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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    Charley inbound?

    hurricane party!
  2. ryan2772

    Space Saturday....

    never underestimate the value of good grammar.
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/08/12/iraq.main/index.html so this is pretty much the heaviest fighting we've had so far. i think this could be a huge turning point if we (and the iraqi security forces) take this f*cker out.
  4. wait a minute....he's going on at 3??? > don't you people have jobs to go to???? i can't f*ckin stay out til 6am this sucks >
  5. i've always loved british-produced/directed movies
  6. and what does all this have to do with giuliani?
  7. yes...but it's the american way. walmart didn't start out so big. but they had a great business plan from day one, and now they are reaping the benefits. it's like that south park episode w/ starbucks invading...
  8. it takes a concerted effort to get that fat. shame on anyone that knew her.
  9. i love the olympics. one thing i really got into in the winter olympics was curling. such a simple and silly-looking concept, but so intense! for summer, i'm a big fan of beach volleyball, long jump, pole vault, water polo, table tennis, weightlifting, throwing events (javelin, discus, hammer), and kayak slalom. did you know there's a "handball" event??? shit, i'll check it out! ;D
  10. japanese car companies are the best, hands-down.
  11. hahahaha i remember that! he's no stand-up comic, that's for sure. i love his show, though. remember, there's more people creating it than him
  12. hahaha you're so right. i went to one of these games, there's more concession workers than fans. i played hockey in high school, my crowning acheivement was playing during an intermission of a panthers game there ;D
  13. ryan2772

    Foam Party at Space?

    hahahaha apparently LP didn't seem to think so
  14. ryan2772

    Charley inbound?

    jackie johnson's been gone for a while i saw her this mornin' i might be wrong....but i think it's another hot ho that is there. let's confirm tomorrow morning? ;D
  15. this is a terrible idea. hahahahahahaha dude i was thinking the EXACT same thing
  16. they can't compete with wal-mart & target
  17. i know his roommate really well....i'll try to pass on the info
  18. ryan2772

    Charley inbound?

    jackie johnson's been gone for a while
  19. ryan2772

    Foam Party at Space?

    i went to a foam party at amnesia too in high school it was horrible....can anybody say "pina colada?" ewwwwwwwww can you imagine the people walking up and down the stairs @ space? someone's getting hurt, that's for sure. i think a foam party at someone's house would be really fun. that way you can wear comfy clothes, bring a towel and whatnot. so house foam party=fun, club foam party=nasty.
  20. yeah, good luck, man! my nephew just got home from the hospital about an hour ago, it's great. i wouldn't worry about the hurricane, it's predicted to go well west of us. on another note, i can't believe the gubna declared a state of emergency, that's absolutely ridiculous.
  21. I have heard of Dump Cake and I'm fairly certain I too, have a receipe for it. is the first ingredient a burrito supremo?
  22. show me the recipe, bitch. I think you are mistaken and are intending to say Bundt Cake. but dump cake is sooooooooooo much funnier
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