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This office is so BORING...

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:mad: :mad: :mad:

Nobody here in development ever talks... just sit and stare at the screen all day long... :rolleyes:

It's so quiet and the sound of the AC is putting me to sleep... :zzz:

If they ever try to fire me for posting here, I'm gonna cite psychological necessity... I'd go crazy without any human interaction all day!

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lol psychological necessity, nice!

yeah, thats why i've always steered away from developer positions... but I think I may want to persue it in the future... I find sitting on cp with music on all day is more fun than dealing with morons who screw things up all day.

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Yeah my job's really boring too.. I spend 5 minutes doing actual work and the other hours posting and bullshittin' online.. it sux cause they took away our instant messangers from the network, and they have a block on the DL for it.. so I'm sooo bored.. I'm just gonna go home now probally.. only worked a 2 and a half hour day.. no wonder I'm so goddamn broke. :blown:

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Originally posted by codica3

Yeah my job's really boring too.. I spend 5 minutes doing actual work and the other hours posting and bullshittin' online.. it sux cause they took away our instant messangers from the network, and they have a block on the DL for it.. so I'm sooo bored.. I'm just gonna go home now probally.. only worked a 2 and a half hour day.. no wonder I'm so goddamn broke. :blown:

yeah it would be nice if I had AIM at work. maybe that's why I am so addicted to messageboards.

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Originally posted by wideskies

well rackham, at least you aren't doomed to drawing, painting, dancing, listening to music really loud on your stereo, masturbating, taking long baths, and sunning yourself like a lizard all day.

like i am.




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oh stop complaining computer geeks try this: getting paid hourly (thus, also not getting paid when you take vacation or call in sick), having to dance all day long, trying to teach 2 1/2 year olds (hence, playing babysitter), running around like a maniac, answering phones, having to answer questions of people who shouldn't be trusted with children because they don't read papers you give them and then they try to make that your fault, not being able to go online at work because you never sit and your place of business doesn't even let you....etc..... give me an office job that I can go to with a hangover any day...

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Originally posted by snoozi8

oh stop complaining computer geeks try this: getting paid hourly (thus, also not getting paid when you take vacation or call in sick), having to dance all day long, trying to teach 2 1/2 year olds (hence, playing babysitter), running around like a maniac, answering phones, having to answer questions of people who shouldn't be trusted with children because they don't read papers you give them and then they try to make that your fault, not being able to go online at work because you never sit and your place of business doesn't even let you....etc..... give me an office job that I can go to with a hangover any day...

LOL dammit, I hate it when people put things in perspective! :kiss2:

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Originally posted by hoke

LOL dammit, I hate it when people put things in perspective! :kiss2:

yeah i don't think i would trade in my salary to work with 2 1/2 year olds. i guess i will just have to sit in front of this computer...

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sometimes id rather hear the AC than the people. it's one thing to have plenty of people walking around and talking n stuff. but its another when THEY HAVE NOTHING GOOD TO TALK ABOUT! everyones like old in this office. i think im like the youngest (22) and i cant talk to them about cars cause all they do is go 'whats an is300?" and of course i cant talk to them about music cause all these people know is barry manilow. (hey...is it just me or did that just rhyme?) anyhoo...back to making crappy websites...lata

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Originally posted by wideskies

well rackham, at least you aren't doomed to drawing, painting, dancing, listening to music really loud on your stereo, masturbating, taking long baths, and sunning yourself like a lizard all day.

like i am.



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Originally posted by wideskies

well rackham, at least you aren't doomed to drawing, painting, dancing, listening to music really loud on your stereo, masturbating, taking long baths, and sunning yourself like a lizard all day.

like i am.


. . .damnit, I miss those days of sitting around the house, spinning, smoking pot and spanking it like a wild monkey all day. . . <sigh> . . responsibility sucks . .

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Originally posted by joeg

lol psychological necessity, nice!

yeah, thats why i've always steered away from developer positions... but I think I may want to persue it in the future... I find sitting on cp with music on all day is more fun than dealing with morons who screw things up all day.

are you fucking kidding me? i used to work tech support back like 6 years ago lemme tell you I'd rather sit in front of a computer screen and not talk to anyone all day than to deal with a bunch of FUCKING RETARDS who think they know more than you just because they get paid more. tech support is the worst shit on the planet.... :knife:

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