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AWE YEAH Detroit Electronic Music Festival Lineups have been announced!!!

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I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

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So what you're saying is LM, Xpander, Joe G and me sleeping in my Love Van on the side of the road is a

Originally posted by quoth

I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

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So what you're saying is LM, Xpander, Joe G and me camping out in my Love Van on the side of the road blasting Rapture is a bad idea??

Originally posted by quoth

I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

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Isnt it?

I cant imagine what the cat looked at to react that way.

Im all over the place on the net.

I probably picked it up from another message board.


Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .dude, that cat picture is fucking hilarious . . where'd you get it? . . .

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Originally posted by quoth

I have a friend who lives in Detroit and fuckin...i don't think people realize HOW BAD!!!! Detroit actually is..like it has been ranked the most dangerous city in america for the past 6 years!!!

DEMF is pretty fuckin dangerous like every single year that they have the festival they always have on the news in Michigan about how someone was mugged,murdered, or jumped. She stresses to me that if i go or anyone goes for that matter that you better have a place to stay with someone cause you DON'T wanna use their hotels. They have all of 2 hotels in the city and fuckin when it gets dark all hell breaks loose. Detroit is so bad to the point where there is like a monorail type of transport above the ground cause fuckin there are no buses or anyone for that matter who travel on the ground cause it is filled with fuckedddd up people and crime 24/7 not to mention..NO STREETLIGHTS!! There is a road called 8 mile...and basically it separates Detroit from suburbia...it is said that you taking a chance if you cross this line cause people will kill you just for your shoes alone. it always puzzles me how they have this festival in Detroit even though its the birthplace of Techno in america, but even still...its a known fact that Detroit is a dangerous muthafuckin city that puts newark,harlem and anywhere else comnbined to shame. So if anyone happens to go out this year..be very careful and don't stay at any hotels or wander around the streets like its chicago or nyc during the night. These words of wisdom are not from me, but from my friend who lives right near Detroit all 23 years of her life and knows what's up.

Detroit's no picnic, but it isn't exactly beirut. I've spent my whole life up to this year in the detroit area and have yet to be killed for my shoes. One of Detroit's biggest problem's is that people don't give it a chance because of silly exaggerations like this. The people mover (the elevated train thing) is there because its conveniant and sorta novel, not because the streets are lined with crackheads. And the hotels are fine. So is DEMF. Lay off the suburban paranoia.

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Originally posted by bsb2002

Detroit's no picnic, but it isn't exactly beirut. I've spent my whole life up to this year in the detroit area and have yet to be killed for my shoes. One of Detroit's biggest problem's is that people don't give it a chance because of silly exaggerations like this. The people mover (the elevated train thing) is there because its conveniant and sorta novel, not because the streets are lined with crackheads. And the hotels are fine. So is DEMF. Lay off the suburban paranoia.

like i said in the last line of my post....THIS ISNT COMING FROM ME BUT FROM A GIRL I KNOW WHO LIVES IN DETROIT ALL HER LIFE. For me though...i would definitely give it a shot..but she lives their and you live their and yer arguing about an opinon that's between u and her. As far as my opinon goes...just read the news if you wanna know if its a "silly exaggeration" or not..but hey its also possible that yer just lucky cause neither u nor my friend has been killed for their shoes. :laugh:

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Go-go Amy and I are flying in to Cleveland

on the 24th (thursday) to pick up her car and drive into Detroit the following morning.

we are staying till Tuesday @ the Marriot Renaissance. If anyone wants to join us on a "road trip" to the Festival PM either one of us. we could use Gas money and will have a car to drive around to all the after parties. (Plus a Hotel room right next to the festival if anyone needs to run in and take a shit on something other than a porta pottie or something)

DJ Shadow AND Ritchie Hawtin..


And it's Freeeeeeeeeee......

(Who cares about crime..I like my parties "RAW"..I'll take that over pretty "GLAM" any day

of the week)


DEMF here we come!

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Originally posted by gothzane

Isnt it?

I cant imagine what the cat looked at to react that way.

