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Everything posted by drlogic

  1. Go Fig'r???????? But isn't it more fun to believe we are the anti-Christ out to steal oil and murder the inoccent? i thought all of our soldiers were evil, prison abusing war mongers?.................... Good post brah! Between you and I, the critics still don't care. It's all about hating Bush, PERIOD! They can try to deny it, but their posts and their tone speak for themselves. Bombaclat,,,big up big up! Keep givin' 'em hell Igloo! Watch how all deez chi-chi mon skattah...... lol
  2. http://www.michellemalkin.com/ Jayna Davis and Jon Dougherty report on the Justice Department's move to seal the search warrant in the Hinrichs case: The warrant used to execute a search of Oklahoma University bomber Joel "Henry" Hinrichs III's apartment, where an undetermined amount of explosives were found, has been sealed by a federal court at the request of the Justice Department. Hinrichs blew himself up yards from Oklahoma Memorial Stadium Saturday night while tens of thousands of fans watched an OU-Kansas State football game. Bob Troester, first assistance U.S. attorney in Oklahoma City, said the department requested the warrant be sealed, but declined to elaborate when asked why it was necessary to do so given previous media reports that a depressed Hinrichs acted alone and on a whim. "You can draw whatever assumption you like," he said. "We don't comment on any sealed indictments." Troester also said he could not divulge details about what items were found inside Hinrichs' home, and he could not say if or when the warrant would be unsealed at some point in the future. The attorney did confirm the incident was still "currently being investigated," but again declined to provide any specifics. 13 Plastic Bottles Found in Hinrichs' Car; Lots of Small, Round Holes Seen in Tree Near Bomb Site EXCLUSIVE: A Lincoln Town Car registered in the name of OU Suicide Bomber Joel Henry Hinrichs III remained as of 4:00 p.m. EST today in the parking lot of the apartment where he lived and a U.S. Department of Justice inventory of the contents found by law enforcement officials was visible on the seat, Tapscott's Copy Desk has learned. Among the items listed on the inventory are "13 plastic bottles" in the trunk. The inventory did not note if there was anything in the bottles, their size or coloration. The blue Lincoln was registered in Oklahoma under Hinrichs' name in June of this year, according to state tag records. The expiration date on the tag was February 2006. As of 5:57 p.m. EST, a spokesman for the Oklahoma City FBI office had not returned a call seeking information on why the Hinrichs car had apparently not been impounded. Other items on the inventory include a title, insurance certificate, a 2003 Rand McNally Road Atlas and two other highway maps with undecipherable titles. The car's license tag is Oklahoma VUL014, with a February 2006 expiration date. Tapscott's Copy Desk has also learned that a tree near where Hinrichs' bomb detonated displays a number of small round holes and some areas of a metallic substance. The holes and substance are only on the side facing the bench on which Hinrichs was seated when the bomb detonated. The holes appear to be about the size of the head of 16 penny nail. One of Hinrichs' neighbors told Tapscott's Copy Desk today that he believed Hinrichs lived with "three or four Arab guys." The neighbor said he rarely saw Hinrich or his roommates, except when they appeared to be going to and from classes. The neighbor said all of the residents of the university apartment complex where he and Hinrichs lived are from Nigeria, China and Middle Eastern/Southeast Asian countries. ***YO IGLOO:
  3. LOL Actually, let's flip da' script...... So, when blacks riot, loot, kill, etc......The "usual suspects"(aka-liberals) try to justify their actions by saying "blacks are too poor, racist America denies them opportunity so they act out of rage, We need to understand them by "FEELING THEIR PAIN"....etc..etc..etc..... Basically, just a bunch of excuses for INEXCUSABLE behavior. So, why don't these same people use that same logic in this scenario? N.O. cops fighting hard to bring back law and order to their destroyed city. Many of them commiting suicide due to the added stress that has fallen upon them, they've lost their homes, friends and relatives,,,etc..etc..etc.... Have a heart, guys!!!! LOL LOL LOL So, maybe we all need to better understand the stress the poor cops are going through in N.O. and we need to "feel their pain" before we judge them? LOL Sound asinine? Now you know how asinine you like minded folks sound when you justify inexcusable behavior,,,be it by blacks, latinos, Saddam, UBL, terrorists, etc...... GET IT? Seriously, from the video I saw, the cops fucked up! Granted, I don't know what this guy did or said to warrant the attention from the cops? As for the journalist, HE WASN'T ASSAULTED! I saw the video! He was pushed back onto a car. ONLY A FUCKING PUSSY BITCH would call that an "ASSAULT"......The brotha,,,,HE WAS ASSAULTED! The grandstanding AP guy? I don't think so! The AP reporter was playing to the camera. You can see him looking back to the camera man after he got pushed onto the car hood making sure he was recording. At the end of the day,,,,,,,,,,I'm sure that brutha won't do that again...(whatever it was he did? who knows? I wasn't there and the video does not show what instigated the cops). Those cops are done too! They better start looking at a change in careerers. LOL @ "BUSH TRAINED THEM"....LOL LOL LOL
