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Some interesting commentary by Bill O'Reilly

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I saw this on AOL and thought I might share. I'd have to agree with most of what he says........

Pray for Peace, Polish the Weapons

What it seems to be coming down to is a war pitting fundamentalist Muslims all over the world against the United States and Britain. If you strip all the sideshows away, you are left with the fact that America will sooner or later have to defeat the Muslims who hate us, or be subjected to continuous terror and violence.

If you think I am overstating things, consider this: Our so-called friends, the Saudis, are paying the families of suicide bombers thousands of dollars for their "sacrifice," according to an April 10 Saudi Press Agency report. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apparently feels that suicide bombers who target women and children on buses and in restaurants deserve a reward. So the money is mailed out.

The Saudi government, of course, is an accessory to murder and an enabler of terrorism. We expect this kind of thing from Saddam Hussein -- but the Saudis? That's what America is up against.

And how is the Bush administration handling the Saudi bounty? By saying nothing, that's how. By keeping silent because we need Saudi oil. Silence is our policy toward Saudi Arabia. We are quietly moving our military out of that country to Qatar because the Saudis won't support our removal of Saddam.

We say nothing while the Saudi government supports schools that teach hatred toward America and Israel. Our government is quiet because it does not want to make a bad decision worse.

But that strategy is doomed to failure, and here's why: There are 200 million Arab-Muslims in the world, and not one Arab country that practices democracy. Arabs are oppressed and poor, and their leaders blame that condition on Israel and the United States. That is fallacious, of course, but when you can't read or think outside of the Koran, it is easy to swallow hateful propaganda.

Most Arabs live lives of poverty and hopelessness. Consider these per-capita yearly incomes: the USA, $33,000; Israel, $17,500; Saudi Arabia, $9,600; Iran, $6,000; Egypt, $3,500; Iraq, $2,000; and Pakistan, $1,900. Get the picture? Most Arabs have no money and no freedom. No wonder they are angry. All Americans should realize that these people are dangerous.

The oldest trick in the political book is to distract a miserable population with war. And if it's a holy war, hey, that's even better.

Iran can't employ its citizens, but it can find the money to send shiploads of weapons to the Palestinians. In Iraq, malnutrition is through the roof, yet Saddam Hussein sends tens of thousands of dollars to the families of suicide bombers and pays big money to foreign scientists to develop deadly weapons for him.

I wish there were a solution to this madness, but there does not seem to be one. Many Muslim countries are simply out of control with terrorists having more power than the government.

Do you think Yasser Arafat can control Hamas? I mean the guy can't even go to the men's room without a hall pass from an Israeli soldier. And the dictator of Pakistan, Musharraf, can't control his secret police or his borders. Come to think of it, neither can America.

Anyway, while there are a few countries like Morocco and Jordan that are friendly to the United States, most of the Arab world wants to hurt us. Americans are going to have to deal with that threat because it is simply irresponsible not to do so.

President Bush must make it clear to the Arab world that we expect it to fight terrorism, not send checks to the families of suicide bombers. And the countries who ignore Mr. Bush's warnings should be confronted.

I don't know about you, but I couldn't care less about the Muslim world. I wish it well and admire certain things about the culture. But right now, that world is my enemy, by and large. Muslim fanatics are a threat to my family and way of life. Their problems lie right before their eyes in the form of corrupt leadership and hateful clerics. I had nothing to do with that problem.

Yes, America does business with bad governments. But if change doesn't come from within, only outside engagement can lessen the yoke of totalitarianism. We saw that with the Soviet Union. Detente destroyed it.

So pray for peace, but expect more conflict. President Bush is right to go after killers like Saddam and the evil rulers of Iran. These people are just waiting to attack us, and there is no reasoning with them.

Keep trying diplomacy, but start polishing the weapons.

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DaVe detete this mother fucken post. Bill O'Reilly doesn't know shit. I wish I could get my hands on him. I would make sure he can't talk bullshit anymore. Bill O'Reilly is a piece of shit. His words shouldn't even be posted on this board. It disgraces the board. Oh yeah, I HAAAAATE Bill O'Reilly if you haven't figured it out yet.