Im all over the place on the net.

I probably picked it up from another message board.


. . I'd bet the entire fucking farm is was a laser pointer . . nothing in the world will set those critters off like those . . .

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I'll be there -- time for a trip home, mom will think it's to see her and be happy... BTW, I'm offering my mom's house to anyone who wants to stay with me... (haha -- haven't told her yet) Maybe everyone can bring tents and camp out in our backyard there. :)

I've lived just outside of Detroit throughout college -- it is not as bad as quoth's post. That is a typical suburban attitude from that girl you know. I started going to goth/industrial clubs there when I was 17 and we never had a problem in Detroit. (unless you count the times our money got stolen when we had someone go in and buy beer for us)

Anyhow, Detroit has really improved over the last few years -- brand new casinos, a great theater district, new condos, the new Tiger Stadium, new clubs, etc. And, the DEMF has never had problems -- it is actually praised as an event because of the lack of incidents that happen there.

I volunteer to be the tour guide -- Greektown, Mexican Village, nightclubs, suburbs, Canada, casinos...

Let's go!!!!

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Originally posted by DaVe

I'll be there -- time for a trip home, mom will think it's to see her and be happy... BTW, I'm offering my mom's house to anyone who wants to stay with me... (haha -- haven't told her yet) Maybe everyone can bring tents and camp out in our backyard there. :)

I've lived just outside of Detroit through college -- it is not as bad as quoth's post. That is a typical suburban attitude from that girl you know. I started going to goth/industrial clubs there when I was 17 and we never had a problem in Detroit. (unless you count the times our money got stolen when we had someone go in a buy beer for us)

Anyhow, Detroit has really improved over the last few years -- brand new casinos, a great theater district, new condos, the new Tiger Stadium, new clubs, etc. And, the DEMF has never had problems -- it is actually praised as an event because of the lack of incidents that happen there.

I volunteer to be the tour guide -- Greektown, Mexican Village, nightclubs, suburbs, Canada, casinos...

Let's go!!!!

mmm...quality moderating...

I got dibs on Dave's old room...

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Originally posted by DaVe

I started going to goth/industrial clubs there when I was 17 and we never had a problem in Detroit.

Wow, I can't picture you all gothed out for some reason Dave. I would love to see some pics of Dave in his goth years. I bet it was definitely a sight to see.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Wow, I can't picture you all gothed out for some reason Dave. I would love to see some pics of Dave in his goth years. I bet it was definitely a sight to see.

Those pictures are long gone... :) Let me tell you though -- Detroit still has a great goth/industrial scene. I'll be heading to City Club when I'm back there...

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Originally posted by DaVe

I'll be there -- time for a trip home, mom will think it's to see her and be happy... BTW, I'm offering my mom's house to anyone who wants to stay with me... (haha -- haven't told her yet) Maybe everyone can bring tents and camp out in our backyard there. :)

I've lived just outside of Detroit throughout college -- it is not as bad as quoth's post. That is a typical suburban attitude from that girl you know. I started going to goth/industrial clubs there when I was 17 and we never had a problem in Detroit. (unless you count the times our money got stolen when we had someone go in and buy beer for us)

Anyhow, Detroit has really improved over the last few years -- brand new casinos, a great theater district, new condos, the new Tiger Stadium, new clubs, etc. And, the DEMF has never had problems -- it is actually praised as an event because of the lack of incidents that happen there.

I volunteer to be the tour guide -- Greektown, Mexican Village, nightclubs, suburbs, Canada, casinos...

Let's go!!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

you know u have to beg for mercy when the almighty powerful man himself, DaVe mentions yer name in one of his own posts.

Definite quality moderating...always cool to know that DaVe is just a normal guy behind all this computer jargon. But eh...to be honest...i was only expressing what i was told...i personally think she exaggerates a lil...which is another reason i brought up that post so ppl like bsb2002,DaVe and others could give their 2 cents.

As far as him and goth...hell yea i could see it...btw who the fuck is going to see VNV NATION?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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