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Posts posted by growinupjersey

  1. Does Guitar Center have the capability to do this? Does anyone know where I can take my 1200's to be calibrated for a reasonable price?

    Thanks. :D

    do a good search for recalibrating technic 1200 turntables on google. Youll find a ton of shit. I dont know what exactly your looking to do other then adjusting the braking on the start stop botton. That is very easy to do, you shouldnt have to pay someone to do that.

  2. I am very disappointed with Crobar NYC. There has been rumors that the club has not been letting any asians in. I have decided to test the theory myself and these past two weeks I have been demoralized by the fact that the rumors are true. I was turned away twice on Saturday nights, once on Calderone and the other on Boris. Since I do not know the name of the individual who rejected us, I will call him the Crobar Line God for now since he looks so happy doing his job of choosing who gets into the club.

    The first night he turned us away on Calderone night. Reason given was because my party was all guys. All guys - the crowd that usually listens to Calderone are all guys, if you know what I mean! The following week I tried to enter Crobar again, this time dressed very GQ just to avoid any reasons for turning us away and as soon as we got to the velvet ropes, the Line God said 'You're not welcome here. You have to leave now.' I kid you not, those were his exact words. How rude and unprofessional was this guy? After further discussion with people along the block and witnessing other asians getting access denied, I came to the conclusion Crobar was definitely prohibiting asians into the club.

    Perhaps two weeks is not long enough to spot a trend, but I want to make sure the word is out. What have asians done so wrongly that we are not allowed inside? I pay my taxes and I work hard like all US citizens. Why is the color of my skin and my money not welcome in their club? Race is undoubtedly a very sensitive issue for us all. For a so-called upscale club like Crobar to promote racial profiling, they should rename the club to Hobar, which apparently many upset patrons has already begun calling the club.

    My mission is to get the word on the street and bring awareness that charging 8 bucks for a Heineken is insane but racial profiling is criminal.

    yo dont feel so bad. I dressed in black face and got turned away from a KKK rally. Shit happens man!

  3. nice maybe we all can meet up guys. Ill be wearing a leather mask with the zipper over the mouth part. Ill also have the red ball in my mouth with the strap around my head. Probably goin to have some really tight chaps on as well. Im just going to leave my ass and tiny little cock' n 'balls exposed. Ill be in the middle of the dance floor simulating sex acts while getting my penis pulled from behind by my dominatrix. Hope to meet some new friends!

  4. I'll go back to Webster Hall when you have Scribbles playing in the upstairs club room. I also want the chicks on stage in a cage with fake boobies. I want to see flying trapeez artists doing silly little back flips spitting out fucking fire. I want that 20ft guy with stilts walking around waving and smiling to everyone. I also want a 20,000 fucking watt Argon laser light show, no exceptions. Put the fucking "Life" back in nightlife. Make it a 3 ring circus, with umpa lumpa migets running around with tabs of LSD on there tongues. Until i see that shit ill be driving around NYC in my car with a disco ball hanging from the mirror pumping my own beats!

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