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Everything posted by drlogic

  1. They're not fooling anyone......... AP, REUTERS.........SAME SHIT.... shit in, shit out!
  2. u'r just a nancy-boy, salami smuggl'n, colon cowboy jonzing for a face full of nut @ your next circle jerk! cherna! pajarraco! as for the "kill you" thingy.........LOL U'R SUCH A FLAMMING PUSSY! LOL Look, I'm republican, which means: I say what I mean. No hidden msg's. I don't speak in code. If I say I wanna kick your teeth in (which I never did, then that's what I meant). If I say I wanna break your face, then I wanna break your face. But Kill you? huh? LOL u'R SUCH A PUSSYBITCH! kILL YOU? nAH!!!! I take more pleasure in knowing you have to look at your pathetic face everymorning in the mirror. Life is nothing more than a prolonged sentence of suffering, bitterness and misery for you,,,,,,,,,,You getting my drift fuckface? hUH? lol NOw, print that puta! But you better run! LOL L
  3. keep whacking off to club planet you displaced communist! u know u'r an ass pirate trolling for cock on these msg brds,,,, maricon de playa! lol
  4. Fox News Won't Show Ad Opposing Alito http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/11/22/D8E1MN6O1.html And CNN won't show these NEW IRAQ ads either? Go Fig'r?
  5. Given some of the stuff they've reports and continue to report,,,,,,,,,,,,, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK! If they're in the way Georgie,,,,,,then.................. LITE 'EM UP!!!!
  6. I have the utmost faith in dirtbag lawyers twisting any law to fit their argument. Hooters doesn't hire 400 lb. hairy men to serve chicken wings Women cannot be priests Men cannot be nuns Having an unmarried pregnant woman teach at a school which teaches principles to children completely contrary to the example she is giving seems ,,,illogical??? Personally, I might consider a compromise and offer a leave of absence rather than dismissal. But that's just me? If the gov't can declare it has no right to interfere in the right of a woman to choose, then using the same logic, how is it fair to then declare the school does not have the right to chose it's employees? Just thinking aloud......... Don't try fix'n what ain't broke! Private schools CLEARLY have a track record of leaving the children that go to their schools better prepared to be productive members of society. Percentage wise, private school graduation rates compared to that of public school is down right astonishing! Private schools have the education thing figured out and wired! If the student doesn't wanna play ball, there's a big ass line of other students waiting to take your spot!
  7. Apparently,,,,YES! Good eye, Raver! The freak has been exposed!!!! "it puts the lotion in the basket.....it puts the lotion in basket!" LOL
  8. private school is business (aka- bid-nes...LOL) Key word: PRIVATE In a public school that shit won't fly. This is a private school! Look at it more like an issue of "choice" and less through the lens of "a God given right to be employed". She chose to break the existing rules in the handbook and as a result, faces the consequences. She may be a sweetheart and donate all her time to help the homeless and guess what?,,,I DOESN'T MATTER! Action/Reaction........Consequences for decisions, so choose wisely!
  9. Sad but true. I'm surrounded by liberals @ my job. They love to try to engage me (especially, when they're all together, they gang up!) and I fucking welcome it! The moment I start dropping FACT BOMBS on 'em, they scatter like roaches! "yeah whatever, you Bush-Lover, get ready for Hillary in '08, another soldier died today, you must feel so proud",,,,etc..etc..etc...(as they walk away...........) As a matter of fact, I DO! Feel proud as fuck for all our folks fighting this fight! This shit's personal for me! 4 REAL! To them, it's just another passing joke @ happy hour.........COMPLETELY CLUELESS! Dangerously misguided! Regardelss, keep it up! Have a happy Gobble-Gobble
  11. Maybe? Bro, not for nothing but...........your 2nd reply to JTK4 was fucking out of hand! A lot of passion in that one and very little wiggle room, if any left for debate. Great post dude! The articles are usually excellent, but BIG-UP to that 2nd reply! Respect!
  12. Maybe? Still doesn't justify it, by any means!(If I had wheels and pedals, I'd be bicycle) Shame on them! I keep getting this picture in my head of America eventually succeeding in Iraq and there being positive reprocusions of that success, world wide. I then imagine how the history books will tell the story? The world will be judged for how they reacted to the threat of terrorism. Sorry to say, I think it's going to be a dark chapter in Ameircan history for the democrats. History will not be kind to those misguided pacifists who aided and abetted(willfully or out of pure ignorance).
  13. http://www.theotheriraq.com/ http://links.streamingwizard.com/1stuk/theotheriraq/ustvspot1m.asx http://links.streamingwizard.com/1stuk/theotheriraq/ustvspot2m.asx http://links.streamingwizard.com/1stuk/theotheriraq/ustvspot3m.asx
  14. You've got me! Damn! I thought I was scott-free!!!! You have been the missing link! The abortion that lived! Now, my gig is up! I almost missed you.....You fucking whack job kook! You still wear your helmet around the house, Mongo?
