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Everything posted by destruction

  1. Canada's got the beer. Americans fuck steer. Your daughter has sex with her mom because her papi is queer. EH!!
  2. Bush Admits Mistakes but Defends War He accepts responsibility for acting on flawed intelligence but says the invasion was justified. Aides hope his candor will boost his ratings. By Warren Vieth, Times Staff Writer WASHINGTON — President Bush said Wednesday that he accepted responsibility for deciding to wage war in Iraq in part on the basis of faulty intelligence, but that he remained convinced history would conclude he had done the right thing. Speaking hours before Iraqis began arriving at the polls to elect a new government, Bush acknowledged miscalculations and mistakes before and after the U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003. ADVERTISEMENT "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Bush told a group of political leaders and scholars at the nonpartisan Woodrow Wilson Center. "As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq, and I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities." After the invasion, U.S. forces never found the weapons of mass destruction that the Bush administration had cited as a primary justification for removing Saddam Hussein from power. Even so, Bush said, "given Saddam's history and the lessons of Sept. 11, my decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision. Saddam was a threat, and the American people and the world is better off because he is no longer in power." Although Bush has previously cited flaws in prewar intelligence and defended his decision to enter Iraq, Wednesday's remarks were his most explicit statement that he bore responsibility for launching a war based in part on what turned out to be false claims. Bush's critics said they were not convinced that the president's original decision was justified, or that today's election would lead to changes that would make America or the Middle East safer. "The election could lead to a change for the better, which is everybody's hope, but it might be a step toward crisis and toward all-out civil war," Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a news conference before the president's speech. Levin and other Democrats said the outcome would depend in part on the administration's willingness to pressure Iraq's new government to revise its constitution so that minority Sunnis would feel less excluded from the political process. Bush's speech was the last of four major policy addresses on Iraq, in which he has adopted a strategy of offering a more forthright discussion of some of the flawed assumptions and unexpected setbacks accompanying the war. In three previous speeches in recent weeks, Bush admitted that the training of Iraqi security forces had proved to be more difficult than anticipated, that postwar reconstruction had proceeded in "fits and starts," and that the initial U.S. plan for establishing a new government was not acceptable to Iraqis. In each case, he said, the United States had learned from its mistakes and had adapted to changing circumstances on the ground. This week, Bush also acknowledged for the first time that an estimated 30,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed as a result of the war, in addition to 2,140 U.S. military casualties. White House officials hope the president's candor will help counteract a steep slide in his approval ratings, which have bounced about the 40% level for several weeks, as well as turn around declining public support for the war. A majority of Americans said in recent surveys that they considered the war a mistake. A poll released Wednesday by the Pew Research Center suggested that the president's bully pulpit campaign was producing mixed results. Although 61% of participants said Iraqi security forces were becoming more capable and 58% saw signs of progress in establishing a democracy, 53% thought the United States was losing ground in reducing civilian casualties. In his speech Wednesday, Bush characterized today's parliamentary elections as part of a "watershed moment in the story of freedom," as Iraqis choose 275 members from a field of 7,000 candidates to serve four-year terms in a national assembly. It will be the first permanent government since the U.S.-led invasion. But he cautioned that it might be weeks before the election winners were known, and that it would take more time to form a government. Meanwhile, he said, the insurgents were not likely to lay down their arms. "These enemies are not going to give up because of a successful election," Bush said. "They know that as democracy takes root in Iraq, their hateful ideology will suffer a devastating blow. So we can expect violence to continue." Bush expressed confidence that Iraq's Sunni Muslim population would become increasingly involved in the political process and less inclined to support insurgents' efforts. Many Sunnis initially declined to participate in the formation of an interim assembly and in the drafting of a constitution this year, fearing that the new government would be dominated by Iraq's two other major groups, the Shiites and the Kurds. Bush cited signs that Sunnis were more engaged in today's elections. "As Sunnis join the political process, Iraqi democracy becomes more inclusive, and the terrorists and Saddamists are becoming marginalized," Bush said. The president rejected demands by some congressional Democrats and other critics to set a firm timetable for withdrawing U.S. troops. Doing so, he said, would be a "recipe for disaster" that would lead the Iraqi people to believe the United States no longer supported them, and it would convince the insurgents that they needed only to wait a little longer. He said such a move also would signal to other governments that America was an unreliable ally. In addition, he said, it would demoralize U.S. troops. Bush said he would consider America's mission to be complete when insurgents could no longer threaten Iraq's democracy, when Iraqi security forces could protect the country, and when Iraq was no longer a haven for terrorists. Before Bush delivered his remarks, 40 Senate Democrats and one independent signed a letter asking the president to present a plan identifying the remaining political, economic and military benchmarks for achieving victory in Iraq, and to set forth a "reasonable schedule" for achieving them. "He hasn't leveled with the American people or laid out a strategy for success," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told reporters. One of the lawmakers who signed the letter, Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.), predicted that unless changes were made to the constitution to address the concerns of Sunnis, "there is still a great danger that there will be continued violence and even the possibility of a civil war and a fragmentation of the country." http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-bush15dec15,0,7794488.story?coll=la-home-headlines
  3. O Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux. Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix. Ton histoire est une épopée, Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
  4. Better hide. We're coming to terrorize you with swinging hockey sticks and flying pucks. Fucking nazi loving bootlicker.
