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The Downfall Of Nyc Clubbing....

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Originally posted by cintron

NYC isn't losing clubs. NYC is losing VIBE.

Vinyl has it but it's nowhere near what it was and it's fading fast.

I'm sure other places have it as well but people dont remember Twilo for the poofy couches, nicely built bars and VIP area.

We need that feeling back in NYC. It's becoming stagnant.

We need a new home.

thats it bro you hit the nail on the head....i guess thats what i was describing but i just couldnt find the words for it....

and christy you ass i do go out and hear the music......i go out when i can....and ill be all over the place during the summer

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being someone who goes out nearly every night of the week... I'd say nyc music hasn't gone bad... in fact, I think the music is great... The problem is we don't have many (read: almost any) large scale venues with vibe to support it.

Majority of my nights are spent in small/cramped low-budget venues... These venues have some of the best vibe (ie. baktun...) but they're too small for massive events on the weekends...

IMO... we need LL, we need Shelter to get its shit straight, and we could use a new venue aimed at the core of the club scene rather than the juiceheads it can make absurd amounts of money off of... (wishful thinking I guess).

NYC Clubbing is not dead, nor will it ever be with a scene as strong as this... but that doesn't mean that there isn't room for improvement...

My suggestion?

If you want something to change, you have to act on it... start promoting things you believe in, start talking up parties you enjoyed, educate people to new music, go support what you like... hell, if you can, throw a party... or get together with people and make something happen...

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I totally agree that it has not been the same, but i've came to that realization 4 years ago when the k became more obvious in the scene ( it was mostly hits back then) and people were getting sick/puking in the garbage cans at sf. the workers there even put them out into the traffic paths of the club b/c they knew everyone was going to be a mess, then the hits went sour because the fda pulled the mixers off the shelves that were used to make the bombs, then the g came- anyway i remember when hex hector spun a 2/3 hour set pretty late on ktu (before the "level 5" bs came and how we hated dangerous dave, he was worst back then) and so hex was playing the fattest shit- i also remember how the whole scene used to be hush hush- an unspoken understanding- you didn't want to tell anyone, you wanted to keep it to yourself and not want anyone who didn't understand house music to come in and kill the vibe, the glam, the drags, and then all of a sudden... house music went commercial- the songs at that time were starting to get play on the radio, then the house music that was starting to play in the clubs were very electrical-no more drums !!! and it was all downhill from there.

now, i am not saying that you all don't know what you're talking about, or that the music sucks today- this is all coming from someone that has been clubbing a very long time and has seen major changes in the clubs, music, people, and the vibe. It might be awesome for the people that came into the scene like within the past year or two-yes, I don't deny thier opinion- at all. But when you've been in the scene for almost 10 years, you can't help but to notice the fall and wish the music, clubs and people were the way it used to be. The people that have gotten into the scene within the past year or two will feel the same way as i do in about 5 years- it's just like that. One thing i will strongly say is that i wish back then that we had the great european names of today. we didn't have that. I remembered s&d being at twilo, but never going b/c twilo was almost impossible for anyone to get in if you weren't homosexual. The drags and guys would stand on line and would chant in a whisper like way "fish, fish, fish" if you were a girl trying to get in. so, ok, i could go on and on-sorry but, my opinion is that the whole thing has changed and i am not liking it as much as i used to. but i am glad that there are people out there loving it-it kinda brings back to me that feeling and that makes me smile again

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The only problem I see with the club scene today is that too many people are taking it too seriously. Too many ego's, territorial cliques, people feeling special because they go to a certain club for a longer period of time, blah blah blah.... When it comes back to the basics, the music is at it's best point ever IMO. There may not be as many megaclubs (for the masses) but that's not what brings vibes.

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