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  1. FOX NEWS Affiliate Airs 5 Minute Segment of Loose Change 2nd Edition! Posted by: Phil_Jayhan on 12/02/2005 05:13 AM (Read: 9254) WELCOME AUSSIES! We hear Australian TV has been playing 911: In Plane Site! Please make sure you share this website & a copy of 911: In Plane Site as well with everyone you know to help spread the truth! Free Bit - Torrents of 911 movies on left menu! A few nights back, 9/11 researcher and documentarian, Dylan Avery, met with Cindy Sheehan while she was visiting Oneonta, NY. While there Dylan and Korey Rove, wearing handsome 'INVESTIGATE 9/11' T-shirts, were interviewed by FOX NEWS AFFILIATTE, WICZ-10, and this interview was actually aired tonight on their FOX NEWS AFFILIATTE network! To see the Fox News Segment, click below; Warning, 40 megabyte file! View WICZ-10 Broadcast of Interview with Dylan Avery here Purchase Loose Change 2nd Edition here Read More Missile at the World Trade Center - Caught by 4 Different News Sources - 9/11 Day of HIGH TREASON! Posted by: Phil_Jayhan on 12/23/2004 02:02 AM (Read: 142483) When I called Congressman Wellers office, I was put through to Sandra, who took my call. I got her to log onto 'LetsRoll911.org' and open the Cameraplanet footage; She didn't have any time to even read my website, nor did I tell her what was coming. And without any prompting nor guidance, she, all on her own, exclaimed; "My God, that looks like a Wire Guided Missile, that just can't be..." 4 News Crews - 4 Views - Split Screen Movie Footage of the Missile - Single Screen/Source Dave VonKleist - Anomalies on Flight 175 - Clip from 911: In Plane Site Dylan Avery - Anomalies on Flight 175 - Clip from Loose Change What was Alleged to be Flight 175 - Firing a Missile prior to impact! Caught by 4 different News sources! As the 2nd plane, alleged to have been Flight 175, approaches the South Tower, a bright white flash lights up the entire side of the aircraft. And some kind of projectile is fired from the planes under-carriage and flies nose to nose with the aircraft the last few hundred feet. Then a 'second, round orange, flash' occurs as this projectile flies into the World Trade Center, some 7-10 feet to the right of the cockpit. The first flash takes place a minimum of 500 feet away from the World Trade Center, and continues till it reaches its zenith, then starts to fade as the plane impacts the south tower. Then then the missile creates and disappears into the round orange flash, the 2nd flash. With these four sequences, and the ABC Evan Fairbanks footage it can easily be established exactly what is going on. Top Video; Missle Ignition and initial firing. Middle Video; Flash and Missile penetration; Bottom Video; The actual Missile itself, flying nose to nose with the aircraft, and finally penetrating some 7-8 feet to the right of the cockpit...Please be patient to let the page load. I formatted it so the videos would play on their own. It is well worth the wait! Remember, these videos are the very same videos which the news media released! Is all we have done is to slow down their own footage and examine it. Many of you at home that videotaped the event have the same events recorded on your own home videotapes. Missile at the World Trade Center - Flight 175 - Click here for Rest of Story Read More http://www.letsroll911.org/
  2. http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=a1dee58b-1648-4cdb-b33e-52dce95f2195&f=copy
  3. Read the transcript again. (when you become more literally capable). ^^
  4. Lets see... Libby indicted, Cheney/Rove under investigation, soon to be indicted among other things... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10740935/ http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/060109/nym219.html?.v=18 ....Your mom's left tit. Keep swinging on Bush's (and igloo's) cock. It'll do alot for your mental state.
  5. You support a president whose administration is falling apart at the seems and I'm the moron. wow. just wow. You are a pathetic cunt.
  6. http://video.cgi.cbs.com/video/video.pl?url=cbs/cbs/g2demand/entertainment/mini/lateshow/highlights/2006/01/20060103.rm&plugin=1&proto=rtsp Letterman: Our first guest is the host of Cable Television's number one news program - The O'Reilly Factor - it can be seen five nights a week on Fox News. Ladies and gentlemen, here's Bill O'Reilly. Bill come on out. Welcome back. O'Reilly: Thank you. Letterman: Happy New Year. Welcome back to the show. Tell me and people what you did before the O'Reilly, Factor, Foxnews thing. O'Reilly: I was running the deli downstairs with that guy they have. Letterman: Is that a fact? O'Reilly: So, you can build on that career he's making. Letterman: Yea, but seriously. O'Reilly: I did a show called Inside Edition. Then, before that, I was a correspondent for ABC News, Peter Jennings, and before that CBS News. Letterman: So, you're a life-long news journalist? O'Reilly: Yea. Letterman: How were your holidays? Good? [laughter] O'Reilly: I had a nice winter solstice, yea. [long pause and laughter] Letterman: Okay. O'Reilly: You can't say - you can't say Christmas. Letterman: You can't say Christmas? O'Reilly: No. Letterman: Why is that? O'Reilly: Because it is politically incorrect and we did a lot of reporting on this and, uh, that was the big thing we were doing leading up to that. While you were in St. Barts, we were leading up to the Christmas holidays by saying 'Hey, how come we can't say Christmas?' Letterman: I wasn't aware that you couldn't say Christmas. When did this happen? O'Reilly: Sears, Kmart started it, said no more Christmas. It's all happy holidays or winter soltstice. I actually got a card from a friend of mine, it said 'Have a Blessed Winter.' I live in New York. You know what you can do with your blessed winter. You know what I'm talking about? Are you with me, Dave? Letterman: I wasn't aware that this had happened. O'Reilly: You weren't aware of the big giant controversy over Christmas? Letterman: Well, I ignore stuff like that, it doesn't really affect me. I go ahead and do what I wanna do and you know I say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, Happy Hannukah. O'Reilly: Here's why it matters. You with me on this? Letterman: Yea. O'Reilly: Okay. Ridgewood Elementary School in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. The song - Silent Night. [singing] Silent Night, you know? Knocked out the words and told the little kids to sing 'cold in the night, no one in sight, winter winds whine and bite, how I wish I was happy and warm, safe with my family, out of the storm.' They replaced the words to Silent Night with that. Now, with all due respect, I even think the baby Jesus would say 'gimme a break.' You know? You want another one ? [bill is lying, by the way] http://www.dsd.k12.wi.us/ Letterman: No, but let- I don't- O'Reilly: Woah, Woah, Woah, when great tradition- Letterman: But what does this prove? It proves that one community- O'Reilly: It proves there are pinheads at the Ridgewell [sic] uh Elementary School in Wisconsin. Letterman: Right. O'Reilly: That's what it proves. Letterman: Right. O'Reilly: Here's another one, you want another one? Or are you bored with this? Letterman: I'm kinda- think we should move on. [talking over one another] Letterman: I mean but isn't this the kind of thing uh uh once or twice every twenty years somebody gets outraged and says oh by god we gotta put diapers on horses isn't it just about, it's just so what, let it go, it'll take care of itself. O'Reilly: No. There is a movement in this country by politcially correct people to erode traditions and the Christmas tradition is the most cherished in the country. Look. How absurd is it? Letterman: But I don't - [talking over one another] Letterman: I don't feel threatened. O'Reilly: It's not matter of you feel threatened. Letterman: I don't this is an actual threat. I think this is something that happened here and it happened there and so people like you are trying to make us think that it's a threat. O'Reilly: Wrong. Letterman: Because nobody said happy holidays to me and then said Merry Christmas, oh I can't say Merry Christmas. O'Reilly: Well, here's why it gets to be more than that, because it's in court. there are lawsuits. in plano texas, another grammer school, umm the kids were told not to bring in Christmas colors like napkins that are red and green. That's in court; that's being litigated. Now you can say 'Oh, that's just a little thing, it doesn't affect you,' but it isn't. The erosion of the culture and the protection of tradition is important in this country. Letterman: Yea, but are we really describing an erosion here? It's two examples one in Wisconsin and one in texas. O'Reilly: I got a million of them. Letterman: Oh, you got a million of them? Okay. Fine. O'Reilly: Umm, and they're funny ones. Memphis, Tennessee, Bible Belt, library. They have a little display where you can, say you are in a duck hunting club you can bring in a dead duck and put it there and advertise you duck hunting club. We kill ducks. Show up at 9 o'cloCk and we'll blow some ducks out of the air. Okay. There was a church that wanted to advertise a Christmas pageant so they brought in the manger scene and the library said you can the manger scene in Memphis Tennessee, but you can't have the baby Jesus, Joseph, or Mary or the wise men. We're not sure about the shephards. That was a big debate. Now, how stupid and crazy is this? Letterman: I don't believe you. O'Reilly: It's true. Letterman: I don't believe you. I don't...I don't believe you. O'Reilly: You think I'm making this up? Letterman: I do. O'Reilly: Then I could write for your show. [reaching for cup on Letterman's desk] This mine? Letterman: Yes. let's talk about your firinds in the bush admin, things seem to be darker now. O'Reilly: They don't like me. Letterman: Then they mgith ave been a year before how do things look to you? O'Reilly: It's pretty rough, but they're not my friends in the bush admin. they're not kicking the door down to be on my show, in fact you have an easier time getting pres bush to come on here than I have getting him to come on the factor. But I think that the Iraq thing has been full of unintended consequences and it's a vital thing for the country and it's brutal, it's absolutely brutal. We should all take it very seriously. This simplistic stuff about hating Bush or he lied and all this stuff, does the country no good at all. We've got to win this thing. You have to win it. And even though it's a screw-up, giant, massive, all right, right now, for everybody's protection, it's best for the world to have a democracy in that country functioning and friendly to the West, is it not? Letterman: Yes, absolutely. O'Reilly: Okay, so let's stop with the lying and the this and the that and the undermining and let's get him. That is putting us all in danger. So our philosophy is we call it as we see it. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you don't. Robust debate is good. But we believe that the United States, particularly the military, are doing a noble thing, a noble thing. The soldiers and Marines are noble. They're not terrorists. And when people call them that, like Cindy Sheehan called the insurgents 'freedom fighters,' we don't like that. It is a vitally important time in American history. And we should all take it very seriously. Be very careful with what we say. Letterman: Well, and you should be very careful with what you say also. [audience applause] O'Reilly: Give me an example. Letterman: How can you possibly take exception with the motivation and the position of someone like Cindy Sheehan? O'Reilly: Because I think she's run by far-left elements in this country. I feel bad for the woman. Letterman: Have you lost family members in armed conflict? O'Reilly: No, I have not. Letterman: Well, then you can hardly speak for her, can you? [applause] O'Reilly: I'm not speaking for her. Let me ask you this question. Letterman: [referring back to O'Reilly's phony "War on Christmas"] Let's go back to your little red and green stories. O'Reilly: This is important, this is important. Cindy Sheehan lost a son, a professional soldier in Iraq, correct? She has a right to grieve any way she wants, she has a right to say whatever she wants. When she says to the public that the insurgents and terrorists are 'freedom fighters' how do you think, David Letterman, that makes people who lost loved ones, by these people blowing the Hell out of them, how do you think they feel, waht about their feelings, sir? Letterman: What about, why are we there in the first place? [applause] The President himself, less than a month ago said we are there because of a mistake made in intelligence. Well, whose intelligence? It was just somebody just get off a bus and handed it to him? O'Reilly: No. Letterman: No, it was the intelligence gathered by his administration. O'Reilly: By the CIA. Letterman: Yeah, so why are we there in the first place? I agree to you, with you that we have to support the troops. They are there, they are the best and the brightest of this country. [audience applause] There's no doubt about that. And I also agree that now we're in it it's going to take a long, long time. People who expect it's going to be solved and wrapped up in a couple of years, unrealistic, it's not going to happen. However, however, that does not eliminate the legitimate speculation and concern and questioning of Why the Hell are we there to begin with? O'Reilly: If you want to question that, and then revamp an intelligence agency that's obviously flawed, the CIA, okay. But remember, MI-6 in Britain said the same thing. Putin's people in Russia said the same thing, and so did Mubarak's intelligence agency in Egypt. Letterman: Well then that makes it all right? O'Reilly: No it doesn't make it right. Letterman: That intelligence agencies across the board makes it alright that we're there? O'Reilly: It doesn't make it right. Letterman: See, I'm very concerned about people like yourself who don't have nothing but endless sympathy for a woman like Cindy Sheehan. Honest to Christ. [audience applause] O'Reilly: No, I'm sorry. Letterman: Honest to Christ. O'Reilly: No way. [waits for applause to die down] No way you're going to get me, no way that a terrorist who blows up women and children. Letterman: Do you have children? O'Reilly: Yes I do. I have a son the same age as yours. No way a terrorist who blows up women and children is going to be called a freedom fighter on my program. [mild audience applause] Letterman: I'm not smart enough to debate you point to point on this, but I have the feeling, I have the feeling about 60 percent of what you say is crap. [audience laughter] But I don't know that for a fact. [more audience applause] Paul Shafer: Sixty percent. Letterman: Sixty percent. I'm just spit-balling here. O'Reilly: Listen, I respect your opinion. You should respect mine. Letterman: Well, ah, I, okay. But I think you're- O'Reilly: Our analysis is based on the best evidence we can get. Letterman: Yeah, but I think there's something, this fair and balanced. I'm not sure that it's, I don't think that you represent an objective viewpoint. O'Reilly: Well, you're going to have to give me an example if you're going to make those claims. Letterman: Well I don't watch your show so that would be impossible. O'Reilly: Then why would you come to that conclusion if you don't watch the program? Letterman: Because of things that I've read, things that I know. O'Reilly: Oh come on, you're going to take things that you've read. You know what say about you? Come on. Watch it for a couple, look, watch it for a half hour. You'll get addicted. You'll be a Factor fan, we'll send you a hat. Letterman: You'll send me a hat. Well, send Cindy Sheehan a hat. O'Reilly: I'll be happy to. Letterman: Uh, Bill, it's always a pleasure. [laughter] O'Reilly: Thank you very much. Happy New Year. Letterman: Same to you.
  7. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=42031&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1136772700 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=42031&d=1136772700
  8. Thanks for admitting to your lies. Your childish random insults are testimonial to the fact you are a deceitful arrogant little fucktard with the intelligence of a shit kernal. BTW. I'm a dick. Not a cunt. Get it right little girl.....I mean....dispicable little rug munching cunt. And I'll post anywhere I please. Don't like it? Leave.
  9. http://bushniggas.ytmnd.com/
  10. This article comes from Tom Flocco.com http://tomflocco.com/ Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment Date: Saturday, November 26 Topic: -- “I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.” Revelation 2:2 Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment Pentagon’s Wolfowitz and Feith espionage evidence before grand juryGeorge Tenet granted partial immunity to testify against White HouseCIA: Plame outed to disrupt probe into Israeli attempt to plant WMDProbe of 10+ legislators, high officials tied to drugs and 9-11 finance before jury by Tom Flocco WASHINGTON—November 26, 2005—TomFlocco.com—CIA Director Porter Goss is refusing to give special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald a subpoenaed damage assessment report written by former CIA Director George Tenet detailing how many American operatives were murdered and the full extent of harm to U.S. national security which resulted from the Bush administration leak exposing Valerie Plame Wilson as a deep cover operative, according to intelligence officials. U.S. intelligence agents say Goss and the White House are obstructing justice by failing to cooperate with Fitzgerald’s grand jury while claiming that Americans are not entitled to see the contents of Tenet’s report for “national security” reasons. In an interview with TomFlocco.com, national security expert Thomas Heneghan said American intelligence officials have evidence that Tenet took a $38 million dollar bribe to resign so the White House could blame the 9-11 attacks on faulty CIA intelligence. Heneghan said Tenet and his family are currently being protected by U.S. intelligence, while also revealing that Fitzgerald has granted the former CIA Director transactional immunity in exchange for his testimony against the White House. The evidence of Tenet’s bribe was discovered by federal investigators who said the money was laundered through Volksbank in Basel, Switzerland which also has links to deceased Bush family associate Leonard Millman and his former controversial partner, “Indian Casino” Jack Abramoff, according to Heneghan. The intelligence whistleblower told us that evidence implicating former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith for violations of the Federal Espionage Act under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 793 is currently before Fitzgerald’s grand jury. “Wolfowitz and Feith are agents of a foreign government, operating in the Bush administration to create spin as members of the secret White House Iraq Group,” said Heneghan, adding “they violated elements of the Espionage Act and bypassed the CIA in passing national security information to Israel.” The assertions raise serious questions as to why the House and Senate are continuing to fail the American people by permitting spies to operate in the Pentagon, why President Bush would appoint agents of a foreign government to the Defense Department with access to military secrets, mission planning and technology—but also whether Congress is obstructing justice and condoning treason by the White House. Plame team discovered attempt to plant WMD in Iraq Heneghan told TomFlocco.com that Valerie Plame’s CIA group used the cover of Brewster-Jennings Energy Company “to investigate the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) issue in Iraq and how Turkey could have been used as an invasion pivot point using troops coming from the north and south that may have prevented the insurgency if they swept through quickly—and the firefights would have been prevented at the Baghdad airport, where many Americans lost their lives.” Plame and her team discovered and interdicted an attempt to plant WMD by Mossad agents, masking themselves as Israeli military officers working unofficially in Baghdad with the United States Military Central Command and known as the J2X Joint Intelligence Liaison, according to the federal whistleblower. Heneghan’s intelligence sources also revealed that “former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was in command and control of the failed operation attempting to plant the WMD,” adding, “this was kept secret for the purpose of ‘discovering’ the weapons in order to justify the war.” “The October, 2002 smuggling operation involving VX nerve gas and aluminum tubes may have traveled through the black market from provinces outside the Russian Federation and linked to rogue intelligence operative Gary Best, and then into Bosnia or Kosovo—but more likely Bosnia—and then into Turkey before being intercepted by Valerie Plame’s team; and this information is in the Tenet damage assessment report,” said Heneghan. The Pakistan Daily Times reported that retired Navy Lt. Commander and 28 year Defense Department veteran Nelda Rogers, another Pentagon whistleblower, said “the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to 'plant' WMDs inside the country.” It is not known whether the Fitzgerald grand jury has subpoenaed testimony from the former U.S. Navy officer, who said “the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by ‘friendly fire.’ “ These and other revelations raise more questions regarding why House and Senate members are not subpoenaed by Fitzgerald to publicly testify as to why they are obstructing justice by permitting the White House to commit treason against the American people. Obstruction of justice and perjury There is evidence that CIA Director Goss conspired with Vice President Cheney, and Republican senators, including Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and a Roberts staffer to leak the CIA “black site” foreign torture prisons story to Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Robert Woodward. The leak was used for a November 2 story by Dana Priest in an attempt to obstruct justice by “an end-run to discredit the CIA and the Fitzgerald grand jury investigation,” according to news reports and U.S. intelligence, said Heneghan. Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) reportedly blew the whistle on the obstruction, telling CNN “this subject was discussed at a Republican senators-only luncheon last Tuesday, the day before the story ran in the Washington Post,” adding “a lot of it came out of that room last Tuesday…He [Cheney] was up here last week …and every word that was said in there went right to the newspaper.” Heneghan said “Robert Woodward could be indicted for obstruction of justice in this matter,” alleging that Goss originally leaked the secret information to Republican senators who then passed the story to Woodward and Priest in violation of senate ethics rules at the least according to Lott’s prediction. Woodward’s admitted knowledge of Valerie Plame’s covert identity since June-July, 2003 raises additional obstruction of justice questions since the Post editor has for two years been publicly casting doubt on Fitzgerald’s probe as insignificant and unimportant. Woodward concealed his conflict of interest until last week regarding his role as a key player and possible focal point in the alleged obstruction of justice in the Plame case. Reports reveal evidence that either Woodward or Post reporter Walter Pincus is not telling the truth, since Pincus and Post reporter Glenn Kessler have been questioned in the Plame investigation; and Woodward claimed to have told Pincus about Plame’s covert CIA status, to which Pincus replied, “Are you kidding, I certainly would have remembered that.” Since Fitzgerald just found out about Woodward’s central role in the Plame case, it is obvious that Pincus never told the prosecutor about Woodward’s claim when Pincus testified before the grand jury, allegedly revealing that one of the two is not telling the truth. In a startling revelation, Heneghan said “There are U.S. intelligence files and field reports which identify Bob Woodward as a deep cover member of the Office of Naval Intelligence with links to the Israeli Mossad,” adding, “there are also serious questions as to why Woodward was the first to obtain the CIA-Valerie Plame leak story and what role it played in his book which attempted to portray Bush as an ‘in-command’ leader.