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There are a lot of ppl on this board who think they are hardcore techno heads...

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Yet not one of them can hang. I will make one exception. Barvybe, for your age you can definitely hang. As for the the rest of you, you all know who you are. You are lightweights who only claim to be techno heads. You put me in a room with my favorite music there will be no stopping me. You guys are weak.

This was definitely not my thing but I bounced like there was no tommorow. I have like 4 and half hours till work but fuck it. Some techno head wannabies (who shall go nameless) around here even took tommorow morning off. But they are the same wannabies who were sitting around like little kids playing duck duck goose. I am thoroughly unimpressed. You have a lot of work to do now to redeem yourselves.

The question is, are you up to the challenge?? Put up or forever shutup.

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What the fuck is this shit? Are you trying to start?

Some of us had to make some very hard, painful decisions last night, and let me tell you, I could have danced your drunk ass out the door if I didn't have the biggest day of my career today and need to be functional til 10pm (and then hopefully make it to Filter 14). You know you hang out with a sick bunch of kids when people give you shit for only staying out til 3am on a MONDAY FUCKIN NIGHT!!




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Originally posted by saigray

What the fuck is this shit? Are you trying to start?

Some of us had to make some very hard, painful decisions last night, and let me tell you, I could have danced your drunk ass out the door if I didn't have the biggest day of my career today and need to be functional til 10pm (and then hopefully make it to Filter 14). You know you hang out with a sick bunch of kids when people give you shit for only staying out til 3am on a MONDAY FUCKIN NIGHT!!




Haha. Sai this definitely wasn't directed towards you. I got home all mangled and was pissed because first off Hawtin and Sven stopped at like 3:30. I thought they were going till 6. Second, after they stopped, most ppl sat down and got real boring. So this was my drunken ranting and raving which I find pretty funny. Don't be mad, I can't even remember writing it.

BTW - what time did you leave?

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Originally posted by roha3000

Barvybe, for your age you can definitely hang.


what's that supposed to mean?

its not the age, its the miles. I think i put about 47 of them on my legs last night.

sai - u da woman! you can usually outdance me :)

good luck tonight honey!

ok, time to relax the legs with a nice 12 mile skate into the city (yes, cross training will make you young again!)

roha - u hitting filter14 2nite?

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Originally posted by barvybe


what's that supposed to mean?

its not the age, its the miles. I think i put about 47 of them on my legs last night.

Sorry Pete, I think in my drunken stuper that came out wrong. What I meant was that you party as hard as anyone and you are older than most. Props to you bro.

About Filter...hmmm, dunno. Who is spinning? Call me later I guess.

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Originally posted by cintron

Ohhhhhhhhhh shit someone just laid down the gauntlet. ;)

I'm a househead to the core. :) I'll be over here watching the techno gremlins lay the smack down.

:laugh: :laugh: Haha. I know I am going to end up paying for this thread in ways I can't even imagine.

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i wasn't going to reply... cause i'm not really a technohead, i just enjoy techno....

but uh.... poor ronnie frown ... try coming out as much as some of us do... and see how well you hang EVERY night... also, try doing it sober more often than not... ;)

And I gotta say, I was reallly pissed that I had to come in early today to cover for someone... and it was lurking over my head all night in the back of my mind... God I wanted to stay longer...

btw... if you wanna throw down... next time the stanton warriors are in town, we'll go from open to close, SOBER, w/o leaving the dance floor and see whos still standing... ;)

(gotta love drunken posts)

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Originally posted by cintron

Ohhhhhhhhhh shit someone just laid down the gauntlet. ;)

I'm a househead to the core. :) I'll be over here watching the techno gremlins lay the smack down.

so when are you dragging your househead ass down to the city so you can show a breakshead how its done???

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Originally posted by joeg

(gotta love drunken posts)

Haha. Dude, like I said, I know I am going to pay for this thread. But I won't edit it. I am going to take the reprecussions like a man. :D Almost every word of it is such a drunken exageration. But it is so damn funny to wake up the next day and see a post you don't remember writing and laugh at the total retard comments you made. I am very amused by all this. Perhaps you could call it a day in the life of Quoth.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Haha. Dude, like I said, I know I am going to pay for this thread. But I won't edit it. I am going to take the reprecussions like a man. :D Almost every word of it is such a drunken exageration. But it is so damn funny to wake up the next day and see a post you don't remember writing and laugh at the total retard comments you made. I am very amused by all this. Perhaps you could call it a day in the life of Quoth.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Originally posted by roha3000

:laugh: :laugh: Haha. I know I am going to end up paying for this thread in ways I can't even imagine.

