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Everything posted by cpnews

  1. Behold, a video tribute to the Rusty Knot. More...
  2. "You know the funny thing about that funny story? It just might be true" - Arthur Weinstein Yesterday, the greatest promoter around, the US Government held its annual April 15th stress-fest at the main post office on 8th Ave. It's... More...
  3. Yesterday I posted the first part of my conversation with Greg Briar, the owner of Amalia, Aspen, and the about to open rooftop spot Highbar. If you missed day one, read it now. Otherwise keep on reading for day two. More...
  4. There are only 3 hours left to vote in the first ever DBTH poll! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. Vote now or we will all cry. And for those of you who hated on Studio B being included, we are pleased to say it is holding its own. VOTE! More...
  5. Ever wonder what happens at a gala for the Accompanied Literary Society at a private townhouse in Gramercy Park? Apparently, people collapse and get taken out on a stretcher in front of Harvey Weinstein and Graydon Carter! Thanks to the beauty of BlackBerry messenger, DBTH gets a scoopy scoop. Oh we oh my! That is so not good. This both makes and debunks the argument that these private clubs and societies should be courting younger members. Because what happens at the Accompanied Literary Society should stay at the Accompanied Literary Society. More...
  6. Our readers sure do love to ask questions. And we love to ask you for answers. After a spirited debate about what to do on Wednesday nights, a reader asks: Hi DBTH, Love your blog. What is good on Tuesday nights? Thank you!Most people would say The Real Housewives of New York, but we know that's not what you are looking for. So come on everybody, let's hear what's hot tonight. And don't say Tuesday's at Life with Danny A, because we know that ain't happening anymore. More...
  7. Greg Brier is my friend. He’s from Colorado and carries himself old skool, like Alan Ladd in Shane,only he smiles a lot more. My old firm SLDesign did two of his spaces, the restaurants Amalia and Aspen and we continually... More...
  8. In honor of Earth Day, we here at DBTH have asked some locals about to discuss what they do to promote sustainability. First up, William Tigertt from Freemans explains how one of our favorite spots keeps it green. We have several Green initiatives at Freemans: 1. All deep fryer grease is recycled into Bio-Diesel. 2. All paper, glass, metal and cardboard is recycled. It's the law, but a lot of small places just dump it for lack of space and effort. 2. 60% of our power comes from Wind and hydro green providers (we're still working on finding vendor for the other 40% - high voltage meter) 3. Our house brand bottled water comes from Maine in re-usable bottles that are sent back and re-filled. 4. Our wine list is mostly European which is uses less energy to mass ship via freighter than trucking wines from California or shipping from Australia. The bulk of our list is also bio-dynamic or organic wine from small estate bottled traditional producers. 5. Our eggs are all organic. Our diary is growth hormone free. We use mostly local producers and labor such as Heritage Foods pork which slaughters 1000 pigs a year versus 1000 pigs a day at large commercial farm. 6. Many of the building materials at Freemans are from reclaimed wood and recycled antiques 7. We keep a small potted garden outside in the Alley which is used for herbs and maintained by local community gardener. We're constantly looking for new ways to reduce our footprint despite being such a busy neighborhood place.All excellent measures, keeping the food delicious with a minimal impact on the environment. Just like us. Stay tuned for more. More...
  9. We've been getting a lot of comments, but we haven't been able to address the great majority of them, because of time. It's not a great excuse, but it's the truth. The interviews have been more frequent than I expected,... More...
  10. A reader says: A friend recently told me that in his opinion, rose bar attracts the most beautiful women, out of all the NYC nightlife venues. It will be interesting if you guys asked the readers' for their thoughts on the places with the highest quality female talent.Great topic for discussion. So great that we have created the first ever DBTH reader poll. Just look to the right and you will be able to cast your vote(s). The bars were selected randomly without much thought, so if you have another selection, throw it in the comments. The winner gets nothing, participants may get something. Probably not. More...
  11. Looky what's back? The Flogging. Its been a while since we've been naughty, but when we are bad, we need to be punished. Now that the Greenwich Hotel and Ago are open to the (paying) public, David Rockwell and his firm have gotten a lot of credit and praise for the design. Undeserved credit, as Rockwell really had nothing to do with the exceptional work. It's time to set the record straight. We’d like to set the record straight on the proper design credits for Robert De Niro’s new Greenwich Hotel and Ago restaurant. While Rockwell Group originally developed a proposal for the site, those plans were abandoned over 4 years ago. Our firm, Grayling, designed the new building’s exterior, Ago restaurant, all of the Greenwich Hotel’s public spaces and guest corridors and one of the duplex suites (the other duplex suite was done by Rockwell Group). The building has a rich and detailed creative story that unfolded over several years and involved many talented people (Samantha Crasco, Mikio Shinegawa, Paul Alter of Skolnick Architects, Matt Markowitz). It would be a shame not to give proper credit where it belongs.We couldn't agree more and apologize for the mistake. In fact we had already discussed this way back when. But let the world know, Grayling did the work, and they did a heck of a job. More...
  12. For one night last month, the Long Island village was the epicenter of fly. The Mary J. Blige–Jay-Z concert at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum brought out big boots, fat chains, and some amazing hoodie-and-hat combos. “Look Book†joined the party. More...
