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Listen Up You Spanish Speaking Grocery Shoppers

Guest saleen351

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that is the typical attitude...sadly it seems that most love to take the attitude that "miami is our city" and, as you said "if you cant adapt, then move back up north".well, there is a dictator in cuba and because of that the united states ALLOWS cubans to come here..(while oddly and unfairly keeping other political refugees from other countries out) and for cubans or any other political refugee to be ALLOWED to come here is a PRIVILEGE and many shit on the privilege.







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Originally posted by sgtfury

that is the typical attitude...sadly it seems that most love to take the attitude that "miami is our city" and, as you said "if you cant adapt, then move back up north".well, there is a dictator in cuba and because of that the united states ALLOWS cubans to come here..(while oddly and unfairly keeping other political refugees from other countries out) and for cubans or any other political refugee to be ALLOWED to come here is a PRIVILEGE and many shit on the privilege.

in closing....that is the truth, many latins (not only cubans) are law abidding citizens...they pay their taxes and follow the laws...the reason cubans are allowed to come into this country is b/c they are political exiles (as if u havent heard this enough)...they might come over here for a better life, using the political excuse as a pre-text, but lets remember children...that once again for a record time, cuba has been condemned for "human rights" violations...again!!!

and the attitude of "miami is our city", its everyone's city...cubans, colombians, brazilians, etc...even puerto ricans!!:tongue: cubans arrived here in miami in the early 60's/late 50's and layed down the framework for this city...the most busy seaport, for export, cruiselines..etc...alot of people in this city do need to learn english, but i hate to cut to u...it isnt only the cubans....we have many other nationalities that need to be hitting the "ingles sin barrera" videos...:finger:

just my 2 cents....:D

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Well. if you look at the history of this country. There is a trend of coming here and saying fuck you to the peoples language. putting a flag down and saying.. English.. learn it or die. If we were asked to do the same when we (founding fathers) got here, We'd all be speaking Native american right now. But it seems to be a policy of the land.. or of the english for that matter, to kinda spread their own shit. Dont get me wrong. Id rather speak english any day over spanish.. but its nice to give a little Coño every once in a while. On the same subject. Its a little funny that they have mcdonalds in japan now. food for thought.


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I agree with most everyone's points. however the immigration policy in effect right now; is not broad reaching enough. there are many refuges from other countries. who can not get into the US. there is a separate policy for cubans; although I'm not opposed to it. I believe the policy should be, broaden to accommodate other refuge's. hopefully with the break up of the INS, new policies will be put in place. it's also my belief if ,you are going to live in the united states. some effort should be made to learn the common language of the inhabitants. not learning the common language; limits you ability to fully integrate into society. just my two pennies.

Peace People ! :)

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Point taken Sobeton, but lets not even open up the can of warms of what a shady dept. of Immigration we have here in Florida and all the stuff that comes out in the news about that place......

someones always up to something fishy there.......

Unfortunately Miami Lives and Dies by its almost always who you fucking know and what position he has and its a shame but down here its freakin reality..............

Damn from Grocery Store Express line to freakin political science discussion......

please don't mention the name Fidel Fuck hIm..... lol

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You know what this world needs.. Plague. We need a few billon people to stop breathing. I mean seriously. This is going to get me into all sorts of arguments about "oh.. what if it was you or your family" but seriously.. fuck that.. people need to die.... fast. I think if like 2. billion people died in equal amouts over the earth. everything would be fine.

step 2: STOP FUCKING. There needs to be a stop to the dumbass people (and its allways the stupid people having lots of kids) pumping out 5 or 6 kids when theirs already what.. 6.5 billion people walking arround on this piece of shit. then.. we dont have to worry about. white people being upset about "spics" or any other race invading "their" land or any other country for that matter.. everyone will just be like.. oh.. welcome. And the world will be pimp.

my 1.50 ( i pay more because this is prolly gonna get me into shit)

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Guest saleen351

in all this argueing, mypoint was lost, DON'T GO THREW THE 10 ITEM LINE WITH 20 FUCKING ITEMS...

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Even if Venus, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon are all apposing Pluton, confrontations dont't have to be hostile. They can be healthy and inspiring. If the air is cleared, you could actually even arrive at some mutual understending. If however, you refuse to try to tolerate and understand all the weird people around you today, how will you handle it tomorrow when aliens from Alpha Centuri land the saucer on your front lawn and start talking 'gibberish'?

Don't laugh. People once thought the Earth was flat.

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