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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. It's Tribeca Film Festival week. That's why we are shifting our attention to the Broadway adaption of John Waters Cry-Baby. Not our cup of tea, but the party is at Mansion, which isn't our cup of tea either. Oh well. More...
  2. Over the past two days I've spoken with Abbe Diaz (see part one and part two). Continue after the jump for the third and final part of my conversation with Abbe. More...
  3. So what happens when your favorite night spot gets slammed with a bit of negative press? Take the offensive. Ray LeMoine decries Joshua David Stein's article from Page Six Mag, calling it a sham from the very start. LeMoine begins by saying, "I don’t know if they have fact checkers at the NY Post’s Page Six Mag, but yesterday a story ran about The Box where the first sentence was a lie." As for the belief that the club may be slipping, LeMoine is adamant that the opposite is true, stating" In truth, The Box is actually better now than a year ago. The owners have put together a more fluid show, one without boring filler acts. And the crowd is more downtown than a year ago. After Box-owner Cordell Lochin was locked up for drug trafficking, Serge Becker, another owner, hired Christian Alexander. Christian lives in the LES and is tied to downtown’s art, music, fashion, and media circles more than anyone who’s ever worked at the Box save Hammerstein. Lochin was known for his celeb-ties, whereas Christian is the guy celebs come to for a unique egalitarin NYC vibe. Now on any given night you’ll see a Supreme-type with a bartender from a local spot hanging with Ally Hilfiger and Robin Thicke.That's hot. That's so so hot and cool. But is it true? Our experts say possibly not, with a Little Birdy saying that while some musicians are still showing up to get on stage, the overall celeb buzz has dried up drastically. This debate is far from over, but maybe that is true for The Box too. More...
  4. It's that time of year again. Soft Shell Crab time! So drink until your hearts and stomachs desire greasy food and head down to our favorite late night grease fest at Great NY Noodle Town and devour an order of soft shell crabs. We're not talking about those frozen ones they serve all year. Real fresh ones. You know what we're talking about. But like all other late night food, expect prices to have increased from last season. Ouch. More...
  5. Yesterday I posted the first part of my three day conversation with Abbe Diaz. If you missed it, click here to read it. Otherwise continue after the jump for part two. I talk to Abbe about her art, her website... More...
  6. Poor The Box. Simon Hammerstein and Serge Becker's theater du nightclub really specializes in getting poor press. After Joshua David Stein's page turning expose in this past Sunday's Page Six the Magazine revealed the seedier side of the club, may had us wondering what else could possibly happen? According to a report on Animal New York, "Now someone is going around and warning the public about the club's bouncer Gans, claiming he's an alleged "DRUG PEDDLER" and that he "RAPED TWO WOMEN." Well, that certainly is no good. See what happens when you try to be different? We have always supported the Box for at least trying something in the staid atmosphere. But really, it seems to be just a matter of time before the other shoe drops. More...
  7. Only a few weeks after a Little Birdy declared the Cinema Society dead, it seems things with Andrew Saffir's film parties have taken a turn for the interesting. Last night, the Cinema Society's finest hit up Nobu 57 for the after party for "Then She Found Me", a movie that will be in theaters for a few weeks. Maybe. According to our Little Birdy, "the place was pretty star studded. Broderick, SJP, Seinfeld, Ricki Lake and Bette Midler were all there. Besides, who could pass up free Nobu?" Well, the sushi sounds OK, but those celebs seem a bit tired to us. Funny picture though. Aren't they a cute couple? Gorgeous. Gorgeous. More...
  8. Let's fly out to the Left Coast to discuss a juicy rumor from our friends at HotelChatter. It seems that New York hotelier Eric Goode has his eyes on the mysterious Magic Castle in the heart of Hollywood, and Sean MacPherson may not be part of it. So who is the replacement? According to HC, it may be New York City's own Serge Becker. What a tag team! So what do we think? From our own experience, the Magic Castle is a one of a kind property, a proper magician's club with an established hotel already operating next to it, plus a sushi restaurant boasting one of a kind views across the Los Angeles sky. However, it has been rather down and out over the past decade. This project reeks of Goode/Macpherson; rehabbing an existing property and making it a destination, and the castle architecture could make it the next Chateau Marmont. Uh, maybe not that far. We are just surprised to see Becker possibly replacing MacPherson on this one. Hope everything is ok with the dynamic duo. More...
  9. I‘ve known Abbe Diaz forever. She used to bartend at a couple of clubs where I used to be a big wig. Most employees of clubs that are run well are hired because they are either great to look at... More...
