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Everything posted by destruction

  1. I'd say it to your face. Correction imbecile. I'm 47.
  2. Prove it! Let me give you a hint loser. His code name was Timothy Osman: http://www.orlingrabbe.com/binladin_timosman.htm
  3. Question this, "NIGGUH"!! Video Clip: "Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein," Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983. [Windows Media Video (WMV). Opens in Windows Media Player] (Iraqi television; courtesy CNN) High Resolution (2.54 MB) Low Resolution (734 KB) Lots of declassified US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS in here: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/ Igonre the facts and put your "I told you so" mantra as well as right wing propaganda above the facts. Lies don't change the facts. What you just witnessed was the actual footage from CNN and government documents that were obtained by George Washington University by an FOIA request. It's all there. A mountain of evidence that prove you wrong. Now prove this did not happen. Lets see it.
  4. You support a lame duck president yet I'm the pencil dick. Bush Job Approval rating... Latest Fox News Poll: Approve. 45% DISAPPROVE 47% Gallup/CNN/USA Today: Approve 45% DISAPPROVE 50% AP/Ipsos Approve 40% DISAPPROVE 57% CBS/NYT Approve 41% DISAPPROVE 53% NBC/WSJ Approve 40% DISAPPROVE 55% ABC/WP Approve 42% Disapprove 57% http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm Keep living in the past. What happened in the election does not mean he has 100% support (obviously you think he does. A contirdiction because it is clear based on this board among those who oppose him shows he does NOT. Wake up to reality. The elections are over. Fast foreward to 2005. Bush will lose control of congress (or at least the senate) in '06 and the GOP will lose the white house in '08. Mark my words because between November this year and in '08, I'll be the one to say "I told you so".... Fucking 31 year old pedophile. Keep hanging out in politicalteen.com.
  5. I agree. O'Reilly had the transcript changed. You have seen the full transcript. Here is the original unedited version which matches the video I given. Here is the edited down version.. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,170195,00.html Fox claimed it was edited for clarity, yeah right, read the top of the edited down version: "This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," September 23, 2005, that has been edited for clarity." O'Reilly claims his transcripts on his shows are never edited. Riiiiiiiiiggggghhhhhhhhhhhttttttttt!!!! Anything to make O'Reilly the winner when he KNOWS he got his ass handed to him to make him out to be the winner. I can imagine what he said in his follow up (gloating in false victory). It does not surprise me O'Reilly ordered the editing to hide how much of a jackass he made of himself. It's too late. Why bother when everyone and their uncles watched the carnage live? If O'Reilly, the sexual deviant, the same O'Reilly who got sued 60 million dollars for sexual harassment handed Donahue his ass (as he claims) why did he have the transcript changed? You gotta love how Donohue layeth the smacketh-down on O'Lielly's candy ass when he accused Cindy Sheehan of having no strategy to fight the war on terror. Really, how does opposing a war mean you need a strategy to fight the war on terror? Billy made no sense. I wonder if there any way we could find out if O'Reilly's nephew actually joined and is going, etc. I'm willing to bet that O'Reilly was so enraged with Donahue that he just blurted something out like that out of the blue. O'Reilly is known for lying and spinning and misrepresenting the facts so often, would he do it with this? Lying about a family member going to war, just to help you win a vocal argument. Disgraceful. If he did have a nephew going off to war, he would bring him on the show to tell us how much of a "real american hero" he is. Even if this was true and if that same nephew came on the show and told billy how much of a mistake the war is, it would be a PR disaster for Bill. He's GOT to be lying about this. And about Halliburton stock. It would not surprise me he had stock in them. As for Donohue.... PRICELESS!! HA!!
  6. Dumb. Are you going to enlist to fight this war? Don't use your nurse job as an excuse for not going. You support this war, you must enlist and fight it. Are you going to re-enlist and fight this war? Would you let your kids fight this war? Would you let Obby go off to war to fight?
  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/155236.stm Who trained him again assclowns??? http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,866942,00.html No, Rummy never shook hands with Saddam, did he?? Iglost, dr. loser, headgiver, you have been owned! Keep your anti american bullshit coming.
