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Everything posted by drlogic

  1. DeLay's prosecutors lack a key document They don't have list of candidates at the heart of the laundering case, just a 'similar' one By R.G. RATCLIFFE Copyright 2005 Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau AUSTIN - Travis County prosecutors admitted Friday they lack physical proof of a list of Republican candidates that is at the heart of money-laundering indictments against U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay and two of his associates. The list is key to prosecutors being able to prove that corporate money that could not be legally spent on Texas candidates was specifically exchanged at the national level for donations that legally could be spent on Republican candidates for the Texas House. Indictments against DeLay, Jim Ellis and John Colyandro state that Ellis gave "a document that contained the names of several candidates for the Texas House" to a Republican National Committee official in 2002 in a scheme to swap $190,000 in restricted corporate money for the same amount of money from individuals that could be legally used by Texas candidates. But prosecutors said Friday in court that they only had a "similar" list and not the one allegedly received by then-RNC Deputy Director Terry Nelson. Late in the day, they released a list of 17 Republican candidates, but only seven are alleged to have received money in the scheme. A lawyer for Ellis said prosecutors' inability to produce the list mentioned in the indictments is on par with the tactics used by U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy in the communist witch hunts of the 1950s. "I'll tell you what I think about this list. In the 1950s, a man named McCarthy claimed to have a list of 200 communists in the State Department, and he didn't," said J.D. Pauerstein, a lawyer for Jim Ellis, the director of DeLay's Americans for a Republican Majority. "They (prosecutors) don't know what list they're talking about, even though they specify it in their indictment." Nelson's testimony is key Without the exact list, the prosecutors' case against DeLay, Ellis and Colyandro likely turns on Nelson's testimony. Nelson testified at least twice to grand juries hearing the case. "That would be something Mr. Nelson could testify to, and the jury could weigh the testimony and decide whether to accept it or whether he's confused about what list he saw three or four years ago in the midst of a heated election cycle," Pauerstein said. Lawyers for Ellis and Colyandro demanded a copy of the list from Travis County prosecutors during the court hearing Friday. But Assistant District Attorney Rick Reed told state District Judge Bob Perkins that the list prosecutors wanted to provide the defense was not the one mentioned in the indictment. Reed said prosecutors had a list of candidates from the business papers of the DeLay-founded Texans for a Republican Majority, TRMPAC, that they believe was a precursor to the one given to Nelson. "Despite the fact that the state cannot conclusively prove that the said document is a duplicate (or copy thereof)" of the document given to Nelson, the "state believes that the document is at least factually related" to the document mentioned in the indictment, Reed said in a court brief filed after the hearing. The list released by prosecutors contained the names of 17 Republican state House candidates from 2002. Nine of the candidates had dollar amounts listed next to their names totaling $230,000. Those nine include the seven candidates who received the contested $190,000 in donations from the Republican National State Elections Committee, with the dollar amounts next to their names matching the donations they received. A lawyer for Colyandro said he was stunned to learn the state does not have a copy of the list given to Nelson. Colyandro was the executive director of TRMPAC. "It's just hard to believe this (list) is central to their indictment," said Colyandro attorney Joe Turner. "They've had this grand jury investigation for over three years now, and they don't have a list, and now they've come up with a document that they say is similar to the list." 'Astonishing, astonishing' DeLay's lawyer, Dick DeGuerin of Houston, was not present in court Friday. But he later said the lack of a list "destroys" District Attorney Ronnie Earle's case against the three men. "That's astonishing, astonishing that they would get a grand jury to indict and allege there is a list and then they have to admit in open court the first time they appear in open court that there is no list," DeGuerin said. In a civil lawsuit related to the case, RNC election law counsel Charles Spies testified in March that he knew of no list of Texas candidates being given to the RNC as part of an alleged money exchange in 2002. Nelson has referred questions to the RNC, whose spokesman Brian Jones has declined to comment. The indictments allege Colyandro had a TRMPAC check for $190,000 drawn from