  10. The oh so mysterious, whimsical, and fanciful Picnic Club NYC checks to let us know that picnic season kicks off this weekend. Let's go to the announcement: We have posted today the details for our first picnic, which will be this coming sunday, the 27th, at 1pm at Sheep Meadow. We think its going to be a big hit and hope that you can make it!For more information, head on over to the site. And make sure you start working on your recipes today. No one wants no store bought hummus or doritos. More...
  11. Last week's exercise, naming the best and worst clubs of all time, was so popular with the hoi polloi (there's a good name) that we decided to pose another question today. We'll revisit it on Friday, by which time I... More...
  12. Is Soho finally rediscovering its inner nightlife? If Zev Norotsky and Company have their way, the answer is a resounding yes. Zev checks in, saying "I have a new lounge project called Origine (in the basement space of Fr.Og) opening on Spring b/w Crosby and Lafayette in early May, my partner is Matt Shendell (Dune, Honey, Dip). I have Ricky Powell (the 4th beastie boy) providing the images, for example an early, never before seen photo of the beastie boys and run dmc on a tour bus together during the mid-80's. Jarett Brodie (vong, aix) has been named executive chef of the restaurant upstairs called Fr.Og and we have a few high profile private dinner parties slated for the coming weeks. The concept is a very basic downtown lounge, I'm really trying to embrace the neighborhood and provide another nightlife option for that location. Zev also points out that this helps give their valuable Dune customers a NYC option before they head out east to the Hamptons during the hot summer season. Hot! We always think that downtown can use another downtown lounge, so this is right in our wheelhouse. Origine is opening soon - we will keep you posted. More...
  13. Early Friday morning, we received several frantic emails regarding a possible raid at Smith and Mills. Later that morning, we received a copy of a letter to the local Community Board that our tipster (and Smith and Mills neighbor) submitted. Obviously there was some serious animosity between the two parties. Smith and Mills owner Matt Abramyck checked in with Grub Street (why not us?) on the matter with his neighbor Victoria Hillstron, saying “She has cornered my partner, yells at our staff, yells at our customers — she’s a real-life nightmare.†You know Matt, you may be on to something. Because when we woke up on Saturday morning, our in box was filled with 14 raving emails from Ms. Hillstrom, some with blurry photos, some with crude videos, that accused Smith and Mills from arson to running away with the spoon. We seriously doubt any of these claims, and sincerely apologize for getting involved with this mess in the first place. More...
  14. Finally, we would like to wish ourselves the happiest of birthdays. If anyone wants to celebrate, you just have to try and find us. Or buy us a table. You get the drift. [Photo Credit] More...
  15. Some news from the world of strip clubs. First they steal Lonnie Hanover. Now Rick's Cabaret, the only publicly listed gentleman's club, has purchased Scores Las Vegas for $21 million. Look at that picture. The Rick's life is pretty foreign looking. Is it just us, or will there be more Rick's than Houstons soon? Nevermind. More...
  16. Now I couldn’t list everyone and certainly not everyone’s entire lists. Aram Sabet had a million names good and bad, with thoughts after each one, and I’ve encouraged him to send it through the comments section (please no more on... More...
  17. What a week! Who knew that our little poll experiment would draw so much attention? Certainly not us, but we aren't complaining. We though a nice way to end the week would be to recap some of our favorite comments and emails. Nifty idea, right? Right. I think you left out a very key and important place..... Upstairs, how could you even have any of these places and not mention the Upstairs. by far it is much better than any of these other venues. sincerely, Richie A. one who loves the highest quality female talentSorry Richie A. We will try harder next time. Promise. One reader thought: I guess it all depends on what you like. If you want boring, vapid pretty girls with no personality, too much makeup, and priorities that revolve around blowing their way to the top, you can head to 1oak or upstairs, or marquee, or tenjune. But if you want girls that are actually capable of having a conversation, and our hot in that fresh faced, college type of way, I'd much rather head to a spot like Studio B. Shtooping dumb pretty girls has it's benefits, but some of these places just overdo it.Tell us how you really feel. Finally, our favorite response came from our winner, Rose Bar, who responded to the great news by saying This is NOT a confirmation. ----------------------- We have received your reservation request; thank you for considering the Jade and Rose Bars at the Gramercy Park Hotel. If we are able to accommodate you we will reply with a confirmation email within 24 hours. Both bars begin daily service at 12 pm, with lunch being served until 3 pm. Reservations are required after 9 pm. Please note that the Rose Bar is closed on Sunday nights after 8 pm. Service is available in the Jade Bar only. Thank you, The Jade and Rose Bars at The Gramercy Park HotelNew York City everyone. Catch the fever. More...
