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nothing but sirens for the past hour here on times square

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palestinian demonstrators can't behave... once monkeys, they are always monkeys.

and don't anyone start telling me that palestinians are real victims, palestinians this, palestinian that. whoever has not seen live palestinian, has no right to open their mouth... and then, nobody really gives a shit ;)

anyways, don't go near 42nd, you might get your ass kicked by crazy fanatics.

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As if the Palestinians don't deserve their own state which btw was stolen from them? As if you'd be okay with someone taking your land away and then confining you to your house? As if it's just perfectly permissible to kill a sniper with a firebomb that *oops* destroys an entire building containing women and children and civilians at the same time?

Kill yourself :blown:

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lets not let the ugliness in CP, ok guys?...there's enough right outside ((i'm on 40th and broadway, and can get a glimpse of all the hoopla out of my office windows))

lets just hope this is a peaceful demonstration and they serve their purpose while supporting their cause.

:( ...can't we all just get along?

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Originally posted by philo

palestinian demonstrators can't behave... once monkeys, they are always monkeys.

and don't anyone start telling me that palestinians are real victims, palestinians this, palestinian that. whoever has not seen live palestinian, has no right to open their mouth... and then, nobody really gives a shit ;)

anyways, don't go near 42nd, you might get your ass kicked by crazy fanatics.

hey buttplugger..were u out there saying the same recycled generic assinine comments when i was out there protesting during '99?? i suggest u watch out before u go as far as calling people monkeys.....

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i absolutely have no desire to spend any energy and argue. it would just be beating a dead ggghhhost, or whatever he spells himself.

and then as i said, your opinion means nothing - 0, so why argure???

kill yourself or not, it is what it is.

bye bye

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Originally posted by twilo25

im on 40th and bway also...i have a view of times sq...they are all bowing down to duane reade....im scared to go outside

I'm in 1407 right across the st. My boss (who's Jewish and happens to be out of the office today), dosen't see a need to let all of us go home a bit early. He, obviously, isn't on any of the side streets where people are chanting and have all these graphic pictures on display.

Why do I feel as though this isn't going to be such a peaceful protest? :shake:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

As if the Palestinians don't deserve their own state which btw was stolen from them? As if you'd be okay with someone taking your land away and then confining you to your house? As if it's just perfectly permissible to kill a sniper with a firebomb that *oops* destroys an entire building containing women and children and civilians at the same time?

Kill yourself :blown:

Hang on a minute now. I disagree completely. While the Palestinian's argument for their own state may have held some weight at one point, I think they blew any chance of that now. Anyone who can sympathise with their plight while they go out daily and pull terrorist schemes that kill many innocent people, which by the way, are no different from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, deserves a good kick in the head.

How the hell can you sympathise with a people who have resorted to terrorism to get their point accross. And don't even tell me that the terrorists are a small faction that do not represent the majority. Their own fucking leader, Arafat, is in total support of their actions.

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yo guys i was there around 12-2, me and a friend went in to the protest area to interview some people for a school newspaper. ill post up the pics in a few hours. let me tell you, i went in there trying to be completely impartial to both sides, both people are suffering, but then i saw the little Palestinian kids running around with placards of swastikas and yelling 'death to Israel, death to USA', at that point i realized peace in that region is a myth. ill put up the pics once i get home. very sad day, theres few other things i wanna say but i got no time right now. ciao and PEACE to all

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Originally posted by roha3000

Hang on a minute now. I disagree completely. While the Palestinian's argument for their own state may have held some weight at one point, I think they blew any chance of that now. Anyone who can sympathise with their plight while they go out daily and pull terrorist schemes that kill many innocent people, which by the way, are no different from the 9/11 terrorist attacks, deserves a good kick in the head.

How the hell can you sympathise with a people who have resorted to terrorism to get their point accross. And don't even tell me that the terrorists are a small faction that do not represent the majority. Their own fucking leader, Arafat, is in total support of their actions.

If you didn't notice, "terror" is used by those groups and states that have no army of their own, have no power and no way to unify to create that, and so their only hope under their oppression in by guerrilla attacks (mind you, I'm not justifying 9/11, I don't feel that the Al Qaeda was at all an oppressed group, being as how they were quite well buddied with the ruling group in Afghanistan). For every suicide bomber there is, there are countless Palestinians being shot, burnt, massacred and otherwise destroyed by hypocritical israelites who claim "poor me! holocaust!" yet they go do the same to their neighbors :rolleyes: (Once again, not justifying the holocaust and i think it was beyond awful, but it doesn't give anyone carte blanche either). also, their "leader" arafat... he ain't so much in control, if you didn't notice...

Now if you'll excuse me, there is currently a large protest at Healy Circle so I'm going to go join in. One more voice of "FREE, FREE PALESTINE!!!" does more than a billion of these inane arguments on CP.