  13. Not all secret bars, bottle-service clubs, and hidden speakeasies are created equal. A look at some of the city's truly tough doors, a few aspiring hot spots, and what it really takes to make it inside. More...
  14. "With every goddess a let down, Every idol a bring down, It gets you down... -Bryan ferry Much is written about clubs and their special relationship with celebrities. Bold face names embolden club owners and promoters to believe that all... More...
  15. A Little Birdy sent us this flyer for Pacha and remarked, "didn't know this place was still open." Ouch. Come on LB, Pacha won 2007/2008 AOL Ctyguide Best Dance Club and 2007/2008 Club World Awards: Best Superclub. They don't just give those out to anyone. More...
  16. Ever wonder what the process is to get a full liquor license in New York City? Here's your chance to learn. Similar to being arrested, you submit some mug shot type photos and a set of finger prints. For example, the owners of the soon to open Trophy Bar posted their shots on Myspace. The things we do to open a business. More...
  17. Over the past two days I have talked with Unik and KyKy. If you missed either day, you can read them here (Tuesday) and here (Wednesday). Today Gordon Adams joins the conversation to talk about business, and Unik informs us... More...
  18. How does Jason Pomeranc build and manage multiple hotels across the country, run an office, handle his investors, and look so good doing it? What is his secret? His Blackberry. Of course! Of course! Ah. More...
  19. A reader asked, and our readers answered. Bunny Chow at Cain is apparently the hottest thing going right now, with GoldBar, Upstairs (late night), and of course, Beatrice Inn all getting mentions. Now go out and drink! More...
  20. Employees Only has had a great reputation as a chill place to show up with friends, kick back and enjoy a few drinks. But are those days finished? According to a Little Birdy, the answer is a resounding YES! LB says: this happened over the weekend and needs to be printed... i went to employees only on Friday night for a drink with friends after a great dinner in the west village. we were meeting some other people there- happened to be all girls and we were a mixed party. it was raining and when we got there and there was no line. the bouncer said they were having a private party. classic bullshit line- i expect that treatment on 27th street, but not at employees only. we called his bluff then he asked if we had a reservation. we said no, because we didn't, but also added that we had never made a reservation to get a drink at employees only in the years we had been going there and lived in the area. he said we were obviously lying. right. we called his bluff again and he said it was just too crowded inside. the girls we were with could go in, but the guys couldn't. as this transpired, no less than 25-30 people left the bar (mostly guys) and they were still turning people away at the door- even just girls. we had it and went to the other room, which was great. since when did employees only develop that kind of attitude? i will never go back.We're sorry LB, we really don't know what this world is coming to. So Employees Only - what is your excuse? Please let us know. More...
  21. If you missed part one of my conversation with Unik, please check it out here. Otherwise, keep reading for day two... More...
  22. Antik has been up and running for a few weeks now, and besides the opening night event, things at the retooled Bowery lounge has been pretty quiet. Well, we heard they were booked for a pretty important birthday party last Friday night and things didn't go so well. A Little Birdy checks in and confirms the rumors, saying: Went to Antik on Friday night for my friend's bday. She took the upstairs over for the night. It was really fun bc it was all our friends but i think people got a bit annoyed with the whole drink situation. They wouldn't let you order from the window/bar at the front only from the waitresses walking around which didn't come by often enough. The venue should be happy bc she brought a good crowd of a ton of big name models, marisa tomei, jamie burke, may anderson, few guys from the strokes etc, but the people running it were trying to be all velvet rope dbag when everyone there was there for this private party. not sure why they had to act all too cool at the door, it was a bit annoying. party was fun and our friends were djing so music was good. but the place cleared out fairly early which i assume was because of the drink situation. its real comfortable, lots of tables and places to sit. if they could hire a few more waitresses i think it would be a good spot to host a party.Slow drink delivery is not a good way to run a cocktail lounge, which goes back to our original theory. It takes more than a bar and a cocktail menu to run a proper lounge. Interaction with the bartenders, seeing the bottles and conversation with knowledgeable servers is how you run a lounge. This is apparently a mess. More...
  23. So what can you really expect if you head over to Johnny Utah's super amazing, insanely fun Monday night party? Well, if you're Guest of a Guest , it's two girls taking off their clothes and double teaming the bull. Wowsa. Those gossiping fools get all the breaks. More...
  24. Even after one LB's proclamation that the Box is still smoking hot, we come to find that all may not be well at the pseudo vaudeville club on Chrystie Street. According to an in the know Little Birdy, Simon and the boys are having some behind the scenes trouble. Apparently they can't find an attorney to represent them! In New York! OMG! Our LB says, "The Box maybe not so hot actually. i hear they are looking for new representation. nobody will take them though b/c they are such a disaster -- girls being kidnapped and raped outside, celebs stopped going, and simon is a complete mess." But is he a hot mess? Or just trannie fierce? Jk. Anyway, if any of you eager beaver attorneys want to break into the business of nightlife litigation, make a bee line to the Box with a box of business cards. We smell an opportunity. More...
  25. It's been a long time since we played Dear DBTH, in which our faithful readers ask us questions that we in turn put to you, our faithful readers. May the circle be unbroken. In today's edition, a reader asks: Dear DBTH, What's the best place for wed nights?As always, answers are welcome in the comments and over the birdy wire. More...
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