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Whoever Brought Back Imagine @ Exit Should Be Shot

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

Even if it was your seperated siamese twin...point is you still take a messageboard seriously.

Wanna buy some medication?

you're so negative...you're the one arguing this, so i think ur the one who needs the meds hun

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Originally posted by lillizzy

you're so negative...you're the one arguing this, so i think ur the one who needs the meds hun

I'm as negative as they come...that's not new news. I just find someone saying "hey that's my girl" rather funny.


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Here's the deal...

NYC has 8 million people; however, the NYC metro area has a little over 15 million. Of those 15 million people, I'm willing to bet you more of them have heard of Tony Draper than have heard of Christopher Lawrence or Scot Project or any of these other internationally famous DJs they've been bringing in lately. However, bringing in those DJs probably costs at least twice as much a night as bringing in a guy who lives locally and really doesn't have much of a market for competition over him. I'm not sure how much Draper makes playing each night at Exit, but it's probably safe to say that it's less than 10 grand. I don't know how much it cost them to bring in Scot Project, but it's probably safe to say that after paying for his appearance fee, 5 star hotel, transportation, meals, etc etc it ended up somewhere in the neighborhood of 25 grand. Just to cover overhead on a night (i.e. paying for staff, electricity, licensing, etc etc), they probably need about 500 people in there. Then once you add the DJ, assuming that the club makes about 40 dollars profit for each person who walks in there (and that's really generous after you take out costs of making drinks, comps, cheapskates, and non-DJ promoters fees), you would need an extra 250 people to start making a profit on the night when Draper plays, while you'd need an extra 625 people to start making money when a headliner is playing. Fact of the matter is, that without Draper, I doubt they were pulling 375 more people than when Draper was spinning, so it would only make economic sense to bring back the old guy who you were making more money off of. This makes even more sense when you figure that Draper has a very devoted crowd that will come back week after week, whereas when you bring in a famous DJ you have to compete for customers with any other club that also has a famous DJ in for the night.

I guess to boil things down, Draper is the kind of DJ that club owners dream of having. He's not very expensive and has a dedicated crowd. And as much as we'd all like to think that running a club is about the music, it's really not. It's about making money, plain and simple. There's only so many Mark Cuban types in the world who are willing to blow their own money to run a 'winning team'. Plus, on a side note, while we mostly hate the Draper crowd, it's also a better crowd from an owner's perspective. Rather than people who will just spend the cover to get in and only buy a couple of waters because they're either only there for the music or rolling their balls off, they're getting a growd of meatheads who are trying to pick up chicks and flash their money and hence probably end up spending more money while they're already inside the club.

So people bitched before, and after a while they ran this little experiment. Obviously, if they're bringing back Draper, it didn't work out as well economically as they'd hoped. Now, they're bringing him back for after hours, and to be honest, a lot of the benefits you got from having Draper on earlier in the night won't be there (i.e. drunken long island fratboys buying drink after drink, people from far away who would have to leave the club around the same time Draper's going on), and I doubt this switch will be as good money-wise as they're expecting either,so in a few months they'll probably change things up again. So it's still pretty likely that Draper will end up getting the whole night back, especially if Roxy is going to start competing with famous DJs on Friday nights or if any of these other mystery clubs ends up opening up. Clubland is a hard industry to make good money in, and by Exit having Draper, they get an economic edge much like SF gets one from JP, Vinyl gets one from Danny, and Shelter gets one from Timmy.

Just trying to put things in perspective a little...

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the problem right now is that the nyc major club life sucks total ass right now.....exit is a huge and elaborate venue....after corsten night i saw the improvement and i saw that with another month the place would be an internatioanl draw.....sometimes you gotta count your losses in the short run to make money in the long run.....

you all know the expression it takes money to make money....

well that didnt come from nowhere....

vinyl is the only place to hear talent and i cant even have a damn drink there if i wanted to......clubbing sucks right now....


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Originally posted by djmikebugout

hey kimmy!

welcome to cp...I should've warned you that this board is...umm...very anti-draper...