“ “There are also intelligence files indicating that Woodward’s retired boss and former Washington Post Editor-in-Chief Ben Bradlee is closely linked to the Mossad and knows the true story of President Kennedy’s assassination,” said Heneghan. U.S. legislators, public officials linked to drug money and 9-11 finance In a related issue, intelligence sources say a probe of about 10 federal legislators and high government officials linked to drug money laundering through the Middle and Far East and the finance of the September 11 attacks is currently before the Patrick Fitzgerald grand jury. The investigation of well-known American public officials is also reportedly tied to a Washington appeals court cover-up by three Republican judges and Justice Department attorneys involved in the obstruction of justice and gagging of former FBI contract linguist Sibel Edmonds. http://www.tomflocco.co/fs/FBILinguist.htm When we asked how many Americans were named in the intelligence intercepts and linked to drug money laundering or 9-11 finance that she translated, Edmonds told TomFlocco.com, "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized," further revealing that "some are heads of government agencies or politicians—but I don’t want to go any further than that," attempting to stay within the guidelines of her court gag order. Edmonds said, "Nobody is looking at the Department of Defense aspect of the whole 911 cover-up. The FBI is citing two reasons for my gag order: to protect ‘sensitive’ diplomatic relations and to protect foreign U.S. business relationships." Heneghan told us “there is a major split developing in the United States media—the ones that want to tell the truth and the ones that do not,” causing more questions to be raised about implied obstruction of justice within all levels of American news groups. http://tomflocco.com/fs/GossRefusesToGive.htm
  11. ^^I see the first amendment is too good for you loser. I'm sure you love to see it's destruction. FASCIST LOVING NAZI AMERICA HATING ASSCLOWN!! EAT THIS RETARD!! http://www.stewwebb.com/Grand%20Jury%20Demand%20Aug%204%202004.html
  12. This article comes from Tom Flocco.com http://tomflocco.com/ 9-11 widow questions why MSNBC host silenced her Date: Thursday, December 8 Topic: -- 9-11 widow questions why MSNBC host silenced her Scarborough Country becomes “9-11 Spin Country†as Ellen Mariani says her microphone was abruptly shut off in the middle of her September 11 expose during an interview Monday night. U.S. intelligence sources say the national cover-up of the mysterious death of host Joe Scarborough’s former female congressional aide—found in his district office—is linked to why the truth about 9-11 was cut off by the MSNBC host by Tom Flocco and Stew Webb Ellen Mariani Denver—December 8, 2005—StewWebb.com & TomFlocco.com—9-11 widow Ellen Mariani’s allegations of disrespect by the host Joe Scarborough during her MSNBC interview attempt to explain government involvement in the September 11 attacks raises questions as to whether the national cover-up of the dead body of Scarborough’s former 28-year-old female staffer found in his Fort Walton Beach, Florida congressional office in 2001 is linked to the MSNBC job protecting the public’s right to know—or preventing truth about 9-11 from becoming a factor in exposing White House crime family evidence. After Mariani called us yesterday in dismay regarding how she was treated on-air by Scarborough, members of U.S. intelligence were contacted to find out why the normally affable Scarborough cut off Mariani’s comments about September 11 since she was the first victim family member to sue the Bush administration for direct involvement in the attacks—also refusing to join the other victim families in accepting millions in congressional “compensation†in return for signing a legal document promising never to sue the U.S. government or seek 9-11 criminal evidence in a courtroom. Sources within United States intelligence Special Operations Group told us yesterday that former congressional staff aide Lori Kaye Klausutis was found dead at her desk in Scarborough’s office and that she had been reading secret explosive “True Colors†documents, raising questions as to how and why Scarborough was in possession of transcripts detailing illegal covert operations conducted by and linked directly to White House crime families. U.S. intelligence officials were specific in their reports that “a P-2 team of three operatives from Central Intelligence suffocated her in Scarborough’s Florida district office recently after his divorce,†information blacked out by all U.S. national media outlets. The source told us he would be willing to come forward at a later date if subpoenaed by the Fitzgerald grand jury or possibly appear on a major cable news outlet. Intelligence officials said the top-secret True Colors files dealt with 1) government involvement in the 9-11 attacks, 2) White House-sponsored “death squadsâ€â€”including state and local police known as “red squad†units also involving FBI Division 5 and other federal counter-intelligence groups within government agencies, 3) the Oklahoma City bombing and 4) evidence involving some 150 witnesses implicating former President George H. W. Bush, former President Bill and First Lady Hillary Clinton and then-Texas Governor George W. Bush and others in the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr., who told family members he was planning to run against Hillary Clinton or George W. Bush in 2000. The agents said federal, state and local prosecutors were and still are being employed to frame innocent citizens on false charges to silence and neutralize patriot activists, whistleblowers and public officials. Creating a cable news media spin doctor? The strange death of Lori Klausutis received only a few short stories in the Northern Florida press; and the Washington Post printed only 44 words in a Nation-in-brief report dealing with the covered up and mysterious death of a female staffer in a Republican congressman’s district office—a story that shocked us after hearing about it from federal agents because the revelation was kept from the public. The 44 words released were: "FORT WALTON BEACH, FL—Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old office worker for Rep. Joe Scarborough (R-FL), was found dead in the congressman's district office. Police said preliminary findings from the medical examiner's office showed no foul play or any outward indication of suicide." Curiously, Klausutis was reportedly active in Florida’s Bush v. Gore 2000 election recount activity—raising questions about what she knew; and on Friday, July 20th, 2001, her body was found slumped next to a desk on the floor of Scarborough’s Fort Walton Beach office where Lori served as a constituent services coordinator since May, 1999. Klausutis was found around 8:00 a.m. on Friday morning by a couple arriving for an appointment, and she had been dead for some time as the police cordoned off the office for an investigation; but they later announced that there was no reason to suspect foul play, nor were there signs of suicide—but national news outlets commenced a total television blackout. Scarborough had recently resigned from Congress—prematurely and unexpectedly—on the heels of reported rumors about his marital fidelity and shortly after his marriage ended in divorce. Not choosing to bring to bear the substantial power of a U.S. congressional office to get to the bottom of Miss Klausutis’ death or force a full investigation given the secret documents to which she had access according to U.S. intelligence, Scarborough’s office released a short statement several hours after the discovery of her body: “My staff and family are greatly saddened by the loss of Lori Klausutis. I know Lori will be missed by the thousands of citizens who regularly contact my office to seek assistance with a variety of problems. May God grant Lori’s family the grace, comfort and hope that will get them through this difficult time.†Intelligence “roster†of autopsy cover-up physicians and hit teams Reports revealed that Scarborough’s press secretary Miguel Serrano mentioned health problems in Klausutis’ past and Associate Medical Examiner Dr. Michael Berkland said "She had a past medical history that was significant, but it remains to be seen whether that played a role in her death.†A member of her immediate family rejected the Scarborough office intimations that Lori had medical problems, reporting that Klausutis was a fine athlete, having recently run an 8 kilometer race with a good time as a member of the Northwest Florida Track Club. Dr. Michael Berkland, who found inconclusive results after performing the Klausutis autopsy, had recently relocated to Florida; and public reports reveal that Berkland's medical license in the state of Missouri was revoked in 1998 as a result of Berkland reporting false information regarding brain tissue samples in a 1996 autopsy report—charges that Berkland does not deny. A former agency official who spoke to us directly recognized the name of Dr. Michael Berkland and identified him as being “on the roster of secret CIA operatives used in sensitive and controversial deaths involving government officials to cover up evidence and keep families and American citizens from learning the truth about a loved one’s death,†cover-ups which can then be “employed to blackmail particular government officials involved.†Berkland was also reportedly suspended from his position as a medical examiner in the state of Florida in July, 1999. According to an August 8, 2001 American Politics Journal (APJ) report, repeated requests to Dr. Stephen Nelson, Chairman of the Medical Examiners Commission, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, failed to verify that Dr. Berkland's suspension was lifted and that his license and disciplinary record were clear at the time of the Klausutis autopsy. Dr. Nelson was appointed Chairman of the Commission by Florida Governor Jeb Bush. Berkland acknowledged on Monday, August 6 according to APJ, that Lori had sustained a "scratch and a bruise" on her head and that his original denials were to prevent undue speculation about the cause of death. "The last thing we wanted was 40 questions about a head injury,†Berkland said. An August 29, 2001 report in the Northwest Florida Daily News revealed that “Klausutis’ head injury was more severe than previously reported,†raising additional obstruction of justice questions for any future grand jury probe. The same North Florida newspaper removed its September 1, 2001 story revealing that a “controversial autopsy report by ‘where’s the brain section’ Berkland raises more questions than it answers.