corporate funds and sent to Ellis, who in turn gave the check to Nelson on Sept. 13, 2002. The indictment says Ellis gave Nelson a document with candidate names on it and outlined how they should receive donations "in exchange" for the TRMPAC corporate money. Texas law prohibits corporate donations to candidates. Pauerstein said it was legal for TRMPAC to accept corporate money so long as it did not donate it to a candidate. He said there is no state law to prohibit TRMPAC from donating corporate money to the RNC. "If they (corporations) want to give them (TRMPAC) $100,000 to set on fire in a parking lot, that's not illegal. There's no intent for that to be a campaign contribution," Pauerstein said. Subpoenas raise criticism Pauerstein also blasted prosecutors for a new set of subpoenas that he said includes a request for the 2002 phone records of Ellis' daughter. "On top of that, they are now subpoenaing cell phone records of Jim Ellis' 17-year-old daughter. This is a prosecution that has run amok. It's time for this to stop," Pauerstein said. "I guess they think Jim's 17-year-old daughter is a money launderer. I think it's outrageous that they're doing that to the young lady." Earle responded to Pauerstein's comments by saying, "The investigation is continuing." r.g.ratcliffe@chron.com
  2. AMERICAN CONSERVATISM Holding Court There's a crackdown over Miers, not a "crackup." BY RUSH LIMBAUGH Monday, October 17, 2005 12:01 a.m. I love being a conservative. We conservatives are proud of our philosophy. Unlike our liberal friends, who are constantly looking for new words to conceal their true beliefs and are in a perpetual state of reinvention, we conservatives are unapologetic about our ideals. We are confident in our principles and energetic about openly advancing them. We believe in individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule of law, faith, a color-blind society and national security. We support school choice, enterprise zones, tax cuts, welfare reform, faith-based initiatives, political speech, homeowner rights and the war on terrorism. And at our core we embrace and celebrate the most magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S. Constitution. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a people. We conservatives are never stronger than when we are advancing our principles. And that's the nature of our current debate over the nomination of Harriet Miers. Will she respect the Constitution? Will she be an originalist who will accept the limited role of the judiciary to interpret and uphold it, and leave the elected branches--we, the people--to set public policy? Given the extraordinary power the Supreme Court has seized from the representative parts of our government, this is no small matter. Roe v. Wade is a primary example of judicial activism. Regardless of one's position on abortion, seven unelected and unaccountable justices simply did not have the constitutional authority to impose their pro-abortion views on the nation. The Constitution empowers the people, through their elected representatives in Congress or the state legislatures, to make this decision. Abortion is only one of countless areas in which a mere nine lawyers in robes have imposed their personal policy preferences on the rest of us. The court has conferred due process rights on terrorists detained at Guantanamo Bay and benefits on illegal immigrants. It has ruled that animated cyberspace child pornography is protected speech, but certain broadcast ads aired before elections are illegal; it has held that the Ten Commandments can't be displayed in a public building, but they can be displayed outside a public building; and the court has invented rationales to skirt the Constitution, such as using foreign law to strike down juvenile death penalty statutes in over a dozen states. For decades conservatives have considered judicial abuse a direct threat to our Constitution and our form of government. The framers didn't create a judicial oligarchy. They created a representative republic. Our opposition to judicial activism runs deep. We've witnessed too many occasions where Republican presidents have nominated the wrong candidates to the court, and we want more assurances this time--some proof. The left, on the other hand, sees the courts as the only way to advance their big-government agenda. They can't win national elections if they're open about their agenda. So, they seek to impose their policies by judicial fiat. It's time to call them on it. And that's what many of us had hoped and expected when the president made his nomination. Some liberal commentators mistakenly view the passionate debate among conservatives over the Miers nomination as a "crackup" on the right. They are giddy about "splits" in the conservative base of the GOP. They are predicting doom for the rest of the president's term and gloom for Republican electoral chances in 2006. As usual, liberals don't understand conservatives and never will. The Miers nomination shows the