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What's the one alcoholic beverage...

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...you cannot drink, cannot smell, cannot be around at all for fear of hurling and having horrible flashbacks?

Mine is Sambuca. Drank too much when I was 16, got so wasted I dont remember a goddamn thing. Puked in some guys car, apparently grabbed some guy but the nuts really hard and then tried to kiss some guy. I smelled sambuca everywhere for weeks after that.

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I drank a bottle of Cisco when I was 16.

I was with one of my girlfriends at the time and we were not a pretty sight. I puked on my pants. We went to the diner to pee and I passed out in the handicapped stall. She had no idea and walked down the block looking for me. One of the waitresses chased her and told her to pick up her friend and get the hell out. They called the cops on us but we already called for a cab in time. Long story short... I woke up with no pants on and one of my shoes is still missing to this day.

Top it all off... I counted my money the next day and come to realize that in my drunken mind a cab ride from Bayonne to Kearny should be 87 dollars.

Damn, that cab guy got one hell of a tip!.... bastard...


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Cicso...it was last year and I went nuts ..ended up drinkin the entire bottle....i didnt throw up because I just don't when I drink and my the only thing I remember is my friends sticking their fingers down my throat to try to make me throw up, then I fell in the living room and my guy friend had to throw me over his shoulder to the bathroom where I fell and cracked my head on the shower...that was the night I ate snow off the pool cover according to my friend and I tried to rip this one guys clothes off when I knocked him to the floor and jumped on him..along with tryin to strip on video...NEVER EVER again am I drinking that crap ...o boy bad memories

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