PS- the protests are meant to be peaceful, nonviolent action. If anyone needs a clue about what that means, I'll explain. The "graphic posters" won't hurt you - they're reality. Unless, that is, you're afraid of reality....

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Nothing but sirens for the past hour??? Didn't realize Vinyl had moved up to Times Square....

As for the demonstrators, they were down here in the village yesterday and were perfectly peaceful. Over there, both sides are in the wrong. I'm Jewish also and have a lot of Israeli friends, but I seriously don't think Israel is any more right than the Palestinians. And it's not as if it's only the Palestinians who are being violent over there....Israel uses it's army to get what they want when they need to. There are massive civil rights violations in Israel right now. You can't even be a voting citizen if you're not Jewish, yet if you're a citizen you have to serve in the military as a matter of law. In any case, neither side has any tolerance for the other, both are persecuting each other, and if the entire world wasn't sticking their little fingers and toes in there it would be just like Yugoslavia 6 years ago over there.

Also, keep in mind that for the 20% of radicals we always see portrayed in the media who are doing bad shit, 80% of the people over there would still rather live in harmony. The problem is that it only takes one stupid person doing something violent to fuck things up again, along with the fact that the PM of Israel makes Asscroft look like a flaming liberal when it comes to civil rights.

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Originally posted by tribal

yo guys i was there around 12-2, me and a friend went in to the protest area to interview some people for a school newspaper. ill post up the pics in a few hours. let me tell you, i went in there trying to be completely impartial to both sides, both people are suffering, but then i saw the little Palestinian kids running around with placards of swastikas and yelling 'death to Israel, death to USA', at that point i realized peace in that region is a myth. ill put up the pics once i get home. very sad day, theres few other things i wanna say but i got no time right now. ciao and PEACE to all

yeh well same shit was going on here when they were bombing my country and no one gave a shit....when we were protesting (serbs) we got bottles chucked @ us from across the street..no one felt bad for our children....but then again we didnt level 2 100+ story buildings for no reason ...i guess if we did that then wed have america on our side too huh?

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ghost, the reason your country got bombed was because mr.milosevic decided to do a little spring ethnic cleansing. i personally think the albanians got a free ride in that conflict, the KLA was a total terror group just like the IRA, ETA and Hamas. yet, our pres mr.clinton hailed them as 'freedom fighters'. goes to show you how personal interest affects decisions.

as unbound said, fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

anyway here are the pictures from the rally today


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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

If you didn't notice, "terror" is used by those groups and states that have no army of their own, have no power and no way to unify to create that, and so their only hope under their oppression in by guerrilla attacks (mind you, I'm not justifying 9/11, I don't feel that the Al Qaeda was at all an oppressed group, being as how they were quite well buddied with the ruling group in Afghanistan). For every suicide bomber there is, there are countless Palestinians being shot, burnt, massacred and otherwise destroyed by hypocritical israelites who claim "poor me! holocaust!" yet they go do the same to their neighbors :rolleyes: (Once again, not justifying the holocaust and i think it was beyond awful, but it doesn't give anyone carte blanche either). also, their "leader" arafat... he ain't so much in control, if you didn't notice...

Now if you'll excuse me, there is currently a large protest at Healy Circle so I'm going to go join in. One more voice of "FREE, FREE PALESTINE!!!" does more than a billion of these inane arguments on CP.

PS- the protests are meant to be peaceful, nonviolent action. If anyone needs a clue about what that means, I'll explain. The "graphic posters" won't hurt you - they're reality. Unless, that is, you're afraid of reality....

First of all, I really don't want to get into some political pissing match here, but there are a few points of yours which are particularly disturbing.

1: You are comparing Israel's self defense measures to Nazi Gemany and the holocaust. Do I really need to argue this point? You belittled the massacre of 6 million people and made a point with no basis or sound reasoning. The Nazis enslaved and murdered millions, the Israelis defend themselves from terrorists and inadvertantly end up killing some innocent people.

Now I cannot say that Israel has done no wrong. I can, however, say that there is no justification for terrorism.

2: Terror is a tactic used by people with a lack of military strength. It is "their only hope under oppression." You seem to be contradicting yourself. You say that you do not justify the 9/11 attacks, but you also say that terror, or the intentional murder of innocent men, women and children is used as a means to unify or create an independent state when there is no other alternative. By supporting the Palestinian cause you are, in effect, condoning their terrorist actions. Giving in to what they want is saying to the world that it is OK to use terrorism. It is a justification for the 9/11 attacks and for any future use of such means.

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Originally posted by tribal

ghost, the reason your country got bombed was because mr.milosevic decided to do a little spring ethnic cleansing. i personally think the albanians got a free ride in that conflict, the KLA was a total terror group just like the IRA, ETA and Hamas. yet, our pres mr.clinton hailed them as 'freedom fighters'. goes to show you how personal interest affects decisions.

as unbound said, fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

anyway here are the pictures from the rally today


thanx dude..at least u keep an open mind about things..ur one of the rare ones

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