strength of the conservative movement. This is no "crackup." It's a crackdown. We conservatives are unified in our objectives. And we are organized to advance them. The purpose of the Miers debate is to ensure that we are doing the very best we can to move the nation in the right direction. And when all is said and done, we will be even stronger and more focused on our agenda and defeating those who obstruct it, just in time for 2006 and 2008. Lest anyone forget, for several years before the 1980 election, we had knockdown battles within the GOP. The result: Ronald Reagan won two massive landslides. The real crackup has already occurred--on the left! The Democratic Party has been hijacked by 1960s retreads like Howard Dean; billionaire eccentrics like George Soros; and leftwing computer geeks like Moveon.org. It nominated John Kerry, a notorious Vietnam-era antiwar activist, as its presidential standard-bearer. Its major spokesmen are old extremists like Ted Kennedy and new propagandists like Michael Moore. Its great presidential hope is one of the most divisive figures in U.S. politics, Hillary Clinton. And its favorite son is an impeached, disbarred, held-in-contempt ex-president, Bill Clinton. The Democratic Party today is split over the war and a host of cultural issues, such as same-sex marriage and partial birth abortion. It wants to raise taxes, but dares not say so. It can't decide what message to convey to the American people or how to convey it. And even its once- reliable allies in the big media aren't as influential in promoting the party and its agenda as they were in the past. The new media--talk radio, the Internet and cable TV--not only have a growing following, but have helped expose the bias and falsehoods of the big-media, e.g., Dan Rather, CBS News and the forged National Guard documents. Hence, circulation and audience is down, and dropping. The American left is stuck trying to repeat the history of its presumed glory years. They hope people will see Iraq as Vietnam, the entirety of the Bush administration as Watergate and Hurricane Katrina as the Great Depression. Beyond looking to the past for their salvation, the problem is that they continue to deceive even themselves. None of their comparisons are true. Meanwhile, we conservatives will continue to focus on making history. Mr. Limbaugh is a radio-show host. This is the latest in our occasional series. Copyright © 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.opinionjournal.com/forms/printThis.html?id=110007417
  3. LOL sweet! YO,,,SPRAGGA BENZ!!!! Big Up soldier!!! don't worry 'bout "scooter" (aka destruction)...... Hey Destructon: Scatta! Move yo' bombaclath! Pussyclath! Rassclath Battyboy! chichimon! Undahcover battyman! JAH!!!! Respect!!!
  4. holy makarol great googly moogly! wuchoo talk'n 'bout willis? looky here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  5. a ha!!! lol you're screwed now. destruction's gonna report you to the authorities.
  6. Flash: Cable News Race Weds Nite, Oct 12, 2005 Viewers Foxnews O'reilly 2,687,000 Foxnews Hannity/colmes 1,559,000 Foxnews Shep Smith 1,500,000 Foxnews Greta 1,499,000 Cnn King 821,000 Cnn Zahn 818,000 Cnn Cooper 766,000 Cnn Brown 687,000 Cnnhn Grace 653,000 Msnbc Rita Cosby 455,000 Msnbc Hardball 429,000 Msnbc Scarborough 334,000 Msnbc Olbermann 319,000 Msnbc Tucker 280,000
  7. there's no place like home there's no place like home there's no place like home Todo???
  8. d.c. is just honkydory! lot's of hookers! actually, I've partied in DC before. Not bad. Downtown and Georgetown. But definitley, TONS OF HOOKERS downtown! LOL
  9. Forecast Summary* Friday,Oct 14: 2-3 ft - knee to waist high occasionally 4 ft. and poor-fair conditions. Saturday,Oct 15: 4-5 ft. - shoulder to head high occasionally 6 ft. and fair-good conditions. Sunday,Oct 16: 4-6 ft. - shoulder high to 1 ft. overhead and good conditions. *Summaries are for best spots only
  10. October 13, 2005 An Honest Missive Zawahiri boasts strategy for "victory of Islam." by Bruce Thornton Private Papers The website of the Director of National Intelligence just published a letter from Al Qaeda’s number two leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the head-terrorist in Iraq. This document repays careful reading, for it explodes much of the received wisdom many people rely on in making sense of jihadist terror. According to this standard interpretation, Islamic terror is the handiwork of a fanatic minority that has “highjacked†and distorted Islamic doctrine. These medieval throwbacks gain traction from the political autocracy and oppression that dominate the Muslim governments in the Middle East, regimes that cannot provide the freedom and prosperity that would eliminate the frustration and despair breeding terrorist violence. The leftist variation of this analysis lays the blame on Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, and Western, particularly American, imperialist and colonialist misdeeds in the region. Either way, the underlying