  5. I bet she's an actor protraying an Iraqi, paid to say that. Fox will even pay people to lie as long as it gets viewers.
  6. Disgraceful our country is being run by Nazis. Disgraceful you defend their criminal acts. You don't give a fuck about America. NAZIS!!!
  7. America:The Fourth Reich It should not be denied any longer: America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. To recognize this is the necessary first step in deflecting the juggernaut and creating the possibility of more peaceful tomorrows. It is legitimate and also necessary to correctly employ the power of naming. By Barrie Zwicker, Global Outlook, Issue No. 6, Winter 2004 Fascism according to the Collins English Dictionary is “any (#1) right wing (#2) nationalist ideology or movement with (#3) an authoritarian and (#4) hierarchical structure that is (#5) fundamentally opposed to democracy and (#6) liberalism”. Add (#7) racism and (#8) brutality and you have Hitler’s Third Reich in a nutshell. By any sober analysis America has become extremely right wing and nationalist. At the same time I am soulfully aware of the tremendous numbers of Americans ashamed, appalled, afraid and angry about the direction of their government and that of too many of their fellow citizens. Signs of growing authoritarianism in the US are evident especially to those outside the self-absorbed cocoon of US culture. The signs include the supine attitude toward authority of most of the mainstream media. Contrary to incessant rhetoric about democracy, the US power structure is considerably hierarchical. Money power comprises the main rungs of the hierarchy. According to the New York Times the Republicans were confident of raising at least $170-million for George W. Bush’s 2004 election campaign, redefining what the Times called ‘standards’ for fund-raising. Both the hierarchy of money and the antagonism to democracy are spelled out in Greg Palast’s The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. That the US establishment is opposed to liberalism – no matter how you define liberalism – can hardly be debated. We already have six grounds for applying the term Fourth Reich. But consider another 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany: Concepts like anti-communism, anti-Marxism, anti-socialism stir up visceral reactions. The core opposition to the regime is from the strong conscious left. A fundamentalist faith in capitalism, specifically the systematized form of greed known as monopoly capitalism, is dominant. Corporations are at the centre of the power structure. Corruption at the top is endemic. The number of people consigned to the grave by military and paramilitary actions in both cases is in the millions. Backdate the Fourth Reich to the end of the Second World War and the number murdered by US forces equals or outnumbers the toll in the Holocaust – almost three and a half million people in Vietnam alone. The brutality is a matter of record for those who are willing to look at it. See William Blum’s Killing Hope for one researcher’s record. In both cases the leader was illegally installed into power, Hitler in 1933, George W. Bush in 2000. The ambition of world domination. The Third and Fourth Reich’s invade as many countries as can be gotten away with. A Blitzkrieg approach is favored. For Hitler: Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland. For George W. Bush: Afghanistan, Iraq and who ever’s next – Syria? Iran? Libya? Cuba? Seizure of other countries’ oil. Grabbing Russia’s Baku oil fields was a major objective of Hitler – the Caspian oil fields and those in Iraq are the same for Bush. The ‘pitiful giant’ syndrome is invoked. “Our enemies are powerful,” it goes, so we must arm endlessly in ‘self-defense.’ Often accompanied with this rhetoric is the high-sounding: “Our enemies taunt us, and we are patient, but our patience is not endless.” Pre-emptive or ‘preventive’ war is policy and practice. Highly orchestrated propaganda campaigns are a Reich staple. Hitler’s stylized mass rallies come to mind. The propaganda of the Fourth Reich is suited to the TV age: sophisticated and media-savvy deluxe. Embedded journalists, for instance. An example from the 2003 invasion of Iraq was the much-publicized return of petite blonde soldier Private Jessica Lynch to her family, in full uniform. Props included a hometown band and Blackhawk helicopters. Where the media are not sufficiently pro-regime and self-censoring, censorship and intimidation of the media are commonplace. Brutal intimidation under the second Bush regime includes bombing Al Jazeera television facilities in Afghanistan and Iraq, the latter killing an Al Jazeera journalist, thus constituting censorship by assassination. Use of religion. Invocations of God’s approval for the Reich and its works. William L. Shirer in his classic The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich quotes the Fuhrer’s minister of church affairs as declaring that the Nazi party “stands on the basis of Positive Christianity, and Positive Christianity is National Socialism… National Socialism is doing God’s will…” An ever-encroaching police state is a sure sign you’re living in a Reich. Illegal actions. International and domestic laws are breached, resisted and undermined, along with rejection or subversion of multilateral agreements and organizations. Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations altogether. In America’s case the United Nations is vilified, sidelined or embraced according to the Empire’s needs at any given time. Use of fear is an important tool of a Reich. Inflated or imagined threats of ‘terrorism’ are drummed into the domestic public’s mind. Alarms of ‘terrorism’ by a Reich are hypocritical to the nth degree considering the wholesale terrorism a Reich unleashes on others. Third Reich Stuka dive-bombers over Spain, V-2 rockets into London. Fourth Reich ‘daisy cutters, cluster bombs, ‘bunker busters,’ DU munitions in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Skies full of helicopter gunships in a string of countries going back to Vietnam. Actual retail terrorism: the clandestine formation, training, funding and control of functioning terrorists serving as dark pawns of the Reich. This is one of the lesser-known parallels. William L. Shirer explains once again: “For months prior to July 1934 the Austrian Nazis, with weapons and dynamite furnished by Germany, had instituted a reign of terror, blowing up railways, power stations and government buildings and murdering…” Both Unholy Wars by British investigative journalist John K. Cooley and War and Globalisation, the Truth Behind September 11 by Michel Chossudovsky, document the close links between the CIA, Pakistan’s ISI (virtually an arm of the CIA), Saudi intelligence and the bin Laden family, and that the CIA was deeply involved in the creation and subsequent operations of AL Qaeda. A preoccupation with secrecy. Secrecy is a precondition for deception. And deception, above all, is the key to everything for a Reich. The leaders are marinated in a complete obsession with lying an deceiving at every turn. Deceptions are the regime’s key to mobilizing public opinion. Deception is needed to fool the citizenry into relinquishing their civil rights and thereby closing many avenues of dissent. Deception precedes and leads to the police state. Deception precedes and leads to war. At every step deception is required for a Reich’s gaining and maintaining power, and carrying out all its other nefarious actions. Without successful deceptions the Reich agenda simply cannot proceed. If the deceptions can be unmasked early enough and sufficiently the Reich collapses. No Reich so far has collapsed this way. In an information age it might be possible. The masterpiece deceptions are those so big that ordinary decent honest people cannot or will not comprehend or face that they exist. The fact is they are a species of what the anarchist Bakunin described as “the propaganda of the act.” An act such as a bombing or assassination is also a message or propaganda. A potent version is the fake act, for instance a bombing which the perpetrators make appear to be carried out by others. The gold standard of these is the election-stealing or war-triggering fake event, especially one involving ‘foreign terrorists.’ This makes pivotal the parallel between the Reichstag fire of 1933, on the one hand, and the events of 9/11, on the other. The Reichstag fire of February 27, 1933 was in its day as iconic as were the events of September 11, 2001 in ours. The Reichstag fire was blamed on a Dutch communist, who was subsequently decapitated. And by extension, the fire was blamed on all Communists. The historical evidence is that the Nazis arranged the conflagration. In the Rise and Fall, Shirer writes: “… beyond reasonable doubt it was the Nazis who planned the arson an carried it out for their own political ends.” The idea for the fire writes Shirer, almost certainly originated at the top, with Goebbels and Goring. Vice-Chandellor von Papen recalled that when he arrived at the blazing parliament buildings Goering was already on the scene shouting, “This is a communist cirme…” “Hitler lost no time,” Shirer writes, “in exploiting the Reichstag fire to the limit.” The very next day he prevailed on the President to sign a decree “for the Protection of the People and the State,” suspending the seven sections of the constitution, which had guaranteed individual and civil liberties. It was described as a “defensive measure against Communist acts of violence against the state.” The parallel with the events of 9/11 is stunning. The official narrative, introduced with Goring-like speed, emerged within two hours: the “attack on America” was portrayed as the work of ‘terrorists,’ namely one evil man, Osama bin Laden, and a small group of co-conspirators – the 2001 equivalents of the 1933 Communists. The number and magnitude of anomalies surrounding 9/11 can point to only one conclusion: 9/11 was a completely made-in-the-USA inside job, a manufactured incident planned and run by some among the top leadership. To term 9/11 ‘Reichstag 2001,’ then, seems to me highly legitimate. Besides the parallels past, present and nascent, are the direct links between powerful interests and families in America with actual Nazis. The bankrolling of Hitler by US corporations is one. In Trading With the Enemy, Charles Highman’s fulsomely-documented book (the sub-title is “An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot (1933-1949)” points to the collaborations with the Nazi regime, throughout the Second World War, by: ford, GM, Sterling Drugs, Standard Oil of New Jersey, ITT and other pillars of US capitalism. To take just one example, Standard Oil provided fuel for German U-boats until 1944. The sordid tale includes how Prescott Bush, grandfather of the current occupant of the White House, served as the US Banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942: (For further details See Wesley C. Tarpley, Bush Family Ties to Nazi Germany, the Legacy of Prescott Herbert Bush, Global Outlook, No. 5, Summer/Fall 2003, p. 54). Numerous subsequent actions and hints of Hitlerism in the White House are documented. When George Bush Sr. Was vice-president to Ronald Reagan. Reagan paid a visit to the Bitburg Cemetery in Germany wearing (the imagery would not be lost on millions) a long black leather coat of the type favoured by the Nazis. At the cemetery he placed a wreath on the grave of an SS officer, commenting that “the other side” suffered losses too. It was one of the most bogus and distasteful cases of ‘moral equivalency’ imaginable. The Bush dynasty is Nazi-oriented. ‘War,’ wrote Randolph Bourne, “is the health of the state.” War also is the health of monopoly capitalism, the dominant institution of our time. That institution now is practically merged with the state again, as it was under Hitler. If anything, the present merger is more complete, closer, more effective. Many Americans have told me they’re aware of the possibility of the suspension of the US Constitution (there would be a startling, deceptive, pretext of course) and other goose steps toward a Fuhrership. Should those steps be taken, it could be too late to prevent an awful an perhaps permanent catastrophe. Transforming the Fourth Reich and its outposts, including the ones within each of us, is perhaps humanity’s last major challenge. Understanding and sufficiently dismantling it would probably lead to a period of chaos. But from that could emerge another world, still imperfect, but one less in imminent danger of Armageddon. In it we might finally face a reasonably sane future. http://www.newsgateway.ca/America_The_Fourth_Reich.htm
