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What where you like as a child? (JR clubber's nostalgia)

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I was a trouble maker, beat up bullies that picked on me. Climbed trees, ran on roofs, played ring and run, hot peas and butter (ghetto games). Grew up In Da Projects born and raised. Got people into trouble, did some pretty outlandish shit. Got suspended in the first grade for telling a girl "suck my dick". Hey what did I know! Got suspened in the 7th grade for making fun of a dean (complete misunderstanding) then got suspened in the 9th grade for fighting in the lunchroom. Got into lotssss of fights, had to represent the whiteness of me growing up in shady areas. Played lots of sports but nothing serious, always had a vivid imagination and was creative as hell, and was hardly ever bored, cause I always found something to do. Thats me in a nutshell as a little Rdancer! :laugh::idea:

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I remmember like it was yesterday: long blonde hair flying in the wind as I'm running, in all my naked glory, on the soft sand as the crystal water caresses my feet........

O SHIT!!! That waz last summer!!!!!!

!!!I think I repressed all of my childhood!!! :confused:

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- I was a BRAT...

- So spoiled...I wanted everything...

- I would constantly be dancing all around my house to Madonna's Songs...

- I thought I was Madonna :blank:

- I had a really scratchy voice...

- I was a Brunette...hehehe

- I was a BiG trouble-maker in Grammer School...

- Gave Bloody Noses to Boys...that later on became my boyfriends...hehehe

- I was always the "different" one amongst my peers...

- I didnt like what other girls liked...ex: HATED New Kids on THE BLOCK...hated the color Pink...

- Always insisted on dressing myslef... (Woah...some outfits I wore :worry::laugh: )

- Evertime my father would be videotaping family events...I had to HOG up the camera LENS!!! ...always wanted to be on Camera....Dancing around and Pretend Modeling...hehehehe

- I was obsessed w/ Cabbage Patch Dolls

- I would love to play records on this plastic turntabe that I had...Always listened to music...

- I was very HYPER!!!

- I was very opinionated...

- I love using the words, "It's NOT FAiR" ... "No" "How About Me"

- I was really into BOYS...even from kindergarden...

- all in all I was a HAPpY Child...I got Lots of Videos to prove it..hehehe:laugh:

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Originally posted by mugwump

I was a long haired offspring of a hippie!

I wore long bellbottoms and groovy sunglasses..

(Picture evidence shows that mom thought I was

a dress up toy)

Since my mom had me @ 15 she didn't

quite know that kids weren't like "pets"..

like getting a new dog or something..

We lived in a trailer in South Carolina after

growing up in Mexico city..


and the rock band KIZZ..

I also use to want to be an alien

and hoped that perhaps Extra Terrestrials

had some how impregnated my mother

like that Marry chick that had had sex with an angel

that I heard about at Bible School...

I moved around alot..

South Carolina,

Texas, Monterrey Mexico,

Minesota, Colorado,

Italy and finaly NY!

Fuck it though...

I'm still a child!

(And in many ways haven't changed much)


:laugh: :laugh:

i was a bit chubby, very well-mannered and i liked ABBA...dressed up as if i'm going to kindergarten 54...

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My story is pretty much like Misk's.....girly girl to the fullest...but I'm not having any of that Nintendo and WWF crap ...uggghhhh :yuck:

I've always been a crazy fiesty midget though....I was insane back in the good ol' days....had the whole jersey hair thing going....wigwam socks...I think my fav tv shows were Saved by the Bell and 90210.....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Such a sorry ass I was...

But then I was corrupted....the first club I ever went to was Tunnel...back when I was barely 18 (almost 6 yrs ago???) I don't think I ever danced a night like that in my entire life....so hence the new, and improved (and grown up) Marci D....well rounded, full of morals, goals, determination, responsibilities....blah blah blah...

....of course I'm still a fiesty, bitchy, crazy midget...but only when appropriate:D

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I used to hang out with the older boys, breakdancing my way thru the worried and painfull times a child can expierience while his parrents divorce. By the time I turned 14, my friends and I shared the same dream...become a fighterpilot, they got their wings and I grew to become 6-6ft tall and out of reach.

Oh well, at least I managed to get my pilot's license.

Is this the point where we all post our childhood pics?

I'll take point,

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What was I like as a child? Hmmmm.....pictures show that I was quite the girly girl--blonde, dresses, pink, barbies, my little pony, etc. BUT, I was much more of a tomboy than those pics reveal. I loved playing soccer {i started playing in the "munchkin" league at age 5 to about 16} and softball. I grew up in a neighborhood just outside of Cleveland with a bunch of boys who always picked me to be on their team first {be it kickball, soccer,whatever} even if I was "just" a girl:)

I envied Madonna and Tiffany, and had the biggest crush on Joey McIntyre of New Kids On The Block! Lol, even from a young age I was boy crazy!:D

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