assumption is that jihadist terror is a sort of cultural neurosis arising in reaction to political or material circumstances. Thus the cure for the terrorist “disease†must be found in improving those circumstances: installing democratic governments or compelling Israel to surrender Judea and Samaria (aka the “occupied West Bankâ€) so that a Palestinian state can be created. Zawahiri’s letter, however, offers little that squares with this received wisdom. Its shrewd analysis and careful argument are the signs not of a wild-eyed religious fanatic but of a thinker shaped by his religion’s history and spiritual imperatives. Indeed, Zawahiri is very clear about the traditional jihadist motivation, one that is not a mere reaction to Western misdeeds or a distortion of Islam, but rather squarely in its history and traditional values: the eventual triumph of the true faith over “atheism†and “polytheism,†the latter term code for Christianity. Thus the struggle in Iraq is the site of “the greatest battle of Islam in this era,†another in a long series of “epic battles between Islam and atheism.†However, in Zawahiri’s analysis, “the victory of Islam will never take place until a Muslim state is established in the manner of the Prophet in the heart of the Islamic world.†For only then can the caliphate ultimately be reestablished: “The goal in this age,†Zawahiri writes, “is the establishment of a caliphate in the manner of the Prophet.†The terror of the insurgents in Iraq is a “large step directly towards that goal.†Rather than a localized response to American-Zionist imperial adventurism, then, the insurgency in Iraq according to Zawahiri is merely the means to achieving the first of several “incremental goals†aimed at the eventual establishment of the caliphate throughout the “heart of the Islamic world,†that is the whole Middle East. The first “goal†is to “expel the Americans from Iraq†as a necessary precondition to creating “an Islamic authority or amirate [province],†one that will have no truck with infidel Western notions of secular democracy or human rights. Note well: the insurgents are murdering and maiming not in reaction to Abu Graib, not to forestall Western control over oil reserves, not out of frustration with Israel’s defensive wall, not for any of the reasons we in the West cook up out of our own materialist prejudices, but for a spiritual goal: the fulfillment of Allah’s will that the traditional lands once conquered by his armies and subjected to Islam be restored to rule by adherents of the true faith. After this goal is achieved, the “third stage†will involve expanding “the jihad wave to the secular countries neighboring Iraq.†And then will come the final stage: “the clash with Israel.†Zawahiri’s references to Israel are significant, and make clear that despite years of propaganda in which Palestinian frustrated “nationalist aspirations†are trotted out as excuses for murder, it is Israel’s very existence, no matter what it does, that makes its elimination necessary. As Zawahiri puts it, Palestine is the “heart†of a “bird†whose wings are Syria and Egypt. The Western powers understood the strategic importance of this location for destroying the unity of the Muslim-Arab world; hence, “they did not establish Israel in this triangle surrounded by Egypt and Syria and overlooking the Hijaz [western Saudi Arabia containing Mecca and Medina] except for their own interests.†In other words, Israel is simply a weapon in the war of the infidel against Islam, an outpost of the West as much as were the medieval Crusader kingdoms, a state “established only to challenge any new Islamic entity.†That is why Israel must go, not because it has prevented the Palestinians from creating a state. Indeed, Zawahiri implicitly rejects the “nationalist†interpretation of the struggle against Israel: “It is strange that the Arab nationalists also have, despite their avoidance of Islamic practice, come to comprehend the great importance of this province [Palestine] . . . They have come to comprehend the goal of planting Israel in this region, and they are not misled in this, rather they have admitted their ignorance of the religious nature of this conflict.†Nor is this interpretation the idiosyncratic obsession of a crank, as the existence of numerous Palestinian jihadist terror organizations attests. The West’s failure to recognize that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an episode in the centuries-long spiritual struggle between Islam and the “infidels†continues to this day, as we see with the vast hopes pinned on Mahmoud Abbas and democratic elections, all the while organizations like Hamas, committed like Zawahiri to the destruction of Israel, continue to enjoy significant support among Palestinian Arabs and to function as an autonomous state-within-a-state. The creation of a Palestinian state, then, is merely a stage towards that eventual “clash with Israel†Zawahiri speaks of. Until we recognize this spiritual motivation and compel the presumed “moderates†who sincerely reject it to act on their beliefs –– more bluntly, to destroy the armed terrorists–– there will be no solution to that crisis that does not leave Israel vulnerable. Zawahiri understands that the pursuit of this traditional Islamic goal must take place in a modern world in which the infidels have an overwhelming military superiority. This means that the struggle must be carried on at the psychological and perceptual level as well. He understands that “half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media†in a “race for the hearts and minds of our Umma [the whole Muslim community].