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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Larry and Debbie...

its all good....as long as I get to spin @ the wedding btw you two....:laugh:


June 8th or June 15th...whats the consensus?

Mike BuGouT

:laugh: no prob mike.. we'll let you know in yeras to come.. :laugh:

ummmmmm... june 8th june 15.. whatever.. im down for anything... i'll be there for the support no doubt...

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

Larry and Debbie...

its all good....as long as I get to spin @ the wedding btw you two....:laugh:


June 8th or June 15th...whats the consensus?

Mike BuGouT

Im down for anytime man

LOL I like that idea Mike....good to have connects :)

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Originally posted by roninmess

Yeah.... during Going through it, the midget juicehead and i hit each other on accident i beleive, so i turn around to see, and he pushes me... so my drunk ass looks at my chest, then at him then proceeded to go Midget tossing, and threw him across the dance floor........ yeah..... so mother fucker talks mad junk yada yada.... ppl make us shake hands, end of story.... then his friend gets in my face talkin bout pickin on some1 my own size..... so i tell him to get the fuck outta my face, then i get kicked out..... then gary gets kicked out, then jay gets kicked out.......

cops outside dont want us there... im SHITFACED as all hell, so the cops tell us to follow them to a diner...... mother fuckers lead us to the police station, im paranoid, but they tell us to drive further down..... we chill in the diner, make new friends, lucas shows up(he's my best friend from home), turns out, he and Larry get kicked out right after us 3. we chillax in the diner for a few hours, drunk as fuck(i still am right now). My phone dies, i get numerous nasty VM's from other cpers cause everyones rides were all over the place........ whatever.

Mike bugout....... you are the man bro. Me and lucas got there when the club opened..... first 2 ppl there....... wanted to be the last 2 out bro. Got wasted as shit early on, so i was in RARE form. Dropped iillllllllllll shit bro.

I need fuckin sleep....... im drunk as shit dright now. More to come this afternoon when i wake up.

peace out,


LoL this is a great post beaten up juice head midgets damn i wish i was ther to witness it i would of died lol hope fully soon i get to witness crazy sh1t like this tho

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Originally posted by shook

LoL this is a great post beaten up juice head midgets damn i wish i was ther to witness it i would of died lol hope fully soon i get to witness crazy sh1t like this tho

NorthNJGuy has returned!

Come invade with us next time :)

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Originally posted by shook

LoL this is a great post beaten up juice head midgets damn i wish i was ther to witness it i would of died lol hope fully soon i get to witness crazy sh1t like this tho

where have you been??? :confused:

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Mikey -- I think I'm gonna have some medical stuff going either one of those weekends so make it the weekend that I DON'T have ish.. LOL.. um.. but I need to figure out which weekend it is.. um.. well I'm at work now and the papers and stuff are at home so I'll let you know. But I really wanna come to part 3 since THREE is MY lucky # (all mine all mine!! :mad3: ) so.. I wouldn't wanna miss this invasion. :D I'll see you tonite sweetie, and I'll let you know which is better.

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Originally posted by codica3

Even better question: why do you keep changing your name?? :confused:

:laugh: yeah WTF? I figured he didnt want people to know who he was b/c of all the drama that went on but he still insists in putting his pics in his sig :confused:

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Originally posted by bebby6919

where have you been??? :confused:

i tryed the work thing for a few months and bout the name changen thing its not me when ever i type a old name it said wrong password so fuk it just made a new 1 ;)

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Originally posted by shook

i tryed the work thing for a few months and bout the name changen thing its not me when ever i type a old name it said wrong password so fuk it just made a new 1 ;)

lol ohhhhhhhh i got ya

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Originally posted by shook

i tryed the work thing for a few months and bout the name changen thing its not me when ever i type a old name it said wrong password so fuk it just made a new 1 ;)


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Originally posted by shook

i tryed the work thing for a few months and bout the name changen thing its not me when ever i type a old name it said wrong password so fuk it just made a new 1 ;)

Did you forget your password?? You can have it emailed back to you ya know.. :idea:

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

holy shit...rob i just remembered something...u remember in the car on the way back to the club what was goin on in my car...the song that we all just outta no where started singin???/ ahahahahahahaha that shit was maaaaaaaaaaaad funny kvljbrewubnvkrjeqnbv

iiiiiin west philadelphia, born and raised

on the playground is where i spent most of my days....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

why we started singin this..i have not a clue. but all 5 of us did it at the same time, in entirety. toooo funny. now thats when u know ur wasted!! :tongue:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

iiiiiin west philadelphia, born and raised

on the playground is where i spent most of my days....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

why we started singin this..i have not a clue. but all 5 of us did it at the same time, in entirety. toooo funny. now thats when u know ur wasted!! :tongue:

bwa hahahahahahahaha yeah bro that was some fuuuuuuuny shit!!! :laugh:

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