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Oakey And Seb Review Please!

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Paul was fucken unbelivable. Liquid Todd went on @ 10 until 12...Warmed up the crowd lovley, very lovely. As soon as the man of all men king of all kings, dj of all dj's went on the crowd fucken roared as if we were @ the WORLD SERIES game and someone hit a homerun. I've gone to every OAKIE appearance around here for the past 4 years. Centro-Fly for being a kinda small venue was off the hook last night. The crowd showed nothing but "LOVE" and PAUL gave "lOVE" back. Thats what im talking about...He spun for 4 hours of some craaaaaazy shit. Gotta say it one of his best appearances so far. HAmmerstein here we come "TRANCEGIVING"......

Victor Soto

Red Carpet Promo

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first of all shelter is WAY TOO HOT....but at 2pm the party did start...wow seb was sooooooooooo amazing, he never died down for a second, I was chilling with him in the dj booth, he is the nicest. Was telling me that his wife is preganat with his second baby, ahhh. Anyway melvin moore came on next at 530...really good house music, Seb came on again at 7, for his closing set...what a night. SHELTER-please get some more fans!!!

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Only one word can describe Shelter.....hot, real fucking hot...Regina, Z, and myself only stayed for 15 minutes before the heat got to us. It was ridiculous. But the music by the opening dj for those 15 minutes was pretty good except the hi's were abit too high.....I feel sorry for anyone going to Deep Dish next week....:laugh: Shelter gets 2 thumbs down

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Only one word can describe Shelter.....hot, real fucking hot...Regina, Z, and myself only stayed for 15 minutes before the heat got to us. It was ridiculous. But the music by the opening dj for those 15 minutes was pretty good except the hi's were abit too high.....I feel sorry for anyone going to Deep Dish next week....:laugh: Shelter gets 2 thumbs down

damnit. . .i hope emerson isnt like that :(

wooohoo! four hours? what a shocker! lol

and i will be at trancegiving as well :D

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To all the haters:blown: :blown: :blown: Oakie rocked it, i got chills when everybody started chanting oakie oakie

I thought music was on point not as many breaks as i expected, when he dropped lizaed as part of his finally i almost died i couldnt stop jumping..all in all great night.. oh and one last thing if i had people climbing the Dj booth to shake my hand or get a glimpse of me and have thousands of people cheering my name all night i would probally have a big head too.

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Originally posted by ynnej

To all the haters:blown: :blown: :blown: Oakie rocked it, i got chills when everybody started chanting oakie oakie

I thought music was on point not as many breaks as i expected, when he dropped lizaed as part of his finally i almost died i couldnt stop jumping..all in all great night.. oh and one last thing if i had people climbing the Dj booth to shake my hand or get a glimpse of me and have thousands of people cheering my name all night i would probally have a big head too.

I totally agree and the funny thing is that i was right in front of the dj booth too,,i shock his hand and to tell you the truth it was an honor...If you rememebr me I had the I lOve NY shirt with glasses,,were you there too.....

oakie did tear shit up,,,hmmmmmmmm the temp was pretty good there, sorry to hear shelter was so hot. I sure Seb put a good show too....

Victor Soto

Red Carpet promo

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