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Korboree Review

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So, the Lunaterium's as good as ever, if not better. The music throughout the night was about as diverse as you can possibly get in a night in the whole city. Gothzane, Bigpoppanils, and myself got down and had ourselves some damn FUN.

By way of music, we had some nice atmospheric futurestep/neurofunk provided by one DJ Winter (Awesome woman, awesome skills behind the decks. Look out for her). PowPow did the dancehall/reggae thing(which isn't my cuppa tea), and Jason Blackkat dishing out some really hard techno. And just to throw in some more good shit, there was a live breaks (all sorts) PA set by PH10. I left around 5 o'clock or so, RIGHT when the breaks set (Satomile, I think) started. Oh well, next time.

To my surprise, Chrome decided to switch shit up and spin PROG HOUSE (?!). Though his mixing could have used some work here and there, his track selection was EXCELLENT. Very tribal and techy, meandering into trance left right and center. Such a shame I was too tired to dance...oh well, next time.

The atmosphere was kick-ass as well. There entire venue was revved up, with more chairs and funky couches strewn out here and there. They had a small kitchen set up, so now you can grab dinner and snacks, of all things, if you're hungry.

And we had nice pyrotechnics from one P-cult group. Nothing like fire to seal the night off.

Overall, AWESOME PARTY. Vixenfoxy and Saigray...WHERE WERE YOU TWO?!?!

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Originally posted by roha3000

Damn...I really wanted to go, but I got stuck out in Long Island until 2 AM. Plus I was running on one hour of sleep. Next time there is a Blakkat party I am definitely going to have to pop my Lunatarium cherry.

Yeah dude, you were supposed to be there too :tongue:

Blackkat throw parties all over the place, not just at the Lunaterium. I'll post their next party when it pops up.

Speaking of the Luna, this is next week, see if you or anyone else is interested.


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glad u guys had fun and i'm sure it was a great party

but this is another thing i dont understand about this board... everytime somebody posts about something like Lunaterium or Pseudo, ppl dont give negative responses about the clubs even though they dont go there. However, everytime and EXIT or SF post comes up... the drama starts again

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Originally posted by gothzane




dont forget the pole dancers....damn i wish i brought i camera

next time perhaps

and i must say it was refreshing to not get searched and to not see any glowsticks

the crowd was very diverse: candykids, goths, rappers, juiceheads, eurotrash, glam, drag queens

very mixed ethnically as well

i have also never expereinced a vibe while dancin to reggae either

very interesting night


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As Nathan knows, i was feeling rather unsmurfy last night, and wasn't in the mood to get put on fire by the Lunatarians ~

Glad u all had a ball. It sure is good to see that party up and running once again :D

I'll make up for it nexxt time and buy everyone some gin n tonic :tongue:;)

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Originally posted by airatomic

glad u guys had fun and i'm sure it was a great party

but this is another thing i dont understand about this board... everytime somebody posts about something like Lunaterium or Pseudo, ppl dont give negative responses about the clubs even though they dont go there. However, everytime and EXIT or SF post comes up... the drama starts again

The veryyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyy simple answer to that is that...Lunatarium and Pseudo are not clubs but rather venues. The people who go there are indeed the true kids of the underground and who keep the scene real and what it is and has evolved. When i say scene i dont really mean the rave scene but more of the underground scene as in...non-publicized...very low-key...yet great fuckin selections of Drum-n-bass,trance,techno,house, etc that you would never EVER hear at a club. Parties that have gone on at Pseudo and Lunatarium which i have been apart of reallllllly do indeed carry a sense of vibe for those people who look for the clubbing alternative and who look to keep their scene fresh and clean. A big reason u never hear any dissin about these venues is cause nobody has shit to say about them cause they have never been there or they nobody who has been there cause it is sooooooo underground and a scene you can only understand if you have made electronic music (and i dont mean cheese) an essential part of your life. Now when ppl diss SF or Exit...doesnt matter if they been there or never beeen there...word gets around and people form opinons by popular reputation. So being Luna and Pseudo both have kept their reputation rather clean and fresh for both hosting some great parties with great electronic music and also great people who are soley there for the support of the underground for which makes the party able to take place. Part of the reason i cant wait til im 21 in a few weeks is solely for the reason that i can NOW FINALLY venture into what REALLY IS AND HAS BEEN my scene for the past 3 years, which is the underground.

I never really looked into gettin a fake i.d. so i said eh..fuck it..guess im gonna have to settle for these cheesy NYC club nights. But not no more. But as far as Lunatarium goes..its one of those if u know u belong u go and have a good time...if u think u dont belong u prolly dont. Same with SF and EXIT...if u think its yer crowd...then try it out...but if u honestly know u can't relate to those people? Then dont go. Lunatarium is full of true kids as well as others and the things we have in common is u could like walk up to someone..start a convo and be like..."oh shit no way..i remember when Surgeon's album, Communications came out on Vinyl on Downwards UK birgmingham" Now you see..you have no fucking clue what im talking about do you? And why? Cause its not your scene and you cant relate simply as if u said sumen to me related to SF or Exit..i prolly would have no clue cause its really not my scene. All in all...forever as the club scene has been going on...the phenomenon of the Underground Scene still reigns supreme cause nobody understands it...nobody ever will...its just a way of life that you cant understand unless you live it.

Hope this kinda helped.

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . that was beautiful . . .rawk on . . . :cool: . . .

That was crap..no offense quoth.

The reason ppl don't diss on these places is simple...they don't even enter the radar, so what's to talk about...if you go, you pat yourself on the back for being part of the "underground" and if you don't go you have absolutely nothing to say about the matter- u probably don't know what ppl r talking about nor do u give a shit. Exit/SF vs. Vinyl/Twilo is a long standing debate because they in some way typify the main trends in the club world and everybody "knows" something about, has dealt with ppl from, and has an opinion on them.

But I think Lunaterium, while a great venue, is NOT underground heaven, and I think yo'd actually be hard pressed to find someone who understands you'r little show of vinyl-hipness, Mike, though every there would be able to counter with a little in-the-know hip underground pass code that u wouldn't recognize either.

I guess all I;m saying is don't over-glorify it just cause its different, and don't feel too cool about being there. There are a lot of ppl who know about that place, just not all the same ppl who we see in our other typical places.

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Originally posted by saigray

That was crap..no offense quoth.

The reason ppl don't diss on these places is simple...they don't even enter the radar, so what's to talk about...if you go, you pat yourself on the back for being part of the "underground" and if you don't go you have absolutely nothing to say about the matter- u probably don't know what ppl r talking about nor do u give a shit. Exit/SF vs. Vinyl/Twilo is a long standing debate because they in some way typify the main trends in the club world and everybody "knows" something about, has dealt with ppl from, and has an opinion on them.

But I think Lunaterium, while a great venue, is NOT underground heaven, and I think yo'd actually be hard pressed to find someone who understands you'r little show of vinyl-hipness, Mike, though every there would be able to counter with a little in-the-know hip underground pass code that u wouldn't recognize either.

I guess all I;m saying is don't over-glorify it just cause its different, and don't feel too cool about being there. There are a lot of ppl who know about that place, just not all the same ppl who we see in our other typical places.

Dude, you cant respect my opinon then go fuck yerself plain and simple. None of this "NO OFFENSE QUOTH" bullshit to sidetrack what yer really tryin to say to me. I read yer opinon...i respect it...you could at least do the same instead of being so self-rightous.

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