  4. I don't think the Bush admin. has paid enough attn. to the damage the critics (foreign and domestic) have done and continue to purposely do regarding the war on terror. The Admin. has allowed them free reign to spin the news and under-report the accomplishments. I'm not saying the bad news should not be reported, just that the good news and the accomplishments deserve just as much, if not more attn. By not defending themselves for such a long time, they have allowed half truths and myths to become facts in the eyes of the critics. The media runs w/ those stories and the next thing you know, people are debating on threads like these. For example: Issues like whether or not Iraq has ties to Al-Qaida. The facts dictate that there are clear links to Al-Qaida and other terrorist, but the issue has been spun to be "Iraq had nothing to do w/ 9/11". Bush needs to keep communicating w/ the country and not allow his critics to define the issues based on their limitted grasp or denial of the issues, in their entirety. I know he's got a lot of shit on his plate but so much time and energy is wasted when it probably doesn't have to be. Maybe it's part of a plan to let the critics be stuck w/ egg on their face,,AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN,,,,,,,WHO KNOWS? I'd just like to see more speeches like that. I don't care if the press continues to ignore it, but at least the Admin. can be "on the record" as having relayed the message. The admin. can't let the critcis continue in their quest of self-fulfilling prophecies and re-writing of history.
  5. How does a story like this get such little attention? God forbid that fucker was successful and killed a bunch of people at that football stadium..........I'm sure the press would be salivating to crack some skulls! What is sooooo TABOO about this Oklahoma "thingy" ?
  6. Brilliant! This guy's a bad ass! I'd love to see what he writes challenged by the critics. What could they possibly say/write that he has not already squashed? Anyway, Great Post!
  7. Crime Scene Overview of the Suicide Bombing in Norman, Oklahoma, 7:30pm, Saturday, October 1, 2005 http://www.zombietime.com/oklahoma_suicide_bombing/ http://www.jaynadavis.com/main.html The suicide bombing incident that happened at the University of Oklahoma in Norman on October 1, 2005 has led to a great deal of speculation as to the motives and intent of Joel Henry Hinrichs III, the person who died in the blast. Law enforcement officials have generally been close-mouthed about their ongoing investigation, and the national media has so far only provided cursory coverage of the incident. As a result, the public has been forced to scrounge for details. The primary sources of information at this point are, on one hand, the local Oklahoma media, which are fairly reliable, and on the other hand two alarmist news services -- Northeast Intelligence Network and WorldNetDaily -- both of which claim to have exclusive details of a possible wider terrorist plot. But there is still no confirmation of these claims, and neither NEIN and WND are seen as entirely trustworthy. As a result, all the information on this page is derived from news reports in local Oklahoma media, and from independent research, and not from the claims put forth by NEIN or WND, or blog entries based on those claims. (Not that NEIN and WND are necessarily wrong in this case -- I'm just withholding judgment until they have more confirmation.) This crime scene image, which I created on October 5, is based on details revealed in various reliable media outlets and Web sites. Links documenting each fact are given below. This image (based on a NAVTEQ satellite image provided by Google Maps) shows the relevent sites related to the bombing that killed Joel Henry Hinrichs III at 7:30pm on Saturday, October 1, 2005. The dotted line traces a possible route taken by Hinrichs that evening. 