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Thoughts on the cop that mowed down a family in Bklyn??

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Okay so a cop Michael Gray who admitted to having 12 beers but said he was straight enough to drive..killed a whole family in Brooklyn....and if he gets convicted he only faces 15 years in prison??? That is just fucking ridiculous...He should be getting 15 years for each person he killed.....what the hell is wrong with our justice system..

Why because because he is a loser cop so he gets some kind of special treatment?????

OMG this shit just gets me so pissed off......... :mad:

So what are everyone elses thoughts????

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Based on the account of the whole story, AND that he tested .16 Blood-alcohol level (.10 is the limit) he should get MUCH MORE time for the heinous crime he committed.

I sure hope he doesn't get away with it:mad:

It would be another sign like the Abner Louima trial where they let the cops off with a lesser charge.

It just makes me sick:(

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Originally posted by synderella420

Oh yeah he will definitely be someones bitch.....:tongue:

No he won't that Bastard will be put away from the other prisoners.

15 fucking years! he wipes out a whole family including the unborn child and this fucker gets 15 years? oh yeah NYC is way over due for a fierce RIOT!!!!!

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no matter how many years they give this fucker, it will never justify what he did to that family! i cant even begin to imagine what the poor husband/father felt when this trageddy happened and for him to learn that this fucking guy is only getting 15 years!?!?!?!? i mean first of all he tried to use his cop status to bargain out of the situations with his fellow cops at the time so he should get even more time for that. i think our justice system is pretty good bvut when some stupid and injustice shit like this occurs i beging to get sick to my stomach. but it is true if the passenger was a minority and the family killed was white, the driver wouldve def. gotten the book thrown at them!



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