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Originally posted by ibclubbin

and P.S. I dont really think Shook's opinion means all that much :laugh:


uh huh in my oppion the way sf looks these days is cause of people like u and u came on sayen it was hot when most people said it was weak lol i mean its cool u fit in and all at sf these days but on the real if they ever start choosen people upon looks to get in i'll see u as your still waiten in line :laugh:

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Originally posted by shook

sf has deff fallen off the 2nd floor is puny the 3rd floor wasn't looken the same the only pluses were the pro body builders and jp deff wasn't on point over all tho its sf u go to mingle and bump into people i met mad body builders excahnged mad info met a few girlys so all in all it was decent in those aspects but 40 bucks for a typical sat nite was kinda wack but atleast they had the water falls that driped the glow sh1t on and when u walked around up stairs u glowed LoL i'm easly amused i guess make me glow give me a few girls and stick 280 pound body builders around me and i'm happy and the music i could even hear it from the 3rd floor and when ever i made my way down it just looked like a ugly person's heaven so the most i spent down ther was like 30 mins

but all sf really needs is a stricter door that looks count more then style i mean i don't 'care if wut people are wearen but looks should count at the door if it was like that it would be the pretty person place again rather then the ugly well dressed person place

I usually only post in the music section but after reading this and your well spelt SF Review I couldn’t resist. Instead of asking the pro bodybuilders for lifting tips you should have asked for spelling/grammar lessons. And the reason why the crowd has gone so downhill is because of rookies like you and actually the crowd wasn’t bad at all Saturday. Get a clue.

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Originally posted by antm28

I usually only post in the music section but after reading this and your well spelt SF Review I couldn’t resist. Instead of asking the pro bodybuilders for lifting tips you should have asked for spelling/grammar lessons. And the reason why the crowd has gone so downhill is because of rookies like you and actually the crowd wasn’t bad at all Saturday. Get a clue.

a typical response from some 1 who has been offended by me sayen it was wack and ugly lol i mean i guess your 1 of the people i suggested shouldn't be let in and your hurt and have to open and run your mouth ;) its cool i know how it is kid the crowd wasn't that bad but it deff wasn't pretty

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Originally posted by shook

a typical response from some 1 who has been offended by me sayen it was wack and ugly lol i mean i guess your 1 of the people i suggested shouldn't be let in and your hurt and have to open and run your mouth ;) its cool i know how it is kid the crowd wasn't that bad but it deff wasn't pretty

Keep dreaming you illiterate wanna be thug.

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Peters always plays that hour or so of music we dont like or aren't feeling. Reason I had a bad time was because I was so damn tired. Usually I get a few hours of sleep before I go, but I didnt, so I didn't troop it out like i do normally when it is better. Crowd was ok last night, but definitely young. Paris didn't check 1 ID when I was goin in. The group in front of me had to be 17-19 years old. I think they just wanted to make as much money as possible.

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Originally posted by roninmess

Nice seein you bro. I got there at 5 and left at 11:30. The day was just dragging assssssssss. I was up for 29 hours straight when I finally went to bed today. It was the earliest I've ever left I think. He was good the first hour i was there, then horrrrrible the next hour and a half. Then he brought it back and was playin bangin tunes, but I just couldnt make it any longer. hehe when u asked me what time it was even u were like wtf, its only 11:30!? Day dragged way too much for my tired ass.

i think i met u :confused:

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I am so mad I missed it. I was having my wisdom tooth out Monday morning. So being at Sf till Sunday then probally going to an after party would probally not be a good idea. I guess I could have went earlier and then went home but I dont like SF much before 9 am O'Well. Im glad you guys had fun ::party:

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