1. Hinrichs' Apartment. According to THIS ARTICLE in the Oklahoma Daily, Hinrichs lived in the Parkview Apartments, at 606 Stinson. According to YAHOO MAPS, 606 Stinson is near the corner of Sooner Drive, just east of campus. And according to THIS ARTICLE by AP printed in Tulsa World, his roommate was named Fazal M. Cheema, who was (apparently) a member of the Muslim Students Association, since the president of the MSA knew him well. 2. Islamic Society of Norman. According to THIS ARTICLE at NewsOK.com (site may require registration [free]), Cheema attended a "nearby mosque," and the FBI was looking into the possibility that Hinrichs also attended the same mosque. THIS SITE shows that there is only one mosque in the vicinity, The Islamic Society of Norman, which is only three blocks away from Hinrichs' apartment, at 420 E. Lindsey. THIS DIRECTORY shows that 420 E. Lindsey is also the office of the University of Oklahoma chapter of the Muslim Students Association, confirming that this was mosque attended by Cheema and possibly Hinrichs. 3. Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. At the time of the explosion, a football game was being played at the campus stadium, with 80,000 fans in attendance. According to this article at NewsOK.com (again, NewsOK may require registration), "One OU senior, Adam Smith, of Oklahoma City, however, said a stadium guard Saturday night told him 'a guy had sprinted off' outside Gate 6 after refusing to let his backpack be searched." If Hinrichs had walked from his apartment to the blast site, he would have walked right past the stadium. I couldn't find exactly where Gate 6 was, but THIS PAGE shows that Section 6 is on the west side of the stadium, though I don't know if Gate 6 leads to Section 6. In any event, the west side of the stadium is the point closest to the blast site, and if someone "sprinted away" west from the stadium, the first place he would come to is the very place where the explosion happened. 4. Blast Site. According to THIS ARTICLE and THIS ARTICLE in the Oklahoma Daily, the explosion happened on the South Oval of the campus, in front of George Lynn Cross Hall. An official campus map downloadable at THIS PAGE shows the location of George Lynn Cross Hall, immediately to the west of the stadium. Another detailed pdf map of the campus, showing the location of George Lynn Cross Hall and the stadium, can be downloaded HERE. What does all this information suggest about Hinrichs' movements on the evening of the blast? The map composite above shows each location, and the likely route he took before he died in the explosion. News is breaking quickly on this case. If you have links to hard information that you think would be useful to add to this page, send them to tips@zombietime.com. Until then, here is a selection of other interesting links related to this case: Breaking link: NewsOK.com: Television report confirms that Hinrichs recently spent much of his time at the Islamic Society of Norman Tapscott's Copy Desk: Exclusive -- tree at bomb site shows evidence of round shrapnel holes -- possible evidence of a bomb intended to cause harm to others. channeloklahoma.com: Hinrichs Tried To Buy Ammonium Nitrate. bellaciao.org: OU President David Boren, who has connections to the intelligence community, is trying to downplay the incident, because of school debts related to the stadium. Norman Transcript: The explosion was so powerful that it was heard four miles away. WFAA.com: The stadium was "vibrating" from the force of the blast (link may require free registration). Associated Press (in 2002): Zacarias Moussaoui, the "20th hijacker" of 9/11, was connected to the Islamic Society of Norman. Oklahoma Daily (repeat of link above): Hinrichs was vaporized from the waist up by the bomb. channeloklahoma.com: MSA claims Hinrichs not a member. Flopping Aces: Good rundown of the known facts. Overview of news links related to the case. The following links may be sensationalizing, so take their claims with a grain of salt: WorldNetDaily: Hinrichs had Islamic jihad materials Northeast Intelligence Network Hinrichs part of Muslim terror cell in Norman. Other blogs with interesting coverage: Fanblogs: Overview of terroristic aspects of the case so far. The Jawa Report: Commenters have intriguing insights. AR15.com: If you have the patience to read through the whole thing, this thread has several eyewitness accounts of the blast and details about Hinrichs' activities.
  8. I hear ya'! This guy is a goon. Personally, I prefer exchange ideas in a civilized and constructive manner. When I hear/read posts that make all sorts of misguided implications void of perspective, crucial facts and historical reference I don't hesitate to flip the script and be just a asinine. My goal in doing so is to illustrate the absurdity in their argument/s by being just as absurd. Ironically w/ destruction, he turns around and gets extremely personal becoming everything he accuses conservatives of being. I'm with ya'! He's not worth the corn in my shit. ps...I refuse to believe he's a 47 yr. old male. NO WAY! He comes across more as a teenager who sports 5 inch stacked puma sneakers, has been to one to many raves and sucked on 1 too many nitrous balloons. One has to try REALLY HARD to be that ignorant, don't they? He should donate his body to science to maybe find out what went wrong.
  9. How brave of you to do it on a thread! Try it in real life, "chicken hawk"!!!! All you have to offer is debauchery. WHAT A LOSER! PATHETIC!
