music have always been relativly synonomous w/each other, internationally & domestically.


    No offense, but if you want to interact inelegantly, you need to read the whole thread, and not just one post...I said everything you did, and more...

    For good and for worse, drugs and Electronic music do go together....however, so many OVER-drugged, poorly-behaved, and uncoordinated dancing Asians...that's a NYC issue....I have never seen this anywhere else...not in any other US city, or anywhere else in the world...You don't even see this in club at Tokyo or Hong-Kong...(and I have been to both so please don't tell me I am anti-asian becasue I am not....I go to Hong-Kong 3 times a year, and I also stop by Tokyo for a few days on the way)

    I don't know why...that's just the way it is...

    Can we drink now? :pint:

  5. You guys just need to be more tolerant.

    I would bet that 90% of the people on this thread were not into "the scene" before 2000, and the scene was already ruined by then.....long before any of these asian infiltrators came along and fucked up your roll or tina high while you were listening to PVD or JP.

    I have been around those days, and before, and I don't even roll...so please don't make assumptions...

    The scene was not ruined then...I hate to bring up Twilo, but that place was great and had a great vibe, and an awesome scene. Vinyl was the same, and so were the Tunnel and Limelight (when it was the real deal)

    The scene has definitely been ruined by some new elements.

  6. Dude,

    thats still pretty racist.......

    remember, just because you want to sleep with asian girls does not make you open minded

    I don't want to sleep with Asian chicks....

    I want to sleep with chicks in general...

    You are too funny...you read one sentence out of a whole post, take it out of context, and analyze it as if it was the most important sentence of the post because you may feel like this particular phrase or sentence offend you...just take a minute, relax, and read everything I say...I am far from being a racist...everyone that knows me know that...

    It's really not that complicated. :)

  7. this sounds like the general population of clubbers, not asians in particular.

    Not true.

    If this was the "general population of clubbers" this thread would have not been so active. This does not happen in every club and every city, and its NOT all Asians...just majority of Asians in NYC clubs...

    If you go clubbing in other cities, you will not see this behavior...not in Amsterdam, not In London, not in Berlin, not in Miami, or DC...and there are plenty of Asian clubbers in those cities...its a NYC problem...and it was not always like this...

    It's a trend that started in the past few years....and just kept getting worse and worse...

  8. The Asians I just described do ruin the "fun" for alot of people,

    I am one of these people, and I agree with you comletely. They are always tottaly drugged out, and it is obvious that they are not there for the music, but for the drugs, and aloooooooot of it

    They can't even dance...total lack of coordination...it's actually preaty funny.


  9. Guys...

    As I said before, I have nothing against anyone...and this obviously does NOT goes to all Asian. I have a lot of Asian friends...and the truth is I really like Asian people, and respect their different cultures.

    However, it seems that the majority of the Asian people that go to NYC clubs these days are really not friendly, and behave with no manners. I tried to strike conversations with many of them at many times, and I never get any love back at all. God for-bit that I try to talk to an Asian chick when she is around a group of Asian guys...I get dirty looks and disrespectful comments. I never get this attitude from anyone else...

    Again, this does NOT go to all Asians. Only to the majority of Asians that hit the club scene in NY. I have never experienced this in clubs in any other city...just in NY.


  10. comparing gabriel & dresden to ferry is tough to do... g&d are better producers (which is questionable) but their sets arent as intense as ferry's.. ferry is hands down my fav trance dj...

    You may or may not be right. I never saw them live yet. I do love their productions. Will definately go check them out.

    And don't get me wrong, I love Ferry too. :)


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