†Suicide attacks on Shiites in Iraq, then, are condemned not on moral or religious grounds, but as tactical errors in the battle for “hearts and minds.†Why a gory beheading when “we can kill the captives by a bullet. That would achieve that which is sought after without exposing ourselves to the questions and answering to doubts.†As we have seen repeatedly in Israel, terrorist murder is condemned on tactical, not moral, grounds. Always the larger goal, the restoration of Islamic dominance, is the only standard by which to judge any action. Finally, Zawahiri makes it clear that the Islamic arrogant assurance of its spiritual superiority and righteousness is validated by the corresponding spiritual dysfunction of an American society that puts material comfort and security ahead of everything else. Zawahiri’s confidence that the “Americans will exit soon,†as he puts it, and so planning should commence for the political order that will arise upon their departure, is confirmed for him historically by Vietnam: “The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam –– and how they ran and left their agents –– is noteworthy.†Indeed it is, but not for the false “quagmire†analogy trotted out periodically by those opposed to the war in Iraq. Rather, the significance of Vietnam lies in how the United States, as a South Vietnamese defense minister put it, “snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.†In other words, military power may have succeeded in turning back the North Vietnamese, but political and moral weakness undid all the gains earned by the sacrifice of 60,000 American lives and millions of Vietnamese. As Zawahiri indicates, the lesson was learned by our enemies: make enough Americans uncomfortable, disturb their leisure and sensibilities with enough grisly images helpfully broadcast by their own media, and eventually they will cut and run. And indeed, if we were to abandon Iraq after suffering there about the same number of deaths as we did in two months in Vietnam, such abandonment would confirm for the jihadists their estimation of our spiritual corruption. Over and over the jihadist enemy tells us why he wants to kill us, and over and over we dismiss his words or reduce them to our own categories. Paralyzed by our fear of being “insensitive†to cultural differences, and deluded by our materialist preconceptions that reduce religion to an expression of some more “real†cause, we refuse to name clearly the enemy: an Islamic faith that for centuries has killed, enslaved, plundered, ravaged, and conquered in the service of its arrogant assurance of its spiritual superiority. ©2005 Bruce Thornton
  11. Liar! We all know that if this were true, Air America would be explaining the Bush-Connection. You just hate America Igloo. Go fuck a goat and die in Iraq..... LOL....Sorry Igloo,,,Just trying to get in "destruction" mode. I can't do it......LOL I'm trying, but I just can't. LOL LOL LOL I'm gonna try and slam my head on the pavement a few times and give it another shot. I just can't even act that stupid if I tried.
  12. So................................... The UN was wrong in not supporting America and it's coalition of the willing where Iraq was concerned. This means that the UN undermined Americas efforts to hold Saddam accountable and they did it out of greed for money. But I thought America was the evil glutton? Now we confirm that it was the multicultural, America hating UN which has underminded this effort. Imagine if the world would have been united in removing Saddam and rebuilding Iraq? Terrorist would have had a chance! They would all be dead or hiding in caves. So America stood on principle and DID THE RIGHT THING w/ or w/out the UN. Looks like history is ALREADY vindicating Bush and his admin. This combined w/ the Zawahiri letter to Zarqawi seems to throw all sorts of egg in face of the mainstream press and all the critics. Well, can't say we didn't try to tell them where they were going wrong. We did. They didn't listen. Again, a perfect illustration of how todays critics keep finding a way to STEP IN IT,,,big time! Way to go losers! After all your bitching and pseudo-outrage,,,,You fuckers really are dumb as fuck! Thtoopid is as thtoopid does.... I think I can, I think I can.... Duh,,,Which way did he go George, Which way did he go? Duh,,,I want to love him and hold him and sqeeze him....... Franks and beans,,,Franks and beans.......
