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About franco1221

  • Birthday 12/21/1977

franco1221's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. "When 80% of an entire club was hopped up on E, of course the vibe is gonna be good....but those days are over.." so very true......
  2. good one, and the the term EDM annoys the shit outta me. Its either HOUSE music or a derivative of it. Too many subgenres in my opinion.
  3. email me @ grfranco21@hotmail.com let me know cause I'm lookin to go w/the wife. Its for 12-23
  4. exactly, I've been to some of Jp's parties and when he's on, he's untouchable.
  5. wow, havent heard Tony H. in a whiiiillllee. should be a good night
  6. willie ninja has been around for a looooooong time.
  7. hey MoE, fuck you, the contacts stay!lol
  8. I thought he was spot on as well, you definately have to hustle/bust your ass promoting yourself to get out there. The industry is saturated w/wannabe dj's. I still love to spin when I get a chance but me not putting the effort out there has certainly put a halt on me getting gigs. Networking is the way to do it.
  9. is this all you have for sale??Any tracks by Kidz of Tomorrow (sandy rivera) or old stuff on Strictly rythym
  10. this list of yours makes me laugh, is this a joke? hottest clubs in the U.S.??? no freakin way.
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