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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Hey everyone. Great news! This is going to be our final post on blogger. After 551 posts, we have finally figured out this intertube thing and have moved over to our own domain. Goodbye blogspot, and hello DownByTheHipster.com! We ask that you please reset your rss feeds and bookmarks and continue to visit us on a daily basis for the most up to date news on New York City nightlife and hospitality. Good on ya! More...
  2. The beginning of June marks the anniversary of the death of Latin jazz legend Tito Puente. As a kid in Jackson Heights, Queens, I became aware of Tito Puente when he played a small Latino club up the block. Years... More...
  3. What happens when a big, fancy developer opens a new hotel down the street from you and has the audacity to steal your name? That's the predicament that the Chelsea Pub and Hotel found itself in when the casino-less resort was dubbed the Chelsea Hotel. So the original Chelsea Hotel hired themselves Hotel Internet Strategies to rebrand themselves, lest anyone be confused. HIS has suceeded and let us know about it, saying "just wanted to inform you that The Chelsea Pub and Hotel is now the Chelsea Pub and Inn". Genius! Please note this down so you don't get confused making reservations this summer. More...
  4. You can put up all the signs you want. Drinkers still love to smoke, and they love to do both at the same time. So despite the smoking ban that Mayor Mike passed in 2002, some places still turn the other cheek when their patrons light up. But can the state use a tax increase to do what the City couldn't? We are about to find out, because "on Tuesday, the state tax on cigarettes will rise by $1.25 a pack — to $2.75 from $1.50 — driving up the cost of a typical pack in New York City to around $8.50." That is also the cost of one Manhattan beer (when you factor in tip). You have to think that while the die hards and casual smokers will smoke no matter what, this may help some in the middle decrease their habit, and that may just make your favorite nightlife spots even that less smoky. Gratzi NY State. · $8.50 A Pack! Why Not Quit? [City Room] [Photo Credit] More...
  5. Is the woeful economy going to ruin the Summer of 2008? It just may if there are more people like our Little Birdy and their group of friends who have cancelled plans to head to the Hamptons to hit the hot spots, saying it "seems many of my friends from last year aborted attending [Hamptons] for financial reasons....can't blame em given the state of the economy". We feel your pain, but would reccomend selling some clothes on consignment or plasma to raise the money to hit up Lily Pond. We want to see some NYC hustle. More...
  6. We'd like to share a curious note that we found In Our Inbox: EM Group is Eugene and Mark - and now they are EMM Group, a very quiet new partnership apparently. Eric Marx is their GM / host guy,... More...
  7. Editor's Note: This post is the third in our series "What Happened Then." Every so often Steve is going to tell you about an old joint, its stories, and its eventual end. In yesterday’s post I referred to The 10th... More...
  8. Our first few trips back to the recently re-opened subMercer have been pretty positive. Division Street, a seemingly brand new brahg, has also gone and has come up with a handy list of pros and cons, which we would love to share with you. Pros of Submercer: * No reception = no drunk dialing/texting. Saving us all from sending this text: "out at submrcer, but woud rather be with uâ€â€¦to more people than we’d like to admit. * "You called me? Are you sure? I was at submercer, the reception there sucks. Sorry. Maybe we’ll hang out next weekend!?" * Bomb scare? I know where I’ll be. Cons of Submercer: * No one can really meet you there on a whim. It has to be planned and finalized before going under. Like marriage. * Rolling out around 3:19am and receiving these 3 messages from New Crush: “Hey†12:58am “Still want to hang out? Would love to see you!†1:39am “Ok. I guess you’re not into it. Call me never.†3:18am Curses! You were THISCLOSE to sealing the deal… * The ceilings are about 3 inches lower than Beatrice. Which is officially too low. Models: get ready to put “the slouch†to use. The verdict: Great for parties, nice change of scenery, and by the time you make 5 lefts and 3 rights and another left before getting in, you'll feel like James Bond.Cheeky Division Street. We'll be watching you. More...
  9. Donald Trump is the greatest real estate developer and casino operator in the entire world. Hell, he is the greatest person ever. Fact. So what happens when the Trumpster built his fabulous Trump Marina Hotel Casino in fabulous Atlantic City. Well, not so much. Apparently, King Donald has sold the property to Coastal Marina LLC, an affiliate of Coastal Development LLC, for the bargain basement price of $316 million. But here is the kicker - they are turning it into a Margaritaville! As in Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville, the biggest kick in the groin a resort town trying to re brand itself could ask for. And as our Little Birdy points out, "they're trying to market that chelsea hotel there as the AC hipster property, right? but any hipster worth his salt (heh!) would choose to go to margaritaville for purposes of irony." 100% correct. Stay classy Atlantic City. · Trump Marina sells for $316M, turns into Margaritaville [Crains] More...
