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who else in here agrees that clubs need more mirrors ??

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thers like no club with mirrors i mean in the bath rooms yes but they should put mirrors every where like in strip clubs i mean its way hotter and its way easyer to dance and to chill if u can always view your self ;) plus u can make sure your not doing any thing goofy :laugh: which is always a plus so in my oppion clubs need more mirrors :tongue:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

when ur stareing at yourself in the mirrior while dancing with a girl, thats "goofy" :rolleyes:

lol maybe but on the real i rather dance by my self while looken in a mirror cause some 1 else would just fuk up my view :tongue:

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

I think it would be cool to have a club with tons of mirrors. It would even be funny to watch people all fucked up walking into themselves :laugh: :laugh:

or trying to hit on themselves, or something

*hey baybee, wanna cig? oh, wait, i see you have one already... hey, that's my brand too!...*

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Putting more mirrors in clubs would be dangerous... picture all those fucked up people walking into the mirrors thinking they are walking into another part of the club. It would be fuckin halarious to watch... but there would also be alot of law suits.

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mirrors are hot clubs need more of them and bout people walken into each other who knows if u put the mirrors up wasit level i doubt people will be that crack out well i am sure a few will be

and yes blondie i wanna see nude pics of my self so post them up babe i mean the nudes i posted befor i was 18 in lol and weighed like a buck 60 but still its funny sh1t so postem

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Originally posted by wideskies

or trying to hit on themselves, or something

*hey baybee, wanna cig? oh, wait, i see you have one already... hey, that's my brand too!...*

I did something similar. I was trippin in the Giger room at LL and I thought this full length mirror by the bathrooms was a doorway. So I spent 10 minutes trying to walk around my own reflection before I finally recognized that it was me.

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who would want more mirrors in a club? do u really wanna see urself [ if ] your cracked out and making a possible @$$ out of yourself? lol! i dont know, i'd rather just look at other people and have a good time...just my opinion though... :)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Mirrors reflect off sound...so its not a good idea to have them up where there is Loud music...

i rather see mirrors then hear loud sounds lol thats just my oppion tho ;) iguess the only cluben i'm ever gonna dance in with mirrors will be a strip club which is wack but on the real it would deff be a hot idea cause if u see wut your doing u do things so much better :tongue: and that goes for any thing flexen, dancen, fuken, lol fuken while looken at your self in the mirror is deff the best tho but i am sure cluben while looken at your self would rank right up ther too tho

but any ways i am off to seaside for a few days so yall wont' see any fat commets or fuked up typen,bad grammer etc, etc LoL so be goodz people and if any of yall are in seaside and peep me deff say sup ight so stay safe and be goodz people

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Originally posted by shook

i rather see mirrors then hear loud sounds lol thats just my oppion tho ;) iguess the only cluben i'm ever gonna dance in with mirrors will be a strip club which is wack but on the real it would deff be a hot idea cause if u see wut your doing u do things so much better :tongue: and that goes for any thing flexen, dancen, fuken, lol fuken while looken at your self in the mirror is deff the best tho but i am sure cluben while looken at your self would rank right up ther too tho

I'll pay u to keep ur clothes on:eek:

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