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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    New Releases

    DEPECHE MODE: Enjoy The Silence (16B remix) (unknown label) 12": "Enjoy The Silence" (16B remix) / "Cinderella" (16B remix) oh nooooooooooooooo not this one again, how many times can you remix this damn song?
  2. uh huh huh you said seamen uh huh huh
  3. lovin the ads at the bottom of this thread ;D
  4. brittany murphy is the next courtney love (w/o the music, of course) i know you people notice the similarities....
  5. come on, tech, all that stuff is just spin. : you're supposed to post from the fox news archives bwah ha ha ha ha
  6. how ironic is that is you who mentions it ... I know, he fails to see the irony ! i think he just called you retarted.
  7. i wish oprah was running.....
  8. registered independent. i mostly align with libertarian policies as well.
  9. congrats, man! get your sleep now........ ;D
  10. The word "Mesiah" is really spelled MESSIAH and is the promised deliverer of the Jewish People. I hardly see the connection between Michael Moore, Jews and Bush. all the jews took 9/11 off from work, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm hahahahaha i heard that too....
  11. hahahahaha dude you got waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on your hands!
  12. welcome ! i'll introduce you on thurs. night if you're coming, bcn. b612 is the best techno dj in town! 8) i beg to differ on that ,i know the best techno dj in town well spit it out then
  13. hahahaha ;D sucks to be you......
  14. bill o'reilly is on the cover of Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them
  15. i'm very happy with the marlins' deal. we need a catcher baaaaaaaad
  16. Picked up Dude, Where's My Country by Michael Moore, and Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken. I know it's virtually impossible to motivate someone to read a book, but you all should. ;D
  17. saw it last night, incredible episode. viewpoints from both sides of the political spectrum, and the truth gets revealed.
  18. The Bush administration engaged in an aggressive, overt campaign of deception in order to secure the support of the American public for invading Iraq. The overwhelming pattern of misleading statements has been very well-documented by a federal agency, not by Hollywood conspiracy theorists. Read that report and get back to me, you don't seem to have looked at it yet. It's full of documentation of misleading public statements from the entire administration. Each documented misleading statement includes an explanation as to exactly why each statement was intentionally deceptive. For those too lazy or busy to investigate, here: Statement by President George W. Bush: "We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories. You remember when Colin Powell stood up in front of the world, and he said, Iraq has got laboratories, mobile labs to build biological weapons. They're illegal. They're against the United Nations resolutions, and we've so far discovered two. And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." Source: Interview of the President by TVP, Poland, White House (5/29/2003). That's a "mistake" or a "lie"? If you want really badly to see something and you try so hard to see it that you convince even yourself that you're seeing it then are you lying or are you just an idiot? Which is worse? If you tell all of your subordinates to go out and not come back until they have brought you intelligence reports that support the conclusion that you have already made in your head, then again, is that a lie or are you just a moron? Either way you're not fit to be president. Is there maybe a Poland exemption in the ethics of lying, like the area code rule in relationships? "It wasn't cheating, anything that happens in another area code isn't cheating." "It wasn't lying because anything that happens in Poland isn't lying." i didn't read a word of this, i don't want the why or the how, just yes or no.. that simple, and like i said, I didn't and won't read any of this, until you post YES OR NO! ugh. for Christ's sake, there's more to the answer than yes or no.
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