  8. Look ass-knight. I'm excluding blame from Blaco because it's coming from an anti american GOP site which of course is lie driven. Blanco did not say that. Of course they will take the blame away from Bush because like you, they lionize him, making him out to be invincible. The money isn't there now thanks to Bush's cuts so he is at fault but that's ok in your books. Not only that, congress approved of his cuts so I'm pinning blame on them too. There is a lot of sin to go around. YOU on the other hand conveniently ignores the fact that Bush is at fault, taking blame from him and blaming not only Blanco, but THE PEOPLE!! You don't give a fuck about them. Why? Because they were poor and they were BLACK!! Google this... "Bush admits fault".
  9. People who act their age don't hang out at politicalteen.com when they're 31 years old. Pedo. Die of food poisoning.
  10. September Tuesday 27th 2005 (20h10) : How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is watching? September 27, 200 5- Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya? Is this payback for Cindy’s Camp Casey in Crawford?Better pour yourself another drink, George. Maybe pop some more pills, too. You’re gonna need ’em. Nothing can ignite our determination to rid our country of you and your band of criminals than seeing a mother, who opposed your illegal war before her son died in it and who wants all the killing stopped, arrested for not having a permit to sit down in front of the house-the White House-that belongs to the people along with all the other government buildings and public spaces in Washington, DC. You’re nothing but a miserable, drunken weasel who couldn’t take five minutes out of your five-week vacation, which we the people paid for, to meet face-to-face with Cindy and answer her questions. In Crawford, Texas, Cindy told reporters, "I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son? He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what that noble cause is." Those are reasonable questions, George. Were you fearful that if you met with Cindy to answer them, she might ask if your cause is so noble why your daughters and your siblings’ progeny, along with Cheney’s daughters, aren’t risking their lives to fight for it? And you surely didn’t have the guts to stay in Washington this past weekend to witness first-hand what the people think about you and your wars. Hurricane Rita provided you with the perfect excuse to flee to NORTHCOM in Denver to plot the completion of the military takeover of the US, in order to deal with us rabble. Do you think we’re so stupid that we’re buying into your nonsense that the military can better perform as first responders to disasters-natural and those cooked up by you and your murderous buddies, such as 9/11? Don’t you think we’re on to why your venomous sidekick, Cheney, chose this past weekend of all weekends to have elective surgery to repair aneurisms in his knees? He’s about as much a man as you are, George. But opting for surgery looked better than taking cover in one of his palatial bunkers. It’s too bad they didn’t operate on his skull to let all the filth out, instead of his knees. Democrats, wipe the smirk off your faces, because you fled Washington like rats, too. We won’t forget that, either, so you better go shopping for votes among the Busheviks or take early retirement. It’s interesting that some writers have suggested that Dubya is hitting the bottle again because his conscience is bothering him about the evil things he is responsible for. To be sure, the list is long: stolen elections in 2000, 2002, 2004; 9/11; the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; destroying the environment, the economy and what is left of the social safety net; giving his rich friends tax cuts at the expense of everyone else; tearing down the remaining wall between church and state; failing to provide the money needed to reinforce the levees around New Orleans; ignoring the plight of the poor and mainly African American victims of Hurricane Katrina for days while he played and raised money for Republicans, then when he finally responded it was with costly staged photo ops (think about the precious fuel burned up at your expense), as he had the victims of Katrina scattered to the four corners of the country; and, in the wake of Rita, flying hither and yon for more staged photo ops, while telling the people to conserve fuel; and on and on and on . . . No, a stroke of conscience isn’t what is causing George to drown himself in booze. It’s self-pity. Like all criminal psychopaths-and this psychopath in the White House happens to be a serial killer and war criminal-he’s afraid of getting caught. He knows the day of reckoning is coming and he is trying to relieve his anxiety with alcohol and pills. Yes, George, the day of reckoning is coming and you may have hastened it by allowing Cindy to be arrested. No denials, please. You are responsible for her arrest. You could have prevented it by telling the US Park Police that under no circumstances was she to be touched. But you didn’t do that. Instead, you allowed a spectacle for the whole world to see that gave our hero, Cindy Sheehan, a simple mom from California, near-martyr status. Thank you, George. You gave us quite a gift. Yes, indeed, the day of reckoning is coming. So every one of you yellow-bellied creeps in Washington, in both wings of the Money Party, better start shaking in your overpriced shoes, because we are aiming to throw out the rest of the trash along with George, Dick, Karl, Condi, Rummy, et al. http://www.onlinejournal.com/Commentary/092705Conover/092705conover.html