  15. Me too! I guess that puts me in the top 1% of the rich in America, according the Washington Demz......lol lol lol lol lol lol lol..I'm far from rich as far as money is concerned, but rich w/ friends which is more than enough for me.
  16. NAH DUDE!!! C',MON NOW???????? GIVE A NIGGUH A LITTLE BIT OF CREDIT.........DAMN, B!!!!!! LOL Just fucking w/ destruction. An opinion from Hong Kong Fuey holds just as much water as Cindy's, given the path she's chosen. Personally, I wish she has her own tv and radio show. She does more damage to her cause. But, living in the bubble that she and those like minded seem to currently be, they are incapable of acknowledging it. keep giving 'em rope! let 'em keep digg'n!
  17. You don't know how many times I've told myself that same exact thing... WTF? VDH puts out his views FOR FREE!!! Bring him on board! Better yet, replace Scott Mclenan w/ VDH...I would TIVO those WH presser's. They would be a riot. Those jourlnalist would come unhinged, exposing themselves to the world for what they are, HACKS! TOOLS!
  18. I thought he just forgot to pay his ISP bill. Or maybe he was "institutionalized" for a while. Well, let's face it, HE'S BACK!
  19. Sunday, Nov. 20, 2005 3:15 p.m. EST Al-Qaida Operative Nabbed Near Mexican Border An al-Qaida operative who was on the FBI's terrorist watch list was recently captured near the Mexican border, housed in a Texas jail and turned over to federal agents, Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas, said on Friday. "A confirmed al-Qaida terrorist, an Iraqi national, was held in the Brewster County jail," Rep. Culberson told ABC Radio host Sean Hannity. "He was captured in Mexico. This was within the last six weeks. He was turned over to the FBI." The Texas Republican said he obtained the stunning information about the terrorist's capture "from the sheriffs who were directly involved. "In fact, one was the sheriff who incarcerated him in the Brewster County jail [and who] confirmed this as well," he explained. The same sheriff also confirmed "that this guy is on the FBI's al-Qaida list," he added. The al-Qaida operative "had been in Mexico, living just about 60 miles east of El Paso," Rep. Culberson said. "He was captured in a little town called El Porvenir, right across from Fort Hancock." Rep. Culberson said the detainee had been living in Mexico for up to a year, where the terrorist "was taking careful notes on the movement of people, police officers, wildlife, etc." The Iraqi national "had apparently aggravated a neighbor in Mexico, who turned him in to Mexican authorities," he explained. Mexican officials then turned him over to the U.S. officials, who temporarily housed him in the Brewster County jail. Asked why this news hadn't been reported earlier, Culberson told Hannity, "That's a very good question and one that I intend to get to the bottom of in my subcommittee." Rep. Culberson sits on the appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over the FBI and the Department of Justice. "I guarantee that we're going to get to the bottom of this," he pledged. He said FBI Director Robert Mueller had previously "confirmed" in testimony before his committee "that there are individuals from countries with known al-Qaida connections who are changing their Islamic surnames to Hispanic-sounding names and obtaining false Hispanic identities, learning to speak Spanish and pretending to be Hispanic immigrants." "And these are clearly Arab terrorists," Rep. Culberson added, "from countries like Yemen, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. They're crossing the border, pretending to be Hispanic immigrants, and then disappearing." Rep. Culberson said news of al-Qaida's penetration of the U.S.'s southern border has him worried that the next terrorist plot could involve setting off simultaneous truck bombs in major urban centers. "The day they blow us up," he predicted, "the border will be sealed tighter than the Berlin Wall and you'll have armed United States military forces" enforcing immigration laws. --------------
  20. He's just being patriotic! Bush tried to exit through locked doors. Isn't that just hillarious? NOT! (QUAK-QUAK-QUAK-QUAK,,,,LOL QUAK-QUAK,QUAK,QUAK-QUAK)
  21. Officials Probing Whether Raid in Mosul Killed Zarqawi By Ellen Knickmeyer and Thomas E. Ricks Washington Post Foreign Service Monday, November 21, 2005; A11 BAGHDAD, Nov. 20 -- An Iraqi police commander said Sunday that U.S. and Iraqi officials were certain that seven men who fought to the death in a house in northern Iraq were members of al Qaeda but were still trying to determine whether one of them was Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian insurgent leader. U.S. and Iraqi forces remained deployed around the site of the three-hour gunfight Saturday at a house in the city of Mosul, north of Baghdad. Children stayed home from class on Sunday, a school day in the Islamic world, and other residents kept off the streets, presumably fearing that more fighting might result from the heavy military presence in the city. Joint forces backed by U.S. military helicopters had surrounded the house after receiving a tip that led them to believe that Zarqawi might be inside, the governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula, said Saturday. As Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Special Forces advisers went into the building, grenades rained down from the roof, wounding 11 of them, according to a U.S. Army officer near where the raid occurred. Multiple