†There are no indications why the report was removed. This, reminiscent of Arkansas medical examiner Dr. Fahmy Malak who was involved with the “dead boys on the railroad tracks†and other important autopsies involving suspicious and curious deaths during the Clinton gubernatorial administrations. The long-time intelligence official who spoke with us about Dr. Michael Berkland also immediately recognized the name of Dr. Malak as “another one of the ‘roster’ doctors called in to cover up suspicious deaths involving high government officials,†raising more serious questions about similar deaths involving government physicians. The intelligence agent told us “these physicians are also known in our circles as ‘suicide doctors,’ employed to cover up government-sponsored murders of public officials, legislators, political candidates, whistleblowers, journalists and activists attempting to expose government corruption—in other words, orchestrating a ‘suicide’ to cover up ‘red squad’ hits.†Toxicology and pregnancy tests have been sealed by Florida authorities according to reports, which adds to speculation concerning why the national media blacked out coverage of the suspicious death of a young female congressional staff aide in the member’s own office. Interestingly, the Klausutis family refused to acknowledge the fact that their daughter knew or even worked for Scarborough for nearly three years as a congressional aide, leaving her important position of state-wide honor out of her obituary altogether. Moreover, as a high-profile deceased member of the Young Republicans of America national organization, a search of the Young Republicans web site found no mention of Lori or her contributions to the Florida Republican Party, nor any tribute to her memory, or comments about her passing, or position as Rep. Scarborough’s aide, also according to APJ. Cutting off White House crime family involvement in 9-11 An NBC insider told U.S. intelligence yesterday that Scarbororgh was drinking heavily in the afternoon while complaints came in to MSNBC questioning his treatment of Mariani and his reasons for shutting off the widow’s microphone just as she was discussing 9-11 evidence never heard before during a national news broadcast in the United States. Ellen Mariani’s husband Neil was a passenger on United Airlines flight 175 that allegedly crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001—after which it was later reported by the Associated Press that the plane landed at the Cleveland-Hopkins, Ohio airport where the passengers were told that a bomb might be aboard the aircraft and that they were to be taken into the NASA Glen Research Center. It has further been reported that other 9-11 flights were taken to this clandestine government facility. Ellen was then asked by MSNBC host Joe Scarborough to express her opinion of the 9-11 Commission’s final report. When Scarborough asked Mariani what she thought of the 9-11 Commission’s report, she said, “1) 9-11 Report is nothing more than obstruction of justice and a continuous cover-up by the Bush administration, 2) 9-11 commissioners were all hand picked by Mr. Bush to obstruct justice and maintain a cover-up of the facts and the evidence, 3) The Bush crime family was behind the attack on America.†When the 9-11 widow started with “4) Lets talk about Able Danger, the scripted 9-11 attack on America, the Oklahoma City Bombing, with direct ties to the Philippines and Wachovia Bank--also known as Project Bojinka, and then, let’s connect the dots: Oklahoma City, 9-11 & Able Danger, Scarborough cut off Mariani’s mike, took the camera off her and never allowed her to complete her statements. Mariani referred to another Scarborough guest last night, Richard Miniter, as a professional presidential spin doctor who referred to Able Danger as a former operation to rid terrorists throughout the world, which Mariani maintains is not true. Avoiding the 9-11 evidence factor Mariani explained that she was about to expose and explain her 9-11 research to listeners before she was cut off by Scarborough—evidence that she had heard and learned about from federal whistleblowers Tom Heneghan and Stew Webb’s weekly American-French Alliance U.S. Intel News Hour on Thursday evenings from 8 to 9 PM Eastern, linked through www.stewwebb.com. She told us, “It is Joe's privilege as host to cut me off; but he did it before hearing the rest of the facts. How can Americans find the common sense and truth when I’m not allowed to speak out on what I know and believe it to be.†The widow showed us her notes and went over what she was going to present on MSNBC Scarborough Country: “Able Danger was the secretive bucket shop operation in Brooklyn, New York where alleged terrorist Mohamed Atta, a known Mossad-Defense Intelligence operative, had direct ties to the Bush-Clinton crime families.†“The bucket shop was known as a cash cow linked to Maurice ‘Hank’ Greenberg,former CEO of AIG Insurance and the Greenburg-Traurig law firm. Mossad lobbyists and paymaster Jack Abramoff were partners with White House-linked money launderers Leonard & Elaine Millman who owned Silverado Savings where Neil Bush was a director of the failed Savings & Loan. Millman controlled CITI Group-CITI Bank before his death two years ago, and was a direct partner in re-insurance and securities fraud with Greenberg and Meyer Blinder also linked to a failed 1990-91 penny stock collapse during a federal investigation involving billions in securities fraud in Denver, Colorado.†“New York Attorney General Elliott Spitzer, filed a RICO Suit against Greenberg instead of putting him in jail in 2005 after whistleblowers Stew Webb, Tom Heneghan and Karl Schwarz provided evidence to Spitzer who then covered it up. But Greenberg had to resign as CEO of AIG to take the heat off of the connections to Greenberg-Traurig.†“There is substantial evidence that the Greenberg-Traurig firm is connected to the challenge over control of my dead husband’s estate in order to silence my 9-11 RICO suit against the Bush crime family, several stories of which are found at TomFlocco.com.†“Maurice Hank Greenberg controlled through Greenberg/Traurig a foundation known as the Waymark Group which was set up to finance the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 attack on America. Silverado Savings and Loan owner Leonard Millman laundered narcotics money into the Waymark Group—and the narcotics were brought into Mena, Arkansas, a part of Iran contra which involved George H. W. Bush, Fox News Host Oliver North and Bill and Hillary Clinton.†“Jack Abramoff had direct ties to Mohamed Atta and Florida casinos. One casino owner linked to the group was murdered. Abramoff was laundering money through the casinos and Mohammad Atta was seen gambling at the Florida casinos.†“The information documents that Mohamed Atta was a Defense Intelligence Mossad agent were taken out of the national security archives by former Clinton National Security Advisor Sandy Burger with current Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's permission to steal the evidence.†“Sandy Berger, Bill Clinton’s former NSA Director, took the Able Danger document evidence out of the National Archives and literally ate some of the documents, while stuffing some of the other documents in his underwear and socks. Burger was fined a few months ago and never sent to prison; but U.S. intelligence agents have concrete evidence of Berger’s actions—but he still got away with selling out America.†“President Bush ordered the Washington, DC missile defense system to stand down in late July 2001. Bush also signed an executive order that told the FBI to back of their investigations of Muslims. The reason Mr. Bush told the FBI to allow the Brooklyn, New York bucket shop cell to operate as an active entity and not be apprehended was so the cell could carry out the planned 9-11-2001 attack on America.†“FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, who recently lost her certiorari appeal before the United States Supreme Court after having been ordered gagged by three Republican appeals court judges to help obstruct justice, intercepted the Turkish American Council communications of Defense Intelligence rogue agent Gary Best and others who were involved in the 9-11 attacks. Best was an Iran-contra Shadow Government player now in French custody for trying to blow up the French satellite launch pad in French Guyanna.†“Other US intelligence agents also intercepted the Turkish American council communications when George H. W. Bush discussed the 9-11 attack on America. George H. W. Bush and Richard Cheney were 400 feet below ground in the White House situation room controlling the Justice Department Tripod II Brooklyn, New York bucket shop operation attacking America on 9-11-2001. This, while George W. Bush was reading a goat story in a Florida classroom, far away from the action—and why did he select a story about a goat?†“Federal Whistleblower Karl Swartz's investigation revealed that missiles were retrofitted by Hughes Corp on one of their A-3 Airplanes at the Ft Collins Colorado Airport and that one of them was the missile that hit the Pentagon—not an airplane.†“The warehouse was owned by several people including Maurice Hank Greenberg, former CEO of AIG Insurance, the largest U.S. insurance group allegedly linked to narcotics money laundering and re-insurance frauds, and connected to Leonard Millman's National Acceptance-First National Acceptance Company at 50 S. Steel, Denver Colorado.†Ellen Mariani “Whistleblowers Schwartz, Heneghan and Webb provided evidence to New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer who continues the cover-up, which is obstruction of Justice.†“Let’s look at the facts and evidence that friends of mine, federal whistleblowers and US intelligence agents have and want to present before a Federal Grand Jury and have filed in US DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLORADO (in Denver) Case # 95-Y-107 Filed Aug. 4, 2004 by Stewart Webb.†“My research found a number of 9-11 Commission" conflicts: Jamie Gorelick covered up Iraq-gate/BNL Bank/Gulf War Syndrome—the scandal which keeps changing names. Bob Kerry of Nebraska has been identified by U.S. intelligence as a pedophile and the Clintons have blackmailed him. Former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean had oil investments linked to both Bush and the bin Laden family but sold them just before being named chairman of the 9-11 Commission." Ellen told us, “I was interviewed in May of 2002 by FOX News Network and their top spin doctor, Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly and Joe Scarborough are nothing more than little boys doing an adult job as spin doctors for the Bushes; and Americans know this,†adding, “I finally realize that the major media in America is nothing but a cover-up machine for the Bush-Clinton crime families.†Sadly, Mariani told us, “On September 11, I not only lost my husband Neil, but I lost my country as well—especially my freedom of speech and my rights in the federal judicial system.†The 9-11 widow’s distasteful experience on Scarborough Country and facts uncovered by U.S. intelligence regarding explosive documents in Scarborough’s possession—linked to his congressional aide—raise questions as to whether there is more to this story than meets the eye, the paucity of national media coverage notwithstanding. “The American people will have to decide whether the potential to blackmail a U.S. congressman with the power to a) send our children to war based on lies, allow our pension funds to be stolen or c) bribe 9-11 victims so they promise never to sue the government for the facts is more important than a potentially compromised national cable news host with the power to cut off my microphone before I expose the Bush administration’s involvement in the death of my husband,†said the 9-11 widow. http://tomflocco.com/fs/911WidowQuestions.htm