  18. "You know you're getting old when you stoop to tie your shoelaces and wonder what else you could do when you’re down there" -George Burns I’m old enough to remember hundreds of clubs, 10,000 plus evenings of club adventures, a... More...
  19. Below is the transcript of a letter written by an upstairs neighbor of Smith and Mills. This fight is beyond nasty! Dear Boards, Friends and Neighbors, Many of you read the article "Bar Brawl" in The Post and hope you know this was a publicity stunt. Not a word of this story was true. As you know there would be no reason to "brawl" on N Moore. They were asked to move a Moped. Sanitation had been after for weeks. I did write the Mayor because what they were doing had became dangerous. A danger to all of us. They had a fire and a history of fire. Our house could of burnt down. Our home is all 3 floors above them. They caught a womans coat on fire. Burning it to shreds. Had it been a few hours later there would have been many more coats and many more people. Someone could have been killed. That is why I wrote the Mayor. Packing so many people in and then lock themselves in with a look out to whistle when they see the Police. Police and Fire were not able to handle. Mostly because they tell so many stories. Somehow suggesting we were the only ones concerned. When all the neighbors had banded together to suspend their license suspecting their intent from the start. These are the boys from Beatrice Inn. Sadly, no one investigated or even the press would have connected the dots long before printing this story. Explaining the reason for no sign. When it turns out it was as simple as googling Matt Abramcyk and Beatrice Inn all along. Since its no secret what they are up to in the media. It seems this had to do with their troubles at Beatrice Inn. Rather then anything that had happened here and their concerns for getting caught on both licenses. We were told of "the neighbor" above Beatrice the day the story broke. Seems she got them in a world of trouble costing them a small fortune. They then paid her another fortune to move and leave her home. Then set out to make up these stories on us. All while the "Mayor's Task Force" was at Beatrice by thier own admission on google in an article "Beatrice Currently Shut Down to Everyone, Not Just You" at the very same time. For all of the same troubles we had with them here relating to soundspoofing, noise, issues of electrical & plumbing. Partying all over the streets till the wee hours. Having no regard for others or the law. New York Magazine said they were taking the "offense" in an article "Smith and Mills Fights for Its Rights to Party". When both are on restaurant licenses but have no kitchens. Strangely all in basements. In our case now attempting to cook to pretend it to be a restaurant ruining everything we own. Since that building has no vent or exhaust. In fear of getting caught on both licenses. While Hipguide New York just illustrated thier reasoning and not one department has stepped in to stop them. When its a danger to all to of us. Blackbook magazine's "STRAIGHT OFF THE HANGOVER BEATRICE INN COMES MATT ABRAMCYKS SMITH AND MILLS spoke to their intent from the start. While preying on residentials streets, where its neighbors are unsuspecting, then preying on its residents. On the most beautiful and relevant tree lined streets in Manhattan. They even tried to arrest me, a resident of N Moore, for walking down the street. After being cited and fined by Police and Fire 3 times the week before. After throwing parties during fashion week for over 100 people in a single car garage and spilling on its streets. Waiting for me to innocently walk one day in one day and found it befitting to put a resident of an 8 bedroom home in handcuffs, over the word of a bar. Attempting arrest which failed. When they were caught lying to the officers by Annie, the Manager at Ivy's, demanding my release. Explaining to the officers they were lying. I was never told what I was accused or permitted to speak or even had my name and hope you can begin to grasp the brevity of how far they are willing to go in the name of thier folly. They now are telling even taller tales on the Supreme Court. Asking it to somehow concern itself with our home. In a lawsuit only meant to further harass us. When I've not spoken to them or looked in thier direction for 7 months after the false attempt. Yet the very relief seek from the courts. Harassing us full on ever since the false attempt and more out of control then ever which finally led to fire. I had told the Police I would write the Mayor because his daughter is our neighbor. Her building could have burnt down too. This "sister" story was pure cinema. Still insisting we were the only ones this concerned. Because that is what these boys had told them. I suspect with the same counsel that handled their troubles at Beatrice. After putting resident of an 8 bedroom home in handcuffs, breaking into our home, never having soundproofed the space because they have no money. In a space simply too small for what they are doing. I hope you can understand why anyone would call the Police. Its dangerous. Since they can not sue us for calling 311 or writing the Mayor or calling the Police "anonymously" they invented these fairy tales on us and the courts and press. Trading on our notoriety on a pack of lies, they know full well to be a to lies themselves, holding us up on our own notoriety. When they never even paid us for the space, damaged our home from stem to stern and we are the only ones who suffered any harm what so ever. To put a resident of N Moore in handcuffs or tell tall tales on the courts or break in anyones home in the name of a liquor license is completely and extremely serious. I'm not certain you can imagine what it would be like to have been preyed on because you were alone or harassed full on by boys in a bar. Afraid to leave your home in fear of what they will do next. Accused of stripping jackhammers from hotel construction workers in the press. Even accused of causing the hotel's delay in an attempt to give their false claim merit. Even trading on Robert Deniro's name in this lawsuit in an attempt to shop this story in the press which failed and ask that you lend your voices. Before we too in the words of Spencer Morgan of the Observer have "Bedlam at Beatrice" or others suffer harm too. Holy camoly Birdys. This one is getting real nasty. More...
