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Attn Caucasians: Time to Get Jiggy...

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Ayeite- {ahite} Comes from the English words "all right." "Diamonds! Ayeite!"

B- {bee} One uses this word to address a friend. (See: homey, g, money and brother) "Yo, chill b."

Back {bak} to be backed up by other gangsters. (See: down) "Money's got mad back."

Backing that ass {Bakkindadow!} An expression used to display loyalty. "I'm backin' that ass, so don't step."

Bass {Base} Crack-cocaine. (See: rock) "I deal bass so i gets paid!"

Beef- {beef} A problem with another person so as to want to engage in fisticuffs."Yo, nigga, you got beef wit me?"

Bitch-{bitch}- Woman, used in derogatory manner. Bits. Girlfriend. (See: hoe, hoochie, and cluck) "Who yo bitch?"

Boogie-{booggy} Dance (See: get down.) "Boogie down, sistaz, shake dat ass."

Booty- {bootay} A woman's buttocks. "Shake yo' booty, shake yo' rump."

Brother- {brutha} African, black person, negro (See: nigga, g, b, homey, and money} "Whitey be keepin' us bruthaz down, yo."

Buddha-{booda} Marijuana. (See: herb, poison) "Yo, Herman, lets smoke a da Buddha."

Bugging- {bugin'} Not all right, going crazy. (See: "trippin', illin' and loco) "Yo, are you buggin'? OJ be a brutha, so he innocent."

Bust A Nut- {bustanut) To be able to produce sperm. "Yo, dat kid be getting cluck, and he can't even bust a nut."

Buzzard- {buzad} Someone who farts a lot. "This kid be a buzad."

Butters-{buttahz} Smooth, good, great. (See: fly, phat, dope , slamming, in da house, and in effect) "Yo, Carney, you are buttaz in center field!"

Cap-{capp} Punch, beat. "Yo don't makes me cap you."

Chill- {chil} Calm down. "you best chill yo' ass."

Cluck- {cluck} Woman, in a derogatory manner. (See: bitch, hoe, and hoochie) "You be doin' the bump and grind wit a cluck??"

Crazy-{crayzee} Very. (See: mad, stupid, dumb, doo doo) "Yo, whiteys are crazy wak"

Crib- {kribb} House. "Dis weekend, yo, I'm bringin' all da honeys to my crib"

Cuffed-{cuft} Arrested. "All my bruthaz be cuffed yo."

Da (The) Hood- {da hood} Place where all rappers live, and chose to stay their whole lives. Only rappers can be found here, so they like it. Its usually the crappiest neighborhood in any city. "Yo, I knowz you ain't from Da Hood."

Diesel- {deezul} Strong, or tough "Yo! Mike Tyson be diesel, yo."

Def- {deaf} This word is not used anymore, meaning unknown to 90's gangster. (See: fresh) "Yo' kicks be def."

Dogs- {dawgs} Feet. "My dogs be stankin' hard core."

Dome Piece-{doam peese} head "I'm doo-doo wak in da dome piece."

Doo-Doo-{doodoo} Very bad. (See: gibbage, and wak) "Yo dis piece doo-doo wak."

Dope- {doap} Good, great, etc. (See: fly, phat, slamming, butters, in da house, and in effect) "Yo

money, that bitch be mad dope."

Down-{down} Going along with something. (See: Back) "You down wit dat, brutha?"

Dumb-{dum} Very. (See: crazy, mad, stupid, doo doo.) "Whitey be dumb wak."

Fine-{fine} Hot, sexy, good looking (See: fly) "Yo bitch, you are fine!"

Five-Oh-{five owe} Run, the cops are coming! "Yo, put down da crack pipes, 5-0!!"

Flavor-{flava} To be something special. "Yo, flava flav gots da flava."

Fly {flah} Good, great, etc. (See: dope, slamming, butters, in da house, in effect, and phat) "Dem fly girls be bitches, money."

Fool-{Foo'} Someone not liked. "Step out da way, foo', before i cap yo ass."

Forty-{fowtee} Forty ounce of beer. Usually Old English, or St. Ides. (See: O-E, St. Ides) "I got my 40 and my gat, I'm set for da night."

Fresh- {fresh} This word used to equal cool, but then the whiteys started saying, thus rappers stopped immediately. (For old words that are now considered "wak", See: def, grip, and slice) "Yo dah fresh prince of bel air ain't fresh no more, he be played."

Fronting-{fruntin'} Being aggresive in a arguement that could turn into fisticufs. (See: Stepping)"I knowz you ain't frontin'."