  13. This article comes from Tom Flocco.com http://tomflocco.com/ Evidence indicates Bush wire-tapped alternative media Date: Thursday, December 22 Topic: -- SPIES LIKE U.S. “His malice may be concealed by deception, but his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.” Proverbs 26:26 Evidence indicates Bush wire-tapped alternative media Is Bush using warrant-less spying as a pretext to monitor U.S. “enemies” list? by Tom Flocco WASHINGTON—December 22, 2005—TomFlocco.com—There is evidence that President Bush’s executive order authorizing eavesdropping on phone conversations of U.S. citizens, monitoring email and gaining access to private computers while failing to follow the law requiring court-ordered warrants may amount to criminal activity. Internet IP address logs from this writer’s computer firewall security system provide evidence that the Department of Defense (DOD) is conducting surveillance, since logs show DOD internet identification numbers during specific occasions while we conducted phone interviews with intelligence agents and sources, and also while reports were being word-processed for stories regarding White House crime family activities. DOD intrusion attempts to monitor the contents of our computer, track key-strokes or install a surveillance device were listed in our firewall security log as “high-rated attacks” by the U.S. government, the circumstances about which this writer and other witnesses would be willing to testify if subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury or Congress. In a move reminiscent of President Nixon’s secret “enemies list,” Mr. Bush’s domestic surveillance program raises questions whether he is employing the Defense Department to spy on Americans not only for the “War on Terror,” but also as a pretext to conduct warrant-less monitoring of political enemies, anti-war activists, whistleblowers and unfriendly alternative journalists without a paper trail—both inside and outside the USA. The reason the Patrick Fitzgerald grand jury may question Mr. Bush’s sidestepping the courts for domestic spying on Americans lies in the fact that according Senator Joe Biden, Bush could have conducted electronic surveillance for 72 hours without even telling the court; but then he would have to tell a judge who he wiretapped—leaving a legal paper trail. Keeping “the list” covered up prevents publicizing presidential abuse of power; but the issue of shredded documents becomes problematic for a grand jury, even as Bush summoned New York Times executives to the oval office on December 6 to ask them not to make public his secret spying program—10 days before the story ran. Notwithstanding the oval office meeting, how did Mr. Bush know that the Times story was going to be released? Curiously, Mr. Bush intimated in passing during questioning at a Monday morning press conference that phone/email surveillance also emanated directly out of foreign countries. During one recent series of four TomFlocco.com reports, the day after each story was placed online we lost phone service for between 8 to 30 hours—on clear summer days—culminating with the classified report on the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. when phone service was disconnected and the computer hard drive was destroyed. Interestingly, our hard drive was rendered useless after previous phone conversations about high-rated Defense Department attacks showing up on firewall logs. A secret 400-page Defense Department document obtained by NBC News lists the a Lake Worth, Florida anti-war meeting as a “threat” and one of more than 1,500 “suspicious incidents” across the country over a recent 10-month period. NBC reported that DOD spokesmen said domestic intelligence is “properly collected,” but the news outlet added that critics said “...the Pentagon now collects domestic intelligence that goes beyond legitimate concerns about terrorism or protecting U.S. military installations,” and “two-hundred and forty-three other incidents in the database were discounted because they had no connection to the Department of Defense—yet they all remained in the database.” The secretive National Security Agency (NSA), which had generally been forbidden from domestic spying except in narrow circumstances involving foreign nationals, has monitored the e-mails, telephone calls, and other communications of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of people under the program, The New York Times also reported. Consequences of controversial news reports A few days after witnessing a Verizon telephone repairman climbing the utility pole in front of our house, we have experienced periodic heavy telephone echoes, hums and multiple clicks when talking with certain intelligence agents, sources and others during phone interviews for stories appearing during late spring through this winter. Reports indicate that federal agencies employ vehicles bearing logos of U.S. companies to disguise surveillance operations; thus contract agents in such vehicles—normally having access to public utility poles—like Verizon or Asplundh tree trimming, etc., could facilitate wire-taps on unsuspecting citizens reporting in alternative media. Verizon employees told us the government did not authorize nor require them to divulge whether there was a wiretap placed on a customer’s phone lines. Moreover, Verizon personnel blamed our four separate phone service disconnection incidences during clear summer weather, approximately once a week each time, as “squirrels chewing on wires,”—within hours after placing a story online which shed light on varying aspects of White House crime family activities via intelligence agents and sources. Within five minutes after a phone conversation with Stew Webb and placing “Who killed John-John?” online at the website, this writer’s computer was attacked, resulting in damage costing $300 to reformat the hard-drive and nearly a week without a computer. Several witnesses can attest to the phone service failures when attempting to call each time about the new stories, and there are two witnesses to our hard drive attack with whom we were discussing the JFK Jr. assassination story who would also be willing to testify before a grand jury or congressional hearing about these issues. The strong echoes, hums and clicks could constantly be heard during conversations with key sources, including some connected to U.S. intelligence—and in one particular case, one of the agents who participated in the actual writing of the classified report on the JFK Jr. murder just prior to the 2000 election season. The coincidence on several occasions in losing telephone service, then a destroyed hard drive immediately after releasing controversial stories and DOD high-rated government attacks showing up on firewall logs, would seem highly suspect—especially while receiving millions of hits from some 100+ countries. Consequences of microwaves during phone surveillance Federal whistleblower Stewart Webb—whose infant daughter was taken from him by Bush family associates 21 years ago—told TomFlocco.com that his computer was also taken down seven days prior to the release of our JFK Jr. assassination story, at a cost of $300 to repair a locked up hard drive. It was Webb’s online copy of the leaked preliminary report on the murder of John Jr. at StewWebb.com that led to our series of three interviews with a U.S. intelligence agent named “Delbert,” who was one of six participants in writing the JFK Jr. assassination report implicating three Presidents, an FBI Director, an Attorney General and a current U.S. senator—classified by the Clinton administration until the year 2025. The report is online at both TomFlocco.com and StewWebb.com. So nuclear are Webb’s documents and store of knowledge regarding government corruption that just yesterday the administration sent an unmarked black helicopter to circle his house during daylight hours while on the phone with a New York reporter who simultaneously confirmed his server company’s call that his website was taken down. The company told Webb that the $15,000 server hosting his website was destroyed on Monday by a strong electronic current. On another occasion Webb was talking to a contributor to his website when both heard a loud pop over the telephone, wherein the contributor complained, “oh my ear—my ear hurts,” after which massive pain and a doctor visit proved the pop caused a perforated ear drum—a broken drum which had also destroyed the phone handset in front of another witness. Webb told us that federal whistleblower Tom Heneghan’s telephone/fax machine was destroyed by electronic interference while also having his hard drive locked up—during this same recent time period. Webb told us that his hard drive was destroyed last winter and he had received electronic microwaves through the telephone, destroying both handsets—while also revealing the microwaves caused him to have chest pains and he could see the electric current coming out of the phone. Grand jury secrets of White House spying Webb also revealed that secret White House wiretaps have continued going back before Bush 41 was president and when he was CIA Director, and then the Clinton and current Bush 43 administration: “House and Senate members, judges and police chiefs across the nation…local ‘red-squad’ hit teams via the ‘True Colors’ transcripts…have all been subjected to secret wiretaps for the purpose of political and criminal blackmail.” Webb said his revelations about surveillance of United States congressmen, senators and other Americans can be confirmed in the explosive “Colonel Cutolla affidavit.” Much of the secret surveillance Webb described emanated “from the West-Star satellite systems appropriations—also known as KH-11 audio communications satellites—covertly transferred from the congressional budget by the Bush-Clinton secret shadow government within the government into the control of E-Systems Dallas, a subsidiary of the Raytheon Corporation.” Fox News / Iran contra figure Colonel Oliver North called the operation “the company,” what Webb described as “a system involving government-organized narcotics, weapons and child-sex trafficking, and there are scores of witnesses willing to testify before the Fitzgerald grand jury about how this is continuing up to the present time.” “The satellites have almost instant voice recognition ability to monitor any telephone in the world within one minute, and the White House can abuse this ability to spy on Americans even when their computer is turned off…a phone can act as a speaker unless it’s unplugged from the wall,” he said, adding, “they can hear everything you say.” “But it gets worse,” said Webb. “High-frequency transponder devices can listen to and see Americans through their own television screens via cable transmissions.” Operation Orpheus Besides asking congressmen and Bush-Clinton officials about the explosive True Colors transcripts detailing Bush-Clinton finance linked to Oklahoma City and 9-11, White House hit-teams and 150 witnesses interviewed in the JFK JR. probe, the Fitzgerald grand jury may have interest in the current status of “Operation Orpheus” and its implications for Mr. Bush’s secret domestic spying on American citizens—particularly the subpoenaed testimony of a certain U.S. Naval Intelligence officer. Retired U.S. Navy Lt. Commander and former officer in the Office of Naval Intelligence Alexander Martin described a Miami meeting in late 1984: “It was one of the regular bi-weekly meetings which Jeb Bush chaired. But in this meeting Oliver North was present. This was one of the few meetings that Donald Gregg himself was present, and Frederick Ikley and his sidekick, Nestor Sanchez.” Martin’s list of meeting attendees represents what Fitzgerald grand jury deputy prosecutors would call a mother-lode of White House crime family