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first off...mike..sorry...SOOOO sorry that we got into that shit at ur party. i hope u didnt get in trouble, and i hope there's no hard feelings.

we got there around 11:30...first song i heard was Safe From Harm. we made fun of the break dancers a little..danced a little. i got a little drunk. than allllll the shit went down. it was fuckin stupid and shouldnt have happened. but it was the damn midget's fault. he started it, but wutever. everything that happened was unnecessary and stupid...but i hope we can all get past that.

the music was off the fuckin hook!!! esp the crowd song remix. sick sick sick!!! im pissed that i missed lethal industry and call me and fuck me. hopefully next time. i wanna go back real soon...and make it thru the whole nite this time :rolleyes:

it was good seein everyone...jay, the other jay: hitikori (sp?), helen, larry, debbie, hotchickie (i dont remember ur real name), cody, bugout, arty, lynne, mike, and alan. (that was everyone right?)

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

haha....i forgot one person in my shoutouts. yea..robin was there too. lol. how the fuck do i forget him outta everyone? :tongue:

:laugh: :laugh: rob definitly showed us why his screen name is roninMESS......... oh and hotchickie5's name is Jessie

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I knew Roninmess was gonna be a mess when about an hour into my set, he spilled a drink in the booth. He's like, "ban me from the booth":eek:

Gary---most definitely no hard feelings--I was more mad that you guys were missing out--I didnt get in trouble, I got into a fight with the manager b/c he yoked jay when I was trying to talk to him as he was "escourted out".

Funniest part of the argument after the club closed was one of the bouncers jumps in front of me and yells, "next time tell your city boys that this aint the city!"

I looked at him and i said....Noooo Shit. They knew that the minute they got here dick. :idea:

Part 3...NMO..... ????? Middle-Late June ???

Stay tuned.

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

I knew Roninmess was gonna be a mess when about an hour into my set, he spilled a drink in the booth. He's like, "ban me from the booth":eek:

Funniest part of the argument after the club closed was one of the bouncers jumps in front of me and yells, "next time tell your city boys that this aint the city!"

I looked at him and i said....Noooo Shit. They knew that the minute they got here dick. :idea:

Part 3...NMO..... ????? Middle-Late June ???

Stay tuned.

Mike BuGouT


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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Funniest part of the argument after the club closed was one of the bouncers jumps in front of me and yells, "next time tell your city boys that this aint the city!"

I looked at him and i said....Noooo Shit. They knew that the minute they got here dick. :idea:

Part 3...NMO..... ????? Middle-Late June ???

Stay tuned.

Mike BuGouT

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

damn str8 its not the city. oh helllll no. but its a really nice place, and its sooo much fun. too bad the locals suck my nutsack.

im def down for part 3. ::promises to be on best behavior:: :tongue:i wanna come back up sooner than that too

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Originally posted by bebby6919

hey cody.. it was good seeing you as well.. thanx.. draper rocks.. lol.. Buggout was insanne as well.. but my opinions still doesnt change... DRAPER FOREVER!!!!!!!!! :laugh:

One day, my dear, you will learn. ;) I have faith in you!! :D

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city boys :confused: i dont think anyone that was there is from the city...lol and mike, did you hear me tell the manager to chill out and get his hands off of me :laugh: i think he damn near flipped at that point lol, but ne ways good looks on stickin up for us ;) and u let me know when part 3 is gonna be and i will be sure to fly my ass all the way the fuck out here to be there for it :tongue: "you wanna ring tha bell??"..."ding...ding" ah hahahahahahahaha

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Originally posted by codica3

One day, my dear, you will learn. ;) I have faith in you!! :D

:laugh: nah you will learn tho...

Im def up for a part 3.. this time it probably wont be as hyped up tho and we will all have fun and not expect so much more then be semi disappointed... I'll be there tho :D

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Dates for June:

1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th---

You guys decide whats best for u. I'll check and see when the radio station paulie works for is doing a live broadcast b/c those nights are even more packed. But let me know which saturday sounds good.

Mike BuGouT

~~~good job hun!:D

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the next nMo will probably grow in size. We had like 14 cp heads in all?

I had some bullshit goin on that night, and if it wasn't for the sick sounds of Mike BuGout the night would have been a big dissapointment.

I hope next time thigns will run smoother :)

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Originally posted by legend38

the next nMo will probably grow in size. We had like 14 cp heads in all?

I had some bullshit goin on that night, and if it wasn't for the sick sounds of Mike BuGout the night would have been a big dissapointment.

I hope next time thigns will run smoother :)

Im sorry babe :( .. Next time will be better!!!

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Originally posted by bebby6919

it partially was.. and just b/c you are the best you are trying to let me think it wasnt but it was.. hehe mwaaaz

No it wasn't :) you had no control over the time situation, you did your best and I appreciate it :)

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