  8. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper' By DOUG THOMPSON Dec 9, 2005, 07:53 Email this article Printer friendly page Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act. Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal. GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court. “I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.” “Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.” “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!” I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.” And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.” Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right. Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States." Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.” “"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a 'living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete's sake.” As a judge, Scalia says, “I don't have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it's better than anything else.” President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion. Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights. “We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don't think that it's a one-way street.” And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States. But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.” © Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue Who is this Thompson guy anyway? The Rant Archives Top of Page http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7779.shtml http://www.newsgateway.ca/Bush_propaganda_quote.htm America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany. http://www.newsgateway.ca/America_The_Fourth_Reich.htm
  9. WE'RE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD REFUSENIKS NEW YORK--"Support the Troops, Oppose Their Actions," reads the oxymoronic headline of an April 2005 essay at antiwar.com. In a column titled "Support Our Troops, Not Our President," liberal columnist Richard Reeves worries about Iraq war vets: "They will come home to be called 'torturers,' as Vietnam vets were called 'baby killers.'" To avoid repeating the supposed excesses of the '60s peace movement, today's antiwar groups praise the soldiers fighting the wars they abhor. "What if they gave a war," a poster of the Vietnam era asked, "and nobody came?" If we are, as Jean-Paul Sartre posited, defined by our actions, most of the blame for the murder of more than 100,000 Iraqis belongs to our top government officials. But Bush's armchair warriors couldn't have invaded Iraq without a compliant and complicit United States military--one that, it should be noted, is all volunteer. These individuals, who enjoy free will, fire the guns and drop the bombs. If personal responsibility is to have any meaning, the men and women of our armed forces have to be held individually accountable for the carnage. "Supporting our troops while opposing their actions may seem contradictory," argues Joshua Frank in the antiwar.com article. "The duties of U.S. soldiers in Iraq are wrong and many may be committing horrible crimes against humanity. True. But soldiers are mostly not bad people (though, of course, some are)." How is a person who voluntarily commits "horrible crimes against humanity" not a "bad person"? Even if U.S. forces were not violating the rules of war in Iraq--torturing, maiming and murdering POWs, robbing and subjecting civilians to collective punishment, dropping white phosphorus and depleted uranium bombs on civilian targets--the war itself, based on false pretenses and opposed by the United Nations, would remain a gross violation of American and international law. Soldiers, they say, must obey orders. However, "just following orders" wasn't an acceptable excuse at the Nuremberg trials, where the charges included waging a war of aggression. Do our government's poorly paid contract killers deserve our "support" for blindly following orders? Not according to the military itself. The U.S. Army's "Law of Land Warfare," taught in basic training, says that U.S. troops must always refuse an unlawful order--one that violates the Constitution or other U.S. laws, is not reasonably linked to military necessity or is issued by someone without the proper authority. Even passivity in the face of wrongdoing breaks military law. "If you are responsible for what's going on around you, and it is going unlawfully, and you know that [and] do nothing about it, I'm going to prosecute you," says Bill Eckhardt, a retired army colonel and professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law who prosecuted most of the perpetrators of the My Lai massacre. "So basically, you've gotta be a whistleblower." Congress never declared war against Iraq. As an unelected imposter, George W. Bush did not enjoy authority under the War Powers Act to commit American forces abroad. Concentration camps at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere violate the Geneva Conventions, which as treaty obligations are binding under U.S. law. Iraq did not threaten the United States. Iraq is not the subject of a U.N.