  13. Zawahiri's Letter to Zarqawi Proves Left Clueless October 12, 2005 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here's some highlights from the Zarqawi letter, just to give you a little upside in a word-for-word idea of this letter that we have seized. This is "a letter to his top deputy in Iraq, al-Qaida's No. 2 leader said the United States 'ran and left their agents' in Vietnam and the jihadists must have a plan ready to fill the void if the Americans suddenly leave Iraq." Now, you know, as you read the letter you find so many references to the same criticisms that the left makes about this war here in this country. Says Ayman al-Zawahiri in a letter to Abu Mussab Zarqawi, "Things may develop faster than we imagine. The aftermath of the collapse of American power in Vietnam -- and how they ran and left their agents -- is noteworthy. ... We must be ready starting now. It has always been my belief that the victory of Islam will never take place until a Muslim state is established ... in the heart of the Islamic world," said al-Zawahri. "The letter laid out his long-term plan: expel the Americans from Iraq, establish an Islamic authority and take the war to Iraq's secular neighbors, including Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. The final stage, al-Zawahri wrote, would be a clash with Israel, which he said was established to challenge 'any new Islamic entity.' The letter is dated July 9, and was acquired during U.S. operations in Iraq. It was written in Arabic and translated by the U.S. government. The Pentagon briefed reporters last week on portions of the document, but the full text was not available until," yesterday. "In his letter, al-Zawahri, a Sunni, devoted significant attention to al-Zarqawi's attempts to start a civil war with the rival Muslim Shiite sect, the majority that now dominates the new Iraqi government. Ultimately, al-Zawahri concluded that violence, particularly against Shiite mosques, only raises questions among Muslims. 'This matter won't be acceptable to the Muslim populace however much you have tried to explain it, and aversion to this will continue.'" Stop blowing up Muslims! Stop blowing up the Shi'ites and the mosques. It ain't going to happen. We're not going to persuade them to join us if you do that. "Al-Zawahri was also critical of the Taliban, which was toppled in ... Afghanistan, because, he said, they did not have the representation of the Afghan people. He said students of the Taliban retreated to their tribes. 'Even the devout ones took the stance of spectator,' al-Zawahri wrote," and, see, folks, this is key. This is one of the reasons why I believe that this letter is genuine. They haven't had a state. They've tried in two -- well, maybe three -- separate places to establish an Islamic state, not just a nation of Muslims, but a state in their image. They tried it first in Somalia, and then they went to Sudan, and what Afghanistan was all about was taking over that country. If you look at bin Laden's movements, he always ended up in stateless countries where there really wasn't much of a government at all to try to establish this mythical militant Islamic state. But the Taliban never went along with it and he's also saying the Taliban didn't have the representation of the Afghan people. That's what they're trying to do in Iraq, through intimidation and blowing them up and blowing up the mosques and causing all kinds of havoc and hell. They're trying to get the people of Iraq to surrender and peacefully accept a militant Islamic state. This whole letter makes the case exactly as Bush has laid it out. As Bush has laid it out, this letter practically word-for-word illustrates that what we're being told about it is true. "At times, the letter got personal. Al-Zawahri said he tasted the bitterness of America's brutality, noting that his 'favorite wife's chest was crushed by a concrete ceiling' during an apparent U.S. attack. His daughter died of a cerebral hemorrhage." That would be his "favorite wife's chest," but he at least had other wives and other chests to visit and explore. "The letter then switches to the court of public opinion. 'More than half of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media,' he wrote. 'We are in a media battle in a race for the hearts and minds of our umma,'" the people. "The line is an apparent reference to a phrase -- 'hearts and minds' -- often used by President Bush." We're in a battle, media battle? Well, it's obvious they know that. It's obvious they know how to play the American media. I mean, it's classic. Vietnam. I know, Vietnam references and all, it is classic. It's literally just classic. BREAK TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Here's Bob in San Ramon, California. Welcome, sir. VOICE: Hey, Rush, thank you so much for taking my call. I've been listening to you since '88 in Sacramento, and you've changed my life. RUSH: Well, thank you, sir, very much. CALLER: I just want to say hello to my dad who is right there in Mount Prospect and he listens to you every day, he's like 84 years old and loves you. I just wanted to comment on this thing going on in Iraq with Zarqawi. This memo is just incredible. I mean, he states what he's going to do, which is kill everybody first, then kill the Shi'ites, then let's go establish a caliphate, and then go out and take Syria and Lebanon -- and I want to ask you what information you might have on how we disseminate this to the population in Iraq. I mean, as a democracy it seems to me that they're voting very well. I mean, this guy actually shows his befuddlement. In fact, Zarqawi