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Carb Loading for Temps....Fellow Juice Heads

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Just curious for all of those like myself who train all year for Surf Club and Tempts...what are your cycles like and also your diet....

I have been carb cycling and getting fantastic results that allows me to peak every Saturday night and carry through sunday....

Extremely Vascular Hard and Pumped....

My Carb Deplete/Load is like this:

Carbs Protein Fat

Mon. 25g 275g 110g

tue. 25g 275g 110g

wed. 100g 250g 90g

thu. 100g 250g 90g

fri. 200g 200g 75g

sat. 450g 50g 40g

sun. 100g 250g 40g

Supplements......75/mg Fina ed, 500 mg EQ, 250mg Sust.......

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very nice...... i too have recently began to stagger my carbs with great results. once i begin to load, the vascularity & overall muscle tightness/hardness is sick. i also used an over the counter diuretic, taraxotine to shed excess water, but after a night out the muslce cramps were unbearable.


600 mgs deca per week

200 mgs equipoise

250 mgs sust

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

600 mgs deca per week

200 mgs equipoise

250 mgs sust

why are you mixing a cutting steroid with a mass building steroid?

i can see where the deca and eq go together, but the sust should be put on hold for the winter. throw in either primo's or wintrols(not the tabs) but the amps, and your bound to look even leaner.

if you really wanna go all out and look lean, Deca, Primo's, Winstrols together, and since your a sust fan, substitute the sust for a few dbols or anadrols. yes, they may retain some water, but then again you don't have to take them at all :)

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Originally posted by djustinh

why are you mixing a cutting steroid with a mass building steroid?

i can see where the deca and eq go together, but the sust should be put on hold for the winter. throw in either primo's or wintrols(not the tabs) but the amps, and your bound to look even leaner.

if you really wanna go all out and look lean, Deca, Primo's, Winstrols together, and since your a sust fan, substitute the sust for a few dbols or anadrols. yes, they may retain some water, but then again you don't have to take them at all :)

thanks for the advice. I had stopped the sust, but was feeling my strength levels were not as good as without it... it sux, because i tried to get my hands on something else to throw in but was limited by my connects... good looking out...

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

Im just wondering,do you really gain that much mass on steroids that you dont gain just hardcore working out and dieting?

if you do them correctly.........yes.

genetics play a role sometimes too...........I know many people not on juice who look way better than some on it..........

with good genetics, a good diet, hard work and stacking it right..........you can't look much better than that.

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EQ and Deca are both Nandrolones and should NOT be combined together...Test like sust should be used when on deca or eq for sexual reasons...you will not hold much water on 250mg of sust a week...especially since it is made of 4 different esters

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