Please dont knock roxy--b/c honestly--the party over there is so much better...and I'd much rather have an international reknowned ministry of sound dj who produced tracks that prolly inspired draper to change from Lord Vader to a house head than him. The crowd @ roxy is better, space is smaller, but phazon is coming. Lights at exit are better i agree, but roxy keeps updating so they're getting there.

The int'l dj's are failing @ exit b/c no matter how bad anyone wants to see them, they can't deal with the crowd. Im not saying you and the 2nd floor crew...you guys rock and are some tru clubheads...you know what im talking about. Its nice to walk thru roxy without getting asked for e 100 times or having people falling all over themselves.

Im glad for you and the other draper fans and i hope you enjoy him while he's at exit. Have fun and forget what everyone else sez. But don't knock other dj's or clubs. Keep that 2nd floor crew going--I will see you for AVB and maybe if i get chained down I will stay to hear what Touchdown TD has got.

Mike BuGouT

hey hun how you doing? the only reason i started posting was cuz i saw all the draper hate notice how i joined here in july and didnt post til now i knew it was gonna start shit so might as well have sum fun :D and i was just kiddin about roxy and vicious i have nothing against him or the club im not one to talk shit about any dj everyones entitled to their own opinions see ya soon :cool:

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Originally posted by alias123

it was seriously getting there in my opinion ... ferry corsten's night --

but exit promoters (specific promoters) and management i think failed to realize what they had to achieve before the crowds would come in steady numbers each week and they didn't give it enough time .... they wanted to bring in the same cash if not more as when draper was resident .. which i really believe is possible - with work and more time ... but bringing draper instead is easier .... fast cash with literally no planning necessary ... they know draper's fan base will be there week in and week out for some more Rythym Ready


the nite of ferry corsten yea there was somewhat of a vibe in there but the red room was packed and why? b/c everyone wanted the hard beats that dom capello supplied if kids wanted trance than they should've never closed twilo all the "Rhythm Ready" kids were there to hear HARD BEATS that Draper supplied not trance bringing Draper back is pleasing the crowd and bringing Marvisi all the $$$ he wants yea sure it would've been awesome if they could've gotten macguyver for resident but it didnt happen and they need to please the crowd or the club is gonna go down they gave it a lil over 2 mos wit those international dj's and it was still shit they can't let it go forever

and cody i dont wanna hear u open your mouth cuz i've heard enuf from you and until you start goin every friday and seeing exactly how the crowd is in here (besides scot project) well until than, than you can talk

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Originally posted by dzadza

I gotta say the Draper fans are surprisingly persistent. They just won't die! :D

u got that right hun! :)

and how come we never see you anymore first nite we met ya was i think the first time tiesto was at exit and the past couple times you came to see the international dj's you didnt stop by the 2nd floor you def should next time :D

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Originally posted by kayeangel

its all for your enjoyment hun ;)

Why TANK you :D Board humor is always fun. Not to be taken too seriously though. :blown:

Oh and Kim, I won't be there for Draper cause, um, I know how the crowd is already when he's there, I've been there plenty of nights with him in the past. Now that I've been exposed to some more music and DJs.. I think it's safe to say.. that I would like to run away to IBIZA or something where they actually know what music and more importantly, MIXING, is. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by kayeangel

if kids wanted trance than they should've never closed twilo

how old are you?

did you ever go to twilo?

i can guess from this statement you made above that you haven't because you would've known that twilo is not a "trance" club (with the exception of paul van dyk).

get your facts straight hun or be prepared to be continuously bashed on this board (or any other electronic music inclined board).

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Originally posted by kayeangel

hey hun how you doing? the only reason i started posting was cuz i saw all the draper hate notice how i joined here in july and didnt post til now i knew it was gonna start shit so might as well have sum fun :D and i was just kiddin about roxy and vicious i have nothing against him or the club im not one to talk shit about any dj everyones entitled to their own opinions see ya soon :cool:

Well at least she just created a new level of engilsh grammar................ THE PARAGRAENTENCE.

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