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For those of you who like drama..and it seems there are plenty on this board who do lol...fuckin...The O'Reilly Factor is definitely a show u should watch cause Bill gets to the fuckin deep down dirtyness that no one else will touch with a stick..and the whole entire time...this guy makes 100% complete sense of what he is talking about....also...he is irish..so he fuckin rocks....imagine fuckin o'reilly and quoth chillin at a bar with some Guinness. :laugh:

ehh...scrap that. :rolleyes:

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karch, what part of oreilly's statement is false, hateful or untrue? sure not all arabs and their govt are bad. no shit. but what he says about their problems and the main cause of their problems is 100% correct. how are you going to tell me that the reason people in iraq or syria are dirt poor and oppressed is because of israel.? now orielly may be wrong in his views of arabs, but he is completely right about the reasons the arab world is in such shit hole. serioulsly, what have they done for civilizaition since the end of the ottoman empire? besides oil offcourse. the reason they are so low and feel humiliated is duh! their govts are corrupt, oppressive and inefficient, and so are their industries. its not rocket science.

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If you think I am overstating things, consider this: Our so-called friends, the Saudis, are paying the families of suicide bombers thousands of dollars for their "sacrifice," according to an April 10 Saudi Press Agency report. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apparently feels that suicide bombers who target women and children on buses and in restaurants deserve a reward. So the money is mailed out.

The american government apparently thinks that an oppresive ocupation, the only one in the world today, by a supperior armed force of people with no means to defend themselves, is deserving of a reward, a reward to the tune of $3.5 billion/year of your hard erned dollars.

And how is the Bush administration handling the Saudi bounty? By saying nothing, that's how. By keeping silent because we need Saudi oil. Silence is our policy toward Saudi Arabia. We are quietly moving our military out of that country to Qatar because the Saudis won't support our removal of Saddam

And what is the US response to this occupation. We give Israel more money so that american defense companies can sell billions of dollars of weapons to Israel.

Most Arabs live lives of poverty and hopelessness. Consider these per-capita yearly incomes: the USA, $33,000; Israel, $17,500; Saudi Arabia, $9,600; Iran, $6,000; Egypt, $3,500; Iraq, $2,000; and Pakistan, $1,900. Get the picture? Most Arabs have no money and no freedom. No wonder they are angry. All Americans should realize that these people are dangerous

Again these numbers beg the question. Why does the US give by far the most aid to a contry whose per capita income is one of the highest in the world.

Iran can't employ its citizens, but it can find the money to send shiploads of weapons to the Palestinians

The US has millions of it's own people living well below the poverty line yet it finds billions of dollars to send weapons to a country which has one of the highest standars of living in the world.

Do you think Yasser Arafat can control Hamas? I mean the guy can't even go to the men's room without a hall pass from an Israeli soldier

If nothing else this is proof enough that this guy is simply an idiot. How is Arafat supposed to control Hamas with Israel destroying the entire Palestinian control structure.

The longer people keep listening to sewage like this the longer the problems are going to continue.

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Originally posted by sassa

Fuck O'Reilly ....:puke:

What a surprise you would react this way....Would love to see O'Reilly tear your clueless, higher than mighty, self proclaimed elitist ass a new hole....and then shove your misguided, baseless, one-sided bullshit up your new hole...now that would be a great O'reilly Factor

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Originally posted by igloo

What a surprise you would react this way....Would love to see O'Reilly tear your clueless, higher than mighty, self proclaimed elitist ass a new hole....and then shove your misguided, baseless, one-sided bullshit up your new hole...now that would be a great O'reilly Factor

i would love to see you get cracked in the head with a crobar

btw: youre calling her elitist, high and mighty, and one sided? wow thats the pot calling the kettle black dont ya think?

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i would love to see you get cracked in the head with a crobar

btw: youre calling her elitist, high and mighty, and one sided? wow thats the pot calling the kettle black dont ya think?

Son- stick to reading Winnie the Pooh books- more your speed.

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I think Tranceds point is the best here....rhetoric can get you anywhere. If you want to convince justin his name is bill its fine, but if you want to convince people to not question the US's foreign policy, military industial complex and basic racism its a pretty dangerous skill. In the case of Bill Riley, it's terrifying, and the fact that people just love him for tellin' it like it is scares the shit out of me.

"We say nothing while the Saudi government supports schools that teach hatred toward America and Israel. Our government is quiet because it does not want to make a bad decision worse. "

Maybe we keep quiet cause we do worse? How many of you are aware that the US spends millions of our democratically represented tax-dollars on training schools for international terrorists. The School of the Americas recruits and trains assasins, coup leaders and subversives to protect US interests illegally and against the desires of the populations of countries around the world.

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without taking a side one way or the other on this issue, i really hate when people respond to an accusation with some variation of "oh yeah, well you do such and such, so shut up" Its irrelevant and diversionary. If you can't address the point, save your other stuff for another day.

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