-led international police action. Thus, by several measures, the war is illegal. Every order to deploy a soldier, aviator or sailor to fight in Iraq is by definition an unlawful order, one that he or she is legally and morally bound to refuse. What are members of the military to do? They should certainly refuse to applaud when Bush uses them as backdrops to his logo-ridden pro-death pep rallies. Moreover, just as Muslim leaders were pressured to speak out against Islamist extremists after 9/11, soldiers ought to step forward to condemn the atrocities at Bagram, Fallujah and Guantánamo in letters to newspapers and other public venues. The military used to be an honorable calling. Not under Bush. Ethical Americans considering a military career should seek a civilian job until a lawful, elected government has been restored in Washington and we have withdrawn our forces from occupied Afghanistan and Iraq. Those who are already enlisted should refuse to reenlist. Soldiers trapped by "stop loss" orders should apply for conscientious objector status (which is difficult to obtain) or refuse deployment based on the unlawful order principle. And if all else fails, there's always desertion. "They set up a roadblock with a sign in Arabic that says 'Stop or you'll be shot,'" 22-year-old Darrell Anderson told PBS' "NewsHour" about his seven-month tour of duty in Iraq. "This is a third world country. How many people can read? And I was in that situation: The family didn't stop, stopped in front of me. I was ordered to fire. I refused and said, 'The window's rolled down.' And I said, 'Look, there's children in the back.' There's a family. I did the right thing. They said, 'No you didn't. Next time you will open fire or you'll be punished.' Should I go to prison because I can't kill women and children?" Anderson fled to Canada, which is considering extraditing him back to the United States. Even if he ends up in a military prison, Anderson will have made the correct choice. Rather than running around shouting that they "support the troops," opponents of the Iraq war ought to tell soldiers that fighting an illegal war is wrong. Rather than feeding their guilt for the supposed sins of the '60s antiwar movement by wallowing in phony jingoism, they ought to encourage members of the military to make the same difficult decision as the 5500 soldiers who have deserted or gone AWOL under Bush and the more than 250 who have applied for C.O. status. By the way, as Jerry Lembcke found in his book "The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam" (1998), there's no reason for antiwar types to feel guilty over the treatment of Vietnam vets--there's no evidence of any kind that anyone ever spat on a Vietnam veteran or called one a "baby killer." Those stories only began appearing after the 1982 release of "Rambo: First Blood:" "It wasn't my war--you asked me, I didn't ask you...and I did what I had to do to win," says Sylvester Stallone's character. "Then I came back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting on me, calling me a baby-killer." Pure fiction. Chris Clarke (full disclosure: Clarke served as editor for a defunct publication that ran my cartoons) recalls a different reality: "In the 1960s and '70s, antiwar activists opened coffeehouses near military bases to provide soldiers with troubled consciences places to spend a few off-duty hours in like-minded company. We harbored deserters and AWOLs. We wrote letters to GIs, sent them care packages, grieved over them when they joined the damnable body counts announced on the Five O'Clock Follies." OK, lefties? You can drop the "support the troops" shtick now. COPYRIGHT 2005 TED RALL RALL 12/6/05 http://www.uexpress.com/printable/print.html?uc_full_date=20051206&uc_comic=ru
  10. A Dynasty of Mass Murderers: Bush Family Nazis Four generations of the sociopathic predator George W. Bush family have been attacking the human race through stealth practices, and contributing to the mass murder of millions of people. The Bush family has financed, aided and abetted, and collaborated with the most evil dictators and tyrants of the 20th century. The story is too complicated as told by most historians, so this is an attempt to give a concise overview of the key points of this geneology of monsters which can be easily grasped by the general public. Of course this is a simplification and many links are provided to documentation online. More complete history is found in books in libraries which are copyrighted and therefore not on the internet. George Herbert Walker -- a supreme predator, operating with top organized crime lords, devoured companies and people's life works for their private enrichment without honest work of the few cannibals hiding behind facades of feigned decency. [1] His allies, collaborators, and sometimes business partners included John D. Rockefeller (founder of Exxon way back then under the name of Standard Oil of New Jersey), [2] [3] E.H. Harriman (owned railroads) [4] [5] [6] and William Rockefeller (financed Harriman's railroad through Rockefeller's 'Citibank' predecessor). [7] [8] Walker is the architypal Wall Street War Profiteer, with office headquarters address at 1 Wall Street. [9] [10] Samuel Prescott Bush -- He was son of a Episcopalian preacher converted over to the satanic side by George Herbert Walker. Walker and Bush would each contribute one child to the marriage of Prescott Bush and Dorothy Walker to produce grandson George Herbert Walker Bush, and great-grandson George Walker Bush. Sam started out as low-management for railroads, where he made the connections needed to move over to Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Buckeye harbored railroad strike-breaker sentiment from the president on down. It's founder was member of the "Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery",[11] called a military and social organization, set up in 1878, the year after nationwide railroad strikes the year before. This guns and railroad connection returns for World War I, when Buckeye Steel produced gun barrels and shell casings,[12] and Sam Bush was moved by his employer-owners puppet-masters into the position of chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies.[13] Preacher's son Bush looks innocent until you are informed that his patron, Percy Rockefeller [14] took control of Remington Arms in 1914. [15] Frank Rockefeller was president of Buckeye Steel for three years from 1905-1908, followed by Sam Bush from 1908-1937, throughout the WWI years and the gunbarrel sales era of Buckeye.