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Rizzo are you Damien Vanzyl? if not then you are a liar

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i don't understand why people have to lie about themselves.

why can't you be comfortable with who you are?

it really bothers me when people do this sort of thing, but this is actually pretty funny.

get used to it. there are a lot of imposters on CP

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Originally posted by xpander

Come on folks...I think everyone's spent enough time and attention on this guy by now...

not when the guy has spent close to 200 posts bashing members of this board. just a taste of his own medicine. plus it's fun. :)

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hey look man...u guys can say that me and jon have no lives but look at it this way...this is a msg board and the sole purpose of it is to be informative and keep us entertained ..and rizzo did just that. now u people get on us and tell us we have no lives..but what about the individual who was bored enough to go at really good guys/girls on this board? thats one bored bastard. so just because im anal and i notice things people dont doesnt mean that i sit here all fuckin day and print rizzo's posts and then bring them to a linguistic analysist..no...it just means im doin what we all do up on this bitch..ENTERTAINING MYSELF...

ps- tepfenhardt ..thanx a lot man..u really came thru

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Originally posted by tepfenhardt

asian vixen, if you have pics of Chad C, send them also and ill see if i know him as well!!

Otherwise responding to someone else, I forgot the name, I have not really followed Rizzo's posts and his bashing so I cannot really follow up on your animosity and your search to prove your point, but I guess when you get the opportunity to catch a fraud, it's always good to do it. Your right if someone rips people pretending to be someone he is not, he does beckon to be relatiated at, if he never pretended to be someone that would be different, which makes him look that much more the fool, but def send pics of Chad C, so I can call him out as well

there are a few in this thread. he says he's friends with rizzo. and rizzo is staying with him in the same loft which i why they have the same ip address. :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

hey look man...u guys can say that me and jon have no lives but look at it this way...this is a msg board and the sole purpose of it is to be informative and keep us entertained ..and rizzo did just that. now u people get on us and tell us we have no lives..but what about the individual who was bored enough to go at really good guys/girls on this board? thats one bored bastard. so just because im anal and i notice things people dont doesnt mean that i sit here all fuckin day and print rizzo's posts and then bring them to a linguistic analysist..no...it just means im doin what we all do up on this bitch..ENTERTAINING MYSELF...

ps- tepfenhardt ..thanx a lot man..u really came thru

i haven't seen anyone say anything bad about u and jon. relax. ;)

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Originally posted by tepfenhardt

this does not bother me in the least, but when someone pretends to be someone that I know, then that's stupid. If I pretended to be Michael Jordan on here, then someone would call me out on it, so if someone goes and pretends to be someone that I know then they have to be called out on it. If I did not know the person he was pretending to be then i would not care, but I know him so it makes it different. Anyway Rizzo never did anything to me and i have no beef with him, but I don't think it's cool pretending to be someone I know. See in addition if I were a joke as you may say, then I guess I would not know these people...in addition I could easily post pics of myself on here from shit I have done, but I haven't. Anyway I have nothing against you either but you have a lot of anger built up also, since you seem to mock everyone.

so wut i pretend to be this kid george who is wiggerd out LoL in real life any 1 who has met me relazes wut is typed and is messaged boarded isn't wut is real life and if any 1 wants to pretend to be some 1 i see no problem with it i mean if u wanna be some kinda super hero defenden people who are to scared to stand up for them selfs so be it but people gotta relaze this is a message board this isn't real life and for those who feel as if this does represent life all yall can suk my white dik yall no life liven mother fukers LoL cause i can be who ever i want on this bosrd and any other baord if if i presented my self as i do on here in real life i would of been in jail or killed a long time ago so wisen up fukers

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Originally posted by joeg

hahhahahaha, very nicely done!

