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Why let KTU affect your tastes?

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Whenever a beloved song ends up on KTU, everybody groans and the song somehow officially sucks. Why? Is the song any worse now? Does it threaten your sense of individuality when millions of other people like the same music you do? What's the deal?

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Originally posted by hoke

Whenever a beloved song ends up on KTU, everybody groans and the song somehow officially sucks. Why? Is the song any worse now? Does it threaten your sense of individuality when millions of other people like the same music you do? What's the deal?

The problem is that KTU overplays the song

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I hear ya--

b/c I work for radio Im always partial when people slam KTU for playing out songs--but thats their job...the more radio play = more money the track makes and thats half of making music anyway--

honestly--I'd rather have KTU playing out my favorite club tracks instead of playing weak remixes of Britany and BSB...

Mike BuGouT

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Sandstrom was good and so was kenkraft 400, rapture....but when it when you hear it 24 times a day it just makes you hate that song....i loved rapture when it came out then all the djs were spinning then i herd it on ktu, z100 lir.....always on...soon this will happen to southersun...but lir does the best with music selection they dont over play the songs that much you might hear it once of twice a day and then you wont her it for a while

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yo, being told ur song belongs on KTU is the BIGGEST insult to your taste in music, why? cuz KTU sucks

they have the WORST shit ever and i'm sure we all agree on this, so when a beloved song ends up on KTU, it makes you feel like the song lost that quality that makes it better than the KTU shit


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kinda gotta agree with the last post

I DLed some fucking awsomely incredible mix (i dont rmmbr who it was: either carl cox, tiesto, PVD, Buuren, it was one of those), that week ti was played on KTU. I BLASTED IT.

drove home from work.,.. heard it again-- BLASTED IT AGAIN

next day-- same thing

3rd sday--- fun, but not amazing

4th day-- les

5th day-- even less

6th day-- HWY THE HELL DID I DL IT! it's not fun ot listen to anaymore ifi hear it twice/thrice a day for a week.

KTU IS better then listening to "baby bye bye bye", or some spears crap. nonetheless, they play every song out

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Originally posted by snoboardr2

if they would take MORE new songs, an play 8-12 new songs, 2-3 times day, instaed of that 1 awsome song 24 times a day.

AGREED, that and if they stopped playing corny ass remixes of shitty songs:mad:

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Originally posted by snoboardr2


if they would take MORE new songs, an play 8-12 new songs, 2-3 times day, instaed of that 1 awsome song 24 times a day.

"thats my 10 cents, my 2 cents are free"

<who said that? i heard it somewhere>

Eminem says that in his new song....

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

I hear ya--

b/c I work for radio Im always partial when people slam KTU for playing out songs--but thats their job...the more radio play = more money the track makes and thats half of making music anyway--

honestly--I'd rather have KTU playing out my favorite club tracks instead of playing weak remixes of Britany and BSB...

Mike BuGouT

I completely agree with you here... i'd much rather hear the club songs that I love over anything else KTU plays...

I don't think KTU makes me dislike a song that I love... they do overplay songs at times... but that's why I don't listen to the radio all the time...

If you go out a lot to different clubs you hear a lot of the same songs... so to me I could just as easily get tired of them there... :D

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Originally posted by hoke

Whenever a beloved song ends up on KTU, everybody groans and the song somehow officially sucks. Why? Is the song any worse now? Does it threaten your sense of individuality when millions of other people like the same music you do? What's the deal?

I agree with you. I hear many people bash tracks that were once extremely popular in the clubs, simply because they made their way onto WKTU's playlist. Many DJs refuse to continue playing a song once it hits the radio, saying that it's become "cheesy" or "played out." I believe a good song is a good song, and while I understand that people may get tired of hearing that song over and over all day long (myself included), that doesn't diminish the quality of the music. Just because a Deborah Cox vocal might get tons of radio airplay, that suddenly doesn't make it a "cheesy" song. Just my opinion.

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Originally posted by msoprano13

i just chose not to listen to the radio at all....

i dont think the stations are even set on my sysyem

with very rare exceptions (music they don't play on radio anymore anyway), i don't listen to anything but house music... why would any real house head listen to the radio when they have a huge, fresh collection and are constantly getting new music every day. i'd rather be hearing 10 new tracks every day and get to pick what else to hear than listen to the radio.

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ktu tends to be a little corny... with tha hollllllaa shit and boooooottyy call..butttt i dont mind listening once in awhile..and if im gonna listen i sure the hell wanna here some shit i like not some nsync garbage:D

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I work in radio, so take my opinion for what its worth...KTU is trying- they got a new MD in from one of the REAL dance stations in FL up there now and and trying to act quicker on adding songs (while they are still hot in clubs, not after they are already 'played out')

But in my opinion their audience is just too broad. They cant be a real dance station and still try to compete with the Z100 audience, and they cant try to have a 'slowed down' mid-day at work show to cater to people listening in their offices...

I think if they would just say fuck trying to the jack of all trades, and would try and master ONE (all dance) they would get a lot farther then they are now....

just my 2 cents!


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