[16] In 1915 a new Remington plant was constructed, operational by 1916 for the first world war, just in time to get a million rifle order from Russia.[17], [18] 67% of all the ammunition used in WWI by the US, Britain and Russia was sold by "Merchants of Death" Remington. [19] [20] [21] Samuel Prescott Bush was an early president of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), which is has always been anti-worker, anti-consumer-rights, and ultra-conservative. Three past presidents of NAM helped Robert Welch form the John Birch Society, to uphold the tradition of Sam Bush -- Bush's Buckeye Steel employees worked seven days per week, 12 hours per day. It's not a far step for son Prescott Bush managing Auschwitz slave labor worked to death. Prescott Sheldon Bush -- Best known for serving in the US armed forces in Arizona during WWI spent defacing Geronimo's grave and grave-robbing the skull for his germanic secret piracy club "Skull and Bones Society" headquartered at Yale, University. [22] [23] [24] What he is not famous for was his financier banker support of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Storm Troopers, Auschwitz and death camps. In his quest to get rich Prescott Bush collaborated with the Nazis before war broke out and through the year after Pearl Harbor. Prescott Bush became Hitler's banker when he became Fritz Thyssen's banker. [25] [26] The incredible loot Fritz's father made in steel, coal, and railroads during WWI was hidden in Holland. Shortly afterwards he was looking to spread some in America and opened a front operation through E.R. Harriman in New York City. [27] [28], [29] In fact, reports indicate that the Bush connections to Nazi money continued through 1951. [30] The reason Auschwitz was located where it was is because that is near where Fritz Thyssen's coal, steel, and railroads were. [31] [32] That made it possible for I.G. Farben to synthesize fuel from coal gasification for the war machine there, which made it also possible to synthesize rubber there. [33] [34] I.G. Farben also made Zyklon B gas, enough to annihilate two million people according to the trial testimony of the Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoess. [35] [36] [37] Fritz Thyssen published a book titled "I Paid Hitler" in 1941. It described how Thyssen sponsored the Storm Troopers of Ernst Roehm as early as 1933, allowing them to build up to 4,500,000 strong to take over Germany. But in 1942, even after Pearl Harbor, Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were administering Thyssen's money until forced by the US government to halt (temporarily). The Bush family got rich stealing everything these people had. It stole their children, stole their homes, stole their belongings, stole their clothes, stole their hair, stole their freedom, stole their government, stole their work, stole their health, stole their lives. The Nazi Bush family got rich stealing the gold filings out of murdered victims teeth. NOTES: (these links were valid February 2005) 1. -- http://www.john-loftus.com/bush_nazi_link.asp 2. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon-Mobil 3. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Oil 4. -- http://www.nubond.net/railroad/rb_chap11.html 5. -- http://www.beardbooks.com/eh_harriman.html 6. -- http://www.forbes.com/2002/09/27/0927richest_15.html 7. -- http://phatnav.com/wiki/index.php?title=William_Rockefeller 8. -- http://articles.roshd.ir/articles_folder/humanscience/social/40%20Richest%20Americans%20of%20All%20Time.htm 9. -- http://hnn.us/comments/15155.html 10. -- http://www.tribalmessenger.org/t-bush/bush-family-history-pt1.htm 11. -- http://www.h-net.org/~business/bhcweb/publications/BEHprint/v008/p0009-p0015.pdf 12. -- http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/12/1448237 13. -- http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_12-13.pdf 14. -- http://phatnav.com/wiki/index.php?title=Percy_Avery_Rockefeller 15. -- http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?_ROCKEFELLER_PERCY_A 16. -- http://www.scripophily.net/bucsteelcasc4.html 17. -- http://www.remingtonsociety.com/gallery/album05 18. -- http://www.remington.com/aboutus/corphistory.htm 19. -- http://www.geocities.com/7897401/merchant/merchant_13.html 20. -- http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/merchants_of_death.htm 21. -- http://www.dldewey.com/columns/jul02f.htm 22. -- http://www.secretsofthetomb.com/excerpt.asp 23. -- http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/02/60minutes/main576332.shtml 24. -- http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=2523 25. -- http://www.john-loftus.com/Thyssen.asp 26. -- http://www.reformation.org/wall-st-ch7.html 27. -- http://www.frankkryder.com/thyssen.htm 28. -- http://www.intl-news.com/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=54 29. -- http://www.nhgazette.com/cgi-bin/NHGstore.cgi?user_action=detail&catalogno=NN_Bush_Nazi_Link 30. -- http://www.nhgazette.com/cgi-bin/NHGstore.cgi?user_action=detail&catalogno=NN_Bush_Nazi_2 31. -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1312540,00.html 32. -- http://www.ce-review.org/99/21/kosc21.html 33. -- http://www.auschwitz.org.pl/new/index.php?language=EN&tryb=stale&id=228 34. -- http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/auschbirk.html 35. -- http://www.spectacle.org/695/perp.html 36. -- http://www.fscwv.edu/users/pedwards/evidence_of_evil_by_timothy_w.htm 37. -- http://www3.usenetarchive.org/File.asp?service=4241 38. -- http://veritas3.holocaust-history.org/questions/zyklon.shtml http://www.parascope.com/gallery/galleryitems/holocaust/ http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/hoess-memoirs/ http://webletter.net/cybrary/fact.fin.diet.html http://www.thyssenkrupp.com/en/konzern/geschichte_grfam.html
  11. Typical neocons playing nice. How about that. Thanks for proving the racism of the far right and how far they will go.
