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Hawtin / Vath Review

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>Walked in. Music was SLAMMIN, and never let up.

>Walked in. Bumped into like 7 board heads. :)

>It was only 5 bucks!!!

>Its a Monday night!!!

>The bass was kickin for a small place.

>Saw even more board heads! (old school)


>Got $55 parking ticket. (Good thing I left when i did, might have gotten towed).

>Hotter than Hell.

>Smokey as Hell. (But I'm not complaining to those smokin that incredible herb!)

>Had to leave about 2:30 :( i couldn't take any more sweatin and tearing.

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Originally posted by apotheosis



>Walked in. Music was SLAMMIN, and never let up.

>Walked in. Bumped into like 7 board heads. :)

>It was only 5 bucks!!!

>Its a Monday night!!!

>The bass was kickin for a small place.

>Saw even more board heads! (old school)


>Got $55 parking ticket. (Good thing I left when i did, might have gotten towed).

>Hotter than Hell.

>Smokey as Hell. (But I'm not complaining to those smokin that incredible herb!)

>Had to leave about 2:30 :( i couldn't take any more sweatin and tearing.

it was actually an NBconvention, good seeing you again.......you missed Thomas Crone who was fucking evil! :eek:

peeps were like "holy shit this guy's the opener" :eek:

aaaaaaaah boss called in sick today :cool:

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yeah, it was something else... From the minute I walked in to the minute I left, it was non stop kick-your-ass techno...

honestly, i'm too exhausted to write a review...

coolest thing is, the place was about 60% board heads... (from all the boards)

the entire back room was entirely comprised of people we knew earlier in the night... too funny...

God, I just have to make it 8 hours, then I can sleeeeeeep :zzz:

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Damn...I thought Sven and Hawtin were going to go until 6. I left as soon as they stopped spinning at around 4:00. But damn...what a tag team. I am gonna hate working today, but it was so worth it.

I was drenched from head to toe last night. I woke up this morning and noticed that my shoes and pants were covered in some strange shit. Good lord I was drunk. Take a look at the thread I wrote at like 4 or so when I was totally wrecked. Wow, what a drunken stuper. I love it. Great night.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Good lord I was drunk. Take a look at the thread I wrote at like 4 or so when I was totally wrecked. Wow, what a drunken stuper. I love it. Great night.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You were Making me LAUGH so hard!!! ... It was Great Chillin' with you :D

Last NiGHT was ONE OF THE BEST NiGHTS I've had this year so FAR!!!! I was in Awe...I thought i was dreaming...Richie is THE TECHNO GOD...and there's no denying that!!! :D :D

It was great seeing Everybody......Definetely a memorable night!!!

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste

last night seriously damaged me.

easily one of the top 3 nights i have ever had.

good to see everyone bouncing and smiling.

-z "damaged"

U totally cracked me up when I said, "Wow, how Awesome is this?" and you said, "Ive heard better..." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

U totally cracked me up when I said, "Wow, how Awesome is this?" and you said, "Ive heard better..." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



p.s. if i could think the way you dance...i would be a genius =)

good to see the both of you out.

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I can't stop smiling.....

I really can't think of anything else to say...how to explain how completely in awe of Hawtin I am, how completely at home I feel hanging out with y'all, how completely alive I feel just dancing and sweating like crazy on a Monday night, how smug I feel Tuesday mornings, sitting in the office, looking at my boss thinking "If you only knew.."

All three Dj's last night were EVIL, absolutely committed to HURTING us, and damn they did a good job...my knee is pissed.

I just want it to be Monday night with Richie every night. I don't think I'm going out on the weekends anymore- I'm saving all my love for Tronic.

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Originally posted by bogb

You drunk???

I can’t picture that. I thought your all about parting sober.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Well...take the word sober with a grain of salt. When I say sober I mean clean of illegal substances. And, I didn't plan on drinking as much as I did, but strange things tend to happen when I buy those 1.5 liter bottles of vodka. :cool:

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sorry i didn't talk to anyone...too busy bounce bounce bouncing!!! :)

damn! better than last time hawtin was here if only cause of all the changes. and the best thing was: I WORE SHORTS!!!!

hi everyone!

Roha - you, my friend, are a lush

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I wish I could have stayed... maybe some day I'll be self-employed so I can start work whenever I want. It was so depressing meeting everyone and just starting to get into it, and then having to say, "Well, time to go!" :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by jayp

everything hurts right now

thats how i know it was good

where the f is the cheez whiz???

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i think i smell like booz

definitely a top 10 best nights out. music was sick and so many chill people hanging out, i ended up closing the place?!

eventhough i got 4 hours sleep it doesn't seem to affect you when you had such an awesome time. i love walking around work w/ this stupid grin on my face:hat:

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I'm damn sorry I missed it, but I really really had to sleep....

Anyway, who's up for next week??? Misstress Barbara, DJ Dan, and The Advent shall be rocking it hardcore, and if you think you got your asses kicked this past week, wait till you hear how Barbie and Advent bang it out......

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