sort of reminds me of that famous lost Indian tribe. But I was looking for your comments on how we're doing in disseminating this kind of information to the population in Iraq. RUSH: I couldn't tell you. I have no idea if we're doing it. I don't know that we're going to do it, and if we do it, I don't know how, unless we overrun and overtake al-Jazeera. I'm sure that there are going to be some efforts made, but that's a good question, because it is a golden opportunity. It's obviously been disseminated in the US media, and it's getting its fair amount of coverage here on the cable networks today, but the pamphlet drop? There are local newspapers that are publishing over there, and everybody has cell phones -- not everybody, 3-1/2 million cell phone subscribers. There's any number of ways to spread the word. Another interesting thing about this: Here you've got Syria, Lebanon and Jordan who have just been placed in the crosshairs by Zawahiri. "Hey look, Abu, when you finish wiping everybody out, you wipe out Iraq and you set up our militant Islamic government, next we're going to take out Syria, then we're going to take out Jordan, and we're going to take out Lebanon, and that's what we've got to do." Okay, so what's old Bashar Assad think about this when he finds out he's going to be in the crosshairs? King Abdullah? And, by the way, there's been another execution-suicide in Lebanon (story). I say "execution-suicide" because the #2 guy in the government over there "killed himself" (a-hem) getting too close to the identity of the people that killed that very popular leader some six or seven months ago. I've always looked at the Middle East region since we got into Iraq as something that's undergoing a great metamorphosis and change, and this letter indicates the problem they've got. They don't trust Syria anymore, and they certainly don't trust Lebanon, and they're not going to trust Jordan. These are all so-called secularist countries there, meaning they're not Islamic, and can't have that. So just as the United States is trying to establish a beachhead of freedom in Iraq, the Al-Qaeda crew recognizes how devastating that would be to their cause, and rather than just beat us out of there, kick us out of there, and force us to leave, and to get as many people as possible thinking this is just like Vietnam, they want to set up their own state in Iraq. So it's going to be very tough for a serious Democrat to say, "Yeah, we gotta get out," but, that's exactly what their left-wing base is demanding that they say. So all these problems, folks, that you keep hearing, that the administration has, fear not. The left is clueless. They don't have the slightest idea how to take advantage of this other than in a legal way, and that's not nearly enough to get them back to the power that they so desperately seek. END TRANSCRIPT
  14. http://wavewatch.com/pages/regions.php?RegionID=14 Forecast Summary* Thursday,Oct 13: 2-3 ft - knee to waist high and poor-fair conditions. Friday,Oct 14: 2-3 ft - knee to waist high occasionally 4 ft. and poor-fair conditions. Saturday,Oct 15: 4-5 ft. - shoulder to head high occasionally 6 ft. and fair conditions. *Summaries are for best spots only Forecast update for Wednesday afternoon. SHORT RANGE The models hint at bigger swell by the weekend. Small windswell 1.5-2.0 ft through Friday. Then swell on the upswing at 5.5-6.0 ft late Saturday and 6.0-6.5 ft Sunday. Swell fading fast Monday AM from 4.5-5.0 ft. CONDITIONS Wind northeast 5 kts Thursday and 5-10 kts Friday with only minor variation through Sunday. Calm winds Monday. LONG RANGE On Wednesday a broad but unorganized low was continuing east of the Bahamas reaching north to Bermuda. 25 kt south winds were confirmed on it's eastern side but all aimed north. No swell producing fetch yet. By Thursday the Bermuda low is to get better organized with 30-35 kts winds and 21 ft seas aimed back towards Central Florida from it's north quadrant. Decent swell generation potential. On Saturday swell from the Bermuda gale arriving late. The gale itself is to start retreating to the northeast and dissipating. After that a new low to set up over Nova Scotia generating strong offshore winds and starting to sweep the ocean clean up north to Bermuda. Offshore's forecast over all the northern waters well through the weekend. No swell generation potential expected.
  15. Mecca is ---------> that way! Don't forget your hookah
  16. Still thirsty? Aren't you late for your mujahideen meeting? Don't forget to bring the couscous and sambousas to go along w/ that grape drink.
  17. Time for Anti-War Movement to Escalate Efforts — Build on Success ??????? I guess the only thing left now is for you to change into your jammies, put a towel on your head and become a suicide bomber. C'mon,,,You can do it! If there's anything you're good for it's gotta be that! I've just had an epiphany! That's it Scooter! You've found your calling! Somewhere in da' sky there are 72 virgins waiting for you to pop their hymens.......
  18. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
  19. I told you you were dealing w/ a TARD! He's never even seen a cooch! The last time he had pussy was when pussy had him!
  20. lol dat's da' troofisis! When Bush picked Cheney, Rumy, Powell, etc.....He was too stupid, so he needed help. When he picks unknowns,,,,,ahhh,,,,,fugedaboutit.... Some people just don't have the mental capacity to understand "big people" issues. Leave Scooter in the playpen. Don't bother cleaning his pamper. Let him marinate in his "poopy".... LOL
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