explosions collapsed the building, and two American Special Forces troops were killed, he said. Kashmoula said four of the fighters inside died while resisting the assault, and three others blew themselves up with explosives rather than be captured. A woman was also found inside with the words "suicide bomber" marked on her chest, officials said. Brig. Gen. Said Ahmed Jubouri, a police commander in Mosul, said the force of the suicide blasts destroyed the house. Zarqawi is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, a group allied with the larger al Qaeda organization and that is believed responsible for many suicide attacks in Iraq. Kashmoula said U.S. officials retrieved the remains and were investigating whether Zarqawi was among the dead. U.S. military officials believe it is possible that Zarqawi was killed in the raid but will not know with certainty until DNA tests are run, said a U.S. military intelligence official involved in Iraqi issues. There is a "30 percent" chance that one of the bodies is Zarqawi's, he said. But he warned: "We've had dry holes before." Over the past month, the official said, there has been a series of raids following a surge in tips from Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation. These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams -- upset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. "Their feeling is that al Qaeda in Iraq has overstepped its bounds," he said. Ricks reported from Washington. Special correspondent Dlovan Brwari in Mosul contributed to this report. © 2005 The Washington Post Company ===================================================== NOW, HOW A MODERN LIBERAL/DEMOCRAT READS THIS STORY BAGHDAD, Nov. 20 -- An Iraqi police commander said Sunday that U.S. and Iraqi officials were certain that seven men who fought to the death in a house in northern Iraq were members of al Qaeda but were still trying to determine whether one of them was Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian insurgent leader(I hope not). U.S. and Iraqi forces remained deployed around the site of the three-hour gunfight Saturday at a house in the city of Mosul, north of Baghdad. Children stayed home from class on Sunday, a school day in the Islamic world, and other residents kept off the streets, presumably fearing that more fighting might result from the heavy military presence in the city(you see, we're just creating more terror). Joint forces backed by U.S. military helicopters had surrounded the house after receiving a tip that led them to believe that Zarqawi might be inside(OH NO!!!), the governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula, said Saturday. As Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Special Forces advisers went into the building, grenades rained down from the roof, wounding 11 of them(Gooooooo Al-Qaida!!!!), according to a U.S. Army officer near where the raid occurred. Multiple explosions collapsed the building, and two American Special Forces troops were killed(they've probably been abusing inoccent terrorist and killing inoccent Iraqi's), he said. Kashmoula said four of the fighters inside died while resisting the assault, and three others blew themselves up with explosives rather than be captured(poor desperate souls. forced to such extremes by an imperialist America trying to steal their oil). A woman was also found inside with the words "suicide bomber" marked on her chest, officials said. Brig. Gen. Said Ahmed Jubouri, a police commander in Mosul, said the force of the suicide blasts destroyed the house(yeah right suicide blasts??? Those special forces blew that bldg. up and probably killed a bunch of women and children, now they'll blame it on female suicide bombers....MURDERS!!!!). Zarqawi is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, a group allied with the larger al Qaeda organization and that is believed responsible for many suicide attacks in Iraq(He's just a freedom fighter! Damn this media bias!). Kashmoula said U.S. officials retrieved the remains and were investigating whether Zarqawi was among the dead(Gosh, I hope not...Uday, Kusay, Saddam and now Zarqawi? plz no!!!). U.S. military officials believe it is possible that Zarqawi was killed in the raid but will not know with certainty until DNA tests are run, said a U.S. military intelligence official involved in Iraqi issues(lies!!! all lies!!!! they killed women and children!!). There is a "30 percent" chance that one of the bodies is Zarqawi's, he said. But he warned: "We've had dry holes before."(I knew it!!! hahahahahahaha Goooooo Al-Qaeda!!!) Over the past month, the official said, there has been a series of raids following a surge in tips from Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation. These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams -- upset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. "Their feeling is that al Qaeda in Iraq has overstepped its bounds," he said.(uh oh!!! progress in this war is not good for me!) Ricks reported from Washington. Special correspondent Dlovan Brwari in Mosul contributed to this report. ========================================== Call me crazy, but when you position yourself in a manner in which GOOD NEWS FOR AMERICA is somehow BAD NEWS FOR YOU, then you might just wanna consider how it is you've marooned yourself on that island of propaganda, who sold it to you and what their motives might have been. Or, you can stay stuck on stupid!
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