  11. Cindy Sheehan: My First Time Cindy SheehanMon Sep 26, 9:17 PM ET The rumors are true this time. I was arrested in front of the White House today. It was my first time ever being arrested. We proceeded from Lafayette Park to the Guard House at the White House. I, my sister, and other Gold Star Families for Peace members and some Military Families requested to meet with the President again. We again wanted to know: What is the Noble Cause? Our request was, to our immense shock and surprise, denied. They wouldn't even deliver any letters or pictures of our killed loved ones to the White House. We all know by now why George won't meet with parents of the soldiers he has killed who disagree with him. First of all, he hates it when people disagree with him. I am not so sure he hates it as much as he is in denial that it even happens. Secondly, he is a coward who arrogantly refuses to meet with the people who pay his salary. Maybe the next time one of us is asked by our bosses to have a performance review, or we are going to be written up for a workplace infraction, we should refuse to go and talk to our bosses citing the fact that the President doesn't have to. The third reason why he won't talk to us is that he knows there is no Noble Cause for the invasion and continued occupation of Iraq. It is a question that has no true answer. After we were refused a meeting with the Disconnected One, we went over to right in front of our house...the White House (in front of the gate of course) and we sat down and refused to move until George came out and talked to us. We actually had a good time singing old church songs and old protest songs while we waited. I tied a picture of Casey on the White House fence and apparently, that is against the law, too. After three warnings to get up and move off of the sidewalk in front of our house, we were arrested. It is so ironic to me that the person who resides in our White House swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The person who is the (p)resident of the White House now has no concept of the Constitution. He was appointed by the Supreme Court for his first term, invaded and continues to occupy a sovereign country without a declaration of war from the Congress, and violated several treaties to actually invade, Iraq too. Not to mention the condoned torture that pervades the military prisons these days. These are all violations of the Constitution. The Patriot Act and denying us our rights to peaceably assemble are serious breaches of the Bill of Rights. George is so hypocritically concerned about Iraq developing a Constitution when he ignores and shreds our own Constitution. Being arrested is not a big deal. Even though we were arrested for "demonstrating without a permit" we were protesting something that is much more serious than sitting on a sidewalk: the tragic and needless deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Americans (both in Iraq and here in America) who would be alive if it weren't for the criminals who reside in and work in the White House. Karl Rove (besides just being a very creepy man) outed a CIA agent and was responsible for endangering many of our covert agents worldwide. Dick Cheney's old company is reaping profits beyond anyone's wildest imaginations in their no-bid contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and New Orleans. John Negroponte's activities in South America are very shady and murderous. Rumsfeld and Gonzales are responsible for illegal and immoral authorization, encouragement and approval of torture. Not to mention, violating Geneva Conventions, torture endangers the lives of our service men and women in Iraq. Along with the above mentioned traitors, Condi lied through her teeth in the insane run-up to the invasion. The list of crimes this administration has commited is extensive, abhorrent, and unbelievable. What is so unbelievable is that WE were arrested for exercising our first amendment rights and these people are running free to enjoy their lives of crime and to wreak havoc on the world. The fine for "demonstrating without a permit" is $75.00. I am certain that I won't pay it. My court date is November 16th. Any lawyers out there want to help me challenge an unconstitutional law?? http://news.yahoo.com/s/huffpost/20050927/cm_huffpost/007923&printer=1;_ylt=A0SOwk49gTtDLhQBOQwe6sgF;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-