  12. Bush's "Plan for Victory" Part I: Ethnic Cleansing and Stone Age Bombing Revolution #026, December 12, 2005, posted at revcom.us Public anger over the brutal and bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq continues to grow. Ruling class voices clamor for a plan that will deal with the current quagmire and potential disaster for the U.S. military. Under fire and lashing back, Bush presented Part I of his "Plan for Victory" at yet another military base on November 30. Part I of Bush's speech addresses his critics with a plan to "Iraqi-ize" the war. This has two key elements: Further unleashing ethnic cleansing, torture, and wholesale terror against Iraq's Sunni population on the ground. Massive, indiscriminate bombing from the air.U.S. Orchestrated Ethnic Cleansing n his "Victory" speech Part I, Bush admits that "by far the largest group" of those he has deemed "the enemy" are "ordinary Iraqis, mostly Sunni Arabs." Think about the implications of this. By far the largest group of people Bush calls "the enemy" are--according to Bush himself--"ordinary Iraqis." "As we fight the terrorists" (note how "ordinary Iraqis" have become "the terrorists"), Bush says, "we're working to build capable and effective Iraqi security forces so they can take the lead in the fight--and eventually take responsibility for the safety and security of their citizens without major foreign assistance." Bush's claims about the effectiveness of these puppet troops are, as his ruling class critics charge, highly exaggerated. But that's not the problem. What Bush is talking about here is U.S.-orchestrated ethnic cleansing, bringing down indiscriminate terror and murder on Sunnis and provoking the very sectarian violence that apologists of all stripes for U.S. occupation claim is a reason why the U.S. cannot leave Iraq. An American Army officer who took part in the recent assault on Tal Afar--an operation that Bush upholds as a model in his speech--told the New Yorker magazine's Seymour Hersh that Shiite militias were "rounding up any Sunnis on the basis of whatever a Shiite said to them." The officer went on, "They were killing Sunnis on behalf of the Shiites."And Hersh reported this was all with the "active participation of a militia unit led by a retired American Special Forces soldier." Writing in the New York Times, Dexter Filkins reported from Baghdad (11/29/05) that "Hundreds of accounts of killings and abductions have emerged in recent weeks, most of them brought forward by Sunni civilians, who claim that their relatives have been taken away by Iraqi men in uniform without warrant or explanation." He adds, "Some Sunni males have been found dead in ditches and fields, with bullet holes in their temples, acid burns on their skin, and holes in their bodies apparently made by electric drills." Death from the Air For all Bush goes on in his speech about turning Iraq's internal stability over to puppet troops (mainly Shiite militia), nobody really believes these forces will do much fighting without a secret weapon that is not mentioned in Bush's speech. "Were not planning to diminish the war," a military expert who reflects the views of those around Vice-President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, told Hersh. "We just want to change the mix of the forces doing the fighting--Iraqi infantry with American support and greater use of airpower. " And Hersh reports: "The American air war inside Iraq today is perhaps the most significant--and underreported--aspect of the fight against the insurgency. The military authorities in Baghdad and Washington do not provide the press with a daily accounting of missions that Air Force, Navy, and Marine units fly or of the tonnage they drop, as was routinely done during the Vietnam War. One insight into the scope of the bombing in Iraq was supplied by the Marine Corps during the height of the siege of Fallujah in the fall of 2004. 'With a massive Marine air and ground offensive under way,' a Marine press release said, ...'the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing alone had dropped more than five hundred thousand tons of ordnance.'" That's more than one ton of bombs dropped per person in Falljua. And U.S. bombing is intensifying. Hersh reports, "In recent months, the tempo of American bombing seems to have increased. Most of the targets appear to be in the hostile, predominantly Sunni provinces that surround Baghdad and along the Syrian border." With appropriate gangster terminology, a U.S. military planner told Hersh, "We are just whacking targets--it's a reversion to the Stone Age." Ordained By and Accountable only to "God" Whether Bush actually thinks it or not, he has sent out the message repeatedly that he believes he is divinely ordained to carry out his agenda in Iraq (and a larger agenda as well). Lt. Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin tours the country ranting that, in a war against Muslim forces in Somalia "my God was bigger than his." And that in the "war on terror," "The enemy is a guy called Satan." After this, Bush promoted Boykin to deputy undersecretary of defense. On the one hand, this puts out the message that public opinion or dissent in the halls of power be damned, Bush is determined to push through his agenda. Nonbelievers can go to hell. The other side of this is that Bush has got a lot of people who do believe he's infallible. And again, whether or not Bush actually believes this "ordained by God" stuff, the fact that he is putting this out tells you a lot about what he's planning to do, who he's appealing to, and on what basis. That this is the person who controls the largest, most deadly and horrible cache of weapons (including--as he would put it--"nucular" weapons) ever assembled, and is the President of the world's sole superpower, is a stark and revolting expression of what's wrong with the world. The Challenge to the People As Bush unfolds more of his "strategy for victory," Revolution will continue to analyze and expose it. But Part I alone reveals that the U.S. is waging a genocidal war against the Iraqi people. It brings to mind the infamous statement by a U.S. general in the Vietnam war, that U.S. forces had to "destroy a village in order to save it." Such is the nature of the utterly unjust war the U.S. is waging against Iraq. And such is the essence of the U.S. "war on terror." In the face of all this, how is it conscionable for anyone to adapt themselves to the terms of a debate over "the best way to win" a war like this? The issue cannot be how to win a war like this, but how to end it! And to do this in the context of fully confronting and taking responsibility for the need to drive the Bush Regime from office, and to take its program with it. Because, truly, the world can't wait! Send us your comments.
  13. I don't align myself with anyone. Never have.
  14. Neo-Nazis demonstrate in Ohio Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:41 PM ET By Julie Ingwersen TOLEDO, Ohio (Reuters) - A small band of brownshirted U.S. neo-Nazis demonstrated in Toledo on Saturday, surrounded by hundreds of police called out to keep peace two months after an aborted rally by the same group led to a riot. "Fight for white rights today!" shouted one speaker. Another said: "We have terrorism and it is not being performed by white terrorists." A line of police officers in riot gear and dozens of officers on horses formed a barrier between about 60 members of the National Socialist Movement and around 170 anti-Nazi demonstrators and spectators. Police said there were 26 arrests, none from among the Nazi group. The demonstration ended after about an hour with no major problems. "The Nazis bring hate to our city and we have to protest that," said Susan Purviance, 49, of Toledo who joined the anti-Nazi demonstrators. The tiny Nazi movement's members hold occasional protests in the United States, often sparking violence and debate over whether they should be allowed to march. The Minneapolis-based Nazi group had said the purpose of Saturday's rally was to protest the way the police handled the demonstration they had planned to hold on October 15. On that day, the Nazis called off a march against gang violence in a racially mixed neighborhood, saying police had not provided adequately for their protection. They left, but violence broke out anyway as rival gangs clashed and residents joined the fray. There were 114 arrests and some looting. On Saturday, the Ohio city had rolled out extensive security precautions after granting the Nazis a permit to demonstrate in a confined area. Those entering the area had to pass through airport-style metal detectors. Toledo police said 700 law enforcement personnel had been deployed, including state police, sheriff's deputies and police from surrounding communities. "We want to say to the non-white community: we hope that you do something about the criminal subculture," said one neo-Nazi speaker. "If those problems are not handled by the black and Hispanic communities they will be handled by the white community." http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=domesticNews&storyID=2005-12-10T224116Z_01_KWA081619_RTRUKOC_0_US-LIFE-NAZIS.xml&archived=False
  15. As long as my tax dollars pay for your service to the US I am your employer.
  16. Shut the fuck up useless one. Go root for Bush and help run America to the ground. Show your true neocon self by sending someone elses' kid off to die in a war that was built on lies while you root for the slaughter of innocents when you could be signing up and fighting the same quagmire you love so much. Yeah, we know.... "We send your kids off to die so us neocons won't have to." Seriously, if you do actually enlist and go off to the quagmire, I hope you get blown away by a roadside IED. Chickenhawk.
  17. You're an exception to forgiveness. Now go kill yourself.
  18. Congratulations, you're a repulsive cunt. that's right. collaborate with the enemy. closet neocon. Go suck on Raver's cock, faggot.
  19. Shut the fuck up and go assrape your daughter like a good neocon ass monkey. Dean is going to be the NEW house speaker in '07 and you WILL rally behind him as ALL AMERICANS MUST rally behind him. STOP BASHING AMERICA SCUMBAG! Would you send your kids off to war since you love war for the hell of it?
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