witnesses still living: “These were all the top people. [Donald] Gregg was the National Security Adviser to Vice President Bush, His aide, Lt. Colonel Samuel C. Watson, Frederick C. Ikley, then Deputy Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency for Caribbean and Central American Theater Operations, etc.” “In this meeting, North gave an extensive speech about the Orpheus Operation and how monies were being diverted from narcotics operations to rebuild, reinvigorate, and to refurbish these various Civilian Inmate Labor Facilities (CILFs), most of which had been built early in the 1970s under the guise of housing Iranian Americans should there be a problem down the line.” [The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran contra insider, Al Martin, 2001, pp 337-340] In describing the meeting, Lt. Commander Martin said “Orpheus actually went to the point where if the liability could not be controlled, it would be necessary for [CIA Director William] Casey, North and George Bush Sr. to secretly formulate and potentially launch an outright coup d’ etat against the Government of the United States…the pretext was going to be a limited nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union.” “CILFs were also built for those American civilians who would be incarcerated. These were a combination of citizens who knew too much and citizens, whom they felt would be difficult to control under a provisional military government,” wrote Martin. “This is the only meeting I actually attended, where I was actually searched to see if I had a tape recording device on me. We were not allowed to make any notes at this meeting. But fortunately I did make extensive notes about it directly afterwards, and I hid those notes over the years,” said Martin, adding, “I know where certain individuals were on a certain day, where they were, and what was said. They would have to prove that they were somewhere else on those days. Oliver North has tried to prove that before—and unsuccessfully—thanks to me in some cases.” “On the morning he was scheduled to testify before Congress and expose the shadow government and national programs office,” said Webb, “CIA Director William Casey was rushed from his Langley, Virginia office to the Bethesda Naval Hospital with needle marks in his temple which caused a cerebral hemorrhage, according to agents I talked to.” “The hospital floors above and below Casey were closed off according to my intelligence sources, and Casey told all the nurses and doctors to call people and have congressional investigators and members of congress come to see him right away, but he died—and all the doctors and nurses attending to him have died mysteriously—all the shifts…suicides, car crashes, accidental deaths,” said Webb. “There are scores of intelligence agents who would testify to this information if Patrick Fitzgerald subpoenaed them to appear before the grand jury,” said Webb. Shredding documents It remains to be seen whether Congress or a grand jury will protect the privacy of all Americans by subpoenaing Mr. Bush for a complete and un-redacted list of all Americans spied upon from within the U.S. and from foreign countries since entering office—while certifying via witnesses that no lists were shredded to obstruct justice. We have already reported that intelligence sources implicated senior presidential advisor Karl Rove and former vice-presidential advisor Mary Matalin as having knowledge of a paper shredding operation in the White House—a matter reportedly before a grand jury. This, as legal authorities and reports said Mr. Bush may have also obstructed justice to affect news reports and polling, and violated his oath of office to defend and uphold the Constitution as to 4th Amendment privacy rights regarding search and seizure. MSNBC Hardball reported Monday that Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) sent a sealed letter for the record last July to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee complaining about Mr. Bush’s domestic spying; and other committee members were reportedly not informed that Bush would spy on American citizens, which may also have obstructed justice if Congress and the courts decide to find Bush in criminal violation of U.S. law. Jonathan Turley, George Washington University law professor and specialist in surveillance law, said “The President’s dead wrong. It’s not a close question. Federal law is clear.” Turley’s analysis referred to the 1978 Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and court oversight as to warrants for electronic intercepts targeting terrorists. Congressman Curt Weldon (R-7-PA) said, “It certainly wasn’t my intent to give the administration the right to tap the phone conversations of Americans,” when he voted for the Patriot Act. During this writer’s private meeting in the Capitol Hill office of a U.S. congressman last spring regarding issues of government involvement in the September 11 attacks, the House member went over to the sound system and turned it up louder before we began to converse, indicating the member’s suspicions that House offices are bugged too. “If this [united States] were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier…just so long as I’m the dictator.” George W. Bush, president-elect, December 18, 2000 http://tomflocco.com/fs/SpiesLikeUs.htm
  14. This article comes from Tom Flocco.com http://tomflocco.com/ Secret Service, U.S. intel say Bush uses cocaine, prozac, alcohol Date: Thursday, November 17 Topic: -- “It is not for kings, O Lemuel—not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what the law decrees, and deprive all the oppressed of their rights.†Proverbs 31: 4-5 Secret Service, U.S. intel say Bush uses cocaine, Prozac, alcohol Federal agents question out-of-control White House operating “under the influence†while continuing historical pattern of untested drug usage at highest levels places presidents above the law, jeopardizing the safety of all Americans by Tom Flocco Washington—November 17, 2005—TomFlocco.com—Secret Service members attached to White House domestic security, FBI and CIA agents, and written national security field reports all confirm that President Bush has been using drugs which could be affecting his performance as the nation’s war-time commander-in-chief. Multiple federal agents having direct knowledge and access to Bush’s medical records say the President has switched from using Ritalin to taking Prozac while also succumbing to periodic alcoholic binges which have led to tirades and explosive personal conduct among White House aides, absent required random drug testing of all public employees and elected officials. Federal law enforcement agents have at different times witnessed President Bush doing lines of cocaine in the early morning hours at the White House and drinking straight shots of whiskey in the evening hours on other occasions, according to U.S. intelligence sources who confirm multiple stories appearing in the tabloid press which say the First Lady is assigned to “keep an eye on him.†Bush’s alleged conduct raises serious questions as to what effect the chemicals are having on his oval office decision-making, and why Democrats and Republicans facing coming voter backlash—while undoubtedly having heard the whispers—are failing to call for the release of Bush’s medical records for bipartisan congressional scrutiny. Legislators have also failed to ask Bush to submit to drug-testing when they required President Clinton to submit to similar tests to confirm a match of his DNA with spots found on Monica Lewinsky’s blue dress—a matter of far less consequence to U.S. national security than the effects of Mr. Bush’s alleged ongoing chemical dependency. Having observed the President smirk and laugh when discussing the war or other serious matters of state at press conferences, the White House press corps has thus far refused to muster the courage to ask whether Bush will have himself tested for drugs or whether he considers himself above the law compared to all other federal employees. U.S. intelligence sources having direct contact with White House domestic security told TomFlocco.com that multiple federal agents would be willing to testify before a grand jury if subpoenaed regarding what they have seen and heard pertaining to Mr. Bush’s drug and alcohol usage. Secret Service and intelligence officials are reportedly concerned about public safety while Mr. Bush has access to nuclear weapons without being subject to random drug testing to determine how the addictions are affecting his ability to govern. Bush’s doses of Ritalin and Prozac are reportedly administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician; and medical journals say they can impair the President’s mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis. Medical reports also say that mixing cocaine with alcohol produces a substance in the blood called “cocaethylene†which can be more toxic to the body than the cocaine itself. Dr. Justin Frank, a Washington D.C. psychiatrist and author of Bush On The Couch—Inside The Mind Of The President, told The National Enquirer: "I do think that Bush is drinking again. Alcoholics who are not in any program, like the President, have a hard time when stress gets to be great.†“Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh, Christmas Tree†In the past few years federal officials have indicated the Bush 43 administration is not the first to feature blatant but clandestine drug use inside the White House. After FBI agent Gary Aldrich retired from his position in charge of background checks on all Clinton White House appointees, he wrote Unlimited Access—an FBI agent inside the Clinton White House, revealing on page 205 that a government investigation of President and Mrs. Clinton recommended denying them both a security clearance, permanent White House passes and access to the White House—such was their perceived threat to U.S. national security right after they were elected to office. Aldrich was close enough to the Clintons that he witnessed “deliberate attempts to block standard FBI background checks on staffers, obvious drug use by staffers and a deliberate policy of allowing those without high security clearances to read Top Secret material.†President Clinton’s brother, Roger who was jailed for his alleged Iran contra drug activity, has stated publicly, “my brother’s nose was like a vacuum cleaner when it came to the use of cocaine.†Unlimited Access also revealed potential for blackmail on pages 102-106, when Aldrich reported that in1993 and 1994 First Lady Hillary Clinton twice decorated the White House Blue Room Christmas tree with “twelve lords a leaping ornaments—all naked with large erections, sex toys known as ‘cock rings’ or phallic objects using stylistic representations of the male penis, other condom ornaments, some still in the wrapper, some not…Two condoms 'blown' into balloons and tied to small trees...and [cocaine] crack pipes hung on a string.