  10. Perfect illustration of why you are inconsequential Kudos to you MOGAGO!
  11. N. Korea? How about a church? He might just spontaneously combust. I'm convinced now more than ever that this person(aka:discombobulation) is not right in the head. Definitely crossed cables. He's on his own. Not even the handful of folks that "sort of "agree w/ him, but aren't as extreme, defend the freak. It really is amazing to watch this freak render himself irrelevant w/out having the slightest clue that the only "destruction" is his own. Now that I think of it, that is a perfect name for him, destruction. After this show he's putting on, he might wanna add the word "self" to his screen name. Nice work fruitcake! Don't forget to put on your pointy, tin foil hat.
  12. OH YEAH,,,Is that the SNoopy Model that makes snow cones too? bastard! Damn that BUsh!!! LOL
  13. Careful, he might report you to the PLEASURE POLICE.....lol You wanna see the epitome of a pussybitch loser? Destruction quote: "You've been reported. I printed post #8 and have given it to authorities. Pray they don't knock on your door equipped with a yoyo (warrant). I printed that post and attached it here. Don't even try to hide your threat by editing it. Too late. You're all done. You have met your "destruction".
  14. http://drudgereport.com/flash2cbs.htm FORMER FBI DIRECTOR: CLINTON WAS A PROBLEM ; 'CLOSETS WERE FULL OF SKELETONS' Thu Oct 06 2005 14:07:50 ET Louis Freeh Speaks for the First Time About his Terrible Relationship with the President Former FBI Director Louis J. Freeh says publicly for the first time that his relationship with President Bill Clinton – the man who appointed him – was a terrible one because Clinton’s scandals made him a constant target of FBI investigations. Freeh discloses this and many other details of his dealings with the Clinton White House in a new bombshell book 'My FBI : Bringing Down the Mafia, Investigating Bill Clinton, and Fighting the War on Terror' -- ste for release next week. Freeh has taped an interview with Mike Wallace and CBSNEWS '60 MINUTES' to be broadcast Sunday, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. MORE In the book, “My FBI,†he writes, “The problem was with Bill Clinton -- the scandals and the rumored scandals, the incubating ones and the dying ones never ended. Whatever moral compass the president was consulting was leading him in the wrong direction. His closets were full of skeletons just waiting to burst out.†The director sought to distance himself from Clinton because of Whitewater, refusing a White House pass that would have enabled him to enter the building without signing in. This irked Clinton. “I wanted all my visits to be official,†says Freeh. “When I sent the pass back with a note, I had no idea it would antagonize the president,†he tells Wallace. Returning the pass was only the start of the rift. Later, relations got so bad that President Clinton reportedly began referring to Freeh as “that F…ing Freeh.†Says Freeh, “I don’t know how they referred to me and I really didn’t care,†he says. “My role and my obligation was to conduct criminal investigations. He, unfortunately for the country and unfortunately for him, happened to be the subject of that investigation,†Freeh says. In another revelation, Freeh says the former president let down the American people and the families of victims of the Khobar Towers terror attack in Saudi Arabia. After promising to bring to justice those responsible for the bombing that killed 19 and injured hundreds, Freeh says Clinton refused to personally ask Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah to allow the FBI to question bombing suspects the kingdom had in custody – the only way the bureau could secure the interviews, according to Freeh. Freeh writes in the book, “Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudis’ reluctance to cooperate and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library.†Says Freeh, “That’s a fact that I am reporting.†The most unsavory of those investigations was the one concerning Clinton and Lewinsky. The White House intern had kept a semen-stained dress as proof of her relationship and a Clinton blood sample was needed to match the DNA on the dress. “Well, it was like a bad movie and it was ridiculous that…Ken Starr and myself, the director of the FBI, find ourselves in that ridiculous position,†he tells Wallace. “But we did it…very carefully, very confidentially,†recalls Freeh. As he explains the plan in the book, Clinton was at a scheduled dinner and excused himself to go to the bathroom. Instead of the restroom, he entered another room where FBI medical technicians were waiting to take a blood sample. Freeh says he was determined to stay on as FBI director until President Clinton left office so that Clinton could not appoint his successor. “I was concerned about who he would put in there as FBI director because he had expressed antipathy for the FBI, for the director,†he tells Wallace. “[so] I was going to stay there and make sure he couldn’t replace me,†Freeh tells Wallace. Developing...
  15. That he is! I've always heard of people like that, but this is the first time I've had the displeasure of actually interacting w/ one. I actually don't wish him death! Life alone is torture enough! I want him to wake up every morning, look at the reflection of his mug and know he is the embodiment of irrelevance. Hey Destruction! You don't matter! YOU'RE NAVAL LINT!