  10. Name: Antik Address: 356 Bowery, NYC Statu: Ous't Don't tell us you're shocked. While this place seems to consistently attract a crowd, it's Antik's operation that has branded it officially Ou'st. We aren't sure what ad wizards decided to open a lounge without a bar, but it is one of the worst concepts we have ever seen. Because of the weird operation, most people make a bee line for the basement bar King's Cross, which when we went was staffed by one bartender, totally overwhelmed by a normal size crowd attempting to order drinks in a room that had no air conditioning. Impossible. So it's back back upstairs to Antik, only to remember that there is no easy way to order drinks there. So in that situation, what else can you do but leave without ordering anything? To add insult to Antikury, a Little Birdy lets us know that he was threatened by the Antik doorman 45 feet from the entrance, saying "I walked out Antik because it was so terrible, and the doorman was busy talking to girls rather than manning the rope. I just walked around it and he told me that I have to wait for him to let me out. I told him that he should relax, and he started yelling at me for no reason. After walking down the street, the guy wouldn't shut up, and wound up running after me to get in my face, threatening me. What kind of bullshit are they running? Place is a joke" Customers that can't get a drink, no air conditioning, and door men that threaten people is a losing combination. Antik is officially Ous't. More...
  11. Editor's Note: If you missed day one of Steve's conversation with Roy Liebenthal check it out here. Otherwise keep reading. 'Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life' - Bertolt Brecht In today’s post you will read... More...
  12. Some sad news to report. Racked has learned that LeNell's, perhaps the finest liquor store in New York and a Red Hook staple if there ever was one, has lost their lease and may have no where to go. According to Tanya "LeNell" Smothers herself: Our lease is officially up this month. I know it will take months for a formal eviction should it come to that. Sad to say that the space that we had a draft lease for fell through this week.Tragedy. There seems to be no other options in the area, and no other part of Brooklyn will suffice. The only possible rainbow in this vast real estate storm is that LeNell's may be willing to consider Manhattan if no Red Hook space materializes. More...
  13. The still under construction Mondrian on South Lafayette still hasn't locked down an opening date as of yet, but that doesn't mean the folks at Morgans aren't busy little hoteliers. We have heard that they are close to locking down a deal with a restaurateur for the hospitality space. Most importantly, a Little Birdy tells us Morgans is working with "a great creative mind on a new lounge concept." Too bad it's not DBTH. Wouldn't that be something. As always, we will keep you posted More...
  14. Didn't get into the Sex and the City premiere last night? Don't cry - you are probably better off. No need to fret, because Bunny Chow has the next best thing, a SATC shindig featuring a cocktail reception from 10-12! Oooh, cocktails! That's what Carrie drinks. Ooooh. More...
  15. Are you lonely? Do you love WNYC? Hallelujah, your prayers have been answered. WNYC is hosting a series of singles events throughout the summer and you are all invited! The first one is June 18 at the Chelsea Museum and is geared for the LGBT community, and is described as There’s an art to meeting the right person, so head over to The Chelsea Museum. Mix, mingle and have a glass of wine with other WNYC listeners at the second annual LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Singles Event. Richard Hake, Local host of The Takeaway, emcees the evening. Complimentary wine and hors d'oeuvres included.Hate to break it to the organizers, but that sounds like everyone's cup of tea. This is the first of four planned mixers, so hopefully there will be one catered to you. More...
  16. 'I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.' - WIMPY The use of amazing pop art to underline how cool a place may be has been done in this city. We see it now at Rose Bar where Andy... More...
  17. There is more than just basement work going on at the Randolph. A recent stop at the Broome Street bar reveals that the space has been rearranged. Gone are the banquettes that previously lined the wall, and in are several smaller booths that create a more intimate space to enjoy the expanded cocktail list. And also the Hunt parties every Thursday night. Hurry on down to say hello. More...
  18. A lot haters tried to throw cold water on the opening weekend of the Surf Lodge, the rehabbed waterfront property in Montauk. But it seems that the opening weekend couldn't have gone any smoother. According to a Surf Lodge insider: It was so crowded. I don't think montauk has seen so many people before. All elements of the property (the hotel, the deck, the bar, the restaurant) were running at full capacity. The on-site Tracy Feith boutique opens this week. There were many locals, industry types, and celebs in attendance. Many for multiple nights in row. And everybody was raving about Sam talbot's food. What everybody needs to realize is that this is not a nightclub and to not compare it to those other places. Its a chill spot, open seven days a week. If someone's first thought is "Montauk?" Then its probably not for them.These pictures sure look like they are telling the truth. Check out that sky behind Julian Marley! Like co-owner Jayma Cardosa said, Montauk is just a bit different, and they don't expect a Dune type scene. Different strokes for different folks. Early congratulations all around. [Photo Credit] More...
  19. We sent our most trusted correspondent Nicolette from Nicolette and the City out east for the weekend to have a little looksee at some Hamptons night spots. On Saturday night, she checked out Lily Pond and lived to tell the details. Summer 2008 started off with a wild Saturday night at Lilly Pond. We arrived at 11 and the valet was already full, with a crowd of at least 60 people trying to argue their way into the club. After finally finding parking on some side street, I walked along the side of the road in four inch heels back to the club. When we arrived, there were now about 100 people trying to fight their way in. Great. It was chaotic but about twenty minutes later we finally made it in with a little help from Kristian Laliberte, one of my hosts for the evening. Once we got in we headed over to the Unruly Heir table, where UH creator Joey Goodwin and Kristian were holding court. They were there celebrating an event they held earlier in the day at Blue and Cream in East Hampton. Hanging next to their table was Whitney from The Hills and there was also a special performance by Estelle (unfortunately sans Kanye West), followed by DJ Berrie, who played mostly house with some random mixes of rock. The place was pretty small and insanely crowded; there were white and navy striped couches that served as bottle service areas in the middle of the “dance floor.†There were also banquettes along the side of the wall that served as posts for bottle service. There was an elevated stage at the back end of the club which had a few tables (ours and Whitney Port’s), which doubled as the stage and DJ booth. The crowd was all twenty something’s that consisted of trendy Manhattan goers, a few socialites and models – think Tenjune on a Tuesday night except with all house music. There was one bar at the entrance of the club, which was impossible to get to and it took about twenty minutes to get a drink. Bottle service was a little slow here – they could use a little bit more staff, but I forgave them since it was Memorial Day Weekend. By 2:00 a.m. everyone was more than intoxicated and the place started to clear out. Overall, Lilly Pond went beyond my expectations. I didn’t expect this place to be anything great and I didn’t think anyone would show up – let alone Whitney Port (although she isn’t quite A-list) or a performance by Estelle. The party had everything you wanted - great music, booze, hot people, a few “celebrity†sightings and it wasn’t that far from their competition down in Southampton (on the way back we were by Pink Elephant 12 minutes after leaving Lilly Pond). I will definitely be going back. More...
  20. "To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves" - Mohandas K. Gandhi How are ya gonna keep them down on the farm now that they've met Stevie? My memorial day trip to... More...
  21. The Page gets in on the Monday Night debate, detailing the feux fued between Butter and Bar Martignetti's Monday night parties. The Sixers state: Bar Martignetti on Broome Street, which takes a dig at how celebrity-infested Butter's bashes are, hosted its first one last week. "Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, but after five years it is clear that everyone prefers the real thing. All Butter alternative products should remain on the shelf," quipped Akiva. Bar Martignetti owner Anthony Martignetti replied with, "Our party is a lot more fun."Maybe they can settle this with a butter fight - where they all lather each other with butter and fake butter and wrestle on Lafayette. Who wouldn't watch that? More...
  22. As you and your share house friends prepare for your big weekend night out, we suggest your first check your bank accounts before you agree to go in for a table at one of Suffolk county's summer hot spots. And why is that? Because a table is going to cost you. According to a Little Birdy, "Hamptons folks seem to have colluded to all charge $2k a table at Lily Pond, Pink and Dune....and they're going fast as per a host friend of mine." Of course they are going fast, since people want to lock in at this low price before the summer gang of 3 jacks it to $2500. But imagine how cool you will feel when all of those other losers have to stand all night watching you and your friends sitting at your table. Now you see. Photo Credit More...
  23. As his legendary 24-hour French diner closes for the first time, it is being mourned as the sad passing of an era. But Morellet regrets nothing. More...
  24. Scenic spots so close to the water you'll want to pack your floaties. More...
  25. Untitled Document "then followed that beautiful season.... Summer Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light: and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The summer for clubdom,... More...
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