Try this gauntlet on for size, biatch:

Filter 14, Satoshi Tomiie, dark evil House....four nights and counting of hot, dark dancing! Who's with me?

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ahem, did we meet? for i was bouncing till nearly closing.

cat :]

Originally posted by roha3000

Yet not one of them can hang. I will make one exception. Barvybe, for your age you can definitely hang. As for the the rest of you, you all know who you are. You are lightweights who only claim to be techno heads. You put me in a room with my favorite music there will be no stopping me. You guys are weak.

This was definitely not my thing but I bounced like there was no tommorow. I have like 4 and half hours till work but fuck it. Some techno head wannabies (who shall go nameless) around here even took tommorow morning off. But they are the same wannabies who were sitting around like little kids playing duck duck goose. I am thoroughly unimpressed. You have a lot of work to do now to redeem yourselves.

The question is, are you up to the challenge?? Put up or forever shutup.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Yet not one of them can hang. I will make one exception. Barvybe, for your age you can definitely hang. As for the the rest of you, you all know who you are. You are lightweights who only claim to be techno heads. You put me in a room with my favorite music there will be no stopping me. You guys are weak.

This was definitely not my thing but I bounced like there was no tommorow. I have like 4 and half hours till work but fuck it. Some techno head wannabies (who shall go nameless) around here even took tommorow morning off. But they are the same wannabies who were sitting around like little kids playing duck duck goose. I am thoroughly unimpressed. You have a lot of work to do now to redeem yourselves.

The question is, are you up to the challenge?? Put up or forever shutup.

guess what....the most hardcore techno geeks in the land DESPISE hawtin and all those guys.....if it ain't soulful (atkins, saunderson) its not techno. as far as they're concerned, hawtin is for white boys who can't dance.

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Originally posted by dr0ne

guess what....the most hardcore techno geeks in the land DESPISE hawtin and all those guys.....if it ain't soulful (atkins, saunderson) its not techno. as far as they're concerned, hawtin is for white boys who can't dance.

I was not aware of that.

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If there are so many technoheads, then WHY is it that in the *music poll* only Hawtin and a couple of others are getting any love??? Even Sven Vath wouldn't make the top 100, and Misstress Barbara and Billy Nasty have yet to get a single vote....

Anyway, I gotta quit pluggin this shit, and if people started voting, I wouldn't have to :P

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yeah, you're definitely more hardcore than me, I mean you did stay longer than me, oh wait no you didnt.

well at least you were partying sober, oh wait you were completely wrecked and I was sober.

well, at least you stuck it out at vinyl on saturday, oh wait no you didnt, you bailed early cause you couldnt handle more than a few hours of straight techno...hmmmm. then who was that person that was still bouncing as hard as ever at 8 am... oh that was ME.

glad we got that cleared up.

and BTW- yes you will be paying for this thread in ways you cant even begin to imagine!!! you've angered the Menace!

have another drink lushy.

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Originally posted by lavendermenace

yeah, you're definitely more hardcore than me, I mean you did stay longer than me, oh wait no you didnt.

well at least you were partying sober, oh wait you were completely wrecked and I was sober.

well, at least you stuck it out at vinyl on saturday, oh wait no you didnt, you bailed early cause you couldnt handle more than a few hours of straight techno...hmmmm. then who was that person that was still bouncing as hard as ever at 8 am... oh that was ME.

glad we got that cleared up.

and BTW- yes you will be paying for this thread in ways you cant even begin to imagine!!! you've angered the Menace!

have another drink lushy.

Ehem...ain't this the pot calling the kettle black? You definitely cannot call others lushes. Do we really want to revisit your new job celebration at Coal? ;)

Second, lets see here, I got bored at Vinyl on Saturday. I got bored after Hawtin and Sven took off last night. Could I have stayed? Easily. Did I want to? No. You didn't seem all that energetic when I was there. In fact, it seemed like the place died down a lot at that point. Thats why I got bored. So I left.

Come out to Howells or DT and see me when I am hearing my favorite DJs. Then you will see hardcore.

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