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Posts posted by ryan2772

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/diet.fitness/08/06/mcdonalds.preschoolers.ap/index.html

    Study: Food in McDonald's wrapper tastes better to kids

    CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Anything made by McDonald's tastes better, preschoolers said in a study that powerfully demonstrates how advertising can trick the taste buds of young children.

    In comparing identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and plain wrappers, the unmarked foods always lost.

    Even carrots, milk and apple juice tasted better to the kids when they were wrapped in the familiar packaging of the Golden Arches.

    The study had youngsters sample identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and unmarked wrappers. The unmarked foods always lost the taste test.

    "You see a McDonald's label and kids start salivating," said Diane Levin, a childhood development specialist who campaigns against advertising to kids. She had no role in the research.

    Levin said it was "the first study I know of that has shown so simply and clearly what's going on with (marketing to) young children."

    Study author Dr. Tom Robinson said the kids' perception of taste was "physically altered by the branding." The Stanford University researcher said it was remarkable how children so young were already so influenced by advertising.

    The study involved 63 low-income children ages 3 to 5 from Head Start centers in San Mateo County, Calif. Robinson believes the results would be similar for children from wealthier families.

    The research, appearing in August's Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, was funded by Stanford and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

    The study is likely to stir more debate over the movement to restrict ads to kids. It comes less than a month after 11 major food and drink companies, including McDonald's, announced new curbs on marketing to children under 12.

    McDonald's says the only Happy Meals it will promote to young children will contain fruit and have fewer calories and less fat.

    "This is an important subject and McDonald's has been actively addressing it for quite some time," said company spokesman Walt Riker. "We've always wanted to be part of the solution and we are providing solutions."

    But Dr. Victor Strasburger, an author of an American Academy of Pediatrics policy urging limits on marketing to children, said the study shows too little is being done.

    "It's an amazing study and it's very sad," Strasburger said.

    "Advertisers have tried to do exactly what this study is talking about -- to brand younger and younger children, to instill in them an almost obsessional desire for a particular brand-name product," he said.

    Just two of the 63 children studied said they'd never eaten at McDonald's, and about one-third ate there at least weekly. Most recognized the McDonald's logo but it was mentioned to those who didn't.

    The study included three McDonald's menu items -- hamburgers, chicken nuggets and french fries -- and store-bought milk or juice and carrots. Children got two identical samples of each food on a tray, one in McDonald's wrappers or cups and the other in plain, unmarked packaging. The kids were asked whether they tasted the same or whether one was better. (Some children didn't taste all the foods.)

    McDonald's-labeled samples were the clear favorites. French fries were the biggest winner; almost 77 percent said the labeled fries tasted best while only 13 percent preferred the others.

    Fifty-four percent preferred McDonald's-wrapped carrots versus 23 percent who liked the plain-wrapped sample.

    The only results not statistically clear-cut involved the hamburgers, with 29 kids choosing McDonald's-wrapped burgers and 22 choosing the unmarked ones.

    Fewer than one-fourth of the children said both samples of all foods tasted the same.

    Pradeep Chintagunta, a University of Chicago marketing professor, said a fairer comparison might have gauged kids' preferences for the McDonald's label versus another familiar brand, such as Mickey Mouse.

    "I don't think you can necessarily hold this against" McDonald's, he said, since the goal of marketing is to build familiarity and sell products.

    He noted that parents play a strong role in controlling food choices for children so young.

    But Robinson argued that because young children are unaware of the persuasive intent of marketing, "it is an unfair playing field

  2. I saw him in Vegas in June, threw down one of the best sets I've ever heard. He was pretty good at WMC, but he got cut short at K & Y.

    His weekly radio show is consitently badass, week in and week out.

    I asked him why he doesn't come to FL more often, he said he would love to, just that he hasn't gotten booked here, much.

    IMO he's got the best sound out right now, and it one of the most sought after DJ's worldwide.

    my buddy went to that show in vegas too, said it was amazing...did you see sander too out there?

    I did!

    Sander was good, but it was nothing like at Shine @ Shelbourne @ WMC this year. Sander seemed like he didn't wanna be there (in Vegas). Wasn't smiling, no interaction with the crowd, no vibe. Still a good night, but nothing like the vibe there was at Shine...

    Hernan was a much better night, at a much better venue (in Vegas).

    you related to neil, aren't you...

  3. saw No Reservations last night...they ate at this Middle Eastern restaurant in Queens that served pretty much only animal organs. Stomachs, kidneys, testicles, brains, everything...

    they brought up a good point, most everywhere around the world these are considered delicacies, everyone eats them...how come we don't eat that stuff here? I almost freaking threw up watching them eat it, but they really do love it.

    by the way, that is an incredible show....i can't get enough.

  4. I saw him in Vegas in June, threw down one of the best sets I've ever heard. He was pretty good at WMC, but he got cut short at K & Y.

    His weekly radio show is consitently badass, week in and week out.

    I asked him why he doesn't come to FL more often, he said he would love to, just that he hasn't gotten booked here, much.

    IMO he's got the best sound out right now, and it one of the most sought after DJ's worldwide.

    my buddy went to that show in vegas too, said it was amazing...did you see sander too out there?

  5. All your predictions of "blame" are just bs. Big freaking whoop. So you successfully knew that left-wing the nutjubs would blame the right-wing nutjobs. How does that help anyone? Do you have any solutions, or are you just defending your right-wing buddies?

    thank you, that's my point. all done just so he can say "i told you so".

  6. i just got confirmed as the afterhours dj, woo hoo! pm me for free guestlist and free drinks all morning!

    hahahaaha I heard you have to many pictures of yourself in your cubicle. whats that all about?


  7. its fucking on this weekend fools!!!

    diegofest coming up next month though!!! :o :-X 8)

    calling all fools to local celeb this this week!!!

    we have less than 60 days, 51 or so till the day comes again...this scares me! :o 8)

    hope to see u this weekend, its been a while, i give u a call tomorrow :)

    i'm in :)

  8. Very sad' date=' watching it this morning on the news. I predict by the end of the day, the networks will somehow look for an angle that will blame Bush for the whole thing. Hate to bring that up at a time like this, but unfortunately, that's the reality of our news networks today. Inappropriate sensationalism and blaming Bush for everything!

    Hope this turns out ok for everyone involved.


    that's a really stupid thing to say, dude. jeez. :-\

    Was it really?

    read this, click here

    Granted, this is talk radio....but mark my words, the networks will pickup on this very, very soon. It isn't stupid to point out other people's stupidity!

    the point is, who the fuck cares??? you are the one that has shed it in this light, so you are just as guilty as some stupid radio talk show host you mentioned. this is the only thing that pops into your mind when a tragedy happens? you really sound like ann coulter.

  9. Very sad' date=' watching it this morning on the news. I predict by the end of the day, the networks will somehow look for an angle that will blame Bush for the whole thing. Hate to bring that up at a time like this, but unfortunately, that's the reality of our news networks today. Inappropriate sensationalism and blaming Bush for everything!

    Hope this turns out ok for everyone involved.


    that's a really stupid thing to say, dude. jeez. :-\

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