  12. Shaapneuker. Ga met je verlopen snollekop in de vette aambeienreet van je gore moeder zitten raggen.
  13. Top 23 Hurricane Katrina Emergency Response Priorities from the Bush White House As a game, at least one of these has actually ALREADY happened! Do you know which one(s)? 1. Immediate airlift evacuation of all remaining Caucasians 2. Launch full investigation into how Saddam Hussein masterminded this from jail 3. Dispatch Bush's twin daughters to New Orleans to help raise much needed beads for Mardi Gras 4. Emergency repeal of capital gains tax, just in case 5. Parachute in emergency Bibles for a faith-based rescue 6. Create a new Cabinet-level "U.S. Department of Giving a Sh!t" 7. To boost the city's sagging morale, Friday is declared Casual Day 8. Department of Homeland Security to distribute Brawny Super Absorbent Paper Towels 9. Spend $782 Billion to Construct Hurricane Defense Shield. Since there is absolutely no time to for competitive bids, give the job to Dick Cheney's company Halliburton. 10. Quickly link this disaster to Iran's Government, giving us a moral reason to invade Iran to take their oil since invading oil-producing countries is an effective way to keep gas prices very low. 11. President Bush to put on his "Serious Face" from now until people forget. 12. The NFL's New Orleans Saints ordered to wear some sort of symbol on their uniform to show that even though most of the millionaire players don't actually live in New Orleans, they still care, and they've got the ribbon/heart/red cross/black armband to prove it. 13. President Bush to PERSONALLY help victims of the hurricane, just like he did in Florida in 2004, right before the election. Either that, or he will survey the damage from his PERSONAL helicopter. 14. Dispatch Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to New Orleans to adopt orphaned colored children. 15. Because these are dangerous times and safety is our primary concern, all Television Meteorologists will be detained in Guantanamo Bay to find out what they know and then they knew it. 16. Emergency Constitutional Amendment to Ban Gay Marriage because scientists* say Hurricane Katrina could have been caused by gay people "stirring things up." * Christian Scientists 17. Environmental Protection Standards to be Suspended to allow more pollutants in gasoline to increase profits, er, ease prices. 18. Bush: "And I say to Mother Nature, bring it on!" 19. Prolong this Katrina-thing as long as possible so everyone focuses on our incompetence here instead of our incompetence in Iraq. 20. Restore order in New Orleans by shooting the poor desperate hungry black people who are looting, so oil fields can be repaired to enable the rich white executives of the Exxon/Mobil Corporation to continue looting. 21. Restrict Freedom of the Press so powerfully moving images of dead people don't disturb Americans into reacting like compassionate human beings by helping the victims and blaming the White House. 22. White House staff furiously at work making the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED Banner to be unfurled as President Bush triumphantly pilots a speed boat down New Orleans' Bourbon Street. 23. Arrest Kanye West Answers: 8,11,13,17 are kinda true, dude. Scary: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050910/pl_nm/contracts_dc http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050910...v/katrina_media
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/09/21/iraq.britain/index.html http://kurtnimmo.com/?p=32 http://globalresearch.ca/index.phpcontext=viewArticle&code=20050920&articleId=972 http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/september2005/200905stagedterror.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4264614.stm http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200509/s1463925.htm Here is something that just recently happened. Two British soldiers wearing Arab clothing fired at Iraqi police. They were arrested but later jail-breaked out by the British military. I put up some links for everyone to check out.
  15. Back from trolling for little boys in the kiddie chats dr. diddler?? What dr. diddler (nice name for ya) does not know. destruction is an American citizen. Born in America. destruction is a caucasian adult male in his 40s and since destruction is American born, over 18 and an adult, he is ALLOWED to vote in the USA. He does not do drugs, therefore not a junkie unlike dr. logic who is an illegal, does not have a green card and spends his life selling crack and heroin on street corners to make ends meet because he is too lazy to find a real job and trolls kiddie and teen websites for his pedophile fantasies and trolls the park for children to molest, besides all you have to do is look at Rush Limbaugh's oxycontin habit and that is enough proof that ALL neocons are junkies and child molesters. Does that fuck up your wet teen sex dreams dr. diddler? PEDO.... BTW. When are you gonna re-enlist and go tgo war again since you support this war?? You should realize if you support a war, you must go fight it or shut up. Don't be a chickenhawk like igloo.... Just think. You can do better than him. You can go from hawk to chickenhawk back to hawk. Igloo is just a chickenhawk.... http://www.whydidthechickencrosstheroad.com/sounds/clucks/chickencoop.wav
  16. Annoying is hearing you right wingers try and blame Clinton for everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I'm gonna take your post, print it and wipe my ass with it. I'm running low on toilet paper anyhow so this will suffice.
  17. Wow. You're 31 years old and hangs out in politicalteen.com... Kid toucher.
  18. maybe we can just jawbone North Korea into nuking Texas?
  19. Give it up bigpoops. Pedos (dr logic) know nothing about economics. He's getting his drivel from politicalteen.com
  20. That's right.... Keep spitting out the puke you lick up at politicalteen.com you fucking pedo..
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