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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. he is quite the douchebag
  2. how could that possibly be a toy in the first place? that is some weird shit, man
  3. ryan2772


    it also makes you want to go to that comedy club more often, when they have surprises.
  4. ryan2772


    this happened once to me there at the improv. went to see some dude and david spade showed up. apparently they do that kind of thing everywhere they go. they do it to test their material before their show that they're headlining. everybody wins!
  5. yeah i just tried that game last week. i didn't like it too much. i guess it's too much like vice city but not as good of a game. i had driver 1 when it came out on playstation, that game started it all
  6. i'm not too big into video games except this series. http://streamingmovies.ign.com/ps2/article/541/541489/gtasa_trailer1_wmvlow.wmv?wu=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.ps2.gamespy.com%2Fmedia%2F611%2F611957%2Fvid_917208.html%3Fmu%3D%3CURL%2F%3E
  7. Global Underground 26 - James Lavelle - Romania CD2 unkle - in a state ;D
  8. well it sure as hell ain't me
  9. ryan2772


    that must hurt. where do you find this stuff?
  10. i think it's that guy chaflas
  11. Thats how it always starts for me. Next thing I know, its 6 am. I am avoiding any temptations tonight turning off my phone and staying in. hahahaha yep, EXACTLY. but i'm real good at lying to myself. first it'll be a beer. then, eh, i feel like a red bull. then BAM. the sun is coming up.
  12. I love having a conversation with myself. ;D the plot thickens...
  13. I am simply Abraham. My friends call me Abe. Please tell me about yourself? Are you Jewish? no sorry A-squared, im a gentile. i heard you're pretty rough, dude. a-squared....i like that! ;D
  14. ryan2772

    Stink Bomb

    that's exactly how this stupid ass movement happens. old dirtbag scumbags convince young impressionable kids to destroy things to get their views across. while the old dude sits in his mansion, jerking off to the live news coverage of his followers getting pummelled by the police
  15. ryan2772

    Stink Bomb

    this one "anarchist" (first of all, how f*cking stupid is it to call yourself that??? it's soooooo 1985) leader posted all these gas and sewer line pictures of madison square garden on a website so his minions can sabotage them
  16. that's really weird. is it a joke?
  17. ryan2772

    Stink Bomb

    hate those fockers! but they sure are silly. when all that hullabaloo happened with the ftaa meetings here in downtown, there were some freaks! most of these idiots don't even know what they're protesting. much less realize that their ridiculous actions hurt their cause more than help it.
  18. not going out tonight. will prob have a few brews @ happy hour, but that's pretty much it.
  19. oh no you didn't!!!! IT'S DELUX
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