†When Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper entered the Blue Room for the annual White House Christmas party and saw the condoms, dildo vibrators, and crack pipes hanging from the First Lady’s Christmas tree, Mrs. Gore said, “You will not desecrate Christmas and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ;†and with one punch, Tipper Gore knocked Hillary Clinton between the eyes, flat on her back to the floor, and immediately left the Christmas party with the Vice President,†according to federal whistleblower Stewart Webb who confirmed FBI agent Aldrich’s pornographic tree assertions. While Aldrich waited before telling America about rampant Clinton White House drug use, agents working the Bush Secret Service detail have reportedly decided to bypass the congressional cover-up because Mr. Bush’s ongoing chemical abuse is affecting U.S. national security, the conduct of the Iraq War and national policy decision-making. “Poppy†Bush Stew Webb, a long-time federal whistleblower www.stewwebb.com who told us his infant daughter Amanda was taken from him by Bush crime family associates—a daughter he has not seen for over 21 years—said “Federal agents told me George Herbert Walker Bush has been taking about 150 mg of prozac per day since the early 1980’s and is known among the intelligence community as ‘Poppy’ Bush due to his past heroin ‘poppy-seed’ addiction and serious dependency on alcohol,†while his family uses “Poppy†as a moniker to refer to their grandfather. This week’s November 21, 2005 issue of the National Enquirer quotes the elder Bush’s personal chef Ariel De Guzman as saying Bush 43 “never leaves home without his own hefty supply of spirits,†and is protected “from poisoning by secret enemies,†since we take “cases of vodka around the world with us,†according to his new Bush Family Cookbook (Scribner). So worried about being poisoned by his enemies, George Bush Sr. reportedly has a personal poison patrol, according to De Guzman’s Enquirer story: “our guys watch the food preparation, pick up his plate and serve it to the President without anyone else touching it,†reminiscent of Greek and Roman emperors who had personal “tasters.†Webb told us that one of his friends, FBI operative Darlene Novinger, personally witnessed the elder Bush receiving delivery of an ounce of cocaine at the Vice President’s residence from a member of the Smatt Brothers Jamaican drug cartel. Unfortunately, Novinger died a few years ago, having been murdered by anthrax poisoning after seeing her father, mother and husband murdered before her own death as a result of explosive reports she filed regarding Bush 41 ties to narcotics trafficking. Government retaliation against Novinger was so intense, that her home in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania had to be torn down by the State Environmental Protection Agency, caused by massive contamination with deadly micro plasma agents strong enough to kill others in her community—and one neighbor did die mysteriously without the victim family knowing it could have brought a criminal or civil suit against the government for damages directly linked to Novinger’s death. During Webb’s 1991 probe of the Bushes and his former father-in-law Leonard Millman who he refers to as a “thief and narcotics money launderer,†Novinger and Webb crossed paths regarding their separate investigations of 2,000 pounds of missing weapons-grade uranium from the Rocky Flats, Colorado nuclear arsenal. The two discovered St. Louis and Philadelphia links to the missing uranium since it was reportedly transferred to the Bush network’s Apex Aviation in Missouri and to Hahnemann Hospital in Pennsylvania using Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice trucks to transport the stolen nuclear material for illegal sale to terrorist nations throughout the world, according to Webb’s lifetime coterie of intelligence sources. The grand jury foreman from the Rocky Flats investigation went public regarding the 2,000 pounds of missing uranium involving Rockwell International, alleging a criminal cover-up by Colorado U.S. Attorney Michael Norton, who Webb said received a $1.5 million dollar bribe from Leonard Millman which was laundered through Millman’s M&L Business Machines Company in Denver. Mainstream press reports surfaced in the early 1990’s that during the previous decade less than a dozen countries had weapons-grade nuclear components; but by the end of George H. W. Bush’s presidency, over 38 countries were reported to possess nuclear materials such as uranium. Leonard Millman’s Citicorp Bank subsidiary was given a $2.5 billion dollar EPA cleanup contract to move uncontaminated dirt—the so-called missing uranium scattered over the Colorado countryside, reminiscent of Bush crime family profiteering on the front end and back end of wars. Darlene Novinger’s report and investigation was dubbed by the FBI as “Operation Nimbus;†but the entire operation and her reports dealing with Jamaican drug operations linked to current Florida Governor Jeb Bush, the Dallas, Texas E-Systems Corporation, shadow government operations at Homestead Air Force Base and Colonel Oliver North’s Pier 66 drug cartel imports into Miami never saw the light of day. The entire evidence was covered up by Novinger’s FBI superiors and delivered to the Redwood City, California government archives facility, which U.S. intelligence agents affectionately call “the government paper-shredder.†Get your kicks on Pier 66 Stew Webb’s intelligence sources—acquired from nearly a lifetime seeking information regarding his daughter’s whereabouts—told him about ongoing narcotics trafficking at Pier 66 in Miami: “According to my sources, the Oceanic Seafood Company is still sending Oliver North’s submarine from Columbia into Miami’s Pier 66 packed with cocaine, covered over with layers of fish, and heavily packed in ice to mask the heat generated by the cocaine which would be detected by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency’s satellite heat-seeking surveillance. Peter Brewton’s awarding winning book to which Webb contributed in an unnamed capacity, The Mafia, the CIA & George Bush confirms Webb’s assertions regarding the activities of “Jack DeVoe, a convicted cocaine trafficker and CIA-connected arms smuggler.†According to Webb’s intelligence sources, Devoe was caught after landing a Cessna plane full of cocaine while heading for the Southern Air Transport hangers at Miami International Airport. DeVoe was arrested and incarcerated for a short time; however, all six of George Bush Sr.’s former CIA attorneys led by Norman Brownstein appeared together in public for the first time to defend DeVoe, and were instrumental in having the CIA drug and weapons smuggler’s case dismissed if he promised to leave the country immediately in exchange for not going to jail for the rest of his life. Interestingly, according to Webb’s intelligence sources, DeVoe allegedly continues his narcotics operations from a Caribbean-based yacht anchored at Pier 66 in Miami, along with two other yachts also operating in the Caribbean. Curiously, Roger Moore, aka CIA contractor Robert Anderson, the famous Oklahoma City gun-shop owner who was reportedly robbed by CIA contractors Terry Lynn Nichols and contract agent Timothy McVeigh to finance their “bombing†of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, also parks his yacht at Pier 66, according to U.S. intelligence agents familiar with the marina. The Pier 66 Miami operation was called “The Enterprise†by Colonel Oliver North and General Richard Secord during the illegal Iran contra drugs-for weapons scandal. Nichols and Moore-Anderson allegedly worked directly for North in what was also referred to as CMAG or Civilian Materials Assistance Group which reportedly stole weapons from National Guard and Reserve Units and other military arsenals, all of which were sold to terrorists, as testified to during congressional Iran contra hearings—some of which were purposely classified by Congress to cover up the illegal Bush crime family operation. Before Iran contra independent prosecutor Lawrence Walsh could indict George Bush Sr., the elder Bush obstructed justice by illegally pardoning his partners in crime—Fox News Channel’s Oliver North, former Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger and others in the Bush network—to effectively kill Walsh’s case. George Bush Sr.’s actions beg the question as to whether Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has enough evidence to indict George Bush Jr. to prevent him from pardoning Scooter Libby in a manner similar to his father in order to kill Fitzgerald’s current CIA leak probe case and cut off further criminal procedure. Killing the evidence Given the enormous body of evidence and witnesses, it is not a stretch to consider the convenience of obtaining that which would facilitate drug induced chemical abuse by a president and members of his White House staff due to the proximity of cocaine to an administration’s “shadow government†operations. CMAG was set up under the super secret National Program Office which itself was developed to ensure the continuity of government during or after an attack; but it also acts as a shadow government operation to hide illegal and covert criminal activities, according to Webb who says the crime continues today according to all his sources. In an update to Clinton administration narcotics ties, Webb said former Arkansas Development Financial Authority (ADFA) Director Larry Nichols has allegedly admitted to laundering Mena, Arkansas drug proceeds and other illegal financial transactions for Bill and Hillary Clinton. According to Webb’s intelligence sources, ADFA’s Larry Nichols was allegedly the paymaster to alleged Oklahoma City bomber Terry Nichols through Trinity Oil Company and Trinity board members Oliver North and Richard Secord. Webb told us there were reports about a year ago that Larry Nichols received an illegal $500,000 bribe to remain silent, after which he purchased a used car dealership in Arkansas. The National Program Office is also reportedly involved in the REX 84 internment camps developed to incarcerate dissident American citizens who become threats to presidential crime families for speaking out—or for “refusing to take vaccinations†or “becoming infected with influenza or other viruses,†raising questions about similar reported CIA prison torture camps throughout the world, said Webb. Much of this activity is referred to in Private Bill Tyree’s ongoing lawsuits against Oliver North, George Bush Sr. and others, even as Tyree has remained in prison for 20 years after reportedly being set up in the murder of his wife. Narcotics distribution was also reportedly linked to the U.S. House of Representatives post office check-kiting scandal at the end of the Bush 41 administration when hundreds of checks were bounced by legislators who post-dated hot checks they could not personally cover. A congressional link to drug distribution lightly reported in the mainstream media was the fact that cocaine was sold over the counter in the House Post Office to congressmen, senators and their aides, according to Webb who received the information from intelligence officials who knew about the cover-up. Webb said one way this could be confirmed was the fact that current New York Senator Charles Schumer’s wife was caught up in the narcotics part of the House check-kiting scandal and spent time at a half-way house for being allegedly linked to the scandal. Webb added that then-Congressman Schumer was blackmailed under the Silverado Savings and Loan-financed Bolder, Colorado properties sting operation after being compromised by Webb’s former father-in-law Leonard Millman, Hillary Clinton, George Bush, Sr. and his son Neil who was on the board of directors at the failed Savings and Loan which cost U.S. taxpayers in the Billions. Questions should be raised by Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald regarding proven historical patterns of presidential drug usage and trafficking since there is no statute of limitations for the criminal prosecution of narcotics importation into the United States and no statute on narcotics money-laundering thereof--or espionage and treason under the Barclay Cole Indenture Act [http://www.stewwebb.com/Grand%20Jury%20Emergency%20Motion%20to%20Appear%20Treason.htm] --not to mention obstruction of justice and murder linked to all of the above criminal activities. http://www.tomflocco.com/fs/SecretServIntelSay.htm
  15. Merry Christmas to you too Igloo coming from one of the "social misfits" you brawl with. Happy the Yanks have Johnny Damon???