  20. A Little Birdy filed this breathless report from Smith and Mills at 2:30 AM, saying Hey Mayor Task force just moved in on Smith and Mills. All same troubles at Beatrice Inn. Turns out no broken bottles, no screaming get out. The construction delayed bc all nabes suspended their license May 06 thru April 07. About get nailed lying on supreme court. SLA about nail them too over license and putting its residents harms way.All of this seems to add up to big trouble. Consider this developing. [Photo Credit] More...
  21. Can you believe it's almost May. It really is so close to summer share season! Yippee! In honor of the traffic on the LIE, we bring you this very special Hamptons report, with a Little Birdy saying: David Sarner & Bobby Montwaid, the duo behind the Pink Elephant brand, have partnered with nightlife impresarios Pavan & Shaun Rose to take over the Tavern space in Southampton formerly occupied by Stereo. The group will now have control of the space in the Capri Hotel known as Pink Elephant as well as Tavern, consolidating power over two of the only three nightclubs in the Hamptons to one group. The space at the Capri will remain Pink Elephant and plans for Tavern haven't been revealed yet. With everyone from Tenjune, Kiss & Fly, and Greenhouse vying for the space, it will be interesting to see how things develop between now and Memorial Day…Sure it smells of a press release, but it's so juicy that we don't really give a damn. As for who will get the space, maybe we smell a poll. Hmmm. More...
  22. Thanks to Lloyd Grove and a super long interview with Noah Tepperberg on Portfolio's website, we get a bit more information on Noah and Jason's upcoming Las Vegas project with Sammy Sass. You know, the one we told you about in January. Noah tells Lloyd And now Jason, myself, Seth (Rodsky), Mark (Packer), and Rich (Wolf) have again partnered to open a new place in Las Vegas, which will be opening in about three months in the Palazzo hotel. It's a restaurant and a nightclub, rather large, and it's going to be called Lavo.Fascinating stuff. Not only that, a Little Birdy tells us that it is designed by Avro/Ko. We look forward to it. [Photo credit] More...
  23. On Tuesday and Wednesday I posted the first and second parts of my conversation with Greg Briar, the owner of Amalia, Aspen, and the about to open rooftop spot Highbar. Today we conclude our conversation. More...
  24. Sixpoint Craft Ales is steadily growing, expanding it's offering of delicious brews and outlets, all from the comfort of its Brooklyn manufacturing space. Not only that, they are trying to be as sustainable as possible. How so? Jeff Gorlechen from the Sixpoint promotions team fills us in, saying: After being used for brewing beer, all of our spent grain is used to feed livestock on Long Island. We buy used/recycled kegs, especially our 5 gallon soda kegs, which are normally thrown out for scrap. We also don't bottle our beer, so there's no wasteful packaging. We fill the kegs, ship them to our distributor, they get shipped back to us, then they are returned to us, then we clean and refill them, then ship them back out again. We recycle the heat energy from the boiling process of the wort and use it to heat tap water for use in the next day’s brew. All of our brewers take the subway to work ;-)Truly great stuff Sixpoint. Keep up the great work! More...
  25. To: Rose Bar; Syndicate PR From: DBTH Subject: Congratulations! Dear Rose Bar, We at Down By The Hipster would like to congratulate you on winning our first ever DBTH poll. With 52 votes cast out of a total of 195 , our readers have voted Rose Bar as having the most attractive female clientèle in New York City! YAY! It's not a majority, but it's not too shabby either. Obviously, your strategy is working, and we encourage you all to keep doing what you're doing. Humbly, DBTH PS: Please share this with Sir Ian. Thanks! More...
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