LoL your laugen at them i'm laughen by how obese u looked in those pics rizzo posted with u on top of the car in the burger king parken lot :laugh: or u and your fuked up teeth boy looken like faggets in your back yard touchen each other :laugh: now that was some funny sh1t u fuken losers

rizzo might of been fake but serious y would a model post on a board any ways it was common sense to think it was 1 of your people gone bad and just maken fun of yall but long live rizzo and who ever he might of been cause while it was going on it was funny and for thsoe faggets who acttly thought it was real yall are some really dumb losers cause serious it was pretty easy and all it toke was common sense to know wut was up

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Originally posted by shook

so wut i pretend to be this kid george who is wiggerd out LoL in real life any 1 who has met me relazes wut is typed and is messaged boarded isn't wut is real life and if any 1 wants to pretend to be some 1 i see no problem with it i mean if u wanna be some kinda super hero defenden people who are to scared to stand up for them selfs so be it but people gotta relaze this is a message board this isn't real life and for those who feel as if this does represent life all yall can suk my white dik yall no life liven mother fukers LoL cause i can be who ever i want on this bosrd and any other baord if if i presented my self as i do on here in real life i would of been in jail or killed a long time ago so wisen up fukers

theres an argument for abortion if ive ever seen one

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

theres an argument for abortion if ive ever seen one

was that suposed to offend me cause seriously all u gotta do is post a pic and i'll die laughen and pretty much would of offended your self and that goes for any of yall low life white trash mother fukers life is based upon looks and eiether u have them or your on a message board tryen to make up for them and on the real people like u are the reason people like me get locked up

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Originally posted by shook

was that suposed to offend me cause seriously all u gotta do is post a pic and i'll die laughen and pretty much would of offended your self and that goes for any of yall low life white trash mother fukers life is based upon looks and eiether u have them or your on a message board tryen to make up for them and on the real people like u are the reason people like me get locked up

if life is based on looks what fine life are you living?

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Originally posted by asianvixen

by the way, every pic chadc has ever posted can be found on that site (check the gallery section), even the ones he said "were taken by his ex".

my opnion:

chadc = rizzo = frauds

i think asianvixen should be conciderd message board queen cause she is still showen her lack of a life by taken this stupid sh1t serious :laugh:

her and joe G should mate and make a babe so my kids can pick on it and beat it up threw out life till the day it gets brave enough to kill it self LoL but atleast the day after ther kid will atleast be the talk of the town and will make the front page head liners and with that it was already more popular then they could ever be

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

if life is based on looks what fine life are you living?

good come back fagget :laugh: post a pic ugly boy and prove your ugly ness so people like me and rizzo can get a laugh :blown:

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Originally posted by shook

i think asianvixen should be conciderd message board queen cause she is still showen her lack of a life by taken this stupid sh1t serious :laugh:

her and joe G should mate and make a babe so my kids can pick on it and beat it up threw out life till the day it gets brave enough to kill it self LoL but atleast the day after ther kid will atleast be the talk of the town and will make the front page head liners and with that it was already more popular then they could ever be


i'm gettin a headache from attempting to understand your babble

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Originally posted by shook

i think asianvixen should be conciderd message board queen cause she is still showen her lack of a life by taken this stupid sh1t serious :laugh:

her and joe G should mate and make a babe so my kids can pick on it and beat it up threw out life till the day it gets brave enough to kill it self LoL but atleast the day after ther kid will atleast be the talk of the town and will make the front page head liners and with that it was already more popular then they could ever be

i have a life thank you. i'm a personal trainer. i don't work every day. this is all in good fun. but u have an eight year old mentality so u can't see that. keep working on those muscles big boy. while u may put on a few pounds of muscle it's obvious your mental capacity is beyond help.


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Originally posted by asianvixen

i have a life thank you. i'm a personal trainer. i don't work every day. this is all in good fun. but u have an eight year old mentality so u can't see that. keep working on those muscles big boy. while u may put on a few pounds of muscle it's obvious your mental capacity is beyond help.


LoL i fitness train too and belave me all i see is fat fuks like u fagget message board people all fuken day asken me for advice 5'10 207 at the age of 20 wa wa LoL with out any roidz yet ;) yet is the key word tho and bigpoplefagget or wut ever your name is lol the answer to your question was answerd in this response kid i could fuk more bitchs with my body alone then most of yall could fuk with your mind and looks put together ;) lifes is based up looks its as simple as that u eiether got the cuteness or u need the jacked ness i never said i was a model lol but i have modeled sporten sh1t i mean u wont' see me walken down no fagget run way but u could catch me in lil sporten mags so wa wa ;)

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