  16. December 21st, 2005 1:53 am Spying Program Snared U.S. Calls By James Risen and Eric Lichtblau / New York Times WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 - A surveillance program approved by President Bush to conduct eavesdropping without warrants has captured what are purely domestic communications in some cases, despite a requirement by the White House that one end of the intercepted conversations take place on foreign soil, officials say. The officials say the National Security Agency's interception of a small number of communications between people within the United States was apparently accidental, and was caused by technical glitches at the National Security Agency in determining whether a communication was in fact "international." Telecommunications experts say the issue points up troubling logistical questions about the program. At a time when communications networks are increasingly globalized, it is sometimes difficult even for the N.S.A. to determine whether someone is inside or outside the United States when making a cellphone call or sending an e-mail message. As a result, people that the security agency may think are outside the United States are actually on American soil. Vice President Dick Cheney entered the debate over the legality of the program on Tuesday, casting the program as part of the administration's efforts to assert broader presidential powers. Eavesdropping on communications between two people who are both inside the United States is prohibited under Mr. Bush's order allowing some domestic surveillance. But in at least one instance, someone using an international cellphone was thought to be outside the United States when in fact both people in the conversation were in the country. Officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the program remains classified, would not discuss the number of accidental intercepts, but the total is thought to represent a very small fraction of the total number of wiretaps that Mr. Bush has authorized without getting warrants. In all, officials say the program has been used to eavesdrop on as many as 500 people at any one time, with the total number of people reaching perhaps into the thousands in the last three years. Mr. Bush and his senior aides have emphasized since the disclosure of the program's existence last week that the president's executive order applied only to cases where one party on a call or e-mail message was outside the United States. Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the former N.S.A. director who is now the second-ranking intelligence official in the country, was asked at a White House briefing this week whether there had been any "purely domestic" intercepts under the program. "The authorization given to N.S.A. by the president requires that one end of these communications has to be outside the United States," General Hayden answered. "I can assure you, by the physics of the intercept, by how we actually conduct our activities, that one end of these communications are always outside the United States." Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales also emphasized that the order only applied to international communications. "People are running around saying that the United States is somehow spying on American citizens calling their neighbors," he said. "Very, very important to understand that one party to the communication has to be outside the United States." A spokeswoman for the office of national intelligence declined comment on whether the N.S.A. had intercepted any purely domestic communications. "We'll stand by what General Hayden said in his statement," said the spokeswoman, Judy Emmel. The Bush administration has not released the guidelines that the N.S.A. uses in determining who is suspected of having links to Al Qaeda and may be a target under the program. General Hayden said the determination was made by operational people at the agency and "must be signed off by a shift supervisor," with the process closely scrutinized by officials at the agency, the Justice Department and elsewhere. But questions about the legal and operational oversight of the program last year prompted the administration to suspend aspects of it temporarily and put in place tighter restrictions on the procedures used to focus on suspects, said people with knowledge of the program. The judge who oversees the secret court that authorizes intelligence warrants - and which has been largely bypassed by the program - also raised concerns about aspects of the program. The concerns led to a secret audit, which did not reveal any abuses in focusing on suspects or instances in which purely domestic communications were monitored, said officials familiar with the classified findings. General Hayden, at this week's briefing, would not discuss many technical aspects of the program and did not answer directly when asked whether the program was used to eavesdrop on people who should not have been. But he indicated that N.S.A. operational personnel sometimes decide to stop surveillance of a suspect when the eavesdropping has not produced relevant leads on terror cases. "We can't waste resources on targets that simply don't provide valuable information, and when we decide that is the case," the decision on whether a target is "worthwhile" is usually made in days or weeks, he said. National security and telecommunications experts said that even if the N.S.A. seeks to adhere closely to the rules that Mr. Bush has set, the logistics of the program may make it difficult to ensure that the rules are being followed. With roaming cellphones, internationally routed e-mail, and voice-over Internet technology, "it's often tough to find out where a call started and ended," said Robert Morris, a former senior scientist at the N.S.A. who is retired. "The N.S.A. is good at it, but it's difficult even for them. Where a call actually came from is often a mystery." http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/21/politics/21nsa.html
  17. Paid to lie. Government actor posing as someone who was Clinton's attorney general, spoonfed to anti american right wing media hack sources. Nice job fool. Look below, dickwad....
  18. Bush: making political satirists obsolete since 2000 Until recently, I didn't think anyone liked Bush. All of this changed a few months ago when I spoke to someone who not only didn't think Bush was a moron, but that he was doing a good job. I did the usual probes for sarcasm and eventually came away empty-handed. It looked like this was the genuine article: I was talking to an authentic Bush-lover. For the first time in the 2+ years he was appointed to office, I finally found one of these elusive, almost mythic people. I was excited, so naturally I had to ask the obvious question: "why did you vote for Bush?" The response: "because I'm a republican." I suddenly felt a sharp stabbing pain in my frontal lobe; it was the unmistakable feeling you get when you walk away from a 30 minute conversation with a yammering co-worker--the feeling you get when you know that you just got dumber. Because "I'm a republican." What the hell does that mean? So just because you're a republican you're supposed to vote for whichever asshole your party selects as your candidate? Why can't people disassociate themselves from their party? There was a unanimous outcry from everyone when dumb shit Trent Lott gave the thumbs up to Thurmond, why weren't republicans supporting him? If you're going to justify your voting of a moron into office with a blanket statement like "I'm a republican," why not be consistent and stand behind your party all the time? I'm tired of people defending Bush. He's a moron. Period. What difference does it make if he graduated from Harvard, Yale or MIT for that matter? Just because you graduate from an accredited university doesn't mean that you're suddenly void of giving a bad speech. It doesn't make you impervious to mistakes. I'm tired of people saying "just because he talks slow doesn't mean he's stupid." Bullshit. There's talking slow, then there's just plain ineptitude. It's almost impossible to do a critical analysis of his speech because the man practically satirizes himself. Bush proponents have adopted a kinder word for inept: "Bushism." That's stupid. Why is it a screw up if anyone other than Bush makes a mistake, but a "Bushism" if he does it? When Clinton screwed up, nobody called it a "Clintonism." They called him a dumbass (and if they weren't, I sure as hell was). I mean, talking slow is one thing but to not know the difference between "hostile" and "hostage," or "prosecute" and "persecute" is not a "Bushism," it's extra-strength dumb. Before you email me "BUT MADOX HE DOESN'T WRITE HIS OWN SPEECHES LOL," consider the following quote: "People make suggestions on what to say all the time. I'll give you an example; I don't read what's handed to me. People say, 'Here, here's your speech, or here's an idea for a speech.' They're changed. Trust me." -George W. Bush in an interview with the New York Times, March 15, 2000. For some reason I trust him. Okay, so maybe I'm being too hard on the guy. After all, he was appointed as the leader of this country. So here are all the things that Bush has done to impress the hell out of me: He hasn't started World War III yet. He manages to mutilate the English language only every other speech. He cut taxes on dividends, because I'll be damned if those weren't putting me in the poor house. He made our civil liberties less cumbersome by taking away all that long-winded drivel about having the right to report on immigration hearings conducted by the Justice Department, the right to protection against unreasonable search and seizure with McCarthy's, er, Ashcroft's PATRIOT act, and the right to due process for US citizens suspected of being terrorists. He withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. Good I say, global stability was getting to be a pain in the ass. All sarcasm aside, you could probably infer that I'm not a republican by reading this article. I'm not a democrat either. Don't email me your stupid republican/democrat jokes, I don't care. The next person who says "HEY MADDOX YOU KNOW WHAT GOP STANDS FOR? GRINCHES ON PARADE LOL" gets punched in the face. No, I'm not a democrat or a republican. I'm just a guy who's tired of the bullshit. Am I the only one who has a problem with the fact that Bush has gone on record saying: "There ought to be limits to freedom"? He publicly said that in reference to a website that criticized him (listen to the clip yourself). What business does this man have serving as president of the United States? I know that there should be limits to freedom like when someone yells "fire" in a crowded theater, but never against political criticism--quit emailing me. Bush is by far the worst president ever appointed by the Supreme Court. It's almost as if the presidents try to outdo each other by being shittier every year. You're being duped. Note: before you send me hate mail, let me know if you're a monster truck rally fan in the subject line so I can ignore your opinions more conveniently. Thanks. 168,172 Bush advocates agree: there ought to be limits to freedom. maddox@xmission.com Back to how much I rule... © 2003 by Maddox http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=limits_to_freedom
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