  16. Tic toc,,,,,tic toc,,,,,,,,tic toc.......... what was that? I don't think I've ever met a bigger pussy in my entire life!!! EVER! And you say you're a 47 yr. old man? YOU'RE PATHETIC,,,AND YOU KNOW IT! I don't know your parents but from the little I know of you, THEY HAVE TO BE EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED. You have ZERO respect for anyone and my guess is that includes yourself as well! You can split hairs all you want w/ threats and wishes....You're still a cunt who's lucky to be hiding behind these threads! Like I said before, I'm here to offer you the backhand bitch slaps your parents (RIP) wish they could give you now. Shame on you for injecting my dead cousin and your dead father in your twisted web of hate.
  17. Word to the wise. Anyone who's been on these threads for a while now should have come across the posts from DESTRUCTION. A person who only knows how call people names and repeatedly wish for their death/s. This person has flipped his lid. After expressing his wish I join my dead cousin who died last June in Iraq he's now taken it upon himself to report me to the "AUTHORITAAAYS" for warning him that he better pray we never meet. Just thought ya'll might wanna know even more about this waste of sperm known as DESTRUCTION! THIS WAS THE POST: Quote: Originally Posted by destruction "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism." -Thomas Jefferson You threaten me yet I'm the "stupid fuck" for exercising my first amendment rights. Real patriots don't threaten people. Patriots report them to authorities. You've made it. You've been reported. I printed post #8 and have given it to authorities. Pray they don't knock on your door equipped with a yoyo (warrant). I printed that post and attached it here. Don't even try to hide your threat by editing it. Too late. You're all done. You have met your "destruction". Pathetic....Mind boggling! You have to be mongolic! Print it, write it down, take a picture, I don't give fuck!!!!! Your dumb ass doesn't even realize how many times you've wished death on people who you don't agree w/ on these threads. You're retarded bro! The tone in your last post actually comes across as if you've accomplished something? You're living in a bubble, puta! Maybe I didn't make myself clear: After your personal attack on my dead cousin who was killed in Camp Anaconda, Iraq by an RPG I officially warned you...PRAY WE NEVER MEET! PRAY OUR PATHS DON'T CROSS! I don't know if you were raised by monkeys or never had enough love but what you definitley don't have is common sense and respect for the dead. I'll gladly offering my services to help you understand what your parents failed to teach you. Again, pray that you can keep hiding behind this message board.
  18. Pathetic....Mind boggling! You have to be mongolic! Print it, write it down, take a picture, I don't give fuck!!!!! Your dumb ass doesn't even realize how many times you've wished death on people who you don't agree w/ on these threads. You're retarded bro! The tone in your last post actually comes across as if you've accomplished something? You're living in a bubble, puta! Maybe I didn't make myself clear: After your personal attack on my dead cousin who was killed in Camp Anaconda, Iraq by an RPG I officially warned you...PRAY WE NEVER MEET! PRAY OUR PATHS DON'T CROSS! I don't know if you were raised by monkeys or never had enough love but what you definitley don't have is common sense and respect for the dead. I'll gladly offering my services to help you understand what your parents failed to teach you. Again, pray that you can keep hiding behind this message board.
  19. He's a goon and a tool! He has serious mental issues. Lack of a grasp on reality and severely, emotionally cripple. No control. Either he drank some laced Kool-Aid or he's mongo? as for the only Bush quote he seems to love "and to the extent the federal government didn't fully do its job right, I take responsibility." He somehow translates that to taking responsibility for local and state gov't? He's mongo 4-real! Bruto! Again, he better pray we never cross paths.
  20. u stupid fuck! keep up the great work w/ all the "Bush is the devil" garbage. Your dumb ass does not even recognize how you cancel yourselves out of the equation when you veer off on your emotional rants. Great job and way to be a patriot! On this thread, you have AGAIN rendered yourself irrelvant w/ no help from me. Well, maybe a little push demanding you admit what you feel? ps...Pray we never meet, puta!
  21. R U sure you're 47 yrs. old? I'm only saying what you're too afraid to write. Just stop torturing yourself and come clean, son! Strap on a pair and say what's on your mind. Stop w/ the little implications and innuendoes and spit it out! You think Bush is the anti-Christ?,,,,say it! You think Bush is plotting to destroy blacks? Say it bitch! Plz! I beg you! I want you to come clean and say what you think and feel! As for the little comment about my cousin.........You know if I ever run into you, I'm breaking your fucking face! No questions asked. No warnings. Pray I don't find a way to track you down. I'll leave it at that!
  22. It's a conspiracy! Whitey is out to get the darkies! yeah,,that's it!
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