G - {jee} One uses this word to address a friend. (See: homey, b, money and brutha) "Yah, what g? you must be illin'. "

Gat- {gat} Gun. (See: glock, nina, piece) "I'm gonna shoot you wit my gat, nigga'."

Gear- {geer} Material items. (See: props) "I wuz out on da streets, wit my gear."

Get Down {git dowwwn} Dance (See: boogie). "Git down bruthas and sistas."

Gibbage {gibbige}- Comes from the English word garbage. Something bad, not good. "Whitey play basketball like gibbage, yo!"

Glock- {glock} Gun. (See: Gat, Nina) "Don't be frontin' I'll break out my glock."

Grill-{grio} Derogetory word for woman's reproductive organs. "You get sum grill, my brutha?"

Grip-{gripp} This word is older than the oldest old, no definition is known to modern rappers. (See: def, slice, and fresh) "Grip? Ha! you sill use dat word, you herb?"

Grub-{grubb} Food, never bought by themselves, but begged for from people happily enjoying thir own meal, You'll never see a fat rapper, unless they a famous and makin lots of cash. "Homey, let me get some grub?"

Hard Core-{hard coor} Hard core. (See: raw) "Yo dat crack be gibbage, not hard core to da least bit."

Hell Yah-{hell ya} or {Helz yah}Confirmation. During a rap, the person who gets the main rappers back, says this repeadately, confirming anything the rapper has just said. "You momz be wak, HELL YAH."

Herb-{herb} 1) Nerd, dork, loser, geek. 2) Marijuana (See: buddah and poison) "Yo, herb! You want to smoke some herb?"

Hit That- {hit dat} Have sex with that. "Yo, dat bitch be slammin'! I'd hit that any day of da week."

Hoe-{ho} Woman used in a deragotory manner. (See: bitch, hoochie, and cluck) "I get aw-ul dah hoes."

Hole- {hoal} Basketball hoop. "Yo, he'll beat you to da hole."

Homey- {hoemee} One uses this word to address a friend. (See: g, nigga, b, money and brutha) "Yo homey, whats up in dat piece?"

Honey-{hunnee} Woman. "Yo, your honey be slammin'."

Hoochie-{hoochy} What women are called in a derogetory manner. (See: bitch, hoe, and cluck) "Yo, your hoochie is mad fine, my brutha."

I<3Marko- {I love Marko} Expression, to show Empathy for, A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward Marko, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward Marko with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance. (I.e:Sexual passion,Sexual intercourse,A love affair)

Illing-{illin'} crazy, out of their mind. (See: buggin', trippin', and loco) "You be illin' if you think I'm coming off welfare, yo."

I'mo - {ime O} I am going to. "If you don' quit callin' my hoe a bitch

I'mo whup yo ass"

I'm out- {ime out} I'm leaving now! "Yo, dis be wak, I'm out."

In The House- {in dah howse} To be good, or great, (See: phat, fly, buttuz, in effect, and slammin'} Or cool at the specific time, or to be there at the moment. "Sinbad not only in da house, he in dis house: welcome sinbad"

In Effect- {ineffekt} To be good or great. (See: phat, fly, buttaz, in da house, and slammin') Or cool at a specific time. "Nate dog in effect!"

Kid-{kehd} Someone not liked. (See: whitey, fool, son) "Ked, don't be messin' with my bitch."

Kicking-{kikin'} Smelling (See: stankin) "Yo mama be kickin'"

Kicks- {kiks} Shoes (See: timz, dogs) "I stole some new kicks from a whitey."

Large- {larj} rich, big, fat (See: phat) "Yo I be livin' mad large."

Loco-{lowkoh) crazy, insane. (See: Illin', trippin' and buggin') "Are you loco? hell yah!"

Mad {madd} very (See: crazy, dumb, stupid, and doo doo) "Mad wak G."

Mo' {Mow} Comes from the English word: more. "I gotz to get mo' grub, yo"

Money- {munee} One uses this word to address a friend. (See: g, b, brutha, and homey) "Yo money, i gotz to admit you in da house."

Nigga- {nigga'} 1.) Comes from the 18th century word used to demean African-Americans. Now used by rappers to demean white people and/or people they don't like. 2.) Used to show friendship, only when spoken by rappers/gangsters. (See brutha, g, b, homey, or money.) "Nigga please!"

Nina- {neena} Old word for gun. (See: gat, glock, piece) "I got my nina and you know I'm straight trippin'."

Old English {O-E} Favorite beer of rappers. (See: St. Ides) "Yo, bartenda got any O-E?"

Peace- {peese} 1) Let there be peace in the world. 2) Good bye (See: i'm out) "Peace, brutha I'm out."

Phat- {fat}- Good, great, etc. (See: large, fly, dope, buttuz, in da house, and in effect) "I be not only livin' large,but phat too, yo."

Piece-{peese} 1) place, or thing. "Yo, whats up with this peice?" 2) Gun (See: Gat, Glock, Nina)

Play-{plae} Sexual action. "I getz dumb play."

Played-{plaed} Not good anymore, not in. "Yo, dat video bew played, yo."

Player-{plaer} Someone who gets a lot of sexual action. "Yo, Denzel be a player, he gets all da hoochies."

Poison-{poyzun} Drugs. "Pass da poison ova he-ah."

Proper-{proppa} Politically correct. "MC Hammer's song: pray be crazy proper."

Props-{propps} Material items, or respect. "When I'm on top, i gets dah props"

Raw- {rauw} Hard core. "Dat herb be raw."

Rock-{rok} 1)Basket ball. "Put da rock in da hole, yo." 2) Crack - cocaine. "You smokin' rock, bitch?"

Sister-{sistah} Black woman, Negroette. "Yo all da brothers and sisters do dah bump and grind."

Slamming-{slaamin'} Hot, sexy, etc. (See: fly) "Yo' cluck be slammin', b."

Slice- {sliess} This word is so old, even Vanilla Ice aviods using it. (For other old words See- def, grip and fresh) "Homey G money grip, homey slice."

Son-{sun} An individual not liked, or precieved by another as lower, in age or class. (See: kid, whitey, fool) "Yo, sun, you about to get trashed."

Stanking-{stanken'} Comes from the English word stinking, can also be pronounced "astank!". "Yo momz ass be stanking."

Stepping- {steppen'} To be aggressive in a manner that may cause a physical altercation. (See: Fronting) "I hope you ain't steppin, kid. "

St. Ides- {saint ahdes} Perfered beer by gangsters, only because Warren G was in the commercial. "I be drinkin St. Ides."

Stupid- {stoopit} Very (See: mad, doo-doo, crazy, dumb) "Yo' bitch is stupid!"

Threads-{Thredz} Clothing. "You gotz some new threads at Kmart, yo?"

Timbs- {timz} Timberland Boots, or shoes. "Yo, my kicks be timbs."

Tripping-{trippin'} high, not alright, crazy. (See: Illin', buggin', loco) "I got my nina and you know I'm straight trippin'."

Wak {whack} Bad, sucks. "Yo, herbs be mad wak, crazy wak, doo doo wak, stupid wak, nigga."

Whitey-{WiteE} The person keeping the brothers down. "I blame all my problems on da whitey man, he be keepin' me down every way he can."

Wild-{wild} Very. (See: mad, crazy, dumb, doo doo, stupid) "Dis diccionary be wild phat."

Wreck It- {rek it} Forget it. "Yo, I'm out, wreck it."

Word {wurd} Really? For Real? "I'm in the house." "Word?" "Word."

Y'all-{yall} comes from the English words you all. Used primarily by southern rappers, and hicks. "Y'all get down, and boogie down."

Yo- {yoh}- Rappers accross the world use this. It is the most popular word of their language. We don't know what it means, but the rule is it must be used several times in each sentense. "Yo, what be up with that, yo?"

Young-{yung} Tight. "Dese threads be mad young!"

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I got a few more....

Sut-d'oh - Derivative of What's up, Dog? Colloquial method of greeting a friend

Nahmee? - Derivative of "Do you know what I mean?"; Generally used to finish a sentence that doesn't really have an end to it

Diggyfoo? - Derivative of "You dig it fool?"; Similar to Nahmee.

Yadamdatfug'nbishkik'dherbishasstodacurb - Derivative of "Yo damn that fuckin' bitch I'll kick her bitch ass to the curb"; Euphamism used when a male is frustrated with a female.

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amp- to amplify..to make something more than it " YO I WAS AMPIN THAT NIGGA TO SNUFF HIM"


dome , wop , brain - ORAL SEx "BITCH GIVES CRAZY ________ SON!"

SON- term of endearment or ridicule " YEH THATS MY SON..I BE HERBING HIM "




ONE- goodbye "ONE NIGGA ONE"


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IIve heard plenty of these in my hometown of Freeport, NY.

Bein a blond white boy, i was raised proper by my crew in S. Meistah..

Shoutouts to Bernard, Jean, Gavin, Tyshaun, Derrick, Carl and CJ, u know who u are :cool:

Gat- {gat} Gun. (See: glock, nina, piece) "I'm gonna shoot you wit my gat, nigga'."

Shit cracks me up :laugh:

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