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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Yesterday I posted the first part of my conversation about the Hamptons with Matt Shendell. Keep reading after the jump for part two. And don't forget to check back tomorrow for the third and final part of my conversation with... More...
  2. People always say, "DBTH, what are you doing to make the world a better place?" We say, "shut up". But not today. No sir. Today we are going to do our part. A Little Birdy writes: I work for a charity, and we're having our annual fundraiser at 1oak tomorrow (thursday) night. The charity is Starfish Greathearts- we raise money for children who have been orphaned by HIV or AIDS in southern Africa, and the party is from 8-11 and has all the usual trappings of a charity event that you would expect at 1oak: hot music, fierce raffle prizes- a tocca gift bag.. airline tickets... personal styling by Diddy's own stylist- open bar, etc. Seems like a good cause and they are giving away some good stuff. A night with Diddy's stylist is worth a lot and open bar for charity never hurt anyone either. Go out and support them tonight. And get the hell off our backs. More...
  3. Fresh from the inbox comes official confirmation of the rumors we have been hearing about the Pink Elephant Team taking over the Tavern space in Southampton. A short distance from Pink Elephant, the former Tavern venue will provide a big... More...
  4. Ashley Dupree celebrated her last middle class birthday and first night out since the paparazzi siege at promoter Reggie's table in a hush hush wink wink super secret please don't tell a soul manner at Marquee on Wednesday night. A... More...
  5. After posting the second DBTH poll asking what you think of the Box, the results are in and the people have spoken. It seems the Box isn't all that cool, with Stank and Rotten getting over 50% of the total votes. Dead on the vine actually came in second. Sorry Ray. Thanks for playing everyone. More...
  6. We’re still chatting with Matt Shendell (check back this afternoon for part two), but I wanted to chat about my little trip to Puerto Rico. With the Punta Cana, Dominican Republic project in full gear I went to PR to... More...
  7. Looks like the Flogging can happen all the way out in the desert. A Little Birdy checks in to set the record straight about Lavo, saying "You recently mentioned that Sammy Sass was partnering with Noah and Jason on their new Vegas project Lavo. He actually has nothing to do with the project." Hmmm, we guess our original source was off, because this LB would certainly know. Oh well, no one is perfect. Consider ourselves corrected and in some pain. More...
  8. Introducing an ingenious new site, Rate My Promoter, "where you can either praise or bash a promoter you know". So if you've been overcharged for a night out, stuck in a bad corner table and paid full price, or been overwhelmed by stupid facebook invites, you now have a place to strike back. And because this is the internet, you can do it all anonymously! But you never know when that may come back to get you, so commenters beware. · Rate My Promoter [Via Jossip] More...
  9. With spring about to slam into summer I’m trying to get my tomatoes into the ground while others are getting ready for the Hamptons. I must confess me talking about the Hamptons is like talking hair styles with Yul Brynner.... More...
  10. What's the best way to lure New York City's weekend escape artists to your brand new, non-gaming hotel in Atlantic City? Hire some well established New York City nightlifers to run the clubs, and throw a party in New York to show what your new hotel is made of. That's exactly the strategy that the Chelsea Hotel AC followed last night, throwing a little how's your father soiree at the Beatrice Inn. Wonder how they chose that. The party started at 7 and ended on the early side, but somehow when you step into the upstairs room, it can be any time of the day. The crowd was mixed, with employees from Cape Advisors and the Starr Restaurant Organization mingling with other suits, publicists and high and mighty nightlife insiders. Ahem. The best part besides the open bar? It would have to be the catered menu from the nearby Morimoto, Stephen Starr's temple of sushi here in NYC. Dungeness crab, rock shrimp, yellowtail and the like went down oh so smooth. Oh yeah, they also gave out towels. Although it was crowded, the party was a nice way to kick off the night. If the rest of the Chelsea's hotel and service operations go this smoothly, we predict big things there all summer long. More...
  11. What do you get when you cross a bar with no bar and an email telling you that "Tuesday is the new Thursday"? White Leathur @ Antik. So head down to Bowery and Great Jones anytime after 10:30 until forever and make sure you bring your own booze, because it's impossible to get served . More...
  12. Snitch, the rock and roll lounge on 21st Street, is closing its doors. They have plans to start doing concert promotions and other such events, as well as open a new space. Steve Lewis is devastated, we mean, really devastated, because Snitch was his favorite place. We mean really favorite place. Sorry Steve. That sucks. Someone send him some tissues on the quickness. But according to owner John Gabel, a new space will also open in the Snitch space, one that promises to "be an upscale lounge that will cater to the upscale social scenes of Manhattan, but I would say that customer service and operations and management will be probably greater then any place in New York." Lofty goals they laid out there, but we believe in them. Onward. · Snitch Closes…It’s The End Of The World As We Know It [GNML] More...
  13. I grew up in rock clubs, my favorite being Max’s, but CBGB’s was a place I always enjoyed. I hung out with the Ramones. I double-dated with Johnny and Dee Dee and their girls and mine. I went to Action... More...
  14. The barbers from Freemans Sporting Club are heading west in more ways than one. The original is doing so well that Taavo and the gang have decided to double their pleasure, securing a space at 8th Avenue and Horatio place to open a second barber location. However, this FSC location will feature a traditional apothecary instead of clothes. Expected opening is sometime in June. More...
  15. Stopping by the Pegu Club for a drink this weekend, we were tantalized by a wickedly delicious cocktail that left us wanting for more. Called the "Poquito Picante" (meaning, a little heat), the gin based drink consists of muddled jalapeno pepper, cilantro & cucumber, cointreau, and lemon juice. It's served up with a jalapeno to dare those who want a bit more spice, and is beyond smooth. We suggest climbing those steps to enjoy several. More...
  16. This week's question: What was the biggest lie or tallest tale or coolest trick you or someone you know used to get into a club? As always, answer in the comments, and on Friday Steve will respond to your answers.... More...
  17. Joshua Toas, the CEO of the New York State Liquor Authority, quietly resigned last week. Local community groups loved Toas, a man greatly credited for cleaning up the much-maligned SLA. According to Susan Finley (Flatiron Alliance), "He was behind the movement to clean up the SLA, which was totally out of control. He actually came to meetings and took phone calls." It's amazing that just returning phone calls is enough to make you a hero. Immediate fall out? Probably not much. Expect the issuing of liquor licenses in the City to still be restricted, due to the backlash of the Community Boards. However, any job at the SLA is about as cozy as you can get, so we expect Gov. Patterson to look to fill it on the quickness. NYC may then see an increase in licenses at the City tries to stay above the economic downtown the only way it knows how - through the bottle. · SHOCK AS NY BOOZE BIG QUITS [NY POST] More...
  18. Lavo, Noah and Jason's upcoming Las Vegas mega project, is beginning to staff up. According to a Little Birdy, they are pulling their from Los Angeles. Says our LB: Suk Sung, of Opera, Crimson, and Mood (though probably less proud of that last one), is moving from LA to Vegas at the end of the month to help start it up.Our Little Birdy explains further that managers and hosts from both coasts are looking to move to the desert, and really, who can blame them. Unlike LA and NYC, hospitality makes the Vegas world go round, so middle management types are eager to use hotel mega clubs as a spring board to increased pay and greater opportunities. Tax trouble not included. More...
  19. After last week's raucous debate over the relevance of The Box, we decided to fire up the old DBTH Poll machine to ask you, our readers, How Fresh is The Box? Choice of 3 Answers · Ripe and Juicy (Still hot) · Stank and Rotten (Dunzo) · Dead on the Vine (Never was) Guess we already know how Ray LeMoine will vote. Polls are open until Wednesday. Participation is mandatory. DBTH is watching. More...
  20. We really love our commenters, especially when they go at each other and not us. After our little post on Suzie Wong's late night liquor run, a Cain employee posted a comment ripping Suzie, saying: i work at cain and it hardly looked like you guys were busy last night- guest house looked busier lol. suzie wong seems far from right.BURN! They called you worse than Guest House. Is Suzie going to just take that? Hell No. Comeback time: whoever wrote that last comment really has no clue. maybe if you came inside you would have seen a real party. come check it out one night for yourself before you open your mouthWe will add the ! ourselves. Not so witty but the line in the sand is drawn. Since it's warm again, may we suggest a Top Gun style beach volleyball contest? If the feuding loungers aren't into that, there is always a Satsky special in Houstons. More...
  21. You left a lot of great comments on Steve's Facebook wall and we're going to post them below. Next week please post your answers in the comments section after the question. Thanks. - Josh Your responses after the jump. More...
  22. Our good friends at A Continuous Lean have put together another outstanding map for your enjoyment, this time plotting many of the establishments that allow the outdoor consumption of alcohol. A handy dandy reference for all of you to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. More...
  23. On Monday Steve asked: What Was The Best Club Ever? (NYC only and with all due respect to places like El Morocco, way back when, let's do Studio 54 on) Thanks to everyone who answered in the comments. Steve is... More...
  24. Either the liquor demand at Suzie Wong's is through the roof, or someone forgot to pay the distributor. How do we know? A Little Birdy on the scene last night reports, "Illegal liquor being delivered to suzie wong's at 11:30 pm??? No legal distributor is open then???!!!! In a toyota rav 4??? Something ain't right!" That has to be a record for punctuation in a tip, but still, the info is highly unusual. But, according to Nicolette, Suzie's is apparently quite popular, and it isn't completely unthinkable for an owner or manager to call in backup supply from an off site storage facility or even grab an extra case of Dom from your kick ass pad. We always keep one on hand. Doesn't everyone else? More...
  25. We've got a ton of info that may just alter your summer plans out east, courtesy of Steve Kasuba on behalf of MCM Hospitality: MCM Hospitality, in conjunction with Hospitality Consultant Steven